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No more daily/weekly missions


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I want to ask DE to not add any more daily / weekly content.

From daily content we have:

  • Sorties
  • Nightwave tasks
  • Steel Path Incursions

And weekly missions are:

  • Nightwave tasks
  • Ayatan hunt
  • Archon hunt
  • Kahl's Garrison missions
  • Netracell
  • Circuit

Yes, some of them are simple to do, the others were simplified recently (Nightwave), some will become unnecessary (Kahl's Garrison) and some aren't required to perform every week (Circuit). And I know none of these missions are mandatory. But as someone who likes to use the opportunity to get as many rewards as possible it becomes a little tedious to do all those missions. Instead of having fun and doing what I want to do the game pushes me toward very specific and quite repetitive content that's more limited than other game modes (Archon hunt, Netracell and Circuit in particular). And I'm afraid if even more daily/weekly missions appear over time the game will become less attractive to me. Such abundance of time-limited missions became the main reason why I've quit playing Genshin Impact - the game felt more like endless chore than an actual game where I could do what I want.


Please, DE, consider other methods of rewarding players for playing the game. Or provide alternatives. For example I'd absolutely love to see an alternative to the Sortie, but with Railjack missions, even if it would have all the same rewards as the regular Sortie it'd be nice to have a choice between good old Sortie and Railjack Sortie.

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1 hour ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

I want to ask DE to not add any more daily / weekly content.

From daily content we have:

  • Sorties
  • Nightwave tasks
  • Steel Path Incursions

And weekly missions are:

  • Nightwave tasks
  • Ayatan hunt
  • Archon hunt
  • Kahl's Garrison missions
  • Netracell
  • Circuit

What about syndicates (except OG 6)? If you are leveling them you still need to at least sell 'medalions' to syndicates. At some point you can go few days without single reward that is visible in gameplay. Say you want upgrade Arcane from 4th to 5th. That's 5 arcanes. You can get 31k at MR 30. I think at ~8 you get 20k limit. Some arcanes costs 10k. You need 2-3 days to get ONE SIMPLE ARCANE UPGRADE.

Still, they are at least 'soft time gated'. You can take a break and you will just get those "break time" later.

1 hour ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

And I know none of these missions are mandatory. But as someone who likes to use the opportunity to get as many rewards as possible it becomes a little tedious to do all those missions.

They are not mandatory, as nothing in the game is. They give you opportunities for some rewards. However some reward items that are unavailable or much harder to get. For example at time where you could only get Archon shards from Archon hunt & Kalh, those 2 missions were like this. If you haven't done those you would miss shards (that you need more than 1 piece per frame) for some time. Those were HORRIBLE fomo tactics. Netracells at least give you 5 shots. Far from perfect but you don't have to wait 2 weeks for certain color (if you don't like Kahl).

Circuits are like pre netracell Archon hunts. It's not only 6-7 cycle but only 2 choice from 5. To make it worse to beat whole Circuit (sp) you need HOURS.

1 hour ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

). And I'm afraid if even more daily/weekly missions appear over time the game will become less attractive to me. Such abundance of time-limited missions became the main reason why I've quit playing Genshin Impact - the game felt more like endless chore than an actual game where I could do what I want.

That's what I'm feeling. So I have resource booster? GO kill Profit taker as it's slow grind. You need to pick Incarnons or you will have to wait monhts. Do archon hunts for another shard. Do 5 Netracels for shars that you need ton and 2 arcanes that are made rare because.... reasons. Oh get some fissures (wait for group or do random run).

Someone that haven't completed gear that they want will have massive time requirement. Before Open world it would be ok as you would have not many things to do. However nowadays It's just not necessary. At least not to such extent.

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2 hours ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

But as someone who likes to use the opportunity to get as many rewards as possible it becomes a little tedious to do all those missions.

This is by design so that in order to get all these things, it retains Warframe as at best your "main" game, or at worst, just a habit. It's hard for DE not to approach content in this manner (like Deep Archimedea), because the content is otherwise farmed in a relatively short time-frame. This adds longevity and habits for logging in, which correlate to more opportunities for you to spend money.

I can see both sides of the coin for why it is this way. It makes the most sense for free games to approach content this way, even if it becomes tedious over time for players. I may not like how many weeklies are being stacked on one another, but atleast I'm not playing a massive game of catch-up like I would be if I was starting another online game (as is the case these days for new players starting Warframe as well).

Edited by Voltage
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20 hours ago, Voltage said:
22 hours ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

But as someone who likes to use the opportunity to get as many rewards as possible it becomes a little tedious to do all those missions.

This is by design so that in order to get all these things, it retains Warframe as at best your "main" game, or at worst, just a habit. It's hard for DE not to approach content in this manner (like Deep Archimedea), because the content is otherwise farmed in a relatively short time-frame. This adds longevity and habits for logging in, which correlate to more opportunities for you to spend money.

I can see both sides of the coin for why it is this way. It makes the most sense for free games to approach content this way, even if it becomes tedious over time for players. I may not like how many weeklies are being stacked on one another, but atleast I'm not playing a massive game of catch-up like I would be if I was starting another online game (as is the case these days for new players starting Warframe as well).

That make sense for developers. Make content grindy/time-gated enough so people would buy/trade. However make content easy enough so people can still farm them. However that's not always the case. DE has been praised for their stance against Kubrow roultette. That were good choice.

However we have similar mechanic and it's "fine". Like we have rivens that you have dozen of roulettes and you may end up with worse mod than normal mod (I got 2x drain, and slightly worse stats than one slash mod). Or you had opportunity to get timegated content to 1-2 small boost for only 1 frame (archon hunt + kahl, before Netracell). Even Netracells have things that are easily obtainable. Or Circuit. You are missing only 1 part, maybe main blueprint? Do 2-3 hours. Or do you want 2 incarnons that are just slight different than original weapon? Another ~3 hours. Or you want specific frame/incarnon? Wait even month+.

How is it "ok"? Just because it's trades money for time, it doesn't make it ok, imho.

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I miss when Warframe was a game where you did what you wanted when you wanted. Farming in-missions not farming the missions.

You forgot a few though.

Iron Wake
Duviri Arcithis rotations
Literally every Rep hub
Syndicate which was mentioned.

Focus still technically counts. It mattered a lot when the cap was 20k.

It started with Relics and it's just downhill from here.


Edited by Xzorn
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

I kinda agree with this topic.. 


I'm pretty sure majority would agree with this Topic.

Daily/Weeklies were not originally designed as time games. They were made with good intentions as an alternate option for long spawn timers in MMOs. They were used together not separate. It was to help curve waiting for a spawn that's 7days +/- 12 hours only to have another raiding guild come in and snatch your kill.

These days game use it as a time gate instead of just letting players get gains by playing what they want on the side.
I want enemies to drop loot I care about again. I don't care if it's 0.01% chance. Just something to make playing the mission interesting.

Make the endless Void missions worth while so we're not all just hunting for captures and exterminates to spam. It's terrible gameplay.

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1 hour ago, Xzorn said:
3 hours ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

I kinda agree with this topic.. 


I'm pretty sure majority would agree with this Topic.

Daily/Weeklies were not originally designed as time games. They were made with good intentions as an alternate option for long spawn timers in MMOs. They were used together not separate. It was to help curve waiting for a spawn that's 7days +/- 12 hours only to have another raiding guild come in and snatch your kill.

These days game use it as a time gate instead of just letting players get gains by playing what they want on the side.
I want enemies to drop loot I care about again. I don't care if it's 0.01% chance. Just something to make playing the mission interesting.

Make the endless Void missions worth while so we're not all just hunting for captures and exterminates to spam. It's terrible gameplay.

Low drop chance (e.g. your example of 0.01%) with rare unit is the same as time gate. It's even worse. With time gate you have to e.g. pick certain Incarnon, play for ~3 hours every week. How about low drop chance? You play 1, 5, 10, 50 and you can still not get that loot. Or your loot can be bugged (e.g. not vacuumed because "let's make tenno live miserable", you get host migration etc).

IMHO we need something like "decent" drop chance + pity shop. Citrine/Voruna farms were pretty good (later, in date, farm were little worse but still 'ok'). You get some loot by playing, then you get some currency that you can change for missing part. Imagine with your low drop chance you get most parts. You just need the last one. What you can do? Play another hours, praying that you get it. That's HORRIBLE.

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58 minutes ago, quxier said:

Low drop chance (e.g. your example of 0.01%) with rare unit is the same as time gate. It's even worse. With time gate you have to e.g. pick certain Incarnon, play for ~3 hours every week. How about low drop chance? You play 1, 5, 10, 50 and you can still not get that loot. Or your loot can be bugged (e.g. not vacuumed because "let's make tenno live miserable", you get host migration etc).

IMHO we need something like "decent" drop chance + pity shop. Citrine/Voruna farms were pretty good (later, in date, farm were little worse but still 'ok'). You get some loot by playing, then you get some currency that you can change for missing part. Imagine with your low drop chance you get most parts. You just need the last one. What you can do? Play another hours, praying that you get it. That's HORRIBLE.


No No. You're comparing the two. They're intended to work in tandem.

Think of it like a soft cap. A reason to continue playing beyond the mundane ritual that's been put before us. The drop chance was me being silly trying to prove the point of a reason, be it small, to continue playing the game. Esp in a manner you choose. Not the rotation timers, dailies and weeklies.

The "token" system does work as a means of incentivizing players to keep going though it has the downside of removing that lucky drop feeling. Warframe does both in those situations which I give credit, it's much better than I've seen the token system used in other games. You get the best of both.

You can combine all three methods if you wanted. DE gates things because the content they make has no lasting designs to it.
It's something they should have figured out years ago but they just keep making those Rep hubs.

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plenty of things to do...

i cant do netracells because takes too much time and its unrewarding.

I just do sorties, archon, duviri circuit, palladino/acrithis.


Edited by Vaml77
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No one turns into Yonta for kuva?  It's like 15 mins for 35 kuva and usually pick up a few arcanes.  I don't always do it or the ayatan. 

Acrithis is too expensive.  I'd like to farm up pathos clamps again I guess, but that takes days..

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34 minutes ago, Lord_Drod said:

No one turns into Yonta for kuva?  It's like 15 mins for 35 kuva and usually pick up a few arcanes.  I don't always do it or the ayatan. 

When rivens were good in general then I would think about it. I had (screenshot only) Riven with 2x drain but (slightly) worse stats (same polarity). It's just 10 rolls at 10+ rolled riven. With few rivens it's NOTHING. Till they fix riven to be some proper upgrade, without stupid rng that may make your riven into useless thing, then I won't visit yonta & co for this.

I just get some kuva from Nigwave.

39 minutes ago, Lord_Drod said:

Acrithis is too expensive.  I'd like to farm up pathos clamps again I guess, but that takes days..

Travel to country where they don't ask you for liver for small virtual currency > get a job > Work few hours > buy arcanes

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1 hour ago, quxier said:

When rivens were good in general then I would think about it. I had (screenshot only) Riven with 2x drain but (slightly) worse stats (same polarity). It's just 10 rolls at 10+ rolled riven. With few rivens it's NOTHING. Till they fix riven to be some proper upgrade, without stupid rng that may make your riven into useless thing, then I won't visit yonta & co for this.

I just get some kuva from Nigwave.

Travel to country where they don't ask you for liver for small virtual currency > get a job > Work few hours > buy arcanes

Yeah you need a lot...millions.  I do the incursions too to try and hit the weekly essence cap for minimal effort, but I don't roll often.  Then rolling itself takes a while.  If you roll too fast you get throttled.

And lol can't I just farm the arcanes?  I did buy a few, and even some companion rivens.  Acrithis mostly for captura.  She's a ripoff.

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2 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

Acrithis is too expensive.  I'd like to farm up pathos clamps again I guess, but that takes days.

Nobody spend pathos clamps for Duviri arcane especially if you already unlock Whisper on the Wall. Hell I never do Eidolon, Mirror Defense, Conjuction Survival especially Arbitration just for the Arcane again. Got a lot of Sentient Core to trade with Onkko's Arcane daily so I can dissolve and dissolution with Loid.

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Same, i'm having similar thoughts for a while.

I don't mind a few, it's a good way to keep some player retention.
But at some point enough is enough and you need to use another methods.

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