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Jade Shadows - Dev Workshop: Enemy Resistances and Status Rework (LIVE!)


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After reading through all the comments in this thread i belive i have found the solution to the armor problem:

Why does the armor value increase with enemy level?

Shure at first it seems logical: "shields and health increase so why wouldn't armor and health do the same?" But that ignores the fact that shields are a second health bar whereas armor is DR (damage reduction). So if you for example have 100 health + 100 shield that will give you the same 200 EHP (Effective Health Points) as 100 health + 300 armor (50% DR or health x2). If you however double the health and shields in both examples you'll end up with 200 health + 200 shield = 400 EHP as well as 200 health x2 = 400 EHP. If you do 200 health + 600 armor (67% DR) you will end up with 600EHP so already 50% more EHP then for shield + health, this means right now armor scales exponentially whilst everything else scales linearly, wich in return makes armor way more effective.

Therfore keeping armor the same regardless of level would solve most problems and i belive that the consequences are relatively easy to handle. Most effects in the game either reduce armor percental or reduce base armor so they would be unnafected, abilitys like Mag's Polarize would be found very quickly by the community and could be changed accordingly. With this only 2 big problems remain: Slash procs will get absolutely shafted by it, but i belive that this would be fine and could be fixed at a later date and the more pressing matter: Grineer would immidiatly become to easy. Resolving that will require carefull rebalancing to keep the TTK of Grineer and Corpus roughly similar but i am fully convinced that in the long run this variant would be much better and easyer to work with than what you have planned currently.


Here are unlabled graphs to proof my point:



They dont.

Edited by Aphyllorchis
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Excited to see these changes take place.

With a cap on armor getting added, I feel like an additional damage reduction modifier could be applied to steel path/archimedea (50%?) to maintain some difficulty, for grineer, at least.

I believe that maintaining enemy resistance is important, during the devstream Pablo said that all factions will have 2 weaknesses and sub-factions will have 2 weaknesses and 1 resistance. While I understand that these are work-in-progress numbers, I feel like it's valuable to maintain resistances across factions and have 1-2 resistances for each faction for a form of forced diversity. Now that the information on this is both easily accessible through the star chart and simplified for accessibility, there's little reason to refrain from resistances. Heck, maybe even give 3 resistances to sub factions, I'd like that, at least personally.

Importantly, a way to quickly change/adapt loadouts would be very welcome based on faction type. I have weapons for different enemy types but it would be neat to have my weapons swap between factions easily. I guess it's possible through weapon loadouts but that would seem like an aggressive cash-in on platinum to be spent on buying loadout slots for weapons.

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15 hours ago, Aerionoth said:

The day I can switch individual weapons AND mod config slots per weapon straight from the starchart, is the day I start using faction/Bane mods or any kind of targeted statuses.

You can play around with status effects and elemental interactions as much as you want (as long as you don't cripple our current setup, otherwise I expect a few dozen forma as compensation), but you'll never convince people to constantly run around switching mods for every mission, or even better, to get different elements on each of the 4 weapons because of stuff like relics throwing everything including the kitchen sink at you... the only place I'll consider that is for that ultra-annoying gimmick Profit-Taker Orb.

But yeah, if you're gonna add stuff to the starchart anyway, add a global mod config slot switcher while you're at it; that's a QoL everyone will be happy about.
Right side of the weapon menu in the arsenal, skipping the Upgrade screen, and something like this for the starchart:

Hell, add a list of all those little graphics to the naming of slots while you're at it and have them take 1 character (instead of 14 for <DT_CORROSIVE>) so we can put all damage-types visible at a glance, another QoL people should be pleased about.

Me like!


15 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

I'd appreciate it if blast could ragdoll enemies again instead of just knocking them down, even if it's just a little push back. 

Talons like?

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I think new Cold change is actually a nerf.

If I understand right frozen enemy to get a dmg buff but boss don't(cause boss can't be completely frozen),so in new change Cold only slow boss but current version Cold can give a CD buff to frozen boss.

And this is ridiculous. Why I need a damage buff to enemies which can be kill instantly but not bosses?

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If I'm reading this correctly, DE is going to completely throw out all the enemy health and armor types and rebuild the elemental damage system from the ground up

If so, I want one specific thing to be addressed, a mistake from the past not to be repeated:

18 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Blast is also especially effective against Machinery.

Blast wasn't passed up because it was another superfluous option on an already overloaded pile of options. No, Blast was passed up because NOTHING was weak to it. Grineer Machines are weak to blast in theory, but their ferrite armor negated that; they were weak to corrosive instead. Fossilized infested were 150% weak to blast... And 175% weak to corrosive.

Grineer Machinery in general was far too underused. For the longest time only one thing used it: Rollers. One or two enemies out of two hundred would use it, and they would die instantly to anything, so it didn't matter. I'm pretty sure Tusk Thumpers use Alloy for both their hit points AND armor, when they should be Machines. There was even a time Vay Hek Terra Frame was bugged and used Neutral hit points (with no weaknesses and resistances), and his air strike beacons were using Corpus Robot hit points for some reason, implying even the 2015 developers had forgotten they put Machinery in the game. So it was a no-brainer players would only mod for Cloned Flesh and Crewmen Flesh (both weak to Viral) and completely ignore machinery

I wish you luck on this upcoming rework, and when you do, I hope you won't repeat this mistake

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This isn't gonna do a whole lot if I'm being honest here. As long as viral stay the strongest other status effects that need elements that combine into viral would stay mostly irrelevant. It's really not that every other element has bad status effects, viral is just too good in comparison. Why would anyone sacrifice what's essentially a 325% mirage eclipse buff for anything that ranges from a mediocre CC or a little bit of debuff? Plus, it's not gonna change the fact that swapping elements for factions is slow and annoying and the majority of players would not bother

I feel like the best way to make other elements more useful and more accessible is to either release viral 60/60 mods for all weapon types like the radiation ones, or to swap the status effects of viral and radiation. That way all weapon types can have access to the damage buff while still being able to build for other elements since viral no longer blocks access to toxin, cold, gas, corrosive, magnetic and blast, then naturally other elements will be used more

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Capping enemy armor (at around 90%, i presume?) is probably the healthiest change I've heard you guys have done for the game! Excellent change!

I still think most status effects need further changes though, mostly buffs but also some nerfs.

For example:

With the Physical status effects, I'd make them fit against their "intended" factions better:

* Impact - When affected by Impact, make it so an enemy's whole body counts as a weakpoint (with a small weakpoint multiplier bonus per stack too), so you can bypass the enemy "shieldgate" with any damage. Still good vs non-Corpus, but best vs Corpus overall.

* Puncture - It could still reduce enemy damage output, but instead of the critchance bonus (that bonus I've suggeted to be added to Corrosive instead), make it add bonus true-damage to the proccing attack and all subsequent damage. Maybe 5% per proc (so max 25%)? This makes it a damage-bonus vs all factions, but is best vs Grineer (or any armored enemy, for that matter), as true type damage ignores armor.

* Slash - Reduce its dot-damage, but amplify its ticks the more the enemy moves around. Infested are mostly melee, so it would punish them and their high movement more. I'd personally like to reduce its armor-ignoring effects in some way, but it might be too late into the game's life to do such a change.

Now let's look at the combined elements:

* Corrosive - On top of the armorstrip, make it add +3% critchance per proc too (similar to current Puncture). That gives it a universal use, even if it still is best vs armored enemies due to the armorstrip effect, and makes it stay relevant even on enemies who are already fully armorstripped. It would also make it pair up with Cold status' critdamage bonus even better, complimenting each other's effects.

* Magnetic - On top of the shield bonuses, make its procs give a chance for all your attacks (including your melee attacks) to deal damage again to the target (i.e. a "multihit" effect). Maybe something like 5% chance per proc, which means a 50% chance at max stacks. The affected enemy could also have a chance to have its own ranged attacks deflected back at itself (same chances as the multihit effect), making it hurt itself with its own attacks. Since this deflects the attack back to the enemy entirely, it also serves as a form of defensive aid.
This would make it a far more generally viable status-effect, and not just an anti-corpus element (even if it is most useful on them). Melee attacks, in particular, could benefit massively from this element, considering that additional hits would help rack up combos faster etc.
NOTE: Many people say that giving it a small "Mag's magnetize / Void procs"-effect would be fitting, but I think such effects are too chaotic and potentially disruptive to allies (and even yourself), which is why I suggested a more "safe" bonus instead. Same reasoning goes for not giving it enemy gathering effects, which I think is better left for abilities (Having Magnetic procs gather enemies up also already exists as an Arcane).

Sidenote: All natural element pairings for Magnetic - Heat, Toxin and Gas - are all DoTs. With Magnetic's multihit you have more chances to proc status effects as well, so it could let you stack up those DoTs even faster, making its natural elemental pairings synergize really well!

* Radiation - I think it is mostly fine as is, just make sure its damagetype is still useful. Maybe make it a generalist kind of damagetype?

* Gas - Uncapping its stacks in regards to damage would do wonders to make this more relevant on more weapons (i.e. not just useable with hardhitter weapons).

* Blast - I guess the simplest approach would be that a blast-proc also produces AoE damage (like a slightly burstier - but overall less potent - version of Gas), with more blast-procs on a target increasing their damage taken from Blast or something. Furthermore, the stacks could still lower accuracy of enemies, but at max stacks, how about also blinding the enemy for a while (Similar to Cold now freezing enemies)?

* Viral - Since armor is gonna be far less oppressive, I think Viral is due for a numerical nerf. Say, from 100% base + 25% per extra proc, to something like 50% base + 15% per extra proc? That changes its max value from 325% to 185% (or in other words, from a 4,25x mutliplier to a 2,85x multiplier). This may seem like a quite heavy nerf, but remember: Viral works on health, which is something that ALL enemies have. In fact, toning it down like this could even make it more likely that Viral-immunities (which the Deimos Infested have) could be removed.

Finally, let's have a look at the base elements:

* Cold - I think the new addition of freezing (along with a bigger critbonus when fully frozen) at max procs is most likely gonna make this a meta-ish element, which is great! The more competition with Viral, the better!

* Heat - I think having this as a relatively allrounded element is a nice thing to have. I think it is fine as is, although, I think the Heat-inherit mechanic could warrant a removal.

* Electric - With the armornerfs incoming, I think this already is gonna be indirectly improved as an element. Considering you can quite easily pair it with Viral, Blast or Gas, I think its role as the sole-element AoE-choice will be great as is, and thus I don't see any changes needed.

* Toxic - Ignoring shields is too good, and imo unhealthy for keeping shield mechanics relevant, for enemies and players alike. Arguably, I think this element is to some extents even stronger than Slash ignoring armor, because at least Slash and all other non-Toxic elements work together to beat down a common healthtype bar first. Toxic damage, on the other hand, goes straight to health while all other elements have to (often irrelevantly) battle shields first. Imo, shield ignore has to go - full stop, both on enemies and players alike. Toxin pros having a DoT is fine, but that alone would probably make it the weakest element of the bunch, so on top of the DoT, I'd propose to add two more utilities to it:

  • Toxin also reduces all restoration effects - I.e. healing, shield and Overguard restoration is all weaker when affected by Toxin. This would be good against Corpus, in particular, as their shieldregen would be weaker when Magnetic procs aren't used/active. This would also keep Toxin as a proc a notable danger on players, as reduced restoration means that things such as shield- and Overguard-gating is far less potent. However, more importantly, it still lets you combat the toxin-proc in some way (i.e. focus more on healing, cure the status, hide to ride it out etc), instead of having your shields made entirely redundant and often even killing you outright (even without needing toxin PROCS on you!)
  • When affected by Toxin, it causes X% of the damage an affected target is about to deal with its attacks to also be dealt to itself (this effect would NOT apply for players). Note that the selfdamage would occur right before the attack is launched, not when it lands - So an enemy could potentially kill itself before it even has a chance to damage you! This would pair particularly well with the suggested effect of Magnetic's chance for enemies to hit themselves, as it would further emphasize that selfdamage potential. It would also pair well with Radiation, considering they will attack one another and thus make their infighting potency even more deadly to themselves.
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One of the issues I rarely seen addressed is the cost of the various elemental damage types. Namely, that the combined elements (unless the weapon has an innate element) always take up two mod slots, meaning it's an opportunity cost just to use them.

  • IPS are something people rarely, if ever, mod for, because they are either always there on the weapons, or they can be force-procced with certain melee stances.
  • Heat, Cold, Toxin, and Electricity are really powerful right now (especially Electricity with Melee Influence builds), and they are all usable in all levels of content. Cold is arguably the least mechanically impactful right now, but once it gets buffed, it should bring it in line with the rest. Modding for any of them makes a lot of sense.
  • Viral is worth it, because DoTs are really strong in this game, and making them stronger is always good.
  • Corrosive is okay, but being unable to full-strip without green shards greatly hampers its usefulness in most contexts.
  • Radiation is good, because it both provides CC, and due to the recent murmur mods, it can be slapped on any weapon for the cost of just one mod slot, largely mitigating the opportunity cost.
  • Gas just doesn't have enough impact. It's supposed to be the "turn ST damage into AoE" element, but it's just too slow and unreliable, and even when it works, it's way too hard to tell if something died because of the Gas effects or something else.
  • Magnetic is just useless. As many others have pointed out, Toxin damage going through shields just makes it entirely redundant, and it's only really useful against one single faction, to begin with.
  • Blast is just terrible, because it's not only the least effective damage type, but because "reduced accuracy" doesn't actually mean anything during gameplay. The player can't effectively feel if it makes any difference or not, because enemy accuracy is already affected by movement, and it doesn't confer any tangible difference in survivability.

In other words, out of the six combined elements, which should be considerably stronger than the base elements to offset the opportunity cost, only three of them are worth a damn, and one of them doesn't even require combining anymore.

Now, here's my arm-chair suggestions on how to tweak this:

  • Reduce the multiplier of Viral to bring in line with the rest.
  • Corrosive should be fine after the armor-tweaks, but it could use more front-loading anyway.
  • Radiation is fine as it is right now.
  • Either give Gas actual multipliers, or remove the stacking limit to bring it in line with the other DoT effects.
  • As others have said, Magnetic should give small magnetize bubbles, aka the current effect of Void damage.
  • Blast should be the dedicated anti-Overguard damage type (since the actual anti-Overguard damage type, Void, is pretty much useless against it at higher levels), with an added effect (e.g. a Silence like effect, temporarily stopping enemies from using their powers).
  • You should also take the opportunity to change Void damage type; my recommendation would be a debuff that makes enemies take more damage from WF abilities, potentially stacking.

These were my five cents. Thank you for reading.

Edited by Egathentale
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Removing complexity from the game, depht etc, it's a terrible move, to play braindead games I could go play any other game. The cool stuff about dmg type affecting different kinds of armor is to maximize your damage, do you think we gonna use magnetic + impact for corpus because of the bonus type? NO, we still gonna use viral because of viral stacks. But now you are removing the 50% viral dmg type to Flesh and 75% to Cloned flesh, which is a NERF of damage, if you make us go Radiation Corrosive or Magnetic Impact.

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Now that the status are being reworked, I suppose now is good time to throw the ideas I've been working with for while.

After long hours, over many moons of mulling the ideas, trying to refine them further and making them better, here's what I've got:

First of all, combining elemental mods to produce one different elemental has to go and instead re-introduce the combined elementals as their own separate elementals that do not need two elemental mods to produce. Why? Because they restrict build variations, as forementioned with Heat + Corrosion/Viral or Slash + Viral.
I thought of introducing limits on how many elemental mods you can install, but due to current modding system, there is hardly any need, given most of the slots are already taken by "necessary" mods, such as Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Multishot, Damage, Galvanized mods, etc. I also ask for modding system rework, current one is HEAVILY outdated and needs massive rework.

As for status procs, here are what I would change/add:
-Impact: Slow down their "reaction" time, on top of their Parazon effects (their reaction time, as in, slow down their decision making time and reaction time)
-Puncture: Increases status chance proc, on top of critical chance
-Shock: Allowing enemies to be re-shocked even if they're currently being shocked, essentially resetting their animation
-Blast: Instead of reducing accuracy, essentially "plants a timebomb" on enemy
-Corrosive: Deal DoT damage
-Gas: Weaken enemy damage
-Void: Can proc any of 13 (14 with the magnetic bubble) status procs, essentially making it "chaotic" damage and status effect

I've never been happy with Void proccing only the magnetic bubble, all while its "universal" damage and it's supposed effectiveness with Overguard being under-utilized, if not used. I also ask Amps to be shown some love/reworked.

While I'm at the topic, I'd like to ask for Green Archon Shard's "Add +2 stack to Corrosive" to be reworked to "Add +2 stack to Status Procs/+2 sec to Status Proc Duration that stack indefinitely". Limiting it to only Corrosive proc is hardly worth the cost of not only acquiring the shard but also sacrificing the shard slots, unless it's on very specific frames that thrive on corrosive procs, while increasing max stack on status procs on status procs would make it more universally usable.

I look forward to overall improvement to game, no matter if some things (like my ideas) aren't taken into consideration.

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2 hours ago, Aphyllorchis said:

Here are unlabled graphs to proof my point:




I was sceptical at first, but the implied numbers speak a clear language.

Anyhow, I'm all in favour of the rework - of course DE will screw things up and there will be another head growing on the hydra that is called meta, but it'll be interesting!

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Complaining about the armor changes is ridiculous.

Health scaling is being boosted to compensate the armor changes so that the overall EHP tends to be the same but you aren't required to fully armor strip in order to kill anymore at high levels.

Already the only difficulty from the armor was "full armor strip or bust" because it'll take too long to kill anyway. With the full armor strip they still die near instantly, all the changes do is opens up a few new ways to build. Running armor strip doesn't make the game "hard" just reduces build variety for late game content.

If anything, depending on how they change health and shield scaling, the game might legitimately end up more difficult since you can't rely on full armor strip to one shot targets that currently have a lot of EHP because of armor.

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Hello! Increasing the health pool of mobs while keeping the high damage output of current weapons seems like a bad move in my opinion. In particular, how will frame abilities be balanced then? Are we going to have to press the skill button 10 times to kill an enemy with 5 million HP?
Reducing the overall amount of armor doesn't seem to make much sense. The challenge in killing armored enemies either exists or it doesn't. Wasn't there a rework done for this purpose before (for example, Hydroid) and the creation of many skills that strip armor?
Simplifying the number of armor types and health types also doesn't seem like an interesting idea. We enjoy the game not for its simplicity, but for its complexity.
An interesting idea would be the ability to create composite damage types with mods that are currently impossible to combine. No one would refuse a viral + cold combo, for example. Especially if after the rework, status effects like blast also provided something alternatively interesting (if viral gives % damage, give blast an increase in critical damage, or give magnetic a chance for multishot, for example). Then all status effects would be used and would compete for slots in the build.

Edited by andreyz5z
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This sounds pretty bad. I don't think people understand the implications of the TTK remaining similar after these armor changes.

For example, take a level 200 corrupted gunner. It has about 100k HP, 11k armor (97%). It's EHP is about 4 million. If you force that armor value down to 90%, you would have to increase the base HP by about 4x to compensate.

Which is to say, enemies aren't getting weaker or easier to kill. It's just that one of the tools for dealing with them, armor strip, is getting weaker because the portion of EHP that reduces or removes is now smaller. Electricity isn't getting better, it will just have bigger numbers against armor without being more effective. If anything viral is even more important, since you'll have more HP you'll have to carve through.

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So you are trying to dumb down the enemy resistances  while trying to lift up the useless magnetic, impact, cold, puncture, gas. There is a conflict within the decision making team.

Also, I bet this dumb down is for the mobile players.

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1 hour ago, JingShenBing13 said:

I think new Cold change is actually a nerf.

If I understand right frozen enemy to get a dmg buff but boss don't(cause boss can't be completely frozen),so in new change Cold only slow boss but current version Cold can give a CD buff to frozen boss.

And this is ridiculous. Why I need a damage buff to enemies which can be kill instantly but not bosses?

I think the CD buff from individual cold stacks will remain. There's just an extra big bonus once the target freezes if I understood them correctly.

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As much as these armor changes to enemies are interesting, you know this will only further shove a raw damage output meta right? 90% capped dr that is reduced so easily means next to nothing with what we can already do and a lot of people are just going to forego armor stripping subsumes cause of this when armor reduction through corrosive and heat is gonna be so strong, this also now makes people who run 2 emerald shards to strip through corrosive just go with 1 tau emerald to fit even more raw damage and the build ideas that people had to try and reduce enemies to 1% armor with 13 corrosive procs and a heat proc actually super good now since enemies will only have at most 8% DR at that point. I cant really say im opposed to the idea of the armor change but this is only further pushing an unga bunga build mentality which many people I know would prefer, death to viral hunter munitions lol.

Also the magnetic changes are still worthless, and with cold now becoming significantly better theres no way to even work magnetic into being a good CC status type now when cold literally locks enemies in place and gives a really big damage vulnerability, and magnetic is still worthless to go for instead of just using raw toxin or gas which can just bypass shields entirely, magnetic can really only ever be useful if we had enemies that were purely shield based. 

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To be honest i don't fancy the idea of having to constantly having to swap builds just to enter a mission, which is why selecting a few elements for the overall gameplay feels faster and more effective.

I'm all up for blast, cold and armor changes, but if corpus feel tankier right from the start to the point i have to change builds then the game might get annoying and the change rather unecessary.

I get it, you need to give employees something to do and as usual you don't like when players pick something more often, so you combine the 2 and we have unecessary changes on top of necessary ones so it doesn't feel to bad on release. It's not my 1st rodeo.

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1 minute ago, KIREEK said:

To be honest i don't fancy the idea of having to constantly having to swap builds just to enter a mission, which is why selecting a few elements for the overall gameplay feels faster and more effective.

I'm all up for blast, cold and armor changes, but if corpus feel tankier right from the start to the point i have to change builds then the game might get annoying and the change rather unecessary.

I get it, you need to give employees something to do and as usual you don't like when players pick something more often, so you combine the 2 and we have unecessary changes on top of necessary ones so it doesn't feel to bad on release. It's not my 1st rodeo.

It’s starting to feel like it’s going that way, and with how janky the custom loadout system is it probably won’t feel smooth to implement all these changes.

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15 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

To be honest i don't fancy the idea of having to constantly having to swap builds just to enter a mission, which is why selecting a few elements for the overall gameplay feels faster and more effective.

I'm all up for blast, cold and armor changes, but if corpus feel tankier right from the start to the point i have to change builds then the game might get annoying and the change rather unecessary.

I get it, you need to give employees something to do and as usual you don't like when players pick something more often, so you combine the 2 and we have unecessary changes on top of necessary ones so it doesn't feel to bad on release. It's not my 1st rodeo.

Dont also forget that for some ungodly reason operator arcanes still arent even tied to loadouts, so every time you want to use new ones you have to go into the back of the ship and swap em. This is the thing i want by far the most to come since i use different arcanes a lot based on which frame im playing.

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35 minutes ago, Snowbluff said:

This sounds pretty bad. I don't think people understand the implications of the TTK remaining similar after these armor changes.

For example, take a level 200 corrupted gunner. It has about 100k HP, 11k armor (97%). It's EHP is about 4 million. If you force that armor value down to 90%, you would have to increase the base HP by about 4x to compensate.

Which is to say, enemies aren't getting weaker or easier to kill. It's just that one of the tools for dealing with them, armor strip, is getting weaker because the portion of EHP that reduces or removes is now smaller. Electricity isn't getting better, it will just have bigger numbers against armor without being more effective. If anything viral is even more important, since you'll have more HP you'll have to carve through.

The more I think about it, the more I agree. If the issue is that corrosive is not effective at reducing DR as levels climb, why not make corrosive take a proportional amount off thats the amount the enemy has? That way, no matter the level, you are able to effectively and proportionally strip away the same DR % of armor, which, seems to be the goal with these changes. Regardless of what flesh types remain vulnerable to viral, you are correct. Increasing health pools by upwards of four times what they are now will only further solidify viral.

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22 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

It’s starting to feel like it’s going that way, and with how janky the custom loadout system is it probably won’t feel smooth to implement all these changes.

This basically. Only further presses the issues with our current loadout system as a whole. I don't mind swapping loadouts that much since most of what I do is long endurance, but it could be so much better. 

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2 hours ago, JingShenBing13 said:

I think new Cold change is actually a nerf.

If I understand right frozen enemy to get a dmg buff but boss don't(cause boss can't be completely frozen),so in new change Cold only slow boss but current version Cold can give a CD buff to frozen boss.

And this is ridiculous. Why I need a damage buff to enemies which can be kill instantly but not bosses?

New players

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7 minutes ago, Beryliberries said:

This basically. Only further presses the issues with our current loadout system as a whole. I don't mind swapping loadouts that much since most of what I do is long endurance, but it could be so much better. 

It’s just annoying, if you equip something and forget it overrides the previous set up it’s just annoying i honestly stopped using it, and like kireek pointed out with so many different changes more builds will be required weapon and frames alike.

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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