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Petition To Fix Continuous Weapons


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I do not care about number streams in the slightest. I do care that my damage only applies on intervals that DE sets; that I have no instant feedback on how much is too much damage (Amprex, I am glaring at you so hard); that Status Chance is hard-linked to ROF in a way that feels clunky and cumbersome; that I am forced to guess how much damage to apply by rapidly clicking my weapon, only to have it consume ammo without dealing damage... until the next "sample"; that continuous weapons were extremely ammo efficient, as there was absolutely no overkill, but now they have some of the worst ammo economy in the game (right up there with Bolto/Boltor weapons, Furis, Vipers, etc.).


I was extremely upset when the patch first hit, as the description we were given (A simple change to the numbers displayed on screen, one pop-up every so often, rather than an illegible stream of numbers) in no way matched up with the actual change (all damage was now "chunked", and updated every second, then 1/3rd of a second), which was an extreme nerf to the previously efficient weapons. Unlike other weapons, continuous fire weapons made the efficiency entirely skill-based, which, when combined with the short range of continous weapons, made these weapons truly only fit for the Masters, those who poured their heart and soul into being the absolute best at what they could do.


Please. Revert the change. If nework packets are the issue, then say so and help us find a solution. Don't hide behind this fake wall of difficulty. I was just learning to love the Synapse when this hit, and it became only good for boss runs. Right now, I wouldn't touch continuous fire weapons if they were the only guns in Warframe. Too painful and clunky, when the old sysem was elegant, if slightly cluttered in the UI department.


IMO, the best solution would be to revert the change entirely. After that has been implemented, design a new section of code that ONLY affects the floating number text, allowing Players to change the numbers to something they prefer, and not leave that number an abitrary, abstract thing in the hands of a few developers. (Not hating on the developers, just saying that something so subjective shouldn't be locked behind the coding wall, out of reach of those who will be most affected by it.)


I've played other games that had issues with continuous fire weapons. Way too many packets sent per second. If this is what the real problem with continuous weapons, you might consider some kind of consolidation script, with a lightweight encryption. Don't know how fast it would be though, and may just introduce lag rather than solving the issue.



TL;DR, I really would like the old behavior of continuous weapons back, and please return the floating text back to the old way it was. Instead of having the floating text update interval to be every time it deals damage, please put a slider in the UI, allowing players themselves to chose how frequently it updates, from instant (the old hail of numbers format), to once per second.

Edited by Magnar21
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Not to mention that numbers tend to get weird. I experimented with a banshee to purposely shoot non glowing areas on legs and arms on same level same enemy enemies and the numbers with the same exact click-to-fire time would return #'s ranging from 86-650, it was never consistent. Used amprex, flux, and quanta.


There is something clearly wrong with them.

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As a player who has only experienced the once-per-second beam weapon damage display, it is the biggest thing keeping me from using them.


I would much prefer, even if it is just the same damage, actually seeing the numbers spraying everywhere.




One other thought which occurs to me, although it might require some heavy coding, is have little numbers pop up, but merge with a counter showing the total damage dealt to the target, as long as damage is being continuously dealt. This would clear up the UI of the number clutter, but still show the spray of digits.

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I am happy to see that this is, at least, being discussed by DE after such a long time in waiting and wishing, and I do hope that some purely positive changes are underway. Thank you for taking an interest in this, DE.

Edited by WarGrylls
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Just popping in to mention that we were discussing this earlier this week. That doesn't come with any guarantee for changes or anything, but it is something that has recently been discussed.




War Frame - Continuous  Weapons



Finally a light in the dark. I hope it is discussed broad and deep, because continuous weapons need love. At least for their damage dealing mechanic. Therefore +1 to all the other posts about this.

Please, give us our continuous weapons back! (As it is they are effectively burst weapons in disguise ;P)

Edited by WSkD
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Just popping in to mention that we were discussing this earlier this week. That doesn't come with any guarantee for changes or anything, but it is something that has recently been discussed.


This is correct and was brought up in the discussion.


To be continued.


Glad that after months and months someone looked back at this issue...


Hope playing my beam weapons will be fun once again

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Just popping in to mention that we were discussing this earlier this week. That doesn't come with any guarantee for changes or anything, but it is something that has recently been discussed.


This is correct and was brought up in the discussion.


To be continued.


DE-senpai finally noticed us!




Would be cool the use beam weapons that aren't Phage/Quanta again.

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DE-senpai finally noticed us!




Would be cool the use beam weapons that aren't Phage/Quanta again.

Synoid Gammacor has enough ammo that you could almost not stop firing in a mission, and still not run out of ammo. And the DPS is insane. Can't say it will feel perfect, but it does have enough ammo that I don't feel as bad about wasting it. Course, I'd still advocate for the old continuous weapon behavior. I had just got my synapse when that patch hit.

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Amprex and Synapse are fine I guess : I am able to reach insane damage and proc chances with Amprex, especially with Volt. Same goes for Phage who has a big DPS and a low ammo consumption. The problem is mainly about Spectra, Gammacor/Synoid Gammacor, Flux Rifle and maybe Nukor IMO.

how can you put Gammacor and Synoid Gammacor in the "need help" category? they both outdamage and outperform the rest.


the other weapons wish they had their Ammo efficiency, you can hold fire synoid for over 2 minutes without picking a single ammo pack!!!

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how can you put Gammacor and Synoid Gammacor in the "need help" category? they both outdamage and outperform the rest.


the other weapons wish they had their Ammo efficiency, you can hold fire synoid for over 2 minutes without picking a single ammo pack!!!

Hello Edgedemon.


You are an excellent example of the kneejerker's who are overreacting to the gammacor.


First of all, check Einde's post date.  That was posted PRIOR to the gammacor buff.  At that time, both gammacors were arguably worthless mastery fodder weapons.



Secondly, this entire thread is a testament to the fundamental problems that plague every continuous weapon.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE.


Because of the handicaps that have been repeatedly elaborated on over these last 11 months and 14 pages, not one continuous weapon is capable of living up to the level of performance that their paper stats suggest.  Not even the Synoid Gammacor.   All those dps numbers you pull off of warframebuilder are flawed by default for continuous weapons because continuous weapons are effectively weighing themselves down with ankle weights at all times.



Only a select few continuous weapons have the raw stats necessary to overcome their inherent handicaps.



If everyone is so hellbent on nerfing continuous weapons, I for one insist that the nerfs should only come AFTER the fundamental problem of delayed damage is resolved for all continuous weapons.


It is an absolute joke that continuous fire weapons have their damage distributed out in unintuitive staggered chunks while many SEMI-AUTOMATIC weapons are capable chipping away at enemy health at a more rapid pace.   Don't even get me started on the fully automatic bullet hoses that still have the very same number streams that were the driving force behind the decision to change continuous weapons and create this whole problem in the first place.

Edited by GeneralArmchair
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Edgedemon.


You are an excellent example of the kneejerker's who are overreacting to the gammacor.


First of all, check Einde's post date.  That was posted PRIOR to the gammacor buff.  At that time, both gammacors were arguably worthless mastery fodder weapons.



Secondly, this entire thread is a testament to the fundamental problems that plague every continuous weapon.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE.


Because of the handicaps that have been repeatedly elaborated on over these last 11 months and 14 pages, not one continuous weapon is capable of living up to the level of performance that their paper stats suggest.  Not even the Synoid Gammacor.   All those dps numbers you pull off of warframebuilder are flawed by default for continuous weapons because continuous weapons are effectively weighing themselves down with ankle weights at all times.



Only a select few continuous weapons have the raw stats necessary to overcome their inherent handicaps.



If everyone is so hellbent on nerfing continuous weapons, I for one insist that the nerfs should only come AFTER the fundamental problem of delayed damage is resolved for all continuous weapons.


It is an absolute joke that continuous fire weapons have their damage distributed out in unintuitive staggered chunks while many SEMI-AUTOMATIC weapons are capable chipping away at enemy health at a more rapid pace.   Don't even get me started on the fully automatic bullet hoses that still have the very same number streams that were the driving force behind the decision to change continuous weapons and create this whole problem in the first place.

WOW I thought I would never see the day when someone who actually UNDERSTANDS the difference between WF builder PAPER dps and real in game dps explains the perils of continuous beam weapons and why the s gammacor is not op right now. Of course this will fall upon deaf ears from the moron WF builder min max crowd who can´t look past the limitations of that tool and can´t interpret the results properly, but much kudos for pointing it out again!  

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Have you guys noticed that recently (I don't remember this happening before) shooting objects like Death Orbs with continuous weapons result in a cascade of numbers? (albeit all zeros), I assume that means damage is being applied continuously to those objects like it should, please make it so that it interacts with enemies the same way?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Already mentioned in a community hot topic. There really is no point to these threads any more as DE is aware of it, and working to find a balance.


Being in Hot topic isn't a guarantee for anything though, which was also explicitly stated by community staff in earlier Hot Topics. Just FYI for everyone.


As for the topic, I have damage numbers turned off for a good long while now XD. They serve no useful purpose to me, so yeah. Beyond that, I support this topic and what it hopes to achieve....besides the damage pop up stuff, which I don't care for whatsoever.

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-What if continuous weapons have a continuous spray of numbers?

-What if there was no delay in damage?

-What if status/wasn't locked per second?


If we had a system where damage was showed instantly and continuously as it happened we would have a better understanding our in-game DPS. As it is right now, we get a tiny number then a BIG number. I would rather have a barrage of tiny numbers, than random jumping between larger and smaller summed damage.


This may be a strange example but its the only one I can think of, has anyone played a game called magika?


In that game damage isnt numerous popups but a single number that increases in value. So say you do 16 damage per second, instead of it spamming the number 16, it ramps up to show total damage (16,32,48 ect.)


I don't know if it would be helpful but it would certainly more nicer on the eyes, and perhaps less laggy than constantly drawing and erasing numbers.

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