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Pc Event: The Cicero Crisis


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you can never make everyone happy...that's life


Sure they coulda made everyone happy!


Let all the grouping people get their rewards in 1x100 run, let all the Soloists get it in 10x10 runs.


Everybody's happy!


Look at that.


EDIT: Except for the people who are INSISTENT on making it impossible to earn rewards by Solo means, that is. But I don't care about those people.

Edited by Xylia
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so I can do 10 runs of 10 points or have to do 1 of 100 ?


1 run for 100 points, if you want the Viper.


The game only counts your maximum score.


So if you do a successfull 100 run, you reached the high score and become locked there. Afterwards you can do as many runs under 100 as you want.


Doing more than one 100 run is not usefull if you are in a clan, at which point all of your total points are calculated.

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Wow. I'm frankly insulted by how much Solo player hate there is. Is this really necessary? Those of us clamoring to the devs to let us have, idk, a cumulative score or something that we can work towards isn't *@##$ing. It's reality. Even MMOs--which this game is trying to be but isn't quite yet--let you play single player content. I mean heck, I play Guild Wars and you can play the whole game by yourself without any friends. The game gives you companions for certain dungeons, etc. Punishing players for not wanting to run with the rushers and playing at your own pace is NOT all right.

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Sure play the game Solo, go with that, DE is not stopping you from doing this, but as it comes down to it, it's quite clear, you can achieve great things alone, clearly you can achieve greater things as a team, and I don't think they should have to curtail to a few individuals who won't change their ways to join the majority of team based play for a short time.

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This is a bit of a problem.  They should not be putting players without antitoxins in the same que as players with.  I did this to some guy on my first game.  I didn't know what was going on.  I saw a new flashy thing and tried it before reading about the event.







Edit- On a side note why don't they just make it require 4 antitoxins for the solo guys too.  That way the can at least try for the 100.

Edited by jubbly
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Sure play the game Solo, go with that, DE is not stopping you from doing this, but as it comes down to it, it's quite clear, you can achieve great things alone, clearly you can achieve greater things as a team, and I don't think they should have to curtail to a few individuals who won't change their ways to join the majority of team based play for a short time.


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I love you too, DE, but seeing these sorts of posts (these are just two good examples) in general forums and the like is making me really sad, please address:


I'm personally not going for Twin Wraith Vipers, but it sucks real hard for everyone else having to wait for the next cycle, farm, and craft another Lapis anti-toxin because some butthole wanted to join your run and leave once it's started because he didn't have an anti-toxin.



... Always dem Lokis with their suave "Me got lapis" and disconnecting once we put ours in.


I should really learn my lesson now that I have lost two lapis anti-toxins short of 100 points.

But there is just no way to tell, or did I miss something?





Not everyone is in a cool clan. And I don't even want to imagine how frustrating that must be for people with slow or bad connections. Since you're a F2P game, you tend to attract people who don't have the highest of the high end connections, but who can save up to buy plat for goodies now and then, specifically. Try to be kind to them, please.

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Umm... The Jade Leaf plants are really rare... I cannot find any... Its a bit discouraging. Im worried that once I find the day one and the night one, my 3 other friends will have a really tough time finding them... then we cannot get the 100 pts :[


Kinda a bummer. Wish I would do the mission and increment towards the prize (but not 100 battles again, plz was too much)


But, I do like the new mission type weather its a bug or a feature: Its a recon mission, I think there is only one alarm they can push, so you can stealth all or most of the mission more easily! Its pretty cool

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I just did the Cicero event with four people and we all had Lapis Anti-toxin.  We completed the event and got the max score of 100.  When I went to check my progress stats it still says I have a score of zero.  Anyone else getting this?

Edited by NastyButler86
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I actually really enjoyed this Event.


Tedium reduced to a minimum. I done some solo stealth runs to collect samples, data for the Codex and explore good old Earth. Then made antidotes, found some buddies and completed 100 points. I am satisfied, not tired by endless grinding, ready to do some more runs. Just for fun.


What I would like is to DE add some verticality to Forest Tile Sets. So we could ninja our way above enemies and drop on them when they are least expecting.

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I actually really enjoyed this Event.


Tedium reduced to a minimum. I done some solo stealth runs to collect samples, data for the Codex and explore good old Earth. Then made antidotes, found some buddies and completed 100 points. I am satisfied, not tired by endless grinding, ready to do some more runs. Just for fun.


What I would like is to DE add some verticality to Forest Tile Sets. So we could ninja our way above enemies and drop on them when they are least expecting.

glad you had a good time


wish I could say the same for everyone else

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 Not DE's problem.

Let me prove you wrong.


1) Strict NAT that is not client-side nor ISP.


2) Not everyone has modern PC. I can run WF solo at 60-80fps with my ~3 years old PC. You are hosting coop because your ~3years old PC and your 3/1mb inet got most points in some quick test? Welp, fps falls down to 30-40. Defense/survival in void or new earth? 10-20fps.


3) Because excluding people who cannot play coop, with pretty much setting single option from true to false, is just poor design.


4) I've set max ping to 100ms. I will still connect to people from NA that have ping 200ms. Or to someone in Russia who has 500ms. Have fun.


5) Player's personal preference. "Why shoud i carry my team? They just kill-steal my xp/kill count.", "Iam awesome! I can handle you all by myself!", etc.


There you have reasons why people run solo. And if people who run solo cannot do events made by DE, then it kinda is DE's problem. And if thats not an oversight, but intended, then sorry, but thats a low blow to solo players. Not to speak of ways how to screw legit players who can run coop. See posts from other people.



My experience with the event so far. Gone in. Expected the score to count towards my total score. Did few gathering runs, crafted some antitoxins, gone to public games few times with various antitoxins. Did 100 total score. Wait. It doesnt add up. Well, guess i need the rare antitoxin then with 3 other people. Grinding solo for last rare ingredient iam missing for 3 hours. Havent found it and missions switched to night time. Guess i'll be back grinding tomorrow and then waiting for a hotfix, so i wont lose it to some scumbag. And let's hope the host won't drop everyone in middle of defense part. Oh, well... No wonder iam sad today. :/


But do not get me wrong! The tileset is almost perfect. Personaly i would love to see more vertical gameplay for ambush/stealth type gameplay. Looks awesome as always and the day/night cycle, ah <3. I cant wait to try out survival mode there and the bridge defense tile is something iam in love with right now. Cover designed in ways to set you in a choke point against a prepared squad with positional advantage feels great. But i still think there are huge flaws with the event and some of them are pretty much same like in the previous event.

Edited by eStecko
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Man, i really hope that next warframe they introduce will be based on Sherlock Holmes. Why do i have to hunt info on wiki and forums? Is this some kind of meta game? Codex seems even now more pointless than before.

It's really sad. Countless hours of hard work destroyed by not releasing necessary info in clear, easy to understand way.

This event should be called DEja-vu: it is screwed exactly same way as those before. Not enough information, misleading intel, unattainable goal(s) for specific group(s) of players. It also requires coop made from random strangers without tools to provide necessary info. Clan players excluded, obviously.

Lotus, for the last time, copying notes from one smudged, crumpled sticky note is not enough.

Sorry for harshness of my words DE, i still love you, but this is exactly as i see it. And it's not nice.

Edited by turbinea
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I'm a solo player that likes this even. I think it's fun.


Guess what I can do though? I can go ask people who are willing to help with their rare Lapis anti-toxin and reap the benefits of getting a marvelous set of Viper Wraiths.


Events I feel need to be community based.

I play solo on many missions and bosses because I like to do that. On an even I would love to do it solo but When you have a rhino that can do a roar and give you 115% damage increase (yo) adding that to a team of other capable teammates makes for an amazing time and easy run. Simple as that.

I would love if they can apprieciate solo players in events.

But for me. I'm fine with it. I LOVE the tileset! I LOVE that I can be Predator and kill some grineer. I can't wait till it goes live on earth and we get a fantastic experience.
In the mean time. I have to wait a couple of hours till 6PM to get the Day Cycle in that damn map >___________>

Other than that great event DE :D

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I'm a solo player that likes this even. I think it's fun.


Guess what I can do though? I can go ask people who are willing to help with their rare Lapis anti-toxin and reap the benefits of getting a marvelous set of Viper Wraiths.


Events I feel need to be community based.

I play solo on many missions and bosses because I like to do that. On an even I would love to do it solo but When you have a rhino that can do a roar and give you 115% damage increase (yo) adding that to a team of other capable teammates makes for an amazing time and easy run. Simple as that.

I would love if they can apprieciate solo players in events.

But for me. I'm fine with it. I LOVE the tileset! I LOVE that I can be Predator and kill some grineer. I can't wait till it goes live on earth and we get a fantastic experience.

In the mean time. I have to wait a couple of hours till 6PM to get the Day Cycle in that damn map >___________>

Other than that great event DE :D

I agree. I pretty much said everything above in my comment, but you have a half point in the "Events need to be community based", the second point i would like to add is ", but not forced."


Coop has its benefits and flaws to be honest. Team support and synergy between the players is rather limited to say the least. But that is way off topic.


But still. Some people cannot or dont want to play coop due to many reasons. Not to speak of that people can currently make you throw away your hard earned Lapis antitoxin by leaving or host drops everyone.

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Not DE's problem.

You're really cold against solos huh? Whatever. This isnt how a community is supposed to act. We're not your enemy; we just want access to the same content as those who choose to play online. Besides...is giving that to us solo players going to impede on your experience? No.

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