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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3


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8 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Removed a certain jump pad in the Ascension mission as it was yeeting players into a pipe along the wall (BONK).

This lack of BONK disturbs me

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5 minutes ago, simgre said:

Ash still broken :sadcry:

I was just headed to Simaris to see if they fixed Bladestorm triggering Finisher interactions since there was nothing in the notes... dammit. Not as if my layout depends on it... ONLY got Arcane Crescendo, Savage Silence and Skiajati unique trait suddenly not working...

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7 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Why did you guys do this:

Can we please stop with the "exclusive" charade? Previous supporter packs are sold for Platinum intentionally right now, and the Heirlooms situation was literally just addressed by you guys. There's no reason to continue fleecing players on vocabulary you guys leave intentionally ambiguous and rug-pull people on later.

to be fair they dont say its forever exclusive so in all honesty its fine - pay the now get shiny - wait a while and itll be reintroduced as a plat pack - the wording isnt ambiguous and to far there is no FOMO unlike the original heirlooms


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Still no cascade fixes. It's been untouched since the first month of launch, despite the literal discord of over 2000 members who do cascades daily, not to mention the multitude of people that do cascade level cap runs every day. Fixing a frame can be put off, at least l have other options, but you really can't fix some GAME BREAKING issues, like immortal exolizers when clearing an exolizer too close to relic crack time, or acolyte breaking for the rest of the mission when spawning and targeting a player inside void angel realm? There are like 15 total mission types, and you're fixing fashion clipping issues instead of your literal bread and butter, base game missions. Incredible.

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The menu UI now slides into place with an animation every time you change from one menu to another. Not only is this (imo) visually unpleasant, but it creates an added delay between activating the menu and being able to select an option (can confirm, was trying to navigate through the menus and was forced to wait several times to click the option I already had a cursor on. It's a forced delay). Can we get a toggle for this, to be able to turn it off?


Just hit escape and you'll see it.


When accessing the foundry, the items now pop into existence with an animation instead of just loading in as they were. I use the foundry all the time, at least 50 times a day when I'm playing the game, and haven't seen this before. The same thing happens when switching between foundry tabs.


The same delayed pop-ups that happen in the foundry, also happen at the deploy resource extractor screen.


Why is a UI update being snuck into the game in a hotfix?

Edited by shootaman777
Edit 1: Clarifying; Edit 2: Foundry; Edit 3: Resource Extractors
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1 minute ago, PhobosIncarna said:

i’m going to take a shot every time y’all lay out a hotfix this week

this event has quickly become the worst thing to ever grind in this game and loathe it more every time i see a hotfix cause it just proves how rushed everything is becoming now.

slow it down and fix your messes please.

You must not have been there for Scarlet Spear. Literally broke multiplayer game-wide, required railjack gameplay(back when it was level 30s could instantly nuke your ship) at level 100, the missions broke 9/10 times, the boss enemies you fought(that were handled like demolishers in terms of how you got rewards) would randomly become invulnerable constantly, the currency required 10-20 runs of a 30 minute mission for one reward, and where you only even got paid at all if everyone else in your instance(which could hold up to 100 people but usually only had you and your friends while it was balanced for 50 to finish) finished the event. Also, enemies would randomly drop 200-400 argon crystals as a bug, which would then flag your account for cheating since that wasn't supposed to happen in normal gameplay.

Easily a million times worse. I quit the game for almost a YEAR after that. The worst event I've ever experienced in any game ever, and I pray it never comes back in any capacity.

Belly of the Beast, meanwhile, is perfectly fine. You do one mission and can get between 2-4 arcanes from the eidolon pools for free. It's only Grace, Barrier, and Energize that are pricy, and there's no reason to bother grinding them anyway as someone who already has rank 5 versions of them. Energize is basically just worse Equilibrium nowadays that uses an arcane slot instead of a mod slot, and the other two are only useful for health tanks and for Hildryn respectively. Outside of that, the rest of the stuff is super easy to get, and most of it can be farmed while farming up Jade and her weapons, which is also pretty easy. Good event without much grind at all.

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the sisters should have all of their drops (except steel essence) be affected by looting abilities considering the prices of some items in the jade shop being pretty high.

or just let players at least get an extra chance at more arcane drops from them.

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This might be better now with the damage toned down but Jade Eximus on Infested missions are exceedingly annoying as when in the aura of an Ancient Disruptor the Jade Light just strips all your energy. Doesn't really feel like something intended even though it technically "works" within the rules of the game.

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2 minutes ago, PhobosIncarna said:

i’m going to take a shot every time y’all lay out a hotfix this week

This won't make you feel better,--not that I want to take away anyone's excuse to drink anyway--but we've had three, which has got be average or less than average for a release week.  There've been other release weeks we've had three in a day. :P

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Ulfrun's Descent is broken, it's performing a melee attack out of nowhere right after the Ulfrun charge animation ends. Seems related to auto melee.

Fangs of Raksh cannot proc blast. Because the way blast works now, maybe should be removed from the pool of Fangs of Raksh entirely.

Blast Explosions from weapons take her out of Shroud of Dynar invis.


Edited by crazywolfpusher
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  • Fixed loot abilities (ex: Nekros’ Desecrate, etc.) working on the Sisters of Parvos in Ascension missions. 





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17 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Manifold Bond triggering from Status damage instead of from killing enemies as intended. 

what is this?
is it "Manifold bond"?
or "Contagious bond"???

because only Contagious Bond is the one that need killing,
Manifold Bond never need to kill enemy to trigger it

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2 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

This won't make you feel better,--not that I want to take away anyone's excuse to drink anyway--but we've had three, which has got be average or less than average for a release week.  There've been other release weeks we've had three in a day. :P

i’m trying to just bring to attention that they are really scrambling, and taking dials from one side all the way to another from hotfix to hotfix. plus i already detest elevator brawls, especially ones that drag like a kubrow’s behind


Dante being the most recent peak example of DE rushing their updates and not actually paying attention to anything until it has actually been out for a minute.

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