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Valkyr Is Overpowered?


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am I missing something?I mean, I just finished building her and I wont pretent to know anything but, I just put on a hysteria and an unranked dual zoren and went facetanking T3 mobs.

forget iron skin

forget smoke screen

you have permanent invincibility and stability.It lasts forever and I was dishing out 1k-4k crits with an unranked dual zoren equiped.


what the..

why do people..

valkyr sucks?



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The problem with hysteria is that when the power ends if there are any enemies close by then you take all damage you received during hysteria so basically instant death.


Should've prepared better for the level range or simply run away before it runs out. Timer is the lower right corner.




But yeah, armor is still not THAT useful if you're dealing against slash procs. 2,4k armor does mitigate a noticeable amount of high level damage, but I'm not sure constantly engaging in melee combat without hysteria on will be a good strategy. Warcry is simply too expensive to keep up.




Valkyrs high single target damage and invulnerability is balanced by the fact that it is indeed just single target damage, additionally to the fact that you can't use any of your weapons while under its effects. I would argue that her dingle target damage could be increased even more because of the fact that she can't apply it to a group effectively, like your standard AoE meta frames can.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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Because floating around with perma-invunerbility is not my idea of a Berserker...?


Also, all it takes is Sargas Ruk or any other boss with special weak spots and you can't do nothing to them in Hysteria.


It is a one-trick pony, and a lame one at that.

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OMG you are crazy! Valkyr isn't overpowered! The only has 2 abilities worth a damn and that is Ripline and Hysteria at the very least. she can have 2000 base armor for all we care, her abilities are not up to par. Ripline is fun for low-levels getting up to area quicker, and killing 1, just 1, not 2, but ONE mob at a time every cast. You may be able to "snipe" people wih it, and get to different errain quicker, but think you yourself:


"Am I going to super-yank a high ranking Heavy Gunner, Bombard, Napalm, or any other high-armored mob with this mediocre ability?" or "Am i really going to yank someone that i can kill with a few more bullets/that isn't worth a damn? :)". BEcause 600 dmg(1200 for headshot) will equal -400 for all hose big people, and squirmishers are never worth the energy with an ability so...bland. 

Now for Hysteria. Really?!? You got me running around with these poorly-manuevering short range melee weapons? I love the damage, but I hate the hassle. It seems like they specially put that hideously irrelevant "hop" animation with every punch. I do the jump attack just so I can kill people! PI.TI.FUL.

Don't get me wrong, I like Valkyr. But her move-set is Entry-Level. They should literally trade Mag for her in the Warframe starter-page. It's just sad.


DE, can't wait for your heroic spanking brand new thread for Valkyr, because 3 or her abilities (especially Warcry, especially Paralysis, especially Hysteria) needs a'workin :) Thanks for reading and I would like to give a shoutout to all of those people that can deal with such a complicated frame.

No warframe sucks, its just your restricted play style.

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 These statements all seem about correct.  She isn't really a berserker, the armor doesn't do that for her.  She can hysteria into and out of a fight, but she isn't really doing melee to anyone.  Armor doesn't help any frame get into melee combat.


 As I have played Valkyr and considered what would really work, I have come up with a few ideas, most of which would probably be disregarded due to the feature choices made about frames and mods.  Roughly, several of the melee mods out there should just be built into Valkyr.  Except that Warframe changed from a system that would allow anything like that quite a while ago.  Frames can't get a straight up melee bonus anymore, or at least it seems that way.


 An alternative I also thought of might have been that Hysteria just gets scrapped as is and rebuilt as a different power.  My choice for the new power would be roughly trying to make it part of a melee combo.  As a base effect Valkyr grabs an enemy.  Damages them greatly and then throws them away.  It would be meant to kill and would get a bonus if it does.  The namesake of "Hysteria" would come from the ability causing a confuse or even a chaos effect on nearby enemies.  The bonuses of using a melee one target power would be stat gains until the end of the level if it's possible to do.


 The big problems with this idealistic power though would be that it would be best with several situational effects.  Does more damage if used after the beginning of a combo.  Better bonuses if the target is killed and or if it is used mid combo.  Does a minimal amount of damage to other enemies when the body is thrown, and more damage if the target was killed by the attack.


 It's just a bunch of wishful thinking, but it still all comes down to the fact that Valkyr does not feel like a berserker if she is roughly forced to constantly use her four power to do much.  It depends on the player, but for me, I don't find the powers to really be me playing the game usually.  Most of the powers do everything for me and well, I want to play, I don't want anything done for me.

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I don't know..

I did 40 to 50 t2 and t3 waves of defence one after another on a level 10 frame with no steel fiber, redirection or vitality and I didn't died even once.So what's that instant death you're talking about.My point is, how is that balanced?

I literely went invincible from wave 1 to wave 50 without a break in between just for the F*** of it.That's just wrong.

You can also use other powers while in hysteria.

Now I'm not claiming she is overpowered but that permanent invincibility is just wrong.

Valkyr the ultimate tank?


Now, the only reason I made this thread is because everyone says she sucks.The fact that she wont go down , no matter what, does not sugest me that she sucks.

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 These statements all seem about correct.  She isn't really a berserker, the armor doesn't do that for her.  She can hysteria into and out of a fight, but she isn't really doing melee to anyone.  Armor doesn't help any frame get into melee combat.


 As I have played Valkyr and considered what would really work, I have come up with a few ideas, most of which would probably be disregarded due to the feature choices made about frames and mods.  Roughly, several of the melee mods out there should just be built into Valkyr.  Except that Warframe changed from a system that would allow anything like that quite a while ago.  Frames can't get a straight up melee bonus anymore, or at least it seems that way.


 An alternative I also thought of might have been that Hysteria just gets scrapped as is and rebuilt as a different power.  My choice for the new power would be roughly trying to make it part of a melee combo.  As a base effect Valkyr grabs an enemy.  Damages them greatly and then throws them away.  It would be meant to kill and would get a bonus if it does.  The namesake of "Hysteria" would come from the ability causing a confuse or even a chaos effect on nearby enemies.  The bonuses of using a melee one target power would be stat gains until the end of the level if it's possible to do.


 The big problems with this idealistic power though would be that it would be best with several situational effects.  Does more damage if used after the beginning of a combo.  Better bonuses if the target is killed and or if it is used mid combo.  Does a minimal amount of damage to other enemies when the body is thrown, and more damage if the target was killed by the attack.


 It's just a bunch of wishful thinking, but it still all comes down to the fact that Valkyr does not feel like a berserker if she is roughly forced to constantly use her four power to do much.  It depends on the player, but for me, I don't find the powers to really be me playing the game usually.  Most of the powers do everything for me and well, I want to play, I don't want anything done for me.


People need to stop pointing out the flaws in melee combat overall like they're Valkyr's problem.  Its a melee problem.  There is not one frame in the game that can reliably melee without the use of gimmicks.  Valkyr is no exception.


Melee 2.0 is coming and we have to wait to see if that truly fixes anything.

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here I come in defense of valkyr!

hysteria is currently more a means to Regen health, nothing more, but melee 2.0 may address that with counter attacks and the like.

her war cry and rip line scale infinitely however, war cry being a defensive alternative to m prime's debuffs, while ripline is a hard cc and mobility skill that oddly makes valkyr a good sniping frame.

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Went to top survival - Palus - played 25 min no problem, 1  guy couldn't stay alive for long so we ended it. Did slightly less damage than Volt with Synapse (who was pretty good and obviously had Fleeting) and twice more than the other 2 guys.

When Hysteria animation and feedback gets fixed she will be good and fun to play.

She sucks if you are doing 1hr T3 survivals because almost no team utility/cc.

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am I missing something?I mean, I just finished building her and I wont pretent to know anything but, I just put on a hysteria and an unranked dual zoren and went facetanking T3 mobs.

forget iron skin

forget smoke screen

you have permanent invincibility and stability.It lasts forever and I was dishing out 1k-4k crits with an unranked dual zoren equiped.


what the..

why do people..

valkyr sucks?

I only use Valkyr for Warcry and Rip Lining web swinging!


Valkyr does suck but for a rainy day on survival with most the team down I am glad to have one. Her 2000 max armor and her ability to boost armor and nerf NPC's AS WELL as being invincible for 40 seconds is a life saver.


For Utility purposes and keeping the team alive I use Valkyr. But for anything else she pretty much falls flat.

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    Personally I really like Valkyr.. I use fleeting + Streamline so her ult lasts just long enough for me to fill up. her health normally takes so long to drop I can easily have lots of fun shotgunning down everything in my path and riplining to point blank when needed.  and when I finally get down to like 300 health? then fire up my Hysteria for a few seconds and refill the tank!


I'll agree though that I cant wait to get decent animations for her. Hell I think they should add the duel pistol sprint to her hysteria sprint animation!  it would look sooo much better.

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I only use Valkyr for Warcry and Rip Lining web swinging!


Valkyr does suck but for a rainy day on survival with most the team down I am glad to have one. Her 2000 max armor and her ability to boost armor and nerf NPC's AS WELL as being invincible for 40 seconds is a life saver.


For Utility purposes and keeping the team alive I use Valkyr. But for anything else she pretty much falls flat.


But if you have a low framerate? Valkyr is useless, period. So much for being a berserker frame...

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Basically, vakyr is not OP, because of what the first 4 responders said.


hysteria is for tanking, but severely limits all other ways to do anything, like kill high level enemies.  It is not OP.  Vakyr is very fun if you try to make builds that don't use hysteria at all, like dedicated warcry, or dedicated paralysis buillds, but not OP.

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For the people talking about damage when there is still an enemy around when Hysteria ends, there is either a very small cap or the percentage is so small that you really won't be missing the health you lose.

hysteria is currently more a means to Regen health, nothing more, but melee 2.0 may address that with counter attacks and the like.

It has been said before that melee 2.0 will not affect Hysteria. It will likely only affect damage due to the buff that DE says all melee weapons are getting, but Hysteria itself will not get any of the snazzy new features. They also said that it will get an animation rework, but they say nothing about implementing melee 2.0 stuff to Hysteria claws when that happens.

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am I missing something?I mean, I just finished building her and I wont pretent to know anything but, I just put on a hysteria and an unranked dual zoren and went facetanking T3 mobs.

forget iron skin

forget smoke screen

you have permanent invincibility and stability.It lasts forever and I was dishing out 1k-4k crits with an unranked dual zoren equiped.


what the..

why do people..

valkyr sucks?

You must have start playing yesterday :(

Hysteria has ABSOLUTELY NOTTTHHING to do with your current melee weapon. You get Claws. I has nothing to do with your current melee weapon bozo. No.2 Valkyr doesn't suck, she just doesn't fill obvious holes that a warframe should fill. Like these

Abilities wortha damn


and most importantly, fun and entertainment :).

I dread taking Valkyr for a walk because I only use 2 @(*()$ abilities for the whole damn match!

No.1 Valkyr doesnt suck, she doesn't fit in with any play style. She is the play style type of using the same ability over and over again without wanting to kill yourself. Pls fix Valkyr, for she is currently the "worst frame".

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