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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3


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I am going to continue bringing it up until it is reintroduced.

Please add an accessibility option for Status Effects inheriting Energy Color.

I am aware this will likely need to be pushed in a cert update, but some acknowledgement of the fashion-oriented players who are upset about the one gameplay link they had being taken away would be nice.

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17 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed loot abilities (ex: Nekros’ Desecrate, etc.) working on the Sisters of Parvos in Ascension missions.

Please stop "fixing" Ascension. You keep making it worse every time.

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  • Removed a certain jump pad in the Ascension mission as it was yeeting players into a pipe along the wall (BONK).

Finally, no more CLANK CLANK CLANK GET HEADACHE GET HEADACHE GET HEADACHE when all I want to do is catch up to the elevator after missing a ledge and falling.

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Just now, Danny99s said:

I've played the event 6-8-10hrs a day in the past 3 days and i still can't afford 21 Arcane Energize. Are you sure the cost value is right?

Unfortunately, they are 100% correct.
DE is not going to give you an easy grind for an unbeatable meta Arcane.

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Honestly the Jade light being threatening was a good thing, still shows how bad normal survavibility tools are compared to Mesmer Skin, I hope this get adresses one day.

 Also you can't deploy archgun on the elevator and picking a energy cell make it goes on cool down, this might need a fix.


Thank you

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26 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed sprinting during Voruna’s Ulfrun's Descent not increasing her movement speed. 
    • Also fixes her losing her custom animation and doing a standard walk. 

I was like, "did I read it right?! Voruna is now running on 4 during her 4th"? I immediatelly run voruna. Yeah, so much expectation because I read it wrong

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7 minutes ago, vasRayya said:

honestly it was fine having a more threatening eximus

Lol, I thought the same thing.

But then I facing them outside the event and they're so bs.  They deal so much damage.

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Thank you for the hotfixes, always nice to see housekeeping.

Loving the new Operation so far. The Alerts are a huge breath of fresh air, I got so burnt out running the same mission over and over and over with Gargoyle's Cry. The Alerts really help break that cycle, and offer some pretty decent currency rewards as well.

Thank you SO MUCH for updating the Codex Eximus entries to show ALL possible variants upon unlock, instead of having to scan each Eximus type individually. Really cuts down on the Codex farming, and helps Dante's passive as well. I'm still terrified to encounter a Jade Eximus Voidrig...

Small suggestion for the future upgrades to the Navigation Loadout swapper; looking forward to Exalted weapons being on there, but could we also get a section for swapping Focus School? Still have to rely on the Arsenal for that, which isn't a huge deal, but I feel it could be added without causing too much clutter.

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hace 28 minutos, [DE]Megan dijo:

Also fixes her losing her custom animation and doing a standard walk. 

Wait, she has a custom animation? Nice! Hope we can see it someday because still not working 🙂

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What even is the point of this aacension mission type? It takes 8 minutes to clear on average so nobody will be doing any kind of relic cracking, if it is ever added to fissures. The gameplay of the mission itself is counter to warframes theme, fast paced parkour gameplay. After the event, and getting the frame an weapons, nobody will touch this mission. Once jade prime is out, even less will do the mission. DE consistently fails to cater to the entire community recently, rather than the select few. 

For example, cascade. Amazing mission type, can be done quick for casual players and can be a couple hours for hard-core level cap enthusiasts. Extremely rewarding, dropping arcane and bile materials, as well as parts on fissures. 

Disruption, second fastest yet the easiest mission to level cap, but again can be done fast for casual players. Great for stress testing builds for high level content (this is needed because for SOME REASON we STILL cannot freely adjust enemy level in simulacrum. What is the point of a testing room when level 200 enemies melt in one shot...)

Ascension: funny long elevator. That's it.

Do you know what I do on this mission? I grab a couple green kool-aid, put them on the elevator, and proceed to go in voidwalk mode on operator or mesmer skin for the next 5 minutes until it reaches the top. Then I do I little bit of actual, FUN, gameplay, kill the sister, absolutely slaughter hundreds of eximus in the "birthing chamber" right before extraction, and then I am forced to leave. 

The biggest issue I have is that there is such an easy fix here that would improve the mission by leaps and bounds, and please the hard-core half of the community. Make the elevator ride endless, and fast scaling like cascade. Or turn it into a survival mission at the end with enemies reaching high levels very fast to attempt to induce a forced extraction. Idk, something. 


The game is in a good state right now, but it could be miles better. The lack of repeatable endgame content is crushing, we are limited to disruption or cascade. The other mission types take 4+ hours to hit level cap. 

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36 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

I mean it is THE JADE LIGHT, so it makes sense it does a ton of damage in a single concentrated area

Are we going by lore now ? because if we make the game lore accurate then 99% of it is gonna change lmao

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21 minutes ago, Danny99s said:

I've played the event 6-8-10hrs a day in the past 3 days and i still can't afford 21 Arcane Energize. Are you sure the cost value is right?

Ya got 30 days to get them. Save for that, you can clean out the whole store instead of going for the legendary arcanes, melt those down if you really want to, and then try your hand at the loid casino!

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49 минут назад, vasRayya сказал:

honestly it was fine having a more threatening eximus

rly again there is no complication(again everything is very simple((

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32 minutes ago, Maxwell said:

Honestly the Jade light being threatening was a good thing, still shows how bad normal survavibility tools are compared to Mesmer Skin, I hope this get adresses one day.

It was kinda funny watching 30k overguard just evaporate, but seemed pretty inappropriate for an attack with no visible link to the enemy and only about a second of telegraphing. And I think the biggest problem wasn't damage against players but schmelting objectives in seconds.

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