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Ok, This Nonsense Is Really Getting Out Of Hand Now.


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I would say that the two most common threads on the forums are "i wanna be the stalker" and "bring back exclusives," the former having tapered off a bit recently, but im sure it will come back eventually. I have one thing to say to those that want exclusives to come back; NO. if exclusives came back, they would no longer be exclusive. the ONLY thing that i could half justify bringing them back with would be an enormous grind. At LEAST 2000 missions before you had a chance to get a piece, but event then.


TL;DR; I agree with you OP. people that say I wasnt around for it, so i should have a chance to get it are the same as someone showing up late to a party and demanding cake, because he heard that there was cake being served 2 hours ago, even though that cake has already been nommed.

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Well let me state my words here.

I think there is problem with DE by limiting some players to platforms they use and not limiting others.

Yes Founders should be exclusive what ever / whom ever (even a**holes) they are. They've paid $$$ for $ sake. ($ in god we trust)

What is wrong with DE?

The occasional sales let say the Steam syndana ~ This could be only sold for steam users leaving out a big big chunk of other players that don't use steam. (Yes, some people don't trust Gabe - thinks they spy on my porn stash just like origin from EA)

The over-promotion of nvidia GPU's ( I am pretty much aware they've most likely sponsored the S#&$ out of "You" DE)

Limiting effects that can be cpu based without big performance hit or even ported to opencl enabling all processing units to actually do them.

- PhysX and Apex can easily be processed by OpenCL/CPU pipelines. Enabling all of your players to enjoy those effects. If they have strong enough hardware to do so. This will not only help Warframe as being more attractive for AMD/ATi users but also will stimulate PC market. People will want best hardware.

- The future cloth similation will run on PhysX so You will limit AMD/ATi users even more than you limit it now. Even though You have shown that it can be done with CPU. (and warframe is not heavy on resources)

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Well let me state my words here.

I think there is problem with DE by limiting some players to platforms they use and not limiting others.

Yes Founders should be exclusive what ever / whom ever (even a**holes) they are. They've paid $$$ for $ sake. ($ in god we trust)

What is wrong with DE?

The occasional sales let say the Steam syndana ~ This could be only sold for steam users leaving out a big big chunk of other players that don't use steam. (Yes, some people don't trust Gabe - thinks they spy on my porn stash just like origin from EA)

The over-promotion of nvidia GPU's ( I am pretty much aware they've most likely sponsored the S#&$ out of "You" DE)

Limiting effects that can be cpu based without big performance hit or even ported to opencl enabling all processing units to actually do them.

- PhysX and Apex can easily be processed by OpenCL/CPU pipelines. Enabling all of your players to enjoy those effects. If they have strong enough hardware to do so. This will not only help Warframe as being more attractive for AMD/ATi users but also will stimulate PC market. People will want best hardware.

- The future cloth similation will run on PhysX so You will limit AMD/ATi users even more than you limit it now. Even though You have shown that it can be done with CPU. (and warframe is not heavy on resources)


We paid money to support the devs early on.

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Or just delete every thread asking for them to be released again. 

Asked for that in the past. With the announcement it would be added that any topic created regarding it would be locked and removed where appropriate. People would scream 'censorship!' anyways but once an answer is given, an answer is given.

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From someone who did not buy a Founders Pack, and has no such exclusives, I think the OP is absolutely right. Those items should forever remain exclusive, end of story. Founders helped this game grow and keep going, and they deserve their exclusive recognition. People complaining about that are selfish, greedy, and honestly stupid. 


+ 9001 (Over nine-thousand)

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From someone who did not buy a Founders Pack, and has no such exclusives, I think the OP is absolutely right. Those items should forever remain exclusive, end of story. Founders helped this game grow and keep going, and they deserve their exclusive recognition. People complaining about that are selfish, greedy, and honestly stupid. 


Agree. I bought Founders first and foremost to support the devs. Anyone else asking for it only wants it for the items.

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Agree. I bought Founders first and foremost to support the devs. Anyone else asking for it only wants it for the items.

Agree +1,000,000 respect. Now can every one stop talking about it please? The only thing I say matters is that maybe MAYBE a remote chance in hell, the ps4 users will get their own founders program. But honestly shush its a free game and your practically screaming from the top of your lungs to pay for basically gold-plated newbie weapons that are not (no matter what you hear) massively better than their non-prime counter parts, only slightly, which shouldn't be worth quitting this wonderful game for. In fact I honestly DON'T want these weapons even if DE gave them to me for free as they are almost worthless after playing long enough to get an ether sword and a lex. So don't complain. We will also likely get vandal/wraith versions so just wait your turn for a better bargain.

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I feel your statement 100%. However, being a BIG fan of Excalibur (I have 2 of him. Both 4 stars - Different forma focuses & I'm MR15 Excal=My most used frame), I think in a way DE made a bad move making Excalibur Prime an exclusive. Also it's a little unfair to the PS4 users, which I am not one of, but still. The flagship frame of the game, nearly it's iconic figure, shut away from people forever? Coooold bloooooOoded. ;)~


It's not about mastery to me.. It's about having that beautiful Excalibur prime to Slash dash across the cosmos with. I'd like to hope DE would offer the founders something else, so that EXP could be attainable for true fans, but alas, I misplaced my genie.


Would be nice though if DE gave founders the option to reverse engineer their EXPs into BP, Helm, Chassis, and Systems, for trade. I know at least 5 founders who could care less about having him, and were more about council/badges/funding this beautiful game.

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I don't want to come off as weird, but I enjoy reading forum discussions like these. I like it when both sides of the issue can speak freely about their opinion and have that opinion respected by others, whether they're with it or against it.


Aside from that, though, I completely agree with the OP. If an item is exclusive to people who PAID (much more than I could have afforded, if I remember correctly) to assist in the development of the game, at least let them have that. If the item was available to the public like the other prime stuff was, then that'd offset things badly between the people who paid for that exclusive stuff and the people that just have to simply farm for the pieces (or nowadays, just buy it from Trading.) 


Although some of the people bought the Founder's Pack more to help the development of the game early on, they're entitled to some fancy stuff on the side for themselves. All in all, if Excal, Lato and Skana Prime are EXCLUSIVE, let them stay that way. (Note: This is from a non-founder's P.O.V.)


Also, to all of the Founders out there, thanks for helping make the game as awesome as it is now.

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Im really tired of watching new players be called greedy by self righteous people like you. Im a founder and frankly exclusives are a absolutely moronic concept and the only reason I bought founders was because of fear at never getting this stupid weapon mastery ever again. New topics keep popping up because any arguments against keeping exclusives the way they are, are down right terrible, and usually also very insulting.


Also a rant topic about rant topics at this point just feeds the flames (by inviting people like me to come knock you off your high horse) and if you want the problem to get better don't try to fix it. While I disagree with you completely on the exclusives issue even I want the forums to get back on track...

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