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The Perfect Way To Nerf Nova


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Make her ult's duration affected by power duration - that way Fleeting Expertise + Streamline reducing her ult to 25 energy will actually have a tradeoff: Giving you 30 seconds to take advantage of it.


Edit: Yes everyone, I agree her ult was broken before Fleeting Expertise, and could use some other nerfs too, like lowering damage debuff or slow - still, Fleeting's resulting 25 power cast made it MORE broken, and 30 seconds usually isn't enough time to clear wave 15 on T3 Defense, so that would counter some of the OPness in high-leveled missions.

Edited by StuffedTurkey007
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I thought it would be a good idea to get rid of the explosions keep the debuffs and add a DOT mechanic.


Doubtful. The entire point of the ability is the explosions, ever since it was conceived by the Design Council; the devs just decided to overload it with debuffs.


Don't mind removing the slow; it may be her only defensive measure, but I'd prefer her to be a powerhouse than another CC frame (and it gives room to give slows to actual CC frames).

Edited by Archwizard
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A lower duration would actually be beneficial; 60 seconds is way too long and all it does is leave stragglers around. They should just remove either the 50% slow or 100% damage boost so the skill isn't so overloaded.


I thought it would be a good idea to get rid of the explosions keep the debuffs and add a DOT mechanic.

I agree with either of these. The only problem I see with Nova's M prime is that it does too much for one power. Debuffs, damage multiplier, chain explosions, long effect time... its just too much. 


Take out the debuff. It still allows clearing of rooms just with enemies that are normal speed.

Edited by HandsOfnArtist
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how about no.

Nova was based on ANTI-MATTER which has very, very violent reactions with regular matter hence why MP is so damn powerful. Also at higher levels the ability becomes more of slow proc, like 1.0 freeze damage and AM-Drop is really what does the damage.

in all nova=/=nerf

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Let's all just sit back and count the posters stating how this weapon or frame is soooo OP.... OP should be banned in the forum and we should refer to those letters as Normal.  So, to all the frames and weapons you feel are Normal <cough> how long do you play?  Do you goto wave 75 or higher on defense?  Do you go for an hour - 2 in survival?  Do you solo play due to the fact that the game matches you up with lvl 0-3 warframes that somehow have Saturn opened up to them even though they shouldn't because they are just freeloaders?


If you complain about how something is Normal because you are on lvl 15 or below planets and those frames or weapons are doing what they are supposed to do then you shouldn't be playing there.  Better yet... unnormalize yourself and take mods off your frames and weapons.  Can't help it people complain every 10 seconds on this board yet when they play they only do simple missions and then complain about it.


If anything, over 75% of the frames need their abilities fixed.  The majority only have 1 ability which is spammed because the rest are horrible.  Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with forma'ing those ability slots away and giving yourself more shield, health, whatever you please and keep the one ability there to spam.  That is how the game was made.  Turned frames into a 1 or 2 ability frame with the addition of a weapon (3 to choose from).  The quick thinking / rage combo which was nerfed into zero effect was a big turn down.  Again, if solo'ing, it was the only thing that helped you survived when you got knocked about.  When playing against lvl 55 and above, you still died but prior you still had limitations depending on the level of enemy you were against.  Yet that combo was cheered to get remove because of conclave.  Sadly PVP is not a major component of the game.  It is the farm, the tilesets, the lore.  If people want to pvp let them invite to a dojo or their own choosing and do whatever they want to do instead of persistently removing mods that actually made a difference.


Lastly was the carrier debuff... Yeah, they carrier was Normal.  Then they decided to make in fire once every 3-5 seconds instead of a normal gun.  Isn't that great, a sentinel that only has a 15 ft radius (a defensive weapon) now not able to defend the frame. 


It is disgusting to see so many debuff's due to people not having skill to play the game and test their limits.  If you don't like it because it is too normal... change your mods or remove them yourself but you are adversely affecting not only people that play longer missions but you are turning every single frame into the same frame everyone else has.  You have removed the effect that people have completely different builds to the same exact frame with different colors.


/end rant on normal gear and weapons

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Let's all just sit back and count the posters stating how this weapon or frame is soooo OP.... OP should be banned in the forum and we should refer to those letters as Normal.  So, to all the frames and weapons you feel are Normal <cough> how long do you play?  Do you goto wave 75 or higher on defense?  Do you go for an hour - 2 in survival?  Do you solo play due to the fact that the game matches you up with lvl 0-3 warframes that somehow have Saturn opened up to them even though they shouldn't because they are just freeloaders?


If you complain about how something is Normal because you are on lvl 15 or below planets and those frames or weapons are doing what they are supposed to do then you shouldn't be playing there.  Better yet... unnormalize yourself and take mods off your frames and weapons.  Can't help it people complain every 10 seconds on this board yet when they play they only do simple missions and then complain about it.


If anything, over 75% of the frames need their abilities fixed.  The majority only have 1 ability which is spammed because the rest are horrible.  Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with forma'ing those ability slots away and giving yourself more shield, health, whatever you please and keep the one ability there to spam.  That is how the game was made.  Turned frames into a 1 or 2 ability frame with the addition of a weapon (3 to choose from).  The quick thinking / rage combo which was nerfed into zero effect was a big turn down.  Again, if solo'ing, it was the only thing that helped you survived when you got knocked about.  When playing against lvl 55 and above, you still died but prior you still had limitations depending on the level of enemy you were against.  Yet that combo was cheered to get remove because of conclave.  Sadly PVP is not a major component of the game.  It is the farm, the tilesets, the lore.  If people want to pvp let them invite to a dojo or their own choosing and do whatever they want to do instead of persistently removing mods that actually made a difference.


Lastly was the carrier debuff... Yeah, they carrier was Normal.  Then they decided to make in fire once every 3-5 seconds instead of a normal gun.  Isn't that great, a sentinel that only has a 15 ft radius (a defensive weapon) now not able to defend the frame. 


It is disgusting to see so many debuff's due to people not having skill to play the game and test their limits.  If you don't like it because it is too normal... change your mods or remove them yourself but you are adversely affecting not only people that play longer missions but you are turning every single frame into the same frame everyone else has.  You have removed the effect that people have completely different builds to the same exact frame with different colors.


/end rant on normal gear and weapons

when something is complain op, there are people that opposed to it just as much. 


If there are many nerf thread, There are many buff thread as well. 

Buff thread and nerf thread, which do you see more. (if this is what you base on how a frame/weapon should be nerf) 

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Remove anything from MP and you can trash the Nova. 75 shield 100 life... No invincibility/resistance when casting.


Remove explosion : you remove all the fun of the frame when you're in the low level. Explosion in ODD is pointless at some moment.

Remove CC : You're dead instantly after casting as you'll get rushed and no way to counter/resist

Remove x2 : the frame become uninterresting to be taken for high end gameplay.

Remove some time : I guess you can nerf that point.


The question is : why do you want to nerf something ? are you just jealous ?

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Remove the explosion.

Remove the damage.

Remove the effect.

Remove the animation.

Remove her 3 and 4 abilities and replace them with Null Star.

That's better and more fun, right?! 


Don't nerf her.

She is a GLASS cannon. Her weak shields and health are made up in Offense. She is balanced. All the other frames are broken.

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Addressing the OP comments:

2 things I want to see to balance Nova and bring her a little more into line with other frames

1. Shared kills when warframe ultis kill enemies (this just elicits the changes in how people play) and makes new players happier

2. Not being able to recast prime until effect of previous prime has finished or all affected enemies are dead. For this to be successful the duration of prime will have to be reduced (which it should be anyway). I would think a hard 15s would be right. I would also love to see kills by the warframe ability ONLY give shared Warframe XP, in the same proportion as the shared kills. If weapon XP is wanted, stuff has to be killed with...well weapons, believe it or not.

With Molecular Prime No nerf to the bangs, no nerf to the slow no nerf to the massive debuff or the very large range . It becomes the same as the majority of other ultis (not spammable every few seconds). I know, I know saryn can spam every few seconds, but low energy pool, high cost, poor range and lacklustre damage make this unimportant on a frame that's hardly used.

Somehow, even this doesn't seem acceptable, it should be, but it's not. The players who use Nova most of the time, want to keep the frame ridiculously overpowered. I am not even suggesting Antimatter Drop be touched, which all Nova players say is the OP skill that should be Nerfed....oh no, I am only suggesting the MP be changed. We can leave AD exactly as it is...so how can it be a nerf.

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Maybe we tone it down a little instead of outright removing components, but make it more affectable by mods. 
That seems to be the middle between the two major camps of "Don't touch it." and "Remove some of its effects." 
Reduce the damage buff to say, 67.5% instead of double. Then you can make it moddable by power strength and potentially go over the previous 2x damage cap. 
A nerf to it, with a buff that appropriately balances it. 
And then do the same with the slow, but make it stronger with increased duration. Why duration? Well duration-time, time-slow. Slow-time. Okay, just being creative here. But it would give diversity to her mod builds, make her harder to build for a full on Mprime do everything set. 

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Make her ult's duration affected by power duration - that way Fleeting Expertise + Streamline reducing her ult to 25 energy will actually have a tradeoff: Giving you 30 seconds to take advantage of it.


Edit: Yes everyone, I agree her ult was broken before Fleeting Expertise, and could use some other nerfs too, like lowering damage debuff or slow - still, Fleeting's resulting 25 power cast made it MORE broken, and 30 seconds usually isn't enough time to clear wave 15 on T3 Defense, so that would counter some of the OPness in high-leveled missions.

 better  buff her survivability  too while youre at it. >.<

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Make her ult's duration affected by power duration - that way Fleeting Expertise + Streamline reducing her ult to 25 energy will actually have a tradeoff: Giving you 30 seconds to take advantage of it.


Edit: Yes everyone, I agree her ult was broken before Fleeting Expertise, and could use some other nerfs too, like lowering damage debuff or slow - still, Fleeting's resulting 25 power cast made it MORE broken, and 30 seconds usually isn't enough time to clear wave 15 on T3 Defense, so that would counter some of the OPness in high-leveled missions.

Well that doesn't work because they can (and do) simply cast it every few seconds anyway, so it doesn't really matter how long it lasts. 30s might as well be a lifetime. If you made it a hard 15s and not able to be recast until enemies affected are killed or 15s has elapsed, then that might have some effect.

Your so called nerf, would have absolutely no impact at all, which is why it's being voted up. it will in fact be slightly better for the Nova users, because stuck enemies will become unstuck faster. and 30 seconds is more than enough time to clear a t3 defense wave 15, simple because it can be cast as many times as they like, with the advantage that after 30s stuck enemies might become unstuck, lowering the PITA at the end of a wave.

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Remove anything from MP and you can trash the Nova. 75 shield 100 life... No invincibility/resistance when casting.


Remove explosion : you remove all the fun of the frame when you're in the low level. Explosion in ODD is pointless at some moment.

Remove CC : You're dead instantly after casting as you'll get rushed and no way to counter/resist

Remove x2 : the frame become uninterresting to be taken for high end gameplay.

Remove some time : I guess you can nerf that point.


The question is : why do you want to nerf something ? are you just jealous ?


Not jealous at all. I have every frame except Nekros and Nova is the only frame I've potatoed, because she's the only one I need lol. Her ability to CC, debuff and wipe out massive waves of enemies makes her the best frame for most situations (Edit: If you already have Vauban/Frost), unless I'm trying to level a weapon. Then I usually use Rhino or Trinity.


I agree that nothing should be removed from M. Prime. However, lowering the values, such as making the damage debuff 80% instead of 100%, and making power duration affect the duration, would bring her a little more in line with the other frames. Yes, her shields are half as much as Rhino, but the fact that her ult does CC, damage amp and chain explosion damage (and does it a little too well) makes playing some of the more balanced frames a little disappointing

Edited by StuffedTurkey007
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