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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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agreed. that was rly dissapointing. i waited a long time for the livestream to get some answers... but in the end we didnt get one. 


They are always drunk and joke around during Livestreams, I doubt they will improve their behavior.

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I don't think these statements are something only Veterans can agree with. I joined in June of 2013, and even I have to agree with all of these.


Just out of interest, what defines a Veteran player to you? It's not fair of you to put yourself and your fellow "veterans" in a position of self-importance, like you're better than everyone else. Don't kid yourself, either. This whole thread stinks of pretentiousness.



Anyways, I'll be honest. I only skimmed through your post, and most of this thread, but from what I gathered, you're just reiterating everything Digital Extreme's is already aware of. They know Warframe is flawed; lack of Mastery rewards, lore, end-game, et cetera is not something they need to be reminded of. What exactly is the point of this thread?

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This is not true at all. Overkill made a profit from their pre-order alone. You should also listen to Jim Sterling's opinion on this if mine isn't enough. Overkill made a huge profit with a very small budget. They barely had any ressources compared to Dice and made the right choices and it resulted in a great game for its worth that sold very well and for good reasons. And this is why I still stand by my sentence and hope that DE will be more like Overkill than Dice.


You may not have liked the game and wished they had taken a different approach, that is your prerogative. However, just because you didn't like a game doesn't mean you can start to invent lies to suits your argument about Warframe here. No wall of text will change that. Also Overkill software is a developper and EA is a publisher. Two very different things. Saying one is almost worse than the other is based on nothing at all, except maybe on your frustration the game didn't turned out how you wanted it to be. 

They made a huge profit on the pre-orders because of the success of the first game, yes. If you check the player count, you see that the game crashed from its hype within a month. Even Warfarm is currently holding out better. [source]

If their right choices were "cut down everything to the extreme minimum" then that is true as well. They especially cut down on the amazing, unique heists that made the first game so enjoyable. It is not just me who dislikes how the game turned out. Meta-Critic is filled with good reviews telling you how the game is good for what it is: a generic, wave-based survival shooter. They never once talk about how the heists are a step down.

Meanwhile a lot of forums complain about that. The Crime.net which is basically what Warframe's alert system is for heists that you want to play. The unnecessary RNG on weapon modification drops that lets you wait for months until that barrel for the rifle drops, while you already stockpiled grips for that meh SMG. Most of the guys i know used LUA hacks to just cheat themselves everything in the game because they went to level100 twice and didn't get drops they needed. And when they want to play their favourite heist they have to wait 20-30 minutes for it to eventually pop up on Crime.net unless they use offshore money which is easily depleted that way.


EA is not just a "publisher", they are known and feared to interfere with every step of development of games they publish. Overkill is currently very similar to EA in the sense that they try to monetize as much of content they can, while producing as few content as possible.

I do NOT want DE to be more like Overkill. But i fear they are not far from them, sadly.

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They are always drunk and joke around during Livestreams, I doubt they will improve their behavior.

Agreed - it's like everything that's asked of them is a joke. I understand they want to seem like fun guys but when it comes down to the serious questions it would be nice to get a solid straightforward serious answer =/

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Well, you folks are partly to blame with the forma flip out.

All i do now is laugh at the continued threads of people calling for Forma to be taken out.

And how is the void overstuffed? Reward are spread through the different ranks and some were moved to the derelict.




Wait, so you think it's better for any unit to drop the whole mod table rather than specific units dropping specific mods?


Cause then you must've been seriously mad when the change was made that was called on by the masses here.




Sorry, man, but when you want to make a claim about something they said you need to have the proper info because no one is remembering tings like you do.




Translation: Unless DE fixes it how I WANT to they are doing it wrong.

At least you sort of acknowledge the boss thing.




I'm not going to admit what is in your head because i am not your head.

This is a loot game and it will apply loot mechanics that are standard in the gaming industry.

They will adjust it or refine it but it's extremely unlikely that they have ever said that they will get rid of it.


Praise them......



Why are u always making people hate everyting thing u post!?


Do u like to be disliked!? That's what u are getting in this community! 

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Couldn't have said it better myself.  While it's impressive how fast DE can put out content, it's equally frightening how quick they can change game mechanics in such a negative way, without consulting the players first.


After the knee jerk reaction turns out to be a genuine concern, they need to take it seriously.  Still waiting for them to put infested back on the solar map with a permanent location.


Stop replacing things.  People get accustomed/attached to certain things in the game and you can just take it away from them and say "here, have this instead." and expect them to be happy about it.


"Oh, you took away my favorite infested defense mission.  Thank you DE!."  Yeah, things will never go over that well.


I don't like calling DE out on things, because I have a lot of respect for them.  But I have to say that I'm disappointed with how DE hasn't seemed to have learned from many of their mistakes. 


Much of this could be avoided if they were actually as transparent as they claim they're going to be.  While DE may have their reasons for putting certain changes in the game, it doesn't mean that all players will understand or even agree with those changes.  If most players don't agree, it's probably something you should've told them about ahead of time, rather than being like "Oops, it's already in the game.  We spent too much time working on it to take it out now."  That's what happened to FireFall.  You don't want that.

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endgame can take a backseat imho and instead concentrate on the beginner experience first, several people i introduced to the game quit early on due to their early frustrations (longest playing friend stayed till MR4, several didnt even have the patience to try beyond 1-2), especially being forced to consult a wiki all the time when they just want to get on and play.  There is just too much missing info to new players, all but hardcore die hard fans seem to stick to it in the long run.

Edited by Methanoid
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Agree on all points. Rebecca does an awesome job asking the tough questions but they dodged them all and gave us nothing. All we got is "stuff" will happen "soon". 

 Harvester is secret and it makes players irate, so what we will do is nothing.

Edited by spacedkadet
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Agree on all points. Rebecca does an awesome job asking the tough questions but they dodged them all and gave us nothing. All we got is "stuff" will happen "soon". 

 Harvester is secret and it makes players irate, so what we will do is nothing.

The livestream was a definite bummer. Rebecca was very serious with the questions (and I want to thank her for that) but the devs simply shook them off. Seriousness where seriousness is required is something that is to be expected. Derping around and avoiding productive and coherent answers isn't the right way to answer the long drawn out questions of the community.

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The livestream was a definite bummer. Rebecca was very serious with the questions (and I want to thank her for that) but the devs simply shook them off. Seriousness where seriousness is required is something that is to be expected. Derping around and avoiding productive and coherent answers isn't the right way to answer the long drawn out questions of the community.


Agreed. It's frustrating that the only person on the live stream that seemed to take it seriously was the person who is in a position that is the least able to affect the changes required.


Having Steve and Scott say that the RNG grind associated with the Harvester was completely "F'd up" and that secrecy makes their player base "irate," only to not change the grind and to follow up with more secrecy while laughing, can only be seen as an example of how oblivious they are to what makes (made) this game enjoyable. I see this as nothing less than a slap in the face by the Devs to the entire community.


"Oh, we did something you hate like Harvester RNG/Secrecy and the removal of Infested from the star chart? Oh here's some more. No need to thanks us now, you can thank us later. Hahahahahaha!!!"


Did they really think that would go over well with us?

Edited by --collstro--
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I very wholeheartedly support this post. I find it very supportive that so many founders are the ones replying to this. It goes to show, even without you looking at who we are, that we are the veterans of this game. We were your initial wave of support. We funded you, were promised things, and have gotten most of them in return. The above mentioned post is very true though. Even just the lack of communication is scary. I keep seeing health and elemental damage stats (the most noticeable, I know there are more) change with every hotfix. It's getting frustrating. It's almost like you want the game to remain forever a Beta, and you keep messing with the same stats repeatedly to the point that some equipment becomes unusable. You own the game, you make it. We know that some of the changes to the game are because of groups of gamers as a whole. Please listen to us here now. Even if it's just in little steps, show us that you are working on these things too. I mean, some of the stuff in the Design Council is great, but I feel like there are problems here now that out weigh even some of the new content that's coming.

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Dear DE


I love your game but I agree with many of the other veteran players. there are concerns here we feel are not being addressed. so we've taken it upon ourselves to drive home the point daily. Here are some of my Biggest concerns. I have tons of positive feedback and suggestions for the game if someone asks. for the most part this is constructive criticism EXCEPT FOR THE LAST POINT #7. I understand there are circumstances in the game construction that we don't know about, but ultimately i think what we're asking for will help the game.


1. Less Grinding please. make events short and sweet. so were not amp'ed up on caffeine, stressing out.


2. take just little bit of time to test some changes before unleashing them on us, and then having to reverse your decisions later, frustrating us further.


3. More story Please....no seriously....more. we don't need all of it but some would make the game more fulfilling.


4. Communicate better please. when making changes or introducing events, explain them in detail so we actually understand. Talk to your players on all levels, an understand where their thinking is, this means new players, casuals, hardcore, and clans of all tiers.


5.Events, explain them better. please don't change them in the middle if you can. and make them short and sweet. and please make it so the min rewards have nothing to do with the scoreboard please. serious competitors will make the min anyway.


6. End game. Some more permanent options for people looking for more difficult play.


7. And here's a new one. REAL PUNISHMENT FOR CHEATERS. I really get the feeling that you guys aren't taking this seriously enough. and it sends a bad message to the players that try to win by honest means. 


Thanks, Rasputin29, Warlord of Clan Hattori"

Edited by Rasputin29
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The livestream was a definite bummer. Rebecca was very serious with the questions (and I want to thank her for that) but the devs simply shook them off. Seriousness where seriousness is required is something that is to be expected. Derping around and avoiding productive and coherent answers isn't the right way to answer the long drawn out questions of the community.

Rebecca is probably the only person I have respect for in the livestream group at this moment in time. The others really do joke around too much and makes me wonder if they really know how serious these issues are in this game. I'm ready for DE to get serious and start hammering out some issues.

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Good post, I agreed with most.

Shame that DE won't probably even read this. They tend to ignore player feedback.

From my experience (dating back to update 5) they do, quite a lot. Update 7's mod issue and Update 10's ODD issues were fixed almost instantaneously. I've got enough faith in them.


EDIT: If there is lore in the future, use borderland's tactic of letting them play over and over again with higher loot and stuff.

Edited by DellTheBeginner1
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The livestream was a definite bummer. Rebecca was very serious with the questions (and I want to thank her for that) but the devs simply shook them off. Seriousness where seriousness is required is something that is to be expected. Derping around and avoiding productive and coherent answers isn't the right way to answer the long drawn out questions of the community.


Completely agree, watching last livestream was painfull, sadly only ms Rebbeca was serious but then again other DE deflect her great attitude with a cheap "humor". In my opinion today "Prime Time" is more professional than official DE Q&A which is a really, really shame and sad at the same time.


Sadly but i'm start to losing hope that anything will be better (i hope that i'm wrong but if not maybe it's time to move on?) but then again i'm still playing from time to time (i suppose that i'm some kind of masochist, lol ;d )

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I guess only drastic reduction in platinum purchases will wake up DE. Recent epic feats:

While they were busy changing Stalker into complete design disater they released half-assed Warframe (Oberon) which replaced another Warframe (Trinity) as drop (GENIUS!) without any additiona accesories (Scarf\Helmet) whos 4-th skill was the best way to crush game for few days.

Was it really necesarry to release Oberon this way and in such state?


Large feedback thread in Design Council regarding Valkyr. They asked for suggestions on how to change her - they got 22 pages of feedback. Thread was closed Nov 25. So far we got 50% buff to armor for every bloody warframe and change to Paralisys and Hysteria which alot of people consider to be a joke. Non of her majpr problems were adressed so far.


Imbalanced Dilema event that left alot of unhappy people who actually worked hard for rewards they didint want.

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