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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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it might have been better if a real market/auction system was available instead of spamming the crap out of an IRC channel, i probably wouldnt care about trading at all if it was done properly, personally i dont use it at all because its just a pain and hassle.

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DE slapped themselves more than anyone, now there is even less incentive to play even fewer goals. Just trade the parts and be done with the game in short time.  Void was a substitute for 'end game'  DE made it redundant offering what instead? Oxium farm for clan tech? 3 hrs of boredom at Kappa and there is your Zeph! GG

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I'm peeved I vendored literally dozens of prime bps and parts for credits I didn't need. On the other hand it's entirely worth that minor burn, to see thread after thread of dudes wailing

"I played this game for 3109 hours even though i never had any goal in mind except collecting all the items, now I feel dumb"

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The thing that everyone seems to be forgetting is that the only thing to do in this game is farm for weapons and frames. Now that you can buy every single frame and weapon, why even bother playing? After you've got all the weapons there's nothing left. Literally nothing. What do you use all those primes for? Farming other primes. What do you do when you have all the primes and there's nothing left to farm? You gonna go blow 1000 plat on cosmetic dojo objects? What the F*** is the point of playing?

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it might have been better if a real market/auction system was available instead of spamming the crap out of an IRC channel, i probably wouldnt care about trading at all if it was done properly, personally i dont use it at all because its just a pain and hassle.

Something similar may come in the future with the lobby system they showed in the last stream

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Oh stop.


Did we get mad when DE guaranteed boss drops for frames like Rhino? Some of us did


Was it the right choice? Yes.


Read my thread: De Fails Hard~


They need to stir the pot so we don't get this mad when they change stuff.

I enjoyed that thread, and I agree with it.


However, DE has a track record of releasing things (no matter how stupid they are) and never changing them. (All the horrible bandaids, for instance)

If this trading meets a massive backlash, there's no doubt in my mind that DE will never remove it.

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A little while ago I finally earned the Reaper prime blade I was grinding for for ages. Now I can run around with my shiny new Reaper prime to show off to everyone else. Now let's say one of my clanmates mentions that he's just completed his by buying that blade which I worked so hard for.


Do I care? Not in the slightest. I worked for mine, hours upon hours, and I'm proud that my hard work was finally rewarded. Does that mean that I think anybody who hasn't done EXACTLY the same amount of hard work to earn the same therefore doesn't deserve it? No.


It's almost laughable how selfish you people are - and then it isn't funny anymore because I realize you're being serious.

I feel literally the opposite about this. I spent a lot of time working on stuff because I wanted it and now I learn that if I just pay plat, I could finish my other primes instantly? Why do I bother to have a prime frame when all it costs is a little money? And it's not just that liked feeling special. I liked being able to complement people for their primes, to recognize the effort required to gain them and what they meant to them. Now they're just another tier of weapons that mean almost nothing. I have no reason to complement them on what they achieved because I don't know if they actually did or not. Primes used to be a badge of honor that let us distinguish our hard work and now they mean nothing. I have yet to actively complain about it and I'm still unsure as to whether this was a good move for warframe, but dust off your empathy and actually think about how other people feel instead of calling us selfish. Just because you gain nothing from something that represents effort, doesn't mean we don't.

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It's terrible. The game is being wrecked as we speak. The people with insane buying power who don't feel like actually going and farming prime parts like some people. It takes weeks to farm prime parts and now all the sudden people whose parents who have way to much $$$ have insane buying power and can get a Paris Prime within seconds. It's one of the worst choices DE has made.


DE, I love you very much, but you f***ed this one up.

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The thing that everyone seems to be forgetting is that the only thing to do in this game is farm for weapons and frames. Now that you can buy every single frame and weapon, why even bother playing? After you've got all the weapons there's nothing left. Literally nothing. What do you use all those primes for? Farming other primes. What do you do when you have all the primes and there's nothing left to farm? You gonna go blow 1000 plat on cosmetic dojo objects? What the F*** is the point of playing?

Go buy... quick  come on, then stop playing, go ahead... 

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Dont forget that you have to add 20p (catalyst), rush price (usually about 35p?) and 6p (slot price) to every weapon you buy through trading for it to be truly equal to market bought weapon.


Still cheaper for many of them though.


Paris Prime price seems to be about 100p atm (with all of the things listed above), while regular Paris will cost you 225.

This is really dumb. I see why DE put research weapons on market though.. it makes sense.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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I earned my Reaper Prime a bit before this change went out.


Someone else will buy that coveted Reaper blade that I worked so hard for.


And I will not care for a single second how they got it.



I worked hard for it, put in the hours, and I'm proud of my achievement. I could care less that someone else got the same thing and didn't put in the same amount of work I did. This happens IRL, when your boss rewards your coworker even though you know you worked way harder than they did, yet they get the promotion. At some point you just have to learn to deal with it or not let it bother you in the first place.


I worked hard for my primes, and how do I feel after this change? I feel just fine.

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Anyone? rolleyes.png




It's been a while but something seems similar.



To prevent any misunderstandings, I am neutral on DE's decision even if may seem wrong in the eyes of veterens. Technically I am one too, but I have not played in long gaps, maybe the longest was a year and a half.

Edited by GoatGodJohn
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I'm having trouble figuring out whether out you're being sarcastic or serious with this statement... because the game isn't easy at all for beginners and has a pretty big learning curve. In fact it's incredibly difficult.



There are different types of difficulty in videogames. Warframes gameplay is not complex to play or difficult to master but the systems behind the game are if you lack the knowledge to prepare for the gameplay.


You can't play piano unless you know how to. Likewise you can't mod until you know what mods will do in the first place.

Edited by sewens
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Lol "vets" what a loser dude thought Warframe was his job.

"Vets" refers to "veterans", also known as quite experienced players who have been sticking around for quite some time, and by that I mean at least half a year, but usually even longer. They...no. We. Are the ones who saw the first great updates, the weapons rolling in, the introduction of the Void, the first Events, but most importantly-we believed in DE, entrusted them with our time and effort and sometimes even our funds in form of the Founders program and kept supporting them in fulfilling their dream. Yes. They made quite some mistakes along the way. Just like most humans would have.

But I for one, do not think that a player...heck, a greenhorn like you can freely make fun of us.

So if I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut about buisness you know little about.

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Anyone? rolleyes.png




It's been a while but something seems similar.



To prevent any misunderstandings, I am neutral on DE's decision even if may seem wrong in the eyes of veterens. Technically I am one too, but I have not played in long gaps, maybe the longest was a year and a half.

same seems like a whole lot of sumthin over nothing in my opinion

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Well they had to change it so that the future players won't have to go though so much grind. it seems rather unpleasant


It would be pretty f***king easy to change the void tables to reduce the grind, there are many possible ways to do it depending on how much easier you want it to be.


But no, Sheldon gave up on doing anything worthwhile and listened to every single whiner who wants instant gratification, he also screwed over all the people who payed for prime access. Welcome to the new Warframe where there really is piss all to do for players, its going to be like every other F2P game that hands things out like candy, people log in when a new update arrives, play for a week and then log off.

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