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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.5


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Hey, I really like the idea of having the three archimedea missions to start sequentially, but the way it's implemented currently was not what I imagined. I was hoping for something along the lines of the way isolation vaults cohesively missions ran, from gathering residues, to opening the tunnel mouth, escorting Loid, etc.  I feel like the reloading of the instance and putting players back to a starting point is really bizarre. I understand that the Labs aren't a true open world like the Cambion Drift, but since it's so big already, I can see how a set map or even a structural yet still random map can be generated.

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I haven't even had a chance to play with Dante yet and it already sounds like he's being Calibanned. It's disappointing to see LoS checks being a recurring solution for problems like this when it's rather well known that Warframe's LoS checks are already below par in their accuracy. 

I was sincerely hoping the backlash and outcry in response to the nerf would spur a dive into attempting to fix the checks, but unless that action simply hasn't been conveyed to us then my hopes are again dashed. 

I had a lot of hype around this update but post-drop "fixes" are gutting great aspects.

A personal issue I take with Deep Archimedea is the Transference Distortion modifier. That's not challenge, that's artificial restriction that blocks off a huge chunk of every player's kit. If Archimedea MUST have an effect like this, it should work through extended cooldowns or blocking REPEATED uses, not outright.

If Dante (and others) giving players overguard is causing issues, give players options to remove that overguard or otherwise toggle whether they wish to receive it.

Also, please actually rebalance the bonus amps get to overguard. +50% damage is nowhere near enough of an incentive to use it over other options that are neutral but exponentially more powerful, always outperforming amps as an option. 

I have much, much more to say on this but I'll hold off for right now.

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Revert the changes. For the first time in years, we finally got a new meta Warframe, and he is castrated a week in. Make him harder to grind for, reduce his ability range, and lower the overguard he makes. REVERT THE CHANGES.

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34 minutes ago, Azzaruth said:

No, I see what you are trying to do, stop trying to sweep this under the rug, and just revert the LoS on Dante.

How bout revert all the unwarranted, unwanted nerfs. Please listen to your community.

49 minutes ago, Roble_Viejo said:

There is only 2 Options: 
- Remove Line of Sight COMPLETELY from ALL his Abilities
- Reimburse the Resources and Platinum Players spent on him

I would rather have the first one

Yeah I bought the $15 dante pack and a day later they nerf him. If you don't plan to revert all his nerfs then please reimburse us.

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return Dante to the people as it was . now he is useless!

There is only 2 Options: 
- Remove Line of Sight COMPLETELY from ALL his Abilities
- Reimburse the Resources and Platinum Players spent on him

The people's money you took was not for what it is now Dante

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Revert dante

12 minutes ago, Panterata said:

return Dante to the people as it was . now he is useless!

There is only 2 Options: 
- Remove Line of Sight COMPLETELY from ALL his Abilities
- Reimburse the Resources and Platinum Players spent on him

The people's money you took was not for what it is now Dante

I'm sure alot of ppl spent money on the bundle in the shop as well. Revert or refund.

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It's sad the treatment that Dante has received. I ask for the same as the rest: a refund or to return to how he was (with a slight nerf to the overguard generated)

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One part about Dante that I haven't heard a ton talked about is that he HAD LoS on Tragedy: You had to cast Dark Verse twice for it to do any real damage.

The function of the ability was for you to detonate the status procs you had applied with a DIFFERENT LoS ability. Adding a second LoS check, after enemies had already moved, just makes the ability feel unresponsive, because it means you can miss enemies you had tagged with your Dark Verse previously.

Besides, killing enemies out of LoS because they WERE in it in the past is not only expected, it's most of any DoT character's identity. Saryn can press 1 on a single target and leave, Protea can press 2 on a group and watch them fall over, various incarnations of pet/summon characters have ways to deal damage disjoint from themselves, and every frame with a persistent damaging aura (Gauss, Kullervo, Oberon, etc.) if built towards it kills enemies out of LoS.

Dante feels to me like they were designed to not be a true DPS, but a support, and that's more than fine. He seems like the final incarnation of what Oberon wants to be: supporting your team, dealing good damage, and having some quirky abilities to fill in between the gaps to keep thing interesting. If his damage is the problem (which I don't think is an issue) please nerf the base numbers, making it harder for him to nuke rooms in 3+ casts of abilities with decently long cast times. But making the ability clunkier with LoS checks doesn't actually fix the (perceived) problem, while making him feel worse.

I played Dante knowing nerfs were coming, but I honestly didn't expect LoS on the 4. It felt so purposeful for it not to have it, especially with the LoS + cone radius on his 3, that I thought the nerf would come to ally overguard, or another supportive aspect, or maybe to energy costs (Making his 4 cost 100 energy could slow him down a ton if that was the concern). But this honestly blindsided me.

I love Warframe, I play it all the time, I know you do good work and spend a lot of time, energy, passion, and heart making the game as fun as it can be, and I feel the heart put into Dante to make him as fun as he is. Please, revert the LoS.

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> The last Hotfix unintentionally changed this week’s Deep Archimedea missions, modifiers, deviations and risk variables, so we’ve reverted it back to its previous state.

This was not done correctly.

These were my options on Thursday.


These are options now after revert


I wanted to use mostly Innodem and it's gone :(

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13 minutes ago, Atsun said:

It's sad the treatment that Dante has received. I ask for the same as the rest: a refund or to return to how he was (with a slight nerf to the overguard generated)

No. Full revert. Or full refund. I didn't spend my time and money on this dante.

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2 hours ago, madmaddux said:

cool don't address what we are actually asking for yet again wasting the dev teams time on stuff the community was fine with to ignore the blatantly obvious issues you just introduced that we didnt ask for maybe fix the omnia fissure cascade not matchmaking anyone at all or better yet bring back the good dante.... o wait that would require you to actually read our posts and listen to our feedback like you claim that would be crazy i know....

Hey, get ready for the long haul and dont' forget to harp on DE every patch note until its fixed.

We  - and I say that as someone who was there - took about a year of months of 'hey thanks for the patch but when are you fixing liches to be cooperative instead of selfish'.

DE always listens, but getting them to un nerf a stupid-butt knee jerk decision in a hot fix takes a disproportionate amount of time and reb should really know better.
still haven't gotten amp self stagger revisited so sometimes the battle is ungoing. (unairu is no substitute).

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7 minutes ago, Udoshi said:

Hey, get ready for the long haul and dont' forget to harp on DE every patch note until its fixed.

We  - and I say that as someone who was there - took about a year of months of 'hey thanks for the patch but when are you fixing liches to be cooperative instead of selfish'.

DE always listens, but getting them to un nerf a stupid-butt knee jerk decision in a hot fix takes a disproportionate amount of time and reb should really know better.
still haven't gotten amp self stagger revisited so sometimes the battle is ungoing. (unairu is no substitute).

Thank you for constructive criticism instead of blatantly yelling threw text nonsense. A very well written response with sensible points is something we don't get very often appreciate ya 👍 

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Offical statistics data show low usage of Nezha, and not many people even comment on Nezha's change. Dante is the actual superstar. XD

Even the pre-nerf version of Nezha's divne retribution still has limitation such as not applicable to eximus. This prevents it from becoming meta or going too crazy.

Please reconsider the nerf that makes no difference to meta but only hurts players who truely love the frame.



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This didn't actually revert the loadouts to the original options for this week. Sucks because I spent yesterday forma-ing a loadout on the apparently mistaken belief that I'd have all weekend to try to get a max clear with it.

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Il y a 3 heures, [DE]Megan a dit :

The last Hotfix unintentionally changed this week’s Deep Archimedea missions, modifiers, deviations and risk variables, so we’ve reverted it back to its previous state. It will properly refresh as scheduled on Monday at 0:00 UTC. You will not lose any Research Points in the revert. 

It didn't revert back to the first loadout selection that i had. Instead, there is now a 3rd selection of yet another warframes and weapons i don't use and/or like and i have no intend to spend time and resources on.

Thankfully, i already completed my Elite DA run. Since the last stage of rewards are just 50 pitiful Vosfor, we are able to ditch one line of the loadout selection and bring a warframe or a weapon we find useful and fun to use (contrary to all the other stuff we never bother to use forma/potatoes/adapters on for a reason…).

In my case, i went with Sevagoth (which was luckily in my original loadout selection before all the rerolls shenanigans) which is a warframe that i really like and have played long enough to understand it's playstyle, it's pro and it's cons, and that i want to bring in the most difficult missions to push it to it's limits and to challenge my mastery of it. Like i already did with The Fragmented One during WitW.

And honestly, Deep Archimedea is really underwhelming. It's just 3 regular missions back to back with enemies more or less buffed. Nothing original. I tried to play along the first time, but now i already don't care anymore. Next week i will also ditch one line of the selection and bring my Sevagoth once again, and tweak my build to face the modifiers and missions. And like that Deep Archimedea already became an unexciting weekly chore…

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The LoS checks are still extremely inconsistent.  

Dante's own character model can block LoS: https://clips.twitch.tv/HomelyAggressiveWormPJSalt-XA21cwDUsYU4yVcd  

Changing FoV can block LoS: https://clips.twitch.tv/FineHilariousPorcupineTwitchRPG-n6J-Qnm9mlmk2rVt  

If you can't get LoS to work in an open environment like the two example clips above, it should just be removed as these rushed bandaid fixes are just creating more problems.

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