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A potential fix to DA randomised loadouts and modifiers - scaling gear progress

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There's seems to be some general dislike around the way the current loadout system works. People either roll a frame like Revenant to ignore all the other modifiers, or wait a couple days until they get something that can allow them to ignore the actual challenge. I think no matter what you roll, it's not a fun time for a lot of players, even with good rolls.

I've seen people saying to limit the pool to only weapons you own, but I actually think that makes the problem worse. I believe that the player base and DE objectively want the same thing, a fun new game mode that is also difficult. In my mind, that can be achieved by having your gear determine your progress rather than modifiers. 

If someone wants to run revenant with 3 incarnons, they should be allowed to. Just doing make it as rewarding. Make it give the same amount of research progress as 1 modifier does with the current system. If someone wants to roll through with the stug and atlas, they should be rewarded for doing so, not forced to.

I don't have any great ideas of how you balance gear. How much progress should octavia give vs Titania? Who's to say. The riven disposition system is there for weapon scaling, but I think that's more of a jumping off point rather than a solution. I'm hoping that someone else piggybacks off of this idea and improves it. It seems to be the only way that allows players to use what they want and be happy while DE also gets a game mode that is fun, satisfying and isn't full of the same 5 weapons and frames we see in all the user statistics. 

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hace 1 hora, Carra384 dijo:

People either roll a frame like Revenant to ignore all the other modifiers

Nah, the last reward is an insult anyway. Pick Revenant ALWAYS.

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5 hours ago, Carra384 said:


If someone wants to run revenant with 3 incarnons, they should be allowed to. Just doing make it as rewarding. Make it give the same amount of research progress as 1 modifier does with the current system. If someone wants to roll through with the stug and atlas, they should be rewarded for doing so, not forced to.


You aren't stopped from picking your choice of loadout.

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15 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

You aren't stopped from picking your choice of loadout.

There is no point in playing this mode, if you wanna run your own chosen gear. You won't get the full reward. So yes. You are "stopped" from picking your choice of a loadout. And you are FORCED to use the RNG nonsense.

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1 minute ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

There is no point in playing this mode, if you wanna run your own chosen gear. You won't get the full reward. So yes. You are "stopped" from picking your choice of a loadout. And you are FORCED to use the RNG nonsense.

i don't think you have calculated the rewards vs risk especially after unlocking the Elite variant.

Lets continue this after you have.

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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

i don't think you have calculated the rewards vs risk especially after unlocking the Elite variant.

Lets continue this after you have.


If you don't pick the nonsense RNG stuff, you don't get the full reward. Period. RNG equipment is NOT a challenge. It's an annoyance and makes all of the time you've spent in this game up to this point irrelevant. Collecting gear, choosing which you think are best-in-slot, modding/foraming that stuff - all of that becomes pointless with this RNG slot matchine, all while locking you away from the extra reward (at 28, 31 and 34, as well as pointless 37 points).

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1 minute ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:


If you don't pick the nonsense RNG stuff, you don't get the full reward. Period. RNG equipment is NOT a challenge. It's an annoyance and makes all of the time you've spent in this game up to this point irrelevant. Collecting gear, choosing which you think are best-in-slot, modding/foraming that stuff - all of that becomes pointless with this RNG slot matchine, all while locking you away from the extra reward (at 28, 31 and 34, as well as pointless 37 points).

Are you seeing the flaw in your logic yet?

you can still get the two silver and one gold reward (and also lose one more personal condition) , thats still one more reward (at higher probability) than not running the DA at all and limiting yourself to netracells. So this claim , is not accurate.

18 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

There is no point in playing this mode, if you wanna run your own chosen gear.


Sometimes its ok to accept that the game mode is not to your liking. But that does not mean you can say its not rewarding. It may not be rewarding to you and some specific combination can definitely suck , for those days just take it easy , dont need to gain every reward every week.


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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Are you seeing the flaw in your logic yet?

you can still get the two silver and one gold reward (and also lose one more personal condition) , thats still one more reward (at higher probability) than not running the DA at all and limiting yourself to netracells. So this claim , is not accurate.


Sometimes its ok to accept that the game mode is not to your liking. But that does not mean you can say its not rewarding. It may not be rewarding to you and some specific combination can definitely suck , for those days just take it easy , dont need to gain every reward every week.


No, it's you who's missing the point.

RNG loadouts are not fun and they are not a challenge either. They are "artificial difficulty" by forcing people ot use clearly inferior gear that they also do not like. All while locking people out of the rewards if they don't run the gear chosen for them, rather than the stuff they like and put time into.

As you can see, this week for me is also completed fully except the last Vosfor reward. And all of my experience can be seen here, in an adjacent thread. Including the fact that I've used a non-randomizer chosen warframe for this, but my own. To attempt to counter this nonsensical "artificial difficulty".


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4 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

No, it's you who's missing the point.

RNG loadouts are not fun and they are not a challenge either. They are "artificial difficulty" by forcing people ot use clearly inferior gear that they also do not like. All while locking people out of the rewards if they don't run the gear chosen for them, rather than the stuff they like and put time into.

As you can see, this week for me is also completed fully except the last Vosfor reward. And all of my experience can be seen here, in an adjacent thread. Including the fact that I've used a non-randomizer chosen warframe for this, but my own. To attempt to counter this nonsensical "artificial difficulty".


All difficulty in a game is artificial ,so that is not a revelation - it may or may not be enjoyable as fun is relative of course,

Again , it may not be to your liking does not mean everyone shares your sentiments for challenge,

But for those like me that hoards collects and customizes everything to be relatively viable , it can be challenging depending on certain conditions but is not usually impossible. Its not a new player game mode and its clearly not for everyone.

you want the bonus rewards , its only fair that you meet the bonus conditions. There is no need to act entitled.

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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Again , it may not be to your liking does not mean everyone shares your sentiments for challenge,

So far, I see mostly negative reception of this "randomizer gear" thing, with a few rare exceptions such as yourself, who's clearly trying to think you're "better" than all the rest somehow, just because you like anything that DE gives you. Even if it's clealry bad and not healthy for the game.

2 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

you want the bonus rewards , its only fair that you meet the bonus conditions. There is no need to act entitled.

Locking into clearly underperforming randomized gear is NOT a "bonus condition". Bonus hp on the enemy side? Sure. Energy/hp drain unless you're moving, jumping, whatever else? Absolutely. Even that poorly implemented Alchemy thing where enemies are immune unless you throw bottles with some element at them - even that is a challenge, just needs to be much better implemented visually (for example, having some huge indicator of what element should be used against this or that enemy). And so on, so forth. But locking into underperforming randomized gear that is NOT BALANCED for this sort of high content due to years of power-creep and releases of more modern and better gear... That is NOT a "bonus condition". It's a counter-fun mechanic that artificially prolongs the mission or makes it borderline/literally unbeatable in worst cases.

Stop defending everything DE does. They aren't saints. They make mistakes. And this RNG nonsense is clearly a mistake. If you look through this whole feedback section - you'll see that most people are of similar opinion. Yeah, except you. You're not like the rest, you're the chosen one, yup. You and a few others, yup yup. The messiah.

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29 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

So far, I see mostly negative reception of this "randomizer gear" thing, with a few rare exceptions such as yourself, who's clearly trying to think you're "better" than all the rest somehow, just because you like anything that DE gives you. Even if it's clealry bad and not healthy for the game.

Its human tendency to complain more than appreciate. I have complained (and provided feedback) about many things DE has done. Case in point the reason you find yourself in this mess is because DE has been rather poor at maintaining a proper power balance in the game between various gear. I will continue to raise that point until the difference between bad , average and good gear is at least on the same scale.

I do feel i am better off than you at adapting to the changes due to how i have decided to play the game.

34 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Locking into clearly underperforming randomized gear is NOT a "bonus condition". Bonus hp on the enemy side? Sure. Energy/hp drain unless you're moving, jumping, whatever else? Absolutely. Even that poorly implemented Alchemy thing where enemies are immune unless you throw bottles with some element at them - even that is a challenge, just needs to be much better implemented visually (for example, having some huge indicator of what element should be used against this or that enemy). And so on, so forth.

That's your opinion , but DE has given you the "option" to disregard the specific gear , so its a bonus reward for bonus conditions.

1 hour ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

But locking into underperforming randomized gear that is NOT BALANCED for this sort of high content due to years of power-creep and releases of more modern and better gear... That is NOT a "bonus condition". It's a counter-fun mechanic that artificially prolongs the mission or makes it borderline/literally unbeatable in worst cases.

This i can partially agree with up to an extent. Hence i make it a point to support any requests reign in the power creep and balance the various power levels in the game.

1 hour ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Stop defending everything DE does. They aren't saints. They make mistakes. And this RNG nonsense is clearly a mistake. If you look through this whole feedback section - you'll see that most people are of similar opinion. Yeah, except you. You're not like the rest, you're the chosen one, yup. You and a few others, yup yup. The messiah.

I am not here to save anyone , and its not as dire as players make it out to be. And i don't defend DE if i  don't agree with their methods. I only highlighted inaccuracies with your exaggerated claims of the game mode not being worth playing for the rewards.


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14 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I only highlighted inaccuracies with your exaggerated claims of the game mode not being worth STRUGGLING THROUGH for the rewards.

There, I fixed it for you.

Also, struggling not from difficulty, but rather due to using either inferior or simply different gear that we don't use. And that's on top of modifiers like the invulerability during that Alchemy, which was poorly implemented and only slowed down the process, rather than providing ANY difficulty/challenge.

For example, this week one of my warframe choices was Revenent. The "OP unkillable" warframe, blah blah blah. But... I don't use him, ever. I don't like him. I don't find him interesting to play. So if I'm "forced" to play as him - I will not have fun. Same applies to the other two choices: Valk and Nova. The two have their uses and can be very good, but... They require specific builds and - in case of Valk, for example - a stat-stick sort of weapon to properly function. Both are outdated otherwise. And even if I go for a more generalized, rather than "niche and specific" build - I still won't have fun. Because I don't use them almost at all. I did play them before. But I no longer do. I don't find them fun and enjoyable. And all of this will vary from person to person. Because, just like you said yourself - it's all opinions. And those tend to differ. For some, these choices would have been god-sent, since these are their most used frames (or the rest of the gear) and they are having fun and enjoy using them. But not for me. Similar things can be said about the rest of the randomizer gear stuff - primary, secondary, melee.

And yet... The game "forces" me to use the gear that I do not want to use, just in order to get the extra reward. You want people to brainlessly "leech" in pubs due to piss-poor RNG gear? Because that's how you do you it. People will "leech" in pubs. They already do, in fact. And some suggest others do the same. Or find "workarounds" through the whole system in the first place: like finding a full squad, 2 go meta gear+2 go for RNG for the full reward. Go through the EDA once. Then just trade places and run again. This just shows that people do not want it, do not like it. And either go for brainless leeching OR workarounds. So then... what's the point of having it in the first place then?

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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1 hour ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

So far, I see mostly negative reception of this "randomizer gear" thing, with a few rare exceptions such as yourself, who's clearly trying to think you're "better" than all the rest somehow, just because you like anything that DE gives you. Even if it's clealry bad and not healthy for the game.

The best part about DA is exposing the horribly toxic parts of the community that will get a little bit lucky on a supposedly difficult mode and immediately let it go to their heads. I don't believe that there is really any legitimate accomplishment that could be tied to this mode past being lucky or having a clan that can carry you when you are not (like I did last week). Most advice with the RNG is to not engage with it, which really just defeats the point to begin with, so I can't really call this a success or good for the game in any way.

2 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

For example, this week one of my warframe choices was Revenent. The "OP unkillable" warframe, blah blah blah.

I appreciate that you both got incredibly lucky and are not happy about it. Revenent requires no real effort to work, frankly. It's stupid that some frames aren't as good as this though. Rev will cover all of the tanking you'd need with no effort or even mods but yes he is boring and I don't like playing him either.

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18 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

There, I fixed it for you.

I would much rather you fix your first comment here.

19 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Also, struggling not from difficulty, but rather due to using either inferior or simply different gear that we don't use. And that's on top of modifiers like the invulerability during that Alchemy, which was poorly implemented and only slowed down the process, rather than providing ANY difficulty/challenge.

For example, this week one of my warframe choices was Revenent. The "OP unkillable" warframe, blah blah blah. But... I don't use him, ever. I don't like him. I don't find him interesting to play. So if I'm "forced" to play as him - I will not have fun. Same applies to the other two choices: Valk and Nova. The two have their uses and can be very good, but... They require specific builds and - in case of Valk, for example - a stat-stick sort of weapon to properly function. Both are outdated otherwise. And even if I go for a more generalized, rather than "niche and specific" build - I still won't have fun. Because I don't use them almost at all. I did play them before. But I no longer do. I don't find them fun and enjoyable. And all of this will vary from person to person. Because, just like you said yourself - it's all opinions. And those tend to differ. For some, these choices would have been god-sent, since these are their most used frames (or the rest of the gear) and they are having fun and enjoy using them. But not for me. Similar things can be said about the rest of the randomizer gear stuff - primary, secondary, melee.

And yet... The game "forces" me to use the gear that I do not want to use, just in order to get the extra reward. You want people to brainlessly "leech" in pubs due to piss-poor RNG gear? Because that's how you do you it. People will "leech" in pubs. They already do, in fact. And some suggest others do the same. Or find "workarounds" through the whole system in the first place: like finding a full squad, 2 go meta gear+2 go for RNG for the full reward. Go through the EDA once. Then just trade places and run again. This just shows that people do not want it, do not like it. And either go for brainless leeching OR workarounds. So then... what's the point of having it in the first place then?

That's more an issue of personal preference paired with either greed or entitlement to have things happen only a certain way, and you are indeed free to dislike it for that reason and not play. My request is simply to be fair in your feedback and not exaggerate or clarify your stance is only for yourself to avoid confusion.

Statements like "there is no point if you want to run your gear " gives the wrong message to those that are unaware.

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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I would much rather you fix your first comment here.

I'd rather not, thanks.

1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

That's more an issue of personal preference paired with either greed or entitlement to have things happen only a certain way, and you are indeed free to dislike it for that reason and not play. My request is simply to be fair in your feedback and not exaggerate or clarify your stance is only for yourself to avoid confusion.

You're saying it like if it's "wrong" or "bad" to let players use their favorite gear. Like... "No, you should all use sticks and stones to fight this giga-boss! Because the game says so! And if you don't do it - you ain't getting the reward!"

Even though we have now how many warframes? How many weapons? Yet we're LOCKED IN using these 3-per-slot and only these every week, in order to get the reward. A reward that will be gone next week. The extra reward you get for using the RNG nonsense, rather than not using. Yes, it will reset the next week and be the same game mode too. But it will already be the "next week's extra"... While the previous week's extra reward? Gone. POOF. Prime example of FOMO. Fear of Missing Out. Which will no doubt force quite a few people to spend plat on getting the gear (if they don't have it, but got issued in the RNG), getting formas fast, getting Affinity boosters to forma that required gear faster, spend money to get plat to buy the mods missing for some builds for that gear, etc etc etc... All rushing to do inside one week. Just in order not to miss out on that extra reward. AND no doubt it would make a lot of people just "leech" or use the "team-up workaround" that I mentioned above, literally invalidating the whole point behind this system.

I know I'll be going for the 1st approach myself, for example. I'll be using Wisp(to provide motes) and then pick whatever is best from the weapon trash RNG. If it's bad - so be it, whatever, I'll let my teammates "carry" me through the nonsense, contributing only the Motes and Nourish from my Wisp's build. Blind(CC) doesn't work anyway on most enemies, since most enemies are either immune due to Overguard or due to being literally immune to everything, period, because of some modifier.

So yeah. RNG based gear and locking the extra reward behind it is bad and should be removed. It's not about entitlement or preference, especially not when some gear is clearly superior/inferior due to lack of balance, which you agree to yourself. And for sure it should be removed since you can easily just "go around it". So yeah - It's just facts, not opinions. RNG gear lock of the extra reward should be removed. Instead, give the RNG gear bonus, like it is in Arbitrations/Sorties/Archon Hunts. An extra on top, not a requirement for the reward.

5 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Statements like "there is no point if you want to run your gear " gives the wrong message to those that are unaware.

No, it gives very much the right message. To not even bother with it in the first place. In order for changes to come and make this much more PLAYER FRIDNELY experinece, rather than an artificially prolonged slog-fest. Making you spend 30 minutes in a mission instead of 10 just by making enemies immune/bullet-spongy AND making the objective complete slower(like the case of Alchemy bottles only giving like 1-3% a pop) is not difficulty. On top of being "forced" to use RNG gear, which often can't counter this "pseudo-difficulty". It's an annoyance. Unfun annoyance. It's that simple. And you're making it needlessly complicated.

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16 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

I'd rather not, thanks.

Then you continue to spread opinions and half truths under the guise of facts and choose not explain yourself correctly . may you be aware of this as you carry on.

17 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

You're saying it like if it's "wrong" or "bad" to let players use their favorite gear. Like... "No, you should all use sticks and stones to fight this giga-boss! Because the game says so! And if you don't do it - you ain't getting the reward!"

Even though we have now how many warframes? How many weapons? Yet we're LOCKED IN using these 3-per-slot and only these every week, in order to get the reward. A reward that will be gone next week. The extra reward you get for using the RNG nonsense, rather than not using. Yes, it will reset the next week and be the same game mode too. But it will already be the "next week's extra"... While the previous week's extra reward? Gone. POOF. Prime example of FOMO. Fear of Missing Out. Which will no doubt force quite a few people to spend plat on getting the gear (if they don't have it, but got issued in the RNG), getting formas fast, getting Affinity boosters to forma that required gear faster, spend money to get plat to buy the mods missing for some builds for that gear, etc etc etc... All rushing to do inside one week. Just in order not to miss out on that extra reward. AND no doubt it would make a lot of people just "leech" or use the "team-up workaround" that I mentioned above, literally invalidating the whole point behind this system.

I know I'll be going for the 1st approach myself, for example. I'll be using Wisp(to provide motes) and then pick whatever is best from the weapon trash RNG. If it's bad - so be it, whatever, I'll let my teammates "carry" me through the nonsense, contributing only the Motes and Nourish from my Wisp's build. Blind(CC) doesn't work anyway on most enemies, since most enemies are either immune due to Overguard or due to being literally immune to everything, period, because of some modifier.

So yeah. RNG based gear and locking the extra reward behind it is bad and should be removed. It's not about entitlement or preference, especially not when some gear is clearly superior/inferior due to lack of balance, which you agree to yourself. And for sure it should be removed since you can easily just "go around it". So yeah - It's just facts, not opinions. RNG gear lock of the extra reward should be removed. Instead, give the RNG gear bonus, like it is in Arbitrations/Sorties/Archon Hunts. An extra on top, not a requirement for the reward.

Ah so now we come to the crux of the issue , FOMO rears its ugly head. Do let me know , what exactly are you missing out on? What exactly do you plan to do that you must gain every single rewards every week?

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14 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Ah so now we come to the crux of the issue , FOMO rears its ugly head. Do let me know , what exactly are you missing out on? What exactly do you plan to do that you must gain every single rewards every week?

Archon Shards.

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3 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

i don't think you have calculated the rewards vs risk especially after unlocking the Elite variant.

Lets continue this after you have.

I align with your take on this whole matter more than not, however it needs pointing out that unlocking Elite requires using the rng gear.

The sytem isn't perfect and it's ok to accept improvement, regardless of some wanting to throw the whole thing out.

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26 minutes ago, moondog548 said:

I align with your take on this whole matter more than not, however it needs pointing out that unlocking Elite requires using the rng gear.

True , but dont they get unlocked permanently after you clear the base DA with 25 point? i couldnt play last week but what i understand is you don't need to do it every week.

If you do need to do it every week then it is definitely something that needs corrections.

28 minutes ago, moondog548 said:

The sytem isn't perfect and it's ok to accept improvement, regardless of some wanting to throw the whole thing out.

Also true , its not perfect and improvements can always be made if proper feedback separating fact and opinion is given.

34 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Archon Shards.

Archon shards are a means to an end , its like saying i want more money , what do you need the money for? is there a particular frame you wish to customize cause it is unable to perform as well? have you already squeezed out everything you can by other means?



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5 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

True , but dont they get unlocked permanently after you clear the base DA with 25 point? i couldnt play last week but what i understand is you don't need to do it every week.

Do it once, it's permanently unlocked thereafter.

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2 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Archon shards are a means to an end , its like saying i want more money , what do you need the money for? is there a particular frame you wish to customize cause it is unable to perform as well? have you already squeezed out everything you can by other means?

That's... literally none of your concern as to why I want Archon Shards. Nor should it even be a question in the first place... wtf. O.o You literally asked - what are we missing out if we don't go for the extra reward. I answered the question. Everything else is literally none of your concern, wtf.

In the end, it's a reward that is locked behind a possibly FOMO-inducing RNG gear that forces you to use stuff that you don't enjoy. And that is a problem. And a lot of people see it the same exact way as I do. That's not opinion, that's a fact, that's the literal reality of how DA/EDA is now. Saying it's not won't change anything.

P.s. At this point, you're just trolling instead of trying to make some sort of point and I'm just so easily getting baited into even talking to you. And it sad that only now I'm starting to realize this. Good job, I guess.

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15 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

That's... literally none of your concern as to why I want Archon Shards. Nor should it even be a question in the first place... wtf. O.o You literally asked - what are we missing out if we don't go for the extra reward. I answered the question. Everything else is literally none of your concern, wtf.

In the end, it's a reward that is locked behind a possibly FOMO-inducing RNG gear that forces you to use stuff that you don't enjoy. And that is a problem. And a lot of people see it the same exact way as I do. That's not opinion, that's a fact, that's the literal reality of how DA/EDA is now. Saying it's not won't change anything.

P.s. At this point, you're just trolling instead of trying to make some sort of point and I'm just so easily getting baited into even talking to you. And it sad that only now I'm starting to realize this. Good job, I guess.

Its the reward you seem to be most pent up over , its only fair i ask why , you are of course free to not answer.

The reason i asked is i wanted to understand what makes archon shards worth spending time if you dont want to spend time on getting , playing and leveling other gear. Their only purpose right now is for either supplementing , complimenting or customizing your frames for a particular playstyle. So what makes the rewards something to be so angry over.

16 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Do it once, it's permanently unlocked thereafter.

Thanks for confirming.

Edited by 0_The_F00l
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RNG really doesn't matter if operator or the gear wheel are available (and also the companion).  I'm really fine with the system, but looking forward to the varying parameters each week will bring.  I am sure there are some combinations of things that could come up that are super hard to get through, but for me it is not the gear randomizer that will do it.  What could make these missions hard are debuffs and mission parameters.  I do wonder if the parameters are picked by a human each week or if they are random.

I do sympathize with people who feel like the mission is not fun or doable under the RNG system.  I feel like at first the challenge was a bit extreme, but I am a lot more used to it now.  I can only speak for myself and everyone is going to adjust to the challenge at different levels.  The only thing I don't like is being locked out of core features like operator, otherwise a gear randomizer is okay, but not necessarily what I was hoping for.

DE obviously spent a lot of time on the mode though and many people were crying for harder content, so if they just get completely blasted, then we'll just end up like Kahl and raids where it gets abandoned.  I definitely see it is a high challenge for them to put out things like this and overall it is nice they are trying to challenge us and provide an incentive to get outside of our comfort zone.

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6 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

There is no point in playing this mode, if you wanna run your own chosen gear. You won't get the full reward. So yes. You are "stopped" from picking your choice of a loadout. And you are FORCED to use the RNG nonsense.

This is almost the same argument from Circuit in Duviri.   Lol

If you haven't invested in your arsenal.  This mode is going to suck. 

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4 minutes ago, Nelsconey said:

This is almost the same argument from Circuit in Duviri.   Lol

If you haven't invested in your arsenal.  This mode is going to suck. 

It's not even about investing into the arsenal or not. It's about being forced to use the gear you have, even modded to hell and back... but simply do not enjoy, nor find fun to use in the first place. Games are supposed to be fun. Randomizer is the polar opposite of that.


P.s. Plus, Duviri has Decrees, which - at a certain point - literally make it irrelevant what sort of gear you're using innately, turning you into an absolute all-destroying god regardless if you're using something "meta" and your favorite or some absolute piece of wet noodle. DA/EDA does not have that.

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
Added a "p.s."
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