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Coming Soon: Devstream #24


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- Will the Gorgon ever be buffed now that the Gorgon wraith is on the Table? <-- please ask this one? please? :c


- New estimate on melee 2.0?


- With the addition to disabling alarms so we can "stealth" through missions, does this mean stealth might slowly be added to the game or can we expect a grand overhaul like U14?


- can we have Loki Prime next? :c


- Will John Prodman ever be added to the game??? <-- please please please

Edited by KittyDarkling
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Good sized post is good sized.


Q: Any word on hosting optimization in regards to bandwidth usage, not everyone can push over 1mbit of upstream, leaving many people unable to host and rely on others to do so. (Personally, like many DSL users I can push a max around 60kbyte/sec and have no option to get a better service, this plagues many users who are stuck behind greedy providers artificially limiting progression of service capacity, and has a strong impact on gameplay, not being able to host a game is a real bummer.)


Q: If bandwidth optimiation isn't around the corner or doable, can a UI Menu option to "Never Host" be added to minimize chances of a laggy game when you know your incapable of hosting due to current bandwidth requirements? This way players can set an opt-out for hosting leaving only those who are capable to be flagged by the matching system to be the host.


Q: UI related, can frame type be added to the player display list while in game? (Mainly so you know what your team is frame wise when joining an preexisting game or public game when you don't know the team, for that matter maybe their equip loadout as well?)


Q: Will an update be added to the UI to make it easier to see teammates who are bleeding out? I find it harder to notice them since UI 2.0.


Q: Can an option to see your deathmark tally or current deathmark flags be shown in the profile menu?


Q: Can the deathmark system be altered to support a percentile increase stacking chance system? (Something akin to increasing chances of an encounter the more you trigger flags.)


Q: Will there or when will there be an infested type hunter for the infested faction?


Q: So we got the Rhino prime, will the next prime be a female frame or can we finally look forward to the Loki Prime coming out. (For those who aren't all about slow bulky tank frames and for the most part do not enjoy playing them.)


The almost TL:DR

Q: Will we be seeing any new higher rank requiring weaponry that are capable of competing with the soma, so far we have a ton of new equipment good for lower ranked/newer players, but what about those considerably higher, will we be seeing new rank 6,7,8,9,10+ weaponry that is in the same ball park as the soma (or better)? I think some new soma equiv or better high rank requiring weaponry would add to the desire to rank up past rank 6/7 (besides the focus system that was mentioned in a previous stream), as it would be another goal and reason to go above rank 6/7, as it is now, there really isn't a reason to do so, nor is there a ton of reason to use something other than a soma when going against higher level enemies or wanting to speed through an alert or invasion (flashiness of some of the other weapons just isn't enough of a reason to use them over the damage output of the soma, sure they may be nifty or look pretty, but in the end, the soma still ends up on top with synapse as a second, love the castanas and the penta has it's perks, but when you can blow yourself up doing the majority of these missions with a high density of enemies, especially fast moving ones, well they just lose the ability to compare).


The question that is a TL:DR...

Q: Can nightmare alerts be limited to a conclave rating (eg Pluto nightmare defense conclave 1200 or so minimum) so you don't have under equipped players joining these games for a free ride hoping others will carry them (It can get really hard to pull off a difficult nightmare run when your team consists of rank0/1/2/3 players with low level equipment/mods/frames, these players not only lack the experience to manage these runs, they lack the properly set up equipment and make it extremely difficult to manage a run), a few nights ago, I experienced a nightmare defense 4 times in a row with teams who either left early or constantly died requiring you to ignore the bad guys killing the defense point or let them die to continue killing waves because they were below the needed requirements to handle the mission. I personally think a conclave rating should be used on the nightmare alerts to prevent taking the fun out of these alerts, as I found it horribly not fun to attempt the same alert 4 times only not to succeed and not be able to host it myself (bandwidth reasons) to start my own team with people who where capable of handling it. (Yes there were very low rank players doing these Pluto/Ceres nightmares and that for one shouldn't even be possible, but they got someone to bring them to these maps and unlock all the nodes so they could farm the alerts even when incapable of actually doing them, maybe the systems alone should be rank locked or conclave rating checked?) This would also give the conclave rating a secondary effect to the game other than the conclave zones while also giving an impact against forma'ing all of your gear and frames at the same time essentially running as a unranked player (so many people do this very thing these days instead of having a few things still ranked, they go around with everything being reset and unranked with no ability to survive or kill, huge problem for the bigger missions, and they do this for the experience payout while being impatient).


Thank you and I look forward to DevStream 24 [and possibly a twin potato (gold/blue) 24hr alert ;p ]

Edited by endevite
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Hello Devs-- A couple PC- Ps4 Hardware Questions!


1.  As we all know an expensive computer is going to outweigh the PS4 in all aspects pretty much graphically-- but you all have done a great job so far in imitating the effects that an Nvidia card gives. With update 12, I noticed a HUGE particle effect "quality" increase, but absolutely nothing when you compare it to the PhysX effects on a great computer with an Nvidia card


with that said--


1.  I assume you are always trying to make performance better on the PS4, but my question is-- Are we pretty much capped with our current particles/ graphics? I have noticed significant graphical improvement with each PS4 update, and alot of performance improvement (but more graphic improvement than performance so far.)  Is there a chance we could possibly get some of that PhysX on our Ps4 at some point or would that just be "too much" for the system as far as the "port" goes. 


2.  With time as warframe gets bigger and bigger, no doubt there will be graphical improvements and things of that nature probably.  

While the PC will easily be able to keep up with this technology wise, I am wondering what you all think as far as the longevity of the PS4 hardware and Warframe.  We can't really "upgrade" our Ps4's with anything more than a better hard drive.


3. Out of curiosity what is the biggest "hardware hurdle" for you all to jump when porting a game like Warframe from a Nvidia PC based game with Phys X---- to a AMD chip, totally different Ram...  and generally a "less powerful system"  etc.... 

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
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Q1. DE have you ever thought of maybe doing a infested warframe?

Q2. DE are you at some point planning on adding something new to all the prime warframes to really make them stand out from the originals, because honestly I'm not willing to give up a warframe that I have spent a reactor and several formas on for the prime version that only looks cooler and has extra polarity spots?

Q3. DE have you thought about maybe doing clan tech prime weapons in the future or something like prime?

Edited by (PS4)xxawesome720xx
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Is there any information you can give us about account migration from PC to PS4? The builds are closer to being in sync now than when this feature was announced, and during one livestream it was said that migration might be available before the builds are in sync. It seems like we just stopped hearing about it as other things got pushed up to top priority.


Any news would be greatly appreciated

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what is up with Shotguns. 


since they don't calculate those Crit and Status stats per pellet anymore, Shotguns.... basically don't Crit or have Status Effects anymore, pretty much.

having Crits and especially Status be reliable and common on Shotguns was important, to make up for the fact that they were already not dealing significant Damage when compared to most of our easymode Spraycannons. 


sooo, what are Shotguns for in the current state? because they really don't have much of a place in the game, all other Weapons outperform them at all ranges, in all situations.

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@ DE_Steve

Where's my 80pt cost headshot/weakpoint damage mod for warframes you promised me last Devstream?

(Also Rebecca's +damage on unaware enemies / sound reduction combo mod.)




More seriously:



Do you have any plans for improving grouping?

Grouping and making games is still pretty much non existant. We need basic features such as intentionally hosting and making new games rather than joining existing ones, if not a full on game creation menu with naming/joining/restrictions.


Can you please stop with the clan tech spam?

I understand you wanted to get more clan tech out there, but did it really have to be every single week for a month, including all of U12?


Please elaborate on quick melee in Melee 2.0.

We've had some somewhat contrary comments. Originally it wasn't going to be taken from us, then it wasn't going to get a damage buff that applied to when the weapon was held, now I think someone said no heavy attacks last devstream? - Could you just go over the specifics of that again, please, because that sure sounds like we're basically taking away quick melee.


End-Game Difficulty Level?

It seems like power creep is becoming more of a march. What is the overall balance point you're going for? Do you have a number in mind for 'max level enemies' in the end game, or some other form of challenge increase? What's going to put something in front of all our powerful weapons and give them a run for their money?


The future of Conclave Rating?

It seems like the game could use more incentives to control RNG, and more incentive to use lower tier gear and pursue mastery. Could we link various PvE incentives to conclave ratings by system? Weaker gear = more XP and potentially more loot or multiple mission rewards?

Edited by VKhaun
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Q. What is being planned with regards to the power of shotguns? Recently Accelerated Blast was fixed, reducing a major source of damage for shotguns. As they lack the high damage mods of rifles and pistols and their damage falls off with range on top of their pellet spread, among other disadvantages, shotguns are beginning to seem weaker and weaker to some.


Somewhat related question, what is in store for physical damage mods and proc chance mods, with their current very low percentages in comparison to other mods for weapons? Accelerated Blast with its old, 'broken' calculations was actually a viable mod for keeping shotguns on par with rifles as primary weapons go. Now it is simply a more accessible version of Shotgun Spazz.

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When will we be seeing full cloth physics for Frames like Frost and Trinity and Volt?

When will Frost be worth using again?

Will we be seeing higher level interception missions on other planets, or at least more difficult interceptions on Earth?

Buffs to shotguns now that they are back to having only one strong damage type without the benefit of Accelerated Blast?

Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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Will there be an option to vote out AFK/trolling players from a mission?


When will the reputation system be introduced and how will it work? This pertains to the first question as I've seen the reputation menu voting come up on mission end screens there is a reputation listing in our profile, but no way to interact with it.


The Trading and Recruiting tabs need to be split up more so that people looking for certain missions (Tower/Derelict/Planet/etc) know where to go to find or host a mission, just as Trading needs to be broken up more so there is less "general spam" in both. I like the new changes to the chat feature but it seems by the wayside for all of the other changes. At the least, are there any plans to be able to click on a name in chat to talk to that person, if not a more robust Selling and Teaming option?


Are there any plans for us to be able to see damage numbers from our sentinels?


Thanks for all your hard work!

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Is there any chance that we will see buffs to shotguns in the near future? With the last few patches, their role of "high damage at close range" has slowly been taken away from them. Now an entire class of weapons is essentially "muzzled," and many players on the forums are wondering why the weapons they like to use have been reduced to nothing more than mastery fodder.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Rhino Prime is so much more prime, then all the other primes.



He haves so much more details and changes on his model, then other primes; the other primes usually have a new helmet, but the rest of the body only gains a few re-skins of gold.


Are the old primes gonna have some redesign?

Or Is rhino prime more special then all others?

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-Will we ever see a shotgun buff, or possibly a reverting of a nerf? They've fallen far behind even the low tier rifles, and offer nothing that a rifle couldn't offer plus more.


-Are you aware of how broken the RNG as a whole currently is? After running 2 ODDs, wave 35 and 40, I saw nothing but T2 keys. G3 and Stalker have both spawned twice in a row, one mission after the other, then to be not seen again for another 50 missions. We recently had 3 Catalyst bps, after over a month of having none, on the same day. People are getting nothing but Frost Prime bps in T3 Caps. After running 12 T1 Caps, I've seen nothing but T1 Def keys and Boar Prime receivers. Void survivals are not cycling correctly, with someone reporting going 2 hours and getting nothing but Latron Prime receivers and Frost Prime helmets.

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Are there any new evasion animations/techniques in the works for the tenno? A handspring / backtuck combo would be great. tumblr_lzrselmTqG1r2dpibo1_400.gif

You could do this before, not the vault at the end maybe but the other thing. haven't tried it in a while though.

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Question 1:


Can we get mastery for Codex completion please? I find myself wondering why I am scanning weird objects and such.



Plus, at this rate, you will have to release several more weapons and frames and sentinels before I could conceivably get to Mastery level 16 (and what is the point of mastery at this point.... which leads me to my second and final question):


Question 2: Focus


What is the latest and when can we get it?

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1. While running through the orkin ships on void runs my clan and I started talking about how cool it would be if the clan dojo looked like the ship does. Is there any plans to allow clans to change the look of the dojo. ( example to look like the orkin ship layout.)

2. While playing the interception game mode a lot of players think it is unfair that we have to capture and hold the points while the enemy can come in and access the control panel and take it over is there any plan to level the playing field with this mode.

3. Many players feel that you are releasing new content and not taking care of all the fixes that need to be made. What is your approach to fixing these issues.

4. Will we see more stealth missions and corrupted mod vault cards.

5. Will you ever add a weapon and warframe amory room to the dojo for clans to view there items. Also will you ever add tenno statues to the decorations items.

Edited by (PS4)LordBloodWing
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- With the arrival of update Twelve, I noticed a massive drop in FPS across the board, especially on newer maps and it just gets worse with map expansions or newer maps ( Void - 45, Forest/Gas city - 28-38, The Shipyard map was so up and down it wasn't even funny), some warframe powers cause temporary drops as well, like Zephyr's ult or Nova's. Did somehow the optimizations made pre U12 get reverted? Or is this just a bad case of un-optimization. (Before hand I ran steady 60 everywhere but the void) Will there be some worthwhile optimizations soon? 


-  Will Ember be going under the table for more tweaking and well, more buffing? At least a speed buff would be nice, trying to get her powers to be able to stand up to high tier enemies besides infested grunts results in sacrificing most mod space for buffs that don't seem to really matter late game, and thus there isn't much more room to counteract her slow and fragile base state, which can't be changed cause the majority of mod space is gone to buffing 1 or 2 powers. Atm, she's like an underwhelming Nova, slow, not very powerful, hard to survive with, while Nova is stupidly fast, and way to powerful, Nova's setups for each of her powers also result in easier optimization via modding, leaving room to make her durable enough to survive thicker onslaughts. One succeeds in blowing everything up, one doesn't. 


- Will Nova's ult get some restraint so it isn't EZ mode whenever she walks in the room? Seriously, it's stupid easy with her around, I'm surprised Scott hasn't changed this considering he;s always been peculiar about balancing.


- What's the scoop for Valkyr's future?

- What's the scoop for Frost's Future?

- What's the scoop for Ash's future? ( He can modded to be quite usable but his ult and Shuriken have real viability issues endgame, which sucks cause Bladestorm in particular is a true masterpiece besides it's lacking in effectiveness, even with BR and Intensify)


- Will the new Melee system make all weapons, even the "vanity" or alert swords, much more viable?


- Will Melee 2.0 give a lot of choice to how a player can use melee? From what it sounds like, accessibility to combos is based on what mods you have, but we only have so many mod spaces and a lot of it needs to be taken up by dmg and speed mods in order to make a melee weapon actually whoop some butt. That being said, I doubt we'd have much room to add mods to expand the combos we can use. I know this isn't an issue to someone who may exclusively for example, use spin attacks, however there are many players like me that greatly appreciate combat variety, and a limiting system sounds unappealing. Is this the case? If so, is there a solution or will there be? 


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1: Is there going to be a way of retaining loot/xp after a host migration


2: Is there going to be a change in the way warframes are modded - all abilities no-longer requiring a mod slot to equip and allow us to create more unique loadouts rather than 4 abilities, 1 health, 1 shield, several power modifications (for example using master thief, warm coat, wall run etc)

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Question-According to DE the reasoning behind switching Frost's Snowglobe from Duration to Health is due to complaints about AFKERs', isn't this reasoning flawed since the actual problem is the AFKER's themselves? AFKER's don't use Frost exclusively.


Question-What's the point of acquiring a Prime Warframe when a Warframe of the same type forma is just as good, if they are not much better than the original why waste the time?


Question-Is Warframe both for CO-OP and Solo or is it headed to being exclusively Co-op because this current event can not be done solo? 

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When will the values for dual stat mods be normalized so they give a fixed percentage of their single stat counterparts? There is quite a big difference between them currently and i could really like some clarity considering this will be the 3rd or 4th time I've essentially asked the same question.

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