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You didn't fix anything, because I still couldn't understand what he was trying to say. Horrible wording, I suppose. If you're asking how I'm able to spam the ability so much, how I'm able to do so well with it, where I spam and what I do. I'll share my secret.


1. Where I tested: I don't "Test" Anything. I play. T3 defense, ODD and ODS is what I do most of the time, and what I've been doing recently. I want Mutagen, Burston Prime, and the Fang and Braton Prime to complete my missing collection. Therefore, I run Ember prime with Tigris, Dual Vastos or Aklex, and a Galatine/Dual Kama/or Orthos Prime. So far, I've done really well and have only died 3 times, two of which were in the same one(Stood in front of the lazers like an idiot), in a little less than 16 T3 Def runs.


2. Endless energy: It's not endless, but it sure as hell isn't limited. My frame comes with; Stretch(11points in = slot), Continuity(5 in check), Constitution(7 in -) Streamline(9), Accelerant(4), Focus(6i n check slot), Redirection(7 in shield slot), Vitality(6 in shield slot), Flow(9), and WoF(7). Accelerant normally costs 50 points, but I think it now costs only 35? 35 per cast isn't expensive. It's sure as hell cheaper, far more so, than spamming WoF which Ember is usually built around. Do the math, yourselves. Also, it's an in-your-face move. This goes into my third point about it.


3. In-your-face. 'nuff said. You can stun enemies in a 360 degree radius. You're no Rhino, Nyx, or Vauban. But you can stun them, and then WoF or swing away with something that has a fire mod. It has insane damage with a stun you can activate every 2 galatine charged attacks. 450 energy is more than enough to galatine or shoot a heavy gunner or two to death on the last wave of a T3 defense with enough left over to spam WoF two or three more times. Also, because you're in their face(I play with shotguns and, usually, Orthos prime or galatine), you're usually picking up energy orbs which are, roughly, one more Accelerant. (OMG, can't wait for Melee 2.0~ >.<)


There. Mini-guide to how to play Accelerant spam. You're welcome. Accelerant isn't bad, people just need to get used to it like they got used to the nerf on Overheat. Also, my gear is usually modded with Corrosive and Heat if I have the room for it. I find it doing significantly more for me at the moment, and even more so with Ember's accelerant. I'm not sure if the move's actually supposed to multiply the heat damage from weapons, but it does.

Understand your point of view.
But I can not agree with it .
1) Rhino stomp except that deals 800 damage ( without amplifiers ) in addition he immobilizes the target for 9 seconds.
2) In Rhino stomp has a radius of about 36 meters ( gaming ) .
3) Rhino have 190 armor.
4) Both speed 1.0
In my opinion if the class is very slow and poorly armored it must be the heat exchanger. I honestly say it does not matter how well a new skill . It is useless in 80 % of cases. Since technically already been checked that the mobs above level 50 weakly armored kill with one hit.
By the way the question remains where did the damage absorption in the 2.0 system . To which we were never answered.
Понял Вашу точку зрения. 
Но я не могу с ней согласиться.
1) У Носорога топот кроме того что наносит 800 урона (без всяких усилителей) в добавок он обездвиживает противника на 9 секунд.
2) У Носорога топот имеет радиус около 36 метров (игровых).
3) У Носорога 190 брони.
4) У обоих скорость движения 1.0
По моему если класс очень медленный и слабо бронированный он должен быть утилизатором. Мне честно сказать не важно насколько хорошо новое умение. Оно бесполезно в 80% случаев. Так как уже технически было проверенно что мобы выше 50 уровня слабо бронированных убивают с 1 попадания. 
Кстати по прежнему остается открытым вопрос откуда взялось поглощение урона в системе 2.0. На который нам никогда не ответят.
Edited by hallfrom
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Fixed that for you. The ability gives *up to* 3.5 multiplier, but still you are right - the ability is way too expensive to be spammed as it ment to (unless you give up all the other abilities, which you just as well might seeing how they don't give enough damage for their energy cost or cast time.

Алсо, если ты будешь дублировать сообщение по-русски, будет понятнее имхо.

Technical testing shows the opposite. If the multiplier x3.5 after amplification with 670 in 2345 should have ... And I see only 1000. Are you sure that what you are saying?
Even if it is assumed that the maximum gain of 3.5 (x+120%) is not of any value to converge. (Damage must not be lower than 1500).
The check was on mobs 15 - 20 levels.
Техническая проверка показывает обратное. Если множитель x3.5 то после усиления с 670 должно получиться 2345... А я наблюдаю только 1000. Вы уверенны в том что говорите?
Даже если предположить что 3.5 максимальное усиление (x+120%) то по любому значения не сходятся. (Урон не должен быть ниже 1500).
Проверка была на мобах 15 - 20 уровней.
Edited by hallfrom
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hallfrom, мопед не мой. Мб имелось ввиду *с корраптед модами*, я хз.

И, насчёт мобов - кайтить надо, кайтить как бог, чтобы никто не смог в тебя долго стрелять, ни мобы, ни небо, ни даже аллах.

Katzenwolf, very well, I see your point. Although I still don't think that Ember is mobile enough for such a skill. The stun is nice indeed, but it's not nice enough for her speed/armour, and energy orbs aren't that eager to fall nowadays, at least for me.

It's nice that Ember finally has that spammable skill she really needed to have fireblast turned into, it's just a bit annoying that Scott had to go and wreck her entire gameplay for it. The skill sure allows to use the fire-based eaponry a lot more, though it shifts ember's playstyle to kiting a lot between dealing out damage to enemies tagged with your ability, and that niche is already filled in with Nova, who runs faster and hits harder.

My point mostly is - Ember used to have a pretty unique playstyle about her, and it felt really nice to be an AoE DoT Tank, even though the DoT part needed to be fixed, and some CC was required. Now ember is a squishy AoE CC/WeaponDD, which probably describes about half of already existing frames.

Accelerant is nice and all, but it's still being her "only saving grace", in that the changes didn't really fix her other abilities being less than desirable to use. Only now you have to kite like hell before you can safely chop away at your foes, as opposed to using Overheats' dr, which was a lot more fun with current frames' speed.

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Wall of text, TLDR at the bottom.


Listen, Overheat was an amazing ability. I understand people are upset over losing it. But this whole "Ember is garbage now" and 'Accelerant is useless" S#&$ needs to stop. It makes me question if anyone has even considered simply trying to CHANGE their playstyle instead of trying to play the same way without the right tools and getting bopped for it. Consider the following.


Here's my build, 1 Forma:


Phoenix Helmet


Energy Siphon        MAXED


Fireball                    MAXED

Accelerant               MAXED

Fireblast                  MAXED

World on Fire          MAXED


Redirection              MAXED


Streamline               MAXED

Focus                      MAXED

Continuity                MAXED


Consititution            MAXED

Fleeting Expertise   3 Ticks



Notice no Blind Rage. When I played with it after the changes, I realized, as most of you have by now, that she cannot maintain a high uptime on both Accelerant and WoF in a high level Survival or Defense mission, it just costs too much energy. She runs out of energy, she can't spam Accelerant to mitigate damage, she gets bopped. Can't even consider casting Fire Blast or Fireball because of this constraint.


So I took it off. At first I was concerned, as many of you probably are, that her damage will fall off too hard without it. But at the point where this is relevant, everyone's power damage has fallen off, and we are left with a Frame's utility as the defining aspect that dictates how good or bad they are. Nova isn't good because she can clear a room at level 30, she's good because M.Prime is ridiculous group support with one button press at level 60. This dynamic is a problem of course, but that's another discussion.


With this build, you never stop casting. It's a constant barrage of CC and damage, all the time. Heat Dagger copter, Accelerant in mid air. WoF, Flame Blast for 3 second stun, unload a Tigris or Boar Prime with Fire damage. Spam Fireball on the heavies while you reload to keep them stunned. Accelerant the new mobs. Heat Dagger ground slam, 3 more seconds of stun, etc etc.


Learn the timing on the Accelerant stun. It only costs 15 energy with this build, so you can just spam it all over the room if your team starts to get swamped. Your CC potential is enormous. And if you're in a group with 3 Energy Siphons? Just forget about it.


This doesn't just work against low level trash, by the way. This works in late wave T3 defense, against swarms of 50+ mobs. It doesn't matter if you can't take a hit if they never get a chance to shoot you. That's why Vauban is good.


However, you have to play the hell out of some Warframe to keep it all going, which I think is exactly how it should be. You use your whole kit, the whole match, constantly. To me, that is how a caster Frame SHOULD play. I don't want to hit 2, 4, shoot my gun until it's time to refresh my buffs. If I wanted to do that I would play Vauban.



TL,DR: Although power damage vs. high armor mobs is broken right now, Ember is still a great Frame. Accelerant is amazing. Try playing with it instead of in spite of it.


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Yes, that's clearly what I typed. I just mash on Accelerant all day and nothing else. I'm glad I got my point across.

Now, don't get me wrong, but that isn't exactly what could be expected from such a global "fix", is it?

I'm not saying "rip Ember", but "rip Ember playstyle". Definite playstyle is that one thing that should be kept constant about a frame in all the balancing, and that was botched up. Botched up for a weak cause, mind you, since it only replaced one spammed ability for the other and did not do anything about two of her abilities being nigh-useless and her ulti hitting diminishing returns way too fast.

I like Accelerant, but there's no way you can convince me replacement of Overheat was what Ember *really* needed most of all.

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Played as ember for quite a while, the accelerant is nice, but i still think that i need overheat skill back, and let accelerant replace fire blast my opinion. :)


because i think that fire blast is almost the same with the world on fire.. both are area killing skill, but differences is fire blast stick to an area, while world on fire not. Better have all skill have their own unique purpose.

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Played as ember for quite a while, the accelerant is nice, but i still think that i need overheat skill back, and let accelerant replace fire blast my opinion. :)


because i think that fire blast is almost the same with the world on fire.. both are area killing skill, but differences is fire blast stick to an area, while world on fire not. Better have all skill have their own unique purpose.

I'd rather see fireball taken out and fireblast modified slightly to be a cheap spam ability. Ember is a close quarters mage frame, as weird as it sounds, so she probably shouldn't have an ability that damages her at close range. It would also help differentiate fireblast from WoF.

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hallfrom, мопед не мой. Мб имелось ввиду *с корраптед модами*, я хз.

И, насчёт мобов - кайтить надо, кайтить как бог, чтобы никто не смог в тебя долго стрелять, ни мобы, ни небо, ни даже аллах.


Полное усиление имелось в виду - поврежденные + стандартные (90%+30%=120%).

И причем здесь Аллах? Я то атеист и потому не понял смысл фразы... А мобы. Они действуют как и любые боты. Благо разработчики таки сделали им разброс огня, так что теперь с дистанции они обойму не всаживают точно в цель.


The total gain was meant - corrupted + standard (90% +30% = 120%).
And where is God? I am an atheist because it did not understand the meaning of the phrase ... And mobs. They act like any bots. Benefit developers still made ​​them spread the fire, so that now the race they did not thrust clip right on target.
ПС. Кайтить с пачкой мобов в ближнем бою... Это по моему верх мазохизма. =)
ППС. Надо при этом еще не забывать спамить 2. =)
Edited by hallfrom
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Полное усиление имелось в виду - поврежденные + стандартные (90%+30%=120%).

И причем здесь Аллах? Я то атеист и потому не понял смысл фразы... А мобы. Они действуют как и любые боты. Благо разработчики таки сделали им разброс огня, так что теперь с дистанции они обойму не всаживают точно в цель.


The total gain was meant - corrupted + standard (90% +30% = 120%).

And where is God? I am an atheist because it did not understand the meaning of the phrase ... And mobs. They act like any bots. Benefit developers still made ​​them spread the fire, so that now the race they did not thrust clip right on target.


ПС. Кайтить с пачкой мобов в ближнем бою... Это по моему верх мазохизма. =)

ППС. Надо при этом еще не забывать спамить 2. =)

Мем такой http://lurkmore.to/%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B5_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%85

И таки да, верх мазохизма, но некоторые товарищи и это называют хорошим стилем игры.

Wlep, they have some spread at least, and the faster you get into accelerant range, the better.

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Wall of text, TLDR at the bottom.


Listen, Overheat was an amazing ability. I understand people are upset over losing it. But this whole "Ember is garbage now" and 'Accelerant is useless" S#&$ needs to stop. It makes me question if anyone has even considered simply trying to CHANGE their playstyle instead of trying to play the same way without the right tools and getting bopped for it. Consider the following.


Here's my build, 1 Forma:


Phoenix Helmet


Energy Siphon        MAXED


Fireball                    MAXED

Accelerant               MAXED

Fireblast                  MAXED

World on Fire          MAXED


Redirection              MAXED


Streamline               MAXED

Focus                      MAXED

Continuity                MAXED


Consititution            MAXED

Fleeting Expertise   3 Ticks



Notice no Blind Rage. When I played with it after the changes, I realized, as most of you have by now, that she cannot maintain a high uptime on both Accelerant and WoF in a high level Survival or Defense mission, it just costs too much energy. She runs out of energy, she can't spam Accelerant to mitigate damage, she gets bopped. Can't even consider casting Fire Blast or Fireball because of this constraint.


So I took it off. At first I was concerned, as many of you probably are, that her damage will fall off too hard without it. But at the point where this is relevant, everyone's power damage has fallen off, and we are left with a Frame's utility as the defining aspect that dictates how good or bad they are. Nova isn't good because she can clear a room at level 30, she's good because M.Prime is ridiculous group support with one button press at level 60. This dynamic is a problem of course, but that's another discussion.


With this build, you never stop casting. It's a constant barrage of CC and damage, all the time. Heat Dagger copter, Accelerant in mid air. WoF, Flame Blast for 3 second stun, unload a Tigris or Boar Prime with Fire damage. Spam Fireball on the heavies while you reload to keep them stunned. Accelerant the new mobs. Heat Dagger ground slam, 3 more seconds of stun, etc etc.


Learn the timing on the Accelerant stun. It only costs 15 energy with this build, so you can just spam it all over the room if your team starts to get swamped. Your CC potential is enormous. And if you're in a group with 3 Energy Siphons? Just forget about it.


This doesn't just work against low level trash, by the way. This works in late wave T3 defense, against swarms of 50+ mobs. It doesn't matter if you can't take a hit if they never get a chance to shoot you. That's why Vauban is good.


However, you have to play the hell out of some Warframe to keep it all going, which I think is exactly how it should be. You use your whole kit, the whole match, constantly. To me, that is how a caster Frame SHOULD play. I don't want to hit 2, 4, shoot my gun until it's time to refresh my buffs. If I wanted to do that I would play Vauban.



TL,DR: Although power damage vs. high armor mobs is broken right now, Ember is still a great Frame. Accelerant is amazing. Try playing with it instead of in spite of it.


That sounds interesting, i'll try do build mine like this. Btw, should i use Shade with her?

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Accelerant is good. Now if DE would only replace the rest of her moves or buff/change Ember's other moves to be just as good and useful (I'm looking at you, Flame blast), there wouldn't be much moaning about her. Sure, I hated losing overheat(Like all other Ember players). But I don't care, anymore.  Accelerant's more effective at keeping you alive as long as you know how to use it.(Then again, I play a lot and have more time to get used to the new playstyle.)


Overheat didn't -save- me from T3, last wave heavy gunners like Accelerant can. 40% DR + Power % didn't really do much for me as I was still squish. And Ember's always going to be Squish(Unless they bring back Old Overheat). They nerfed Overheat from 75% because they realized something was wrong when Ember can spam a 30 second, 75%+ damage reduction skill and regen far more energy than she just used while being tankier than Rhino. I put 5 formas into Ember, and Ember Prime before this change came out. Guess what? My old build still works. Differently, but it keeps me going. That's all I care about.


As a few people have said, though, I do agree that Ember is a close-range mageframe. She's heavy on DoT's and most of her survivability, pre-2.0, came from her abilities setting things on fire which caused enemies to panic/get stunned. Accelerant auto-stuns all targets and increases fire damage. But Fire blast, as much as I hate it, is the only thing guaranteed to light something on fire in a useful AoE radius. Unfortunately, she needs a way to soak damage, to get close to enemies. Flame blast needs a fire-dash that ends in a fiery explosion, creating a ring of fire. A sort of GTFO or gap-closing move that, since it lights enemies on fire, will panic enemies and allow you to accelerant spam.

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Overheat didn't -save- me from T3, last wave heavy gunners like Accelerant can. 40% DR + Power % didn't really do much for me as I was still squish.

It didn't save you because Scott kept nerfing it till he finally removed it. That last Nerf moved it off a DR covering shields and health to just health. So you were Health Tanking with a DR, and we can see how well that worked out for Valkyr when she launched. If Overheat were brought to the point it did DR with Shields, it would be back to a functional level again.

Edited by Brasten
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Since accelerant isn't going anywhere, how about it gets turned into an aura instead of the current version?


Accelerant debuff runs out way too fast on enemies, so the aura would change this into nice synergy with World on Fire. The stun should only apply when casting.

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That sounds interesting, i'll try do build mine like this. Btw, should i use Shade with her?

I would highly recommend it. If you're rezzing someone standing in a blob of blinded mobs, Shade invis will cloak you and keep you safe from the new enemies coming in that you can't blind. It's also pretty amusing jogging next to a group of enemies with WoF up while stealthed. Just be sure to remove his mod that makes him fire at things and he'll stay alive through most missions unless you catch a high level Napalm shot with your face.

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Copy-paste from another thread:


My dream Ember would consist of these 4 skills:


1) Fireball

- Adds a ground dot aoe, similiar to napalm, sticks to enemies and allies.


2) Overheat

- 40% damage reduction that only applies to health but is affected by power strength. Goes up to 91% this way.


3) Accelerant

- Stuns enemies when cast, continues as an aura that adds fire damage done to affected enemies.


4) World on Fire

- Stays as awesome as ever, just like it's now.

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I would highly recommend it. If you're rezzing someone standing in a blob of blinded mobs, Shade invis will cloak you and keep you safe from the new enemies coming in that you can't blind. It's also pretty amusing jogging next to a group of enemies with WoF up while stealthed. Just be sure to remove his mod that makes him fire at things and he'll stay alive through most missions unless you catch a high level Napalm shot with your face.


Welp, heres my ember atm: http://i.imgur.com/7clDnub.jpg


Her mods: http://i.imgur.com/nQG6yIh.jpg


Build is very much viable and fun. Yeah, you need to run around, maneuver a lot, but t3's and nightmare leves completely doable in solo.


What i can definatly say about her, thats shes still one of the most fun warframes to play. Yeah i can wreck anything as trinity but screw that. I love to blow stuff up >:3


Soon my ignis will be ready and then i'll go even more crazy.

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Copy-paste from another thread:


My dream Ember would consist of these 4 skills:


1) Fireball

- Adds a ground dot aoe, similiar to napalm, sticks to enemies and allies.


2) Overheat

- 40% damage reduction that only applies to health but is affected by power strength. Goes up to 91% this way.


3) Accelerant

- Stuns enemies when cast, continues as an aura that adds fire damage done to affected enemies.


4) World on Fire

- Stays as awesome as ever, just like it's now.

So I heard you like to healthtank?

Fireball used to be a ground DoT AoE too, didn't work out either. (because the damage was way too low)

Overheat without effect on shields can stay the way it is right now, because healthtanking exists in this game about as much as skill damage scaling.

We could just fuse fireblast and accelerant, stunning stuff in the blast radius and giving fire damage multiplier to everything in the ring.

WoF is not as awesome as ever right now. It *is* better than how it once used to be, but it's still not nearly as good as it was before it was "fixed".

Edited by GTG3000
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We might as well give up as they don't seem to be the least interested in our feedback.

Interested =! Agrees with.


The few remaining changes I could like to see within Ember is the thickening or the complete filling in of her 3, Fire Blast, so that it synergies better with her 2, Accelerate even if the flames inside the ring are weaker than at the edges. Beyond that, her 1, Fire Ball could afford to have either its range increased or have its damage decreased and returning to a small ranged fire pool while guaranteeing the proc chance of having enemies who pass over it panic from being caught aflame.


These two changes will result in her 2 and 3 growing well with 'Range Expanding' and duration mods very well, it will also give her a CC focused ability, her 1, and her 4 is fine to begin with seeing as the range only is used to search for targets and will only fire up randomly if there are no valid targets in range, allowing it not to be hindered by expanding the range limits of her 2 or 3, or the size of the CC pool of her 1. All of her abilities other than this change to her 1 will feel significant boosts still to increased 'Power Strength'. All of her abilities will further expand firmly from increased 'Power Duration' possibly greater than they would from just increasing the 'Power Strength' as her 3 could layer with itself multiple times.

Edited by Makya
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I've played Ember since closed beta and have used her as a main for over 115 hours. As such I've closely noted the changes DE has made and have been progressively disappointed at their direction and exclusion of player feedback. It seems that DE's "vision" of a damage only, weak, and overall impractical Ember somehow doesn't coincide with the player's countless hours of testing and game play expectations. Ember has been the most reworked frame in terms of abilities and yet currently remains one of the worst in almost every aspect.


Let's do a bit of history. Back before U9.8 Ember was one of the best and arguably the most fun Warframes to play. Her damage combined with the ability to tank as well as the aesthetic fire element made her a well balanced and highly adaptive frame for all factions. Fireball and Fireblast were useless and many asked that these be changed (they weren't). After 9.8 Overheat's damage reduction was dropped and Ember became an exclusive damage-only Warframe, incapable of out-damaging the more utility based Saryn and Nova.


When corrupted mods were released in U10.3 Ember again rose to her prior position as one of the best frames because of Blind Rage. However just as players have acquired the new mods and started to level them U11 came which nerfed Ember yet again. Overheat would only reduce damage on health, not shields. This basically gave the effects of steel fiber which no one uses because shields are superior. This isn't directly related to Ember changes but the removal of Infested in U11.3 gave even less reason to players to use Ember.


All in all I'm, again, extremely disappointed in DE's handling of Ember. If they could at least communicate more as to the logic behind many of the changes or at least acknowledge stealth changes understanding could be achieved.


But enough of that; let's review the new changes.



Fireball, whilst being somewhat decent, still has no reason to be used over a gun. Although the travel time is almost instant and the damage is mediocre (for most levels) the stealth nerf by removal of AoE is perplexing. If Fireball retained the AoE it would be useful as an alternative for most non-AoE weapons when dealing with mobs from afar. However now there is just no reason to use this over a gun.


As stated before by many players, Fireball should be changed all together so it will give some sort of utility.


Suggested changes: Make fireball into a DoT sticky projectile, similar to the Grineer Napalm's. Whilst this was implemented before, a much longer duration will offer much more diversity in uses. It would be similar in role to that of Vauban's Tesla and offer both and offensive and defensive role.



Overheat, along with WoF, was pretty much what made Ember. The removal of Ember's only utility skill is perhaps one of the worst decisions made for any particular Warframe.



Absolutely awful. It does stun in an AoE around Ember. It will only increase the damage of fire, not physical or any other element or combinations. There is nothing new about this ability as Excalibur had it first, although his is still better. Contrary to DE's description it does not add knock back.


Suggested changes: Revert Overheat to do 40% damage reduction on health and shields.



Fireblast does pretty good damage now but it's still useless on anything other than infested.


Suggested changes: Put accelerant here.



WoF has been the least changed of her abilities and as such everyone is relatively content with that. The aesthetic changes are a bad game play choice as it distracts the player both visually and audibly. It should be reverted back to its prior state or changed.


Suggested changes: Revert to the pre-U11.3 animation.


Currently players have no reason to choose Ember over other Warframes as any other frame will do better in terms of speed, endurance, utility, and damage. This last factor is the most important as DE's supposed role for ember is that of a caster damage frame. However a damage-only frame is absolutely horrible both for survivability and late-game purposes.


It also seems that DE doesn't know how to approach Ember as at first she was a crowd control frame (as per game description) but functionally a tank, then a close combat frame (which lacked close combat stats), and now she is a ranged damage-only frame. Even her helmets offer no real specialized stats. Please, please take player feedback into consideration.



I have to agree with most of this, though I have no issues with the new WOF animation nor Accalerant (do agree that this should probably replace fire blast since thats really only effective to infested and they hardly exist now)




I suggested a few changes to Ember's abilities (this sorta is a "dream Skillset" for my kind of playstyle but right now I almost thing ANY change would possibly be a step in the right direction. right now she is still rather all over the place) 



Edited by Fartbake
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We might as well give up as they don't seem to be the least interested in our feedback.

Giving up isn't an option, maggot. This game is still too awesome to just stand aside and see it collapse upon itself.

Fartbake, that's an interesting suggestion.

Although I'm more with Engelheim on this one.

Personally my suggestion is (and kinda was in the 9.8 feedback thread):

Fireball - Ember lobs a ball of fire, that explodes, using thunderbolt or ogris animation, and ragdolling enemies in it's AoE range.

Overheat - Ember gets up to 80-90% damage reduction with mods (hard cap), gaining 100% strong fire DoT for her melee attacks, trading half the range of her abilities for that.

Fireblast - Stuns enemies in the blast range, then proceeds to give a mod-affected multiplier for fire damage on anything in the ring. My old suggestion was "make warframes in the ring invisible for the enemy so that they just unload at the ring randomly, but eh.

Overheat - is nice right now, but could use more targets at once.

This way, you wouldn't just be a uberdamage facetank, but still could enjoy benefits of Overheat. Maybe half is not enough, tho.

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