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Coming Soon: Devstream #24


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Hey Devsies,


a few quick question that tie into lore and world building:


So, on the stream you have been using mixed messages and statements about the Warframes.

Sometimes you portrait them as having a "soul" or specific character attributes, while the rest of the evidence, derrived from the game directly, never really takes a side, but overwhelmingly conveys that they are merely a suit of armor with mecha-magical potential. [bosses teasing you, the fact that you have to 'build' them from materials and so forth]


I raise this, because from a lore question it makes much more sense to say that, for instance, the reason why you as a player can interchange Warframes freely inbetween missions is because your 'account' is a Tenno, not a Warframe, and that this Tenno can put on whichever suit he likes (and owns).

On the other hand situations like the Valkyr release have stirred up confusion on my end. She was the "escaped" Warframe from Alad V's butcher shop. First of all, what does that mean? Did every Valkyr that exists in the game escape? Does that mean that there are other Valkyrs out there still sleeping who are still fully intact [talking about the astetic here].

How does a Warframe's gender play into all that? Are female Warframes only for female Tenno? Is there even a distinction in the Tenno race between male and female?

How does personality work for Warframes? Having specific things attributed to them might make sense in regards to their powers, but when you put on an old chainmail armor, you don't suddenly change your personality to fit the costume.

What is the stalker, if not a turncoat-Tenno, and if the Stalker Warframe [if you can call it that] is just a means to an end, why can't we build one too?


These are all little things that would help a lot to build up the world for the coming lore, but left uncleared and iffy like this are more offputting than engaging.


Thanks for the consideration and keep up the good work.

DaWolv of EquinoX

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My main question is: When are we getting more lore? Right now we've got maybe three pieces of lore. Stalker, Ember, and Excal. Then we've got the operation descriptions and victory messages. That's pretty much it if you don't factor in the faction descriptions from the website or the old ones from the codex that got removed and never put back, and even then lore is extremely sparse on the ground.

I know I was really hoping we'd get another little ficlet about Rhino when his prime was released, ala how we got one for Ember.

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Q1. Why did you nerf the Lato and Aklato so much into the ground? Especialy why did you nerfed the Vandal and Prime version aswell?


Q2. Considering that Valkyr's design only makes sense for a single character not a class of "exo-suits", it raises the question for me. Are Warframes one of a kind character, who just for the sake of gameplay can appear in multiple numbers at the same place, or do they represent character classes with each containing a different individual?


Q2.B. If Valkyr is a class of Warframe, why would the Tenno replicate the original escaped Tenno's appearance like that, including all the clumsily "implanted" devices by the Corpus?


Q3. Will melee 2.0 include the ability to keep a weapon charged without the time limit? I always find it annoying when my charge releases too early because the enemy just happend to step 1 meter away all of a sudden.


Q4. What exactly qualifies a weapon as clantech and what qualifies it as freely aquirable?


Q5. Why are there suddently so many weapons developed by Corpus and Grineer that aren't used by them? If you want to expand lore why do you break it so much with that?


Q6. When is Valkyr getting an overhaul to make her less clumsy and more capable of dishing out damage without being in Hysteria 24/7? The Frost nerf recently makes it look like you got your priorities wrong.


Q6.b. Can you please remove Valkyr's awkward mid air floating when she attacks during Hysteria?


Q7. Players or Clans owning ships as personal hubs (mobile dojos) any chance this is going to happen?


Q8. Any chance someone is finaly forced to sit down and clean up the market *cough* 150 plat for Skana *cough* so prices make any damn sense and people might be more willing to pay you money for something?


Q9. Why do you throw lore into the Warframe descriptions, where they shouldn't be unless they are directly related to said frame, instead of just creating LORE entry in the codex to read those story bits?

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Can we have a preview of some of the mods that will be introduced in Melee 2.0?


Will you ever make market items purchase able with credits? Should we have to craft an ankyros, can we not purchase cosmetics with our hard earned credits?


Now for my serious question: When it comes to challenge in warframe as it is; this comes down to numbers. Can your gun do enough damage? Are you using rhino? Will there ever be a point in time where you guys go back through and revamp these systems? By that I mean put warframe in a position where it is less about how powerful your weapon is, but how skilled you are. Making different levels of enemies more similar in terms of hp/shield/armor, but having higher leveled enemies become more difficult. Using mechanics, and tactics, "GRINEER attack them from the left! Divide the tenno, this one will fall easily!" things like that.

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1. Will other planetary tileset that have day/night cycles as well if their lore qualifies them for it(planetary rotation/distance to stellar object)? Will the lighting on space based tilesets take into account the distance to the sun if the ship's interior lighting is shut off it's usually the case for infested and sabotage missions? Sunlight hitting a ship orbiting Mercury would have a totally different character than light falling into a ship's window around pluto.


2. I'm concerned about how future proof the endgame projects focus and proxy war are. The only gameplay mechanics generally accepted by the player base to be considered endgame are ones that have open ended progression like the Badlands will feature. Wouldn't it be prudent in the interest of keeping the progression for Focus and Proxy war equally open ended? Examples would be the need to continuously fuel your focus abilities with fuel once you unlocked them, or the introduction of player voting(based on faction rank) to influence the faction's future agenda regarding the war.


3. Are sentinels sentient? Can they communicate with their masters?


4. Is there a lore consistent explanation for the rapid decomposition of dead bodies? Even though the t-cyte virus seems to only infect living organisms, the body disposal animation in game looks eerily like it's the t-cyte virus' doing.

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my questions are:






i have a problem and a question: my problem is that i did the survival event went 5+ min and did not get the badge.

my question is will there be more chances to get the strun wraith, vandals and a way to get mastery rank for the snipertron or make it into a grineer corpus hybrid?

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Q: Are we going to see a parity with content (ie new tilesets,mission story and variety) vs weapon/item releases because the latter far outstrips the former at present. Which has turned the fun and discovery into painfully painful RNG.

This last bit is more of a request. Lore by the bucket load please as the universe is very very empty narratively speaking.

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How about PC-->PS4 account transfer?

On the PS4 primetime I noticed you had a GrandMaster emblem next to your platinum amount.  Is this a hint that its coming?


On a closely related topic, do you still believe Cross-play can ever happen, or has it been scrapped completely?  I haven't heard anything about it recently, but haven't heard its been shut down completely.


What update do you think PS4 will see next?  Whatever update Melee 2.0 comes in, or up to 12.4 or 12.5 (assuming not Melee 2.0).

Finally, any kind of an ETA for PS4 updates?



Thanks for the hard work DE. 

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Any info about the following topics?


Parkour/Movement 2.0

Login Rewards 2.0

Defense Rewards 2.0

Enemy AI overhaul

Environmental Interactivity (Physics destruction, non-linear pathways)

Dojo "Styles" (i.e. switching between the Old Dojo and Newer Dojo styles, and possibly more...)

Hubs and Personal Ships(?)

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-Will there be any new kinds of prime in the later updates? Perhaps a sentinel prime?


-Will there be any kinds of future passive traits for warframes? (For example: Frost is more resistant to freezing temperature. So instead of losing 50% of shields he would lose 25%)


-Do u think it would ever be possible to have a non-flying sentinel, perhaps a Rover Sentinel?


-Is there anything being worked on for dynamic maps? (For example: Taking out a corpus captain steering the ship and having the ship crash onto Grineer land and you have to fight both factions.)

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Why are lore tidbits only in a few codex entries for warframes, and not all of them? When will we get to see that?


It's been months since primed chamber was released. When will we see that again? 


How will you address the RNG and anger surrounding the re-release of the Brakk?


Will you ever nerf/rebalance Rhino/Nova/Trinity? 

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Q1: When can we see a system implemented to prevent us from getting the same items over & over again in void missions? Preferably a system that would over time, insure you get the items you haven't gotten already in a timely* fashion, and while still giving you other things such as Forma.


*Game needs to make money, I understand that, but running 4 void missions, or more, & the only thing that wasn't a duplicate being a Forma.. isn't exactly ideal... in any way shape or form.


Q2: When will we get the ability to auto-group in key restricted missions?


Q3: .... Can we see a shield & sword, or shield & polearm setup when the new weapon system is released?


Q4: Any chance we will ever have a "Prime" sale for.. a pet... a pet that is possibly 4 legged, & can run on walls, & use certain abilities....?

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Any chance you can incorporate leader abilities with the Tenno hunters? and please look at buffing them... the Stalker from a few months ago was epic, hes back to Mr. Weaksauce Mcnubcake status again. Harvester and the Crew are also a bit on the weakling side.


Any chance the UI guys can incorporate displaying teammate Sentinels on the bars? Its a minor thing and most players probably dont care but its been bugging me. After years of these games and my playstyles its hardwired in me to check teammate health levels. (Main tank/Offtank, need to know when to get the mob off, etc. Not the same in this game per se, but no need to ditch good habits)


Any chance you guys can start incorporating more programmers into the streams? It is AWESOME to actually get to talk to the dudes who are doing the actual making of the game. More random drive bys from other people is also good


Expecting the usual Sheldon shenanigans... but will the mighty Sword of Pwnage +10 also make a special guest appearance?


Should the players brace for yet another beard trimming mishap?


Any chance of releasing an event like the current one, but at a HARDER difficulty? Leave the rewards easily accessible for the new guys, but scaling the difficulty into the scoring for the clans.


Any word on the pending Dojo updates? more rooms/decor/casino/hot tub/etc?


Dont stop the Prime Time or Devstream projects... very unique and absolutely appreciated by the community, haters be damned.


 Thanks for the time, Peace

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     You guys are adding a lot of content (guns, frame, tilesets, etc.) along with new game types and community events but overall your game appears to be a grindfest, get the best weapon, frame, whatever. People appear to be playing the game for the rewards rather than for the actual game itself. Now I'm sure you guys have plenty of discussions on this topic and i was wondering if you could share anything at all, something that could perhaps actually make someone look past the items and dive straight into the game for its actual game play.

     Maybe you don't want it but i'm sharing my opinions any how. I think the main problem is that the game types are essentially all the same, kill the guys and press X if you have to or maybe, kill the guys but you're restricted to this area. People are focusing on the same things killing and staying alive. Now i have no idea if it will work but perhaps one way to immerse the player into the gameplay is to force them to actually try, instead of spamming their 4 (I'm looking at you Oberon, Nova and... well, any other warframe). You may be able to achieve co-operation by putting in puzzles that require teamwork or perhap longer missions so as to teach team members to stay together that way one cant bolt through the map, add something that challenges their minds not their arsenal.

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While the avatar pictures for our profile are a nice touch, I just don't feel like it represents me, sometimes. So, would it be possible to have clan emblem avatar pictures?


Also, are there any thoughts on a new infested boss? There are so many in the other factions, and the Infested only have 2.

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