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Jade light eximus too strong compare to other eximus.

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It seems the damage of the laser they cast has no upper limit. This leads to much higher dps they can do than other eximus especially in high level missions. 

If you have played OPERATION: BELLY OF THE BEAST, then you may find that your teamates (or yourself) die MUCH more times than other missions of the same level.

Because this operation only spawn jade eximus, hence lead to my conclusion: they are too strong (for now).


Well,I hope it can be changed by some simple ways like add a damage cap to the laser scale at each level of the eximus or so.

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I mean, Volatile Eximus can easily oneshot most frames but we're used to it and know how to avoid it. We just have to get used to Jade Exmius the same way.

If we had an event that would spawn only Volatile Exmius, the situation would be much worse. The main problem isn't Jade Light, it's the volume of the Jade Exmius units present at the same time and the Jade Light mechanic ignoring defensive Warframe abilities.

EDIT: Their damage should be reduced or capped for objectives though. Imagine if the elevator objective had health. The Ascension mode would be unplayable. And this is more or less what happens if a unsupervised Jade Exmius spawns in Defence and similar missions.

Edited by (PSN)Sentiel
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After over 8 years of playing this is destroying the fun in this game.
I don't find these units too hard, they are literally the dumbest mechanic I have ever had to deal with in a regular mission.
All this mechanic does is force you to do 8 seconds of dumb parkour manuvers and wild rolling until you can find and get rid of the unit.
It is NOT FUN.

so far I had died a few times, nothing critical, and fortunately not in a no-respawn mission, yet.
But its sucking the fun out of the game, It's an annoying and stupid mechanic.

I have also been forced out of extraction by them multiple times now.
Is the point of this to make my mission take 2 minutes longer to exit?
It also reintroduces the idea that you can't tell where the unit is, the orbs spawn out of nowhere and follow you so fast that a frame without a speed mod can barely outrun it.
The orb doesn't indicate where the unit is to retaliate at all (This is the same issue we had with eximus leech enemies draining your energy and having no clue where they are)

It's probably what is going to make me want to stop playing, I will live with it for a bit.

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Keeping track of statistics, I now have 1/4+ of my deaths IN MY ENTIRE TIME PLAYING WARFRAME since the patch. At current rate by the time I am done farming helmith Jade, likely over 1/2 my total deaths ever will be since Jade Shadows launched.

2 hours ago, Dr.Evil. said:

I have also been forced out of extraction by them multiple times now.

This is a severe problem. Whenever these units are around, solo extract is impossible. Full team or trapped in mission.

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9 hours ago, _GoodLuck_ said:

Do you guys know about Silence?

Say no more, I gotchu with the posts, bro.



Dayum, that's crazy, isn't? It's almost as if non-endurance run enemies aren't supposed to be doing that much damage.

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10 hours ago, _GoodLuck_ said:

Do you guys know about Silence?

yes and its extremely annoying to have to either always run it or just not be able to aim-walk at all because it slows you too much while on the ground. hell normal movement speed while firing guns is still too slow, you have to either sprint or keep jumping away.


but yes.. i know about silence.. one run in the event and i tried Banshee.. then realized i could put silence on limbo and Dante..

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agreed. i was playing zephyr with 84% damage reduction while airborne and using my 1 hold. my friend was playing dante and was able to give me 56k overguard. all that overguard was completely deleted in 1 tick in steel path. even the non steel path jade light eximus can erase 20k overguard on me in 1 tick

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for anyone who doesn't know, you can destroy the beams by shooting the thign at the top. not gonna help if there's like 5 of them on you at once, I know, but for anyone who's dying to just one of them, you might want to know that lol.

I've been downed by them a lot too, and I've been hit by them on Netracells a few times, where they REALLY hurt.. while I can cope with them as they are, I feel like they should probably be tweaked. thankfully there's multiple ways to do this, with pros and cons to both:

option one is to reduce the damage of the attack itself, which to be fair is quite high, and seems to be most problematic at higher levels, indicating that there's either a very high cap or no cap at all on their damage. the ones at level 50 aren't too bad, especially with a tankier frame, but steel path ones are a real threat and Netracell/Deep Archimedia version will wreck the whole squad lol.

option two is to make them spawn a lot less, which I think might be necessary for the Ascension mode, which currently bombards you with these units, result in 4-5 lights on the small elevator at any given time, forcing you to either confront the beam and die, or have to get off the moving lift and risk falling, which won't kill you but is gonna add time to your mission clock, on a mode that most people want to get done quickly for their Motes. it also would allow their damage to remain intact, for those who may want them to remain one of the few credible threats we face.

option three is to do both, but IMO that may be overkill. I get that these units are kinda problematic in their current state, but I don't think it's warranted to absolutely nerf them into the ground. we do need SOMETHING to give a little bit of fight back. 

personally I think option one or two on their own will work best, but that's just me. I do think they'll get looked at though at the very least.

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1小时前 , VENDOMINUS 说:

Jade eximus got gutted by last patch, so you can ignore him again.

They haven't fixed the the bug that jade eximus can attack outside their sight range yet, at least they did not write it in the hotfix list.


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2 часа назад, EiraRozen сказал:

It's not that the Jade Light does a ton of damage, it's that our defenses are bugged:


the main problem is that tin sp this ray does over a million damage in 1.8 seconds and since fire does a percentage of the main damage, it does a hell of a lot of damage

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10 hours ago, Hypertion said:

but yes.. i know about silence.. one run in the event and i tried Banshee.. then realized i could put silence on limbo and Dante..

As an eximus hater I'd put the ability on every frame. It's my go to for the event



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4 hours ago, Joylesstuna said:

Have you tried fighting them on sp? They still hit stupid hard.

I fight them only on SP. Now I can stay under the beam for it full length w/o loosing more than my shields.

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22 hours ago, Dr.Evil. said:

All this mechanic does is force you to do 8 seconds of dumb parkour manuvers and wild rolling until you can find and get rid of the unit.
It is NOT FUN.


Are you not moving at more or less all times anyway?

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