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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.2


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Can we nerf Jade eximus damage and spawn rate? It is just insane how many they spawn and how they spam their instakill ability that kills frame and operator at the same time.

1 hour ago, kingkrayzie said:

Is it a bug that the jade shadows belly of the beast lasers are so strong that it literally wipes any shields and pretty much kills everything within 4 seconds? Because that type of game play makes me not even want to play

Same, it is down right blood boiling and makes the grind for parts/arcanes insufferable.

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Jade Eximus Beams oneshotting need to be addressed.

They're literally bypassing Warframe abilities like Mesmer Skin and even deleting playable Stalker at full health.

Edited by ZiIIion
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2 minutes ago, Zootdferprime said:

Did you guys put a cooldown on dante abilities that was not there before ? I cant use his 4th consecutively more than twice now

You aren't supposed to, you need to cast at least 2 page abilities before using 4

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12 minutes ago, PopocraftGD said:

You aren't supposed to, you need to cast at least 2 page abilities before using 4

Well first off thank you! But maybe u shouldn’t assume i’m not casting the 2 page abilities before using 4th. Secondly did u even try Dante to see what i was saying.?
i have been using his dark verse combo. 
then cast 4th….now you can only cast it twice consecutively now before a cooldown. 9.5 second cooldown

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10 minutes ago, Zootdferprime said:

Well first off thank you! But maybe u shouldn’t assume i’m not casting the 2 page abilities before using 4th. Secondly did u even try Dante to see what i was saying.?
i have been using his dark verse combo. 
then cast 4th….now you can only cast it twice consecutively now before a cooldown. 9.5 second cooldown

Mine is working fine, there is no cooldown.

Edited by Slayer-.
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7 minutes ago, Zootdferprime said:

Well first off thank you! But maybe u shouldn’t assume i’m not casting the 2 page abilities before using 4th. Secondly did u even try Dante to see what i was saying.?
i have been using his dark verse combo. 
then cast 4th….now you can only cast it twice consecutively now before a cooldown. 9.5 second cooldown

Mine is working fine aswell. Were you playing ESO by any chance?

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20 hours ago, Zykk said:

Is it intended that I cannot use Heavy Attacks while carrying an ionic charge?

I think it's been an issue for a few years. I think there was an issue on and off that you couldn't use heavy attack with a secondary weapon equipped(

). This may have been fixed or it required a different keybinding..I don't remember.

This may be a similar issue. Don't remember if the same happens with other things in hand like mobile defense thingy. If not, maybe it's just this new held thing they have to fix.

I found a recording from 05-31 with a Disruption thing in hand and heavy attack working. I presume it works with the mobile defense thingy too so it might just be that they didn't apply the same behaviour to this new held thingy.

It's a throwable thingy, so question is if the Alchemy thing also breaks heavy attack. Or did it work and now with Jade Shadows it's broken..

Edited by Herkules97
It linked to the Tenet Glaxion post in page 1, guess it fixed after editing it. Or it was a cache issue on my end.
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For everyone bringing it up in this thread, Jade Eximus having extremely high damage is listed in the Jade Shadows: Known Issues thread and staff have replied to a few comments asking about it outside of that thread. It's unintentional and should be fixed soon.

In the meantime, I've found that shooting any Jade lasers you see chasing party members and running Rolling Guard to survive after the shield gate duration is done has helped reduce party deaths in elevator/alert runs by a bit. Definitely not a perfect solution and abilities that lock you in place can still be deadly, but hopefully it can help if you're playing while waiting for the hotfix.

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6 hours ago, Trollocaustic said:

And yet another casualty of designing things by virtue of dumbing them down for "new player experience".

Honestly I'm having a hard time buying the excuse that this was done to make the game "easier to understand."

Feels straight up insulting, like they think there are players out there who will see a red Radiation effect or a blue Heat effect and think "what is THAT status effect? How do I do THAT?"
Like, no. We know what statuses we're inflicting, because we put them on our weapons to begin with.

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5 hours ago, kingkrayzie said:

Is it a bug that the jade shadows belly of the beast lasers are so strong that it literally wipes any shields and pretty much kills everything within 4 seconds? Because that type of game play makes me not even want to play

I've been testing the Jade Lasers and while playing solo only 1 laser can focus you at a time, dealing the usual ramping up damage, while being Client however is when things get weird as I've :

- Seen upwards of 8 lasers at once, 2-3 focusing a single player

- Damage ramp up happens even if they're moving compared to only when they hit you on Solo/Host

- Lasers can ignore invulnerabililty periods, Overguard and Shield Gate resulting in an instant death (I've never been able to reproduce this as Solo/Host)

Whatever DE did it's obvious they either rushed it or couldn't test it (as usual) and we, the playerbase, are doing the QA part of it.

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7 minutes ago, Zootdferprime said:

Yeah bro actually i was 

Cephalon Simaris will lock any of your abilities temporarily if you abuse them too much during ESO.
As he puts it, he needs "more conflict."

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Jade Eximus units are cheating straight up.

No I don't mean they do so much damage oh noes.


Silence is a Banshee power that kills powers' effects (even enemy 'Frames); it DOES NOT work on the beam you MUST get the Eximus. The TARGET cast power is being cast with NO TARGET (through walls).

Result? An Eximus Nullifier can cast Jade light through that door you MUST hack even if you are in range to Silence him because 'Null field LOL' and all his friends can too!



Put Blast on your melee, blast effect occurs.


Yep, Blast on melee is doing FULL SELF DAMAGE. This is also against the rules. (Self dmg does knock-down)


Both of these issues are pretty blatant and make significant fun breaking negative impact. I can't use blast on melee (why even let it be equipped? it is that broken) And, Jade units will happily sit on the opposite side of a locked door and beam spam the hack terminal rendering a FULL GAMEPLAY STOP. (albeit a temporary one as the beams will dissipate eventually).

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1 hour ago, FaraTenno said:

Honestly I'm having a hard time buying the excuse that this was done to make the game "easier to understand."

Feels straight up insulting, like they think there are players out there who will see a red Radiation effect or a blue Heat effect and think "what is THAT status effect? How do I do THAT?"
Like, no. We know what statuses we're inflicting, because we put them on our weapons to begin with.

That's what I've been saying! you get me, we are now friends.

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hace 1 hora, iSiawPrime dijo:

I've been testing the Jade Lasers and while playing solo only 1 laser can focus you at a time, dealing the usual ramping up damage, while being Client however is when things get weird as I've :

- Seen upwards of 8 lasers at once, 2-3 focusing a single player

- Damage ramp up happens even if they're moving compared to only when they hit you on Solo/Host

- Lasers can ignore invulnerabililty periods, Overguard and Shield Gate resulting in an instant death (I've never been able to reproduce this as Solo/Host)

Whatever DE did it's obvious they either rushed it or couldn't test it (as usual) and we, the playerbase, are doing the QA part of it.

just w8 that laser rain in circuit...
is the most frustrating unit and bullet sponge.... just make boring my playgame

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17 minutes ago, --TNO-Galamoth-- said:

just w8 that laser rain in circuit...
is the most frustrating unit and bullet sponge.... just make boring my playgame

Good lord I hadn't even thought about the chaos of steel path circuit now that Jade Eximus units are polluting the spawn pool... Defense must be impossible right now.

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En 19/6/2024 a las 16:10, Khalami dijo:

Hi @[DE]Megan
Is there any plans to change the way incarnon shotguns are being charged? I really want to play more with boar but for now I often end the mission before i charge the weapon...

Do longer missions 

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Btw, I was VERY happy to see that you guys used my easy fix idea to eliminate host migrations in the "Belly of the Beast" mission on Uranus. I noticed when it said "Get to extraction 1/5 players waiting". I hope you can do the same thing in the rest of Warframe...

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