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LoS Fixes for Dante’s Tragedy coming in next Hotfix


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2 minutes ago, Nakti said:

This community is so uncompromising. Guys, chill.

You cannot even agree on what you want, there're lots of different proposals that contradict each other.

It's almost like different people have different bloody opinions and a community is not a hivemind.

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Dante became one of my favorite warframes once I had a full build on him. He felt amazing and was very fun to play. But now after the nerfs (not small tweaks btw) he gets chewed up in SP cause his overguard was cut in half and with the tragedy nerfs he kill enough enemies to reliably regenerate his it. The reasoning behind this nerf is extremely flawed. 

Rebecca said he was too dominant on the dev shorts. What does too dominant mean? Is he killing enemies too fast? Well from what i can tell he is predominantly a DPS frame, so he should be doing that. Thats the point. That said, pre nerf he couldnt keep up with either mesa or saryn anyway, who could be considered far more dominant and disruptive if we were to use the same reasoning, so this is a moot point.

Is it because the play rate on him too high? He just came out, obviously people are gonna use him. Deciding to nerf him when its barely been a week is ridiculous. there is not enough data for you to make any sort of well thought out changes to him.

If it was peoples complaints that there were no enemies left to kill in missions because of him, thats also a ridiculous reason, and those people oughta play solo. 

Please revert these changes. Or atleast remove his support aspect. But not this, he is neutered now and theres no point or any of us to play him, and were just going to go back to mesa or saryn who have been the way that they are for years at this point. If its okay for them to be like that, than its okay for Dante to be like he was pre nerf.

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2 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:


We appreciate the video, since it showcases the problem with the current Line of Sight checks in a very analytical and accurate way.  However, the behavior in the video is what is being fixed. See attached video for the upcoming improvements to how we check for LOS that were mentioned in the first post.

Just admit that the ""tweaks"" you made were wrong and listen to feedback, it's not THAT hard to listen to your community now is it?

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1 minute ago, [DE]Momaw said:


We appreciate the video, since it showcases the problem with the current Line of Sight checks in a very analytical and accurate way.  However, the behavior in the video is what is being fixed. See attached video for the upcoming improvements to how we check for LOS that were mentioned in the first post.

LOS as a whole mechanic is what is used when an ability needs to be put in the ground. No one's asking to fix LOS, they're asking to remove it. Reduce the damage or the range but for God's sake remove the LOS. 

Really do regret spending 15$ on this. Feels like a bait and switch. 


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2 minutes ago, Nakti said:

This community is so uncompromising. Guys, chill.

You cannot even agree on what you want, there're lots of different proposals that contradict each other.

i see 99.9% of the post telling them to remove LoS check

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2 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:


We appreciate the video, since it showcases the problem with the current Line of Sight checks in a very analytical and accurate way.  However, the behavior in the video is what is being fixed. See attached video for the upcoming improvements to how we check for LOS that were mentioned in the first post.

Why fix a problem that was never there in the first place?

Revert the changes, save your programmers the headache to fix LoS while keeping the playerbase happy

 It’s literally a win-win situation lol

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I've spent time with him, he was one of my available frames for Deep Archimedea. I ran 2 normal DAs and 2 Elite DAs. If that's enough time spent, here's what I noticed: he feels worse. He feels so much worse. It takes me three Triumphs to reach my overguard cap. Tragedy LoS restriction is ridiculous. Why?! It no longer feels satisfying to play. Honestly, I didn't use him as a nuke frame, just as a fun general purpose frame for endless missions. As has been previously stated, DarkVerse already needs LoS. This is fixing a problem that nobody had and actively makes a frame worse. I was cautiously optimistic after the DevShorts that the nerf sorry "tweak down", would be reasonable. This is not reasonable. It is not a tweak, this is a hard nerf. According to your nerf criteria, why did Tragedy deserve to be "rebalanced"? Disruptive? No, again, nobody asked for this. Dominant? That can't honestly or accurately be judged a week after release. Yes, it's a powerful ability. is it the best nuke in the game? No. Automated play? No, no you still need to actually hit enemies with a DoT, cast 2 darkverses at enemies, and then cast Tragedy. Just... please revert the LoS nerf. I can deal with the Overguard tweaks, but Tragedy is ridiculous.

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So DE brings out a good solid warframe, then after everyone who is going to purchase the said frame in the first 7 days has .. nerfed it badly and DE completely change the way he works.. you changed Dante, so hows about refunding our plat and then ask us to buy this version.. proves to me to never buy stuff from DE again .. revert the changes.

And this new Deep Dive.. all it is .. is Durviri all over again.. great concept but really badly thought out and implemented.. yeah more bullet sponges, not difficulty just added bullet sponges.. and the bugs OMG.. got hit by some status AOE and had it for the rest of the mission  .. Go DE woop woop!

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19 minutes ago, -ShadowRadiance- said:

NERF JADE before you give her out.

lol don't give them ideas. If these nerfs are anything to go by, DE would unironically believe Jade would be OP and need a nerf if people on forums would complain about it right now, even though she is not even out yet. And don't forget: universal medallions not being able to be used for conclave standing was because "1 guy" on forums as well..

Edited by (PSN)Arkel-99
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26 minutes ago, KirusdagonPrime said:


if saryn can nuke maps without LoS checks and thats not disruptive, how is dante???

this nerf was highly unneeded. please revert this change

I really hope to see one day a Consistency update by DE.

A lot of Nuker were nerfed to the ground, and then they buffed Saryn.

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:


We appreciate the video, since it showcases the problem with the current Line of Sight checks in a very analytical and accurate way.  However, the behavior in the video is what is being fixed. See attached video for the upcoming improvements to how we check for LOS that were mentioned in the first post.

What the hell is the point when I can cast dark verse twice and lose all the stacks for final verse if these enemies had ai enabled and walked to that pillar on the right.
This is an actual design flaw you have introduced to what is essentially a sticky bomb, you can't detonate the enemy you have stuck.

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An ENDGAME frame that *should* feel powerful is being nerfed within a week of release? Magic is powerful and all... except for a wall, that type of physical object is unreasonable for magic to get through? It doesn't make sense

Edited by Qui-Les
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4 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:


We appreciate the video, since it showcases the problem with the current Line of Sight checks in a very analytical and accurate way.  However, the behavior in the video is what is being fixed. See attached video for the upcoming improvements to how we check for LOS that were mentioned in the first post.

LoS still is awfull, why would you do that to Dante? his damage is not better than other frames, his "room clearing capabilities" is not better than other frames either... he had 1 cool thing to kill very weak enemies from far without tagging them and he had to cast 3 abilities to acompish that, now he is unplayable... why? why do you guys think this was needed as a hotfix? like i am missing something? take your time and balance things right, -------------->TEST<-------------- them and then deploy them... please remove LoS from dante so we can all go back to being happy

None of the issues with dante was ever adressed in the patch either wich had to do with overguard and health frames...

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If the 4th ability also has line of sight it encourages you to find a group, and spam to that specific group the whole rotation 3-3-4. Instead, the og dante would have you cast the 3 on one group, another 3 on another group, and then find a middle point between the two groups to detonate and get them all. With the changes this is literally a boring warframe.

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And just like when you guys "fixed" Khora's line of sight, Dante is now broken. Nice, LoS broken again. If Dante is so "disruptive" why not nerf Saryn, Volt, or even Limbo(very disruptive)? You guys are always quick to ruin and nerf new frames but do barely anything to "buff" other frames and bring them inline with new frames. "Don't wanna ruin fun" moments before ruining the fun.

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As others have said revert the changes OR make Tragedy a 90 degree cone in front of Dante that doesn't require LOS. Line of Sight requirements have been broken for YEARS, cut your losses and stop using it to nerf abilities. The Tragedy nerf is especially horrible to people that bought the Dante pack with real money and invested resources just for you to gut the frame

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Arkel-99 said:

lol don't give them ideas. If these nerfs are anything to go by, DE would unironically believe Jade would be OP and need a nerf if people on forums would complain about it right now, even though she is not even out yet

Thats exactly why im going to make that 'nerf jade' every chance i get until her they release ANY info regarding her abilities. 

Then i will shut up. Sit and wait and then just -bump- my first nerf jade post i made and screenshotted since DE deleted it.


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Just revert the changes and leave him where he was. It’s a joke he was even nerfed in the first place and a total overreaction. there’s at least a dozen other warframes stronger than him at any remotely high level of content. All you’ve done is totally dumpster what was actually a really cool and fun frame to play, within 7 days of releasing him….

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2 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

Those crying about the dante changes. Seethe harder.

I don't apolagize for that remark. It's true, Dante was wildly overtuned. Is he dead now? LOL no. Not at all.

Actually go ingame, and play him. Try it, it's absolutely fine. He still generates Overguard for FREE, he still nukes entire rooms pretty easily.
The only problem he really has is Acolytes and energy consumption (due to requiring 3 ability casts to do his nuke)

The solution? The story simply needs to not be deleted after casting

Overtuned in what regard? For what levels of content? There over a dozen frames that can just nuke star chart missions. He does *fine* on steel path, but he is absolutely not in the top end of power that's already available in the game. If you meant damage then there are *plenty* of frames that just do more damage with less input. If you're worried about the overguard, then you should be worried about frost and styanax too. They both give large amounts of overguard while doing other things with their respective abilities.

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