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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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How does a corner have a radius?


Every corner have a radius, they are just a small slice of a big circle or a small part of their circumference.




In this case, Ri and Ro are the radius of the corner. =P


Yap, I play racing sims.

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Prime this week and melee 2.0 next week 


Edit: Changed my opinion:

 This week event to help the corpus gain some space in the solar system.


 Next week the new prime


 in 2 weeks Melee 2.0


new prime is coming the same time as melee 2.0

and they are estimating melee 2.0 will come at the end of the month.



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Didn't they said those would take longer because of not being even modeled yet?


Also most likely going to clantech and plat only again...


They said just the opposite for those. They said they are very close, or rather one of them was. And the one that is taking longer isn't because it doesn't have a model. Has something to do with the animation I think, or something. Check the stream.

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My thought?




I dont want it fast. I want it good. Bug free.


Dont throw it out wie ein heißes Schnitzel aus der Pfanne man!

It'll be like every other update 3 hot fixes in 48 hours and we'll be good to go. Not that I have a problem with that they always seem to work really hard to pound the new updates into shape.

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So Melee 2.0 is coming and there are some questions i had in mind and im pretty sure most of us wants to hear whats going to happen to these things. I'll keep it short here we go.


Finishers: 90% of the time they dont connect, when they connect they dont feel like a finisher because of their low damage. We have Finisher damage mod for this but i dont think anyone would use that mod since there are more important mods we've got to use for our builds.


Single Weapons (Longsword etc) Whats going to happen to these weapons ? Are they going to be buffed? For a long time some of the weapons like Longswords, single daggers etc are not viable mainly because they are not usefull or has double models. 


Warframe Melee mods: We got some mods called parry,retribution etc for our warframes but then again they are not worth using i mean they have their fun uses but with our current corrupted warframe builds, they arent viable.


Maybe a solution for these mods like creating another mod capacity and slots for Melee mods so that we can add Retribution etc into our builds without the fear of ruining our ideal build.


Another thing i had in my mind is Valkyr. Her 4. ability animations are.. well i cant sugarcoat it, Stupid. She's defiying every law of physics and hanging in air making $&*&*#(%& moves trying to hit. Skill mechanics are not bad but animations definetely needs a change. It doesnt look like she's berserking her animations are underwhelming and IMO her claws needs new models. Maybe making them bigger and scary. 


Plus and idea to making her skills affected by melee mods not normal warframe mods and adding our weapons elemental combos to her claws. 


What do you guys thing about these? For me these topics are important because these days i find it hard to play Warframe because literally i have nothing to do.(and no i dont like trying to survive in survival like 3 hours thats boring and unrewarding)

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Parry mod and stuff needs to be applied to every melee weapon as base stats.

Valkyr animation and bigger claws are needed.

Especially weapons that hit a set number of enemies should be changed as hitting as many enemies as their range allows.

Last time I was on a melee 2.0 thread, they talked amout metal gear rising : revengeance. Since then I bought one and played. And while I found the game stupidly difficult :), melee combat system was basicly awesome. The blade mod, running attacks and especially one thing, continuous hanging in the air melee combat is one thing we need. Jump attacks are painfully idiotic, pathetically uncomprehensible.... Whatever, no more jump landing attacks, just god of war style air melee combat.

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I would really like for every longsword to have the ability to hit multiple enemies. 

It just makes no sense swinging your blade at a bunch of enemies while only hitting one of them even though they are all in the swing radius.

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Most of your questions were addressed in the livestreams. You might want to check out youtube channel Playwarframe and skim through livestreams 19-22. I hope Valkyrs Ulti gets a rework too but we have been waiting since November if they haven't done it yet I hope they do it after the release. I dont want anything to push this back any further.


**Also there is a forum thread per livestream and they have a summary for some of them that may help as well

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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IMO, Melee doesn't have enough reward for it's risk relative to guns. They don't have the mods to boost their damage like guns do, and they they have to help close the distance faster is Maglev and a minor +Sprint speed mod which are both rather costly for their effect. That also doesn't take into account the extra damage they'll receive when closing the distance.


And knockdown drives me nuts. Perhaps they should remove the stamina cost for holding block and have it only drain stamina when you actually block/parry something. And to couter knockback, have it so when you're knocked down/back, for a stamina cost you automatically do a handspring and you're immune to knockdown for a second or 2, then they can change the "Handspring" mod to reduce the stamina cost.

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