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New Music Preview!


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Hi Everyone,


It has been a long time since new music has been put into the game.  A lot of you have also been asking when we will get new music in the game in various forum posts.  Well, I am happy to announce that we have a new set of Grineer music coming your way! 


As some of you already know, we have been reworking the way music plays in the game engine from a code standpoint.  We want the music in the game to feel more dynamic and less repetitive.  We are still working on some of this, but it is in fact closer than ever.


In the past we have tried to make each faction have their own musical “themes” with varying results.  But with this new set you will definitely only hear certain themes and instruments used for certain enemy factions (i.e. Grineer music will sound different than Corpus music, etc).  With that being said, the first new set of music going into the game will be for the Grineer and we have included a short sample of what it will sound like below to whet your appetite.


So... Hang In There, New Music Is Imminent™ 




Edited by DERebecca
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In the past we have tried to make each faction have their own musical “themes” with varying results.  But with this new set you will definitely only hear certain themes and instruments used for certain enemy factions (i.e. Grineer music will sound different than Corpus music, etc).  

That'll probably help us actually notice that drive, yes. Not to be a jerk or a tone-deaf fool, but I honestly never even realized that was a music design intention till this point.

What in particular are you going for in terms of 'unique sounds' for all three current factions? I'm guessing themed music for the infested maps would be fun.

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My guess for Corpus is that they're gonna have some sort of futuristic music. While Grineer have the loud drums and such, indicating power, Corpus would have some sort of music that indicates lots of technology and intelligence. And Infested... No idea.

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