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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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You mean once the price for a complete set rises from 15plat to 20plat?

Or maybe you can wait for more than a few hours after the update? Do you remember when trading first came out, where max serrations were 100 plat, then 500 plat, 1000 plat? The market will of course be in chaos right after opening.

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In many ways, I agree OP.  Being able to buy any mod at any rank with plat is kind of sad.  It used to be that having a max level mod like serration was your badge of honor to show how much you've played.  But alas, now it doesn't matter.  But I'm a hypocrit because I sold a max level serration, and am thoroughly enjoying the plat I made off it.  So, meh.  If a person likes this game, they're gonna play it regardless.  So, I don't think it matters too much one way or t'other.  I'd love for them to implement BP trading because I want to give my clanmate Despair.  He's been hunting for that since we started playing and he's put in just as many hundreds of hours as me.  I've seen 3 Despairs drop, and he's got squat.  He's deserves his Despair already.

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it's the same thing as selling mods. you can either take the time to farm them, or just buy them from people who already have. I think that's fine


trade chat wasn't doing much anyway, just buying and selling max serration, blind rage, heavy cal, etc. and the occasional person looking for a random mod

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You mean once the price for a complete set rises from 15plat to 20plat?


As with mods, the price for a new prime will be insane in the first days... 

Just look at Natural Talent, was sold for 200p and more on the first day.

Same wil lbe true for the rare prime parts once we get new primes.


ATM everyone has 100 complete prime weapons in the locker. All of them want to sell it, but really.. who the hell wants a Latron Prime and can´t farm it in 20minutes? Or a Mag Prime. These stuff drops like candy and ofc noone will pay much for it... it would be like expecting a Thunderbold mod to be worth much plat jsut because its "Rare"...

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I would be alright with this. People would still have to work for primes and people who already worked for them won't feel cheated because people wouldn't be able skip the work and just get to prize as well as this special 'Void shop' would be 100% of getting the item and eliminate the RNG.

I think the problem lies in change and how we've been used to farming stuff and people have done it for so long and now you can just skip all of it and get the prize and other people who have done so can't return back to gain the time/effort lost trying to obtain the parts, I do however just like many others enjoy that I can give away my BPs sitting in my inventory and put them to use. :D

Well in a way the 'void points' would still be farming because you have to keep using keys to get points. It just won't be a traditional form of grinding where it's mostly based on luck. Instead you are being rewarded for going to the void every time. Well that's how I see it anyways.

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The problem with this move (tradeble prime bps) is that in the long run it will hurt the core of the game and that it takes away the sense of accomplishment felt when one gets that last prime part that he/she as been grinding their &#! off to get. There are no longer prestige items in the game, nothing to make one feel 'special' as a player, hell even the so called event exclusive weapons will be making a come back.

Edited by Bazools
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And despite the complaints, we hypocritically reap the benefits of the feature. We make plat from sales of mods, and now parts.

To those who say DE is losing money, they have no idea what they're talking about. Platinum is not like money. It is a perishable good, consumed when you buy something from the game, which is what people want, such as weapon and warframe slots. This, in fact, encourageous the purchase of plat for those with money but no time.

And those with a lot of time and no money, get to have a mutually beneficial relationship with the above.

As for ruining the game, I think it's a strange comment. We have not even gone a few days with the change, yet. And mod trading has made the game better off, not worse.

So, I stand by trading. Go, DE!

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People seem to oppose an Auction house, so I propose a quick solution:

If possible, we could implement a system similar to Runescape's Grand Exchange.


Player A posts an offer to sell something for X cash.

Player B posts an offer to buy said item for X cash.

The system matches the two up, gives player A their cash and player B their item.

No mess, No fuss.

Of course, this is just a simple barebones idea on how to sort it out, but it's something I think should help us out a little.

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you know why people buy mods or buy prints, its so they can keep playing and enjoying the game, I am now only missing 4 mods in the game thanks to trading, I already gave a clanmate ember prime systems, and yes the trade channel is full of spam but it will calm down soon. I am happy that we can trade prime parts and prints to, most people are trying to sell stuff for plat, what trading did was give people more options to spend plat on which means more plat will be bought so they can quickly get a maxed serration so they can then go for an hour on survival or def. They can get the parts now if they have plats or something the seller wants. So no trading is not ruining the game and it may not even be giving DE less money too. 

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people are just overexcited that they can finally use the extra prime bits for more than just 3500 credits. it'll calm down in the next few days, but some people are trying to capitalize on it while they can, before everyone has all the parts they want (kinda like the previous market with random mods. everyone's got them at this point, and those 10 extra copies of "rare" mods are not actually worth 10-15p apiece if no one is buying them)


that being said, an auction house system would be good, I really do think so. something like runescape, I suppose. the only game I've played recently with an economy kinda like that is spiral knights, and you could just leave items there with an asking price, and you'd see materials and weapons kinda stabilize around a certain value. it was very interesting to see the economy evolve

Edited by Wallace24
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While his reasoning is awful he's right. Everyone is over reacting to prime trading. Here are all the reasons I've seen against this


"Why bother grinding when someone can get everything I can quicker by paying money" - the point is to play the game and have fun. If someone getting something easily ruins your experience you are very shallow. 


Anyone can get them if they have the time for it. Problem is, a lot of people don't. Some people have lives, jobs, families to take care of before they can play and when they do they have limited time. Buying a prime frame is pointless to me as it's just a more flashy normal frame but prime weapons are understandable as they are a bit different from their normal counter parts. What is johnny john johnson gets 2 hours a day in between work and his family to play games and happens to like the stats on the latron prime. He doesn't have time to farm void over and over again so he'll just spend a couple bucks on platinum to get the parts, build the weapon, and have a jolly old time.


What's wrong with someone else wanting to have fun but doesn't have the time to get the fun stuff? To get burston prime it took me 4 days of constant farming and each day of farming was around 5 hours. Comparing this to johnny john johnson's 2 hours per day schedule it would take him 40 days to get burston prime. Why have him waste all that time just to get a small gun he wants to mess around with just because some people want to be able to get said item knowing there was no way that item could have been purchased?


this is the reason I gave on reddit for the same topic that I just copy/pasted.


If people are really getting all up in arms over something that won't affect them if they don't use it then they are a bunch of shallow people. They don't understand that the world is full of billions and billions of people who each have a life of their own, their own problems, their own families to take care of, and aren't all people who have enough time to invest 10 hours per day into farming like I can, or my friends can. 

Edited by theharddrinkingapplejack
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people are just overexcited that they can finally use the extra prime bits for more than just 3500 credits. it'll calm down in the next few days, but some people are trying to capitalize on it while they can, before everyone has all the parts they want (kinda like the previous market with random mods. everyone's got them at this point, and those 10 extra copies of "rare" mods are not actually worth 10-15p apiece if no one is buying them)


that being said, an auction house system would be good, I really do think so. something like runescape, I suppose. the only game I've played recently with an economy kinda like that is spiral knights, and you could just leave items there with an asking price, and you'd see materials and weapons kinda stabilize around a certain value. it was very interesting to see the economy evolve

I'd rather not see warframe go full on player-driven economy like spiral knights and runescape, but in response to the first paragraph; if the trade chat is still messy a month or so down the line, we always have this little idea.

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The only problem with this, is the fact peoples massive Egos have been obliterated.


"Look at me, I got X prime item from Farming!! Look at the size of my Epeen, are you impressed?"


Now with the new system, people such as myself who are having massive troubles trying to get that part they want, No longer have to suffer through the annoying trials of RNG. On top of that, People who have parts I need, but need parts I have, we can now trade.


It's a Win, Win situation.

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If I am not mistaken then DE will soon add BPs for trade as well. DE is destroying this game themselves and once people start trading BPs as well, people will stop buying plats and DE will lose their only means of making money off the game.


No, because there will always be those that will just buy plat to buy the things they want. Since most people only trade for plat. They destroyed trading with greed, because this only gives ppl more reason to buy more plat to buy more items that can be obtained via plat.


Release more frames and weapons so ppl that are collectors will need more slots. If they are F2P players (as in dnt spend money) then they will do all the farming necessary to obtain said items to sell to wallet warriors, so they can get plat.


Easy simple cycle, ugly way to abuse it.

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