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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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The biggest downside of releasing Founder Prime gear is that it opens an ENTIRE CAN of worms.

That means Prime access scarfs and Titan extractors are no longer immune from being made available.


Including Beta only exclusives like the Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal.


Then DE will have a lot of work to appease both the CBT and early OBT players who plenty are vested in Prime access and Founders. Then if they release another new set of exclusive items for these people, the masses will whine again. 


In fact there were already Founders offended that Prime access scarfs cannot be obtained or bought.

But they accept the situation as it is, as Prime access players don't get our shiny exclusive items too.



Releasing Founder / Prime access exclusive items will only lead to more annoyed Founders or Prime Access players and this is something DE probably doesn't want to get itself into.


In fact if DE releases these content for free and give Founders / Prime Access players stuff like a re-usuable Forma Bp Prime / Orokin catalyst Prime Bp (that can be re-used for ever but take 48 hrs to craft, YES this was suggested.), the rage will be enormous.

Edited by fatpig84
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Not sure 'what they did wrong' exactly? They stated something would be exclusive and it was. Countless other games have had exclusives.

2 weapons and 1 frame. Yeah, makes a big difference to the community complaining about it. I didn't see this amount of BS in BF2142 where there was that exclusive SCAR rifle. I think this community is just too focused on and used to getting what they want.

They aren't going to be releasing the gear again. I'll keep saying this but it's insulting to keep asking for it and complaining about it.

Why don't we just treat Founders Program like a Kickstarter campaign? When you help kickstart a business generally you get discounts and sometimes a Kickstater skin or look for the product you're backing. Does it make sense for people to ask for the Kickstarter skin after it's ended?

I like this persons sense. Edited by Naith
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I'm going to point out that if the founders pack was ever re-released, everyone would complain that now you have to pay money to get some of the items and frames so then not only would the pack need to be re-released, it would also probably have to be farmable too.

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All selfish talk your only saying that because of what i said before most of you guys our PC players so you dont care if it happens or not. And yeah everything Wouldn't be free when was it? Get back to me on that one the game is free but if you pay to get the packs you get stuff faster. But anyways besides the point Excalibur prime need to be on the game with the others free or not like i also said before people will pay that aint a problem the problem is people well ps4 players want Excalibur prime to as a Warframe not a skin for Excalibur on PC. Anyway you look at it it still would be new to the game because he was never in the game for play and not every body got a laptop or want to play it as a PC game. To many people didnt know about the founders pack then it comes to ps4 when the founders pack ended by then its to late way to late to get him lets be real here guys we get every update but that one? Is that fair to the ps4 players that want Excalibur prime ? But i already know you PC players wouldnt understand. 

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There is nothing wrong with the founders pack and the way it has been done.


Clear upgraded mods however should be released into the void.  Event mods and the likes, if they are upgrades to other mods, should be available.  This includes the Excalibur prime.


Founders appreciation in the form of badges and such are fine as is - and - I think the early ones should get this stuff.  The mods thing though is a bit off.

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All selfish talk your only saying that because of what i said before most of you guys our PC players so you dont care if it happens or not. And yeah everything Wouldn't be free when was it? Get back to me on that one the game is free but if you pay to get the packs you get stuff faster. But anyways besides the point Excalibur prime need to be on the game with the others free or not like i also said before people will pay that aint a problem the problem is people well ps4 players want Excalibur prime to as a Warframe not a skin for Excalibur on PC. Anyway you look at it it still would be new to the game because he was never in the game for play and not every body got a laptop or want to play it as a PC game. To many people didnt know about the founders pack then it comes to ps4 when the founders pack ended by then its to late way to late to get him lets be real here guys we get every update but that one? Is that fair to the ps4 players that want Excalibur prime ? But i already know you PC players wouldnt understand. 


First off, PLEASE space that thing out.

Secondly, though i do understand the pain for PSN players to want something that they straight from the get go cannot have, it needs to be understood that even for people that WERE in Warframe for early development, they still had to Pay for founders, once again it was an exclusive. And the fact of the matter is that Exclusives should remain exclusive.

Yes we know its a Warframe, not a weapon.

But keep in mind that once again primes are purely for cosmetic purposes, which if anything should mean even more that they should remain exclusive, as some people Paid to get purely exclusive content that was out for only a little while, its only fair that we just leave it there.

Also im sure they're aware that not everyone has a laptop/computer to have played Warframe in the past, but thats just the way it is.


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It's too late to change anything about the Founder gear imo. Sure hope DE has learnt from this and does not release exclusive Valkyr Vandals or something anymore.

It isnt too late, nothing they said stops them from releasing founders items in founders packages again, the game still being beta just further strenghtens this point too.

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First off, PLEASE space that thing out.

Secondly, though i do understand the pain for PSN players to want something that they straight from the get go cannot have, it needs to be understood that even for people that WERE in Warframe for early development, they still had to Pay for founders, once again it was an exclusive. And the fact of the matter is that Exclusives should remain exclusive.

Yes we know its a Warframe, not a weapon.

But keep in mind that once again primes are purely for cosmetic purposes, which if anything should mean even more that they should remain exclusive, as some people Paid to get purely exclusive content that was out for only a little while, its only fair that we just leave it there.

Also im sure they're aware that not everyone has a laptop/computer to have played Warframe in the past, but thats just the way it is.


B please, console players dont give a damn about pc, i could buy a 4k one myself just now, dont want to, never heard about waframe, hell, i had never heard about LoL until last week, thats the reality of console players, they dont care if it is not on their platform, period.

Now, nobody is asking these for free , i am asking them to let me spend 150$ on the damn pack that contains excalibur prime, simple, how many grand masters are out there?

One day in the ps store we would have more grand masters on the ps4, trust me.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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First of all, let me make one thing clear: I am neither for nor against re-opening Founders Pack. My goal is just to clarify why some people 'feel' that re-opening it is justifiable. Let's admit it, there's a 'feeling' that it's not so horribly wrong as opposed to some other games where you can flat out say, "No. Exclusive is exclusive." and not have any hesitations about it. And this, I think, is the crux of it.

The fundamental difference between "Founders Pack" for Warframe and every other game is this..

For other games:

1. Game is in beta, Founders Pack is offered

2. Founders Pack ends

3. Beta ends, game goes 'retail' (or 'production' stage)


1. Game is in beta, Founders Pack is offered

2. Founders Pack ends

3. Months later, game is still in beta (and looks like it will still be in beta indefinitely)

4. More people joins in and supports the beta game

Founders Pack is a 'token' for the devs to show appreciation to people committed enough to support their game while it's still in development. It works for other games because their Founders Pack program ends at the same time as (or a bit earlier than) their beta phase. This doesn't work for Warframe because the game is in beta indefinitely. Instead of having Founders Pack serve as described above, it becomes more of a privilege behind a time wall.

For other games, it's the difference between people who believed in and supported the developers while the game is under development VS people who joined well after it's already a successful "retail" game - making it distinctly obvious why the former deserves the Founders Pack privilege compared to the latter. Whereas in Warframe, the difference is merely between 2 groups of people who are both playing a game that is still under development and who both want to support the developers. It's just that one group learned about the game earlier than the other group - which makes it really hard to justify exclusivity.

For what it's worth, exclusive is and should always be exclusive. But at least remove the 'beta' label and go 'retail'. As it is, instead of the Founders Pack serving as a token of gratitude for people who supported the game while it's under development, it's serving as a slap in the face to people who are here right now and ARE supporting the game while it IS STILL under development - whose only fault (if you can even call it that) is they arrived a bit later than the others.

That or find some other way that won't insult the people who supported the game before and the people who are supporting the game now - while it is still under development.


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B please, console players dont give a damn about pc, i could buy a 4k one myself just now, dont want to, never heard about waframe, hell, i had never heard about LoL until last week, thats the reality of console players, they dont care if it is not on their platform, period.

Now, nobody is asking these for free , i am asking them to let me spend 150$ on the damn pack that contains excalibur prime, simple, how many grand masters are out there?

One day in the ps store we would have more grand masters on the ps4, trust me.

Bro im a console gamer myself, though i dont have a ps4 yet,

the point im trying to make is its not as simple as

"Eh you want exclusive content that was only supposed to be out for these people at this time?  ... eh, £100

the fact is, they said it was exclusive.

Not "Early access to excaliber primes release"

but > "Exclusive"


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I'm going to point out that if the founders pack was ever re-released, everyone would complain that now you have to pay money to get some of the items and frames so then not only would the pack need to be re-released, it would also probably have to be farmable too.

WTF kind of conclusion is that?

This is not cuba or soviet russia, if those items were advertised and promised to be part of a puchasable package that is exactly what it will be, are you effing out of your mind?People payng 150$ and you are asking them for free?REALLY?

First they are cosmetic, so there is absolutey no problem in charging for them and never making them obtainable without spending real money, second, if somebody else came with this senseless conclusion i would laugh at them and tell them to get a job, it helps in the capitalist world.

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Bro im a console gamer myself, though i dont have a ps4 yet,

the point im trying to make is its not as simple as

"Eh you want exclusive content that was only supposed to be out for these people at this time?  ... eh, £100

the fact is, they said it was exclusive.

Not "Early access to excaliber primes release"

but > "Exclusive"


Founders exclusive, and they will still be founders exclusive, nothing stops them from releasing another founders package, the game is still beta and months old on the ps4, sounds ike early stage enough to me.

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OMG, we don't have things given to us! LIFE ISN'T FAIR!!!!!


Um... duh? It isn't.


The devs realized their mistake. They will not likely offer such 'exclusive' items again because of all the crap that has been thrown around by all sides.


Begging, pleading, whining, screaming for the items to be offered because some people want them is asking DE to break their word. Now for some people, their word is meaningless. Apparently many people who post here feel that way. DE made a promise and now those people want them to go back on that promise because said people want things.


I am not saying that 'exclusive' items were or are right. I AM saying that DE stated in writing that the Founders program was a limited time offer.


Now people want the items and to hell with DE keeping their word, because they want them. Not good.


IF the PS4 had some kind of Founders pack exclusive to the PS4, with Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime, I would not object as long as the player has to shell out similarly to what I did to support the game. But that wouldn't be good enough for many here.


DE cannot win this. If they give the items to the screaming hordes, they will lose the support of many of their hardcore players. (Like me) If they don't, the new players will feel cheated. Damned if you do, damned if you don't...



(PS) All you who want the items people like ME paid real money for, free of charge?  I can't post what I want without violating the EULA, so I will just say this: Support the game or get the hell out.

Edited by Kalenath
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Actually they did say one thing that does prevent them from releasing the founders packs with the original founders gear:

Being a Founder has its privileges. Snag exclusive items that will never be available again!

(emphasis mine)

That was featured predominately on the image used to promote the founders packs.

You can find the page here, archived by the waybackmachine: http://web.archive.org/web/20130921195122/https://warframe.com/founders

Sure they can release another founders package BUT they need to include different items in it. Otherwise they open up a huge can of legal worms that they dont want to deal with.


DE is(or will be soon) inviting 30 people at the end of each month who meet various criteria of being active on the forums, posting helpfully, and having no warnings and so forth.

So if you want to get into the DC then post often, post helpfully and respectfully, and dont get any warnings.

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Founders exclusive, and they will still be founders exclusive, nothing stops them from releasing another founders package, the game is still beta and months old on the ps4, sounds ike early stage enough to me.

As it was said before, it isnt Early Beta anymore.

What if one day Warframe was to go on X-Box hmm?

Do you think DE would have to release every single Exclusive Scarf, every single Exclusive weapon that they may have missed in events etc for a grand total of  £500 "Just to be fair"?


Its sad that you wasnt here to utilise the founders package, but thats just the way it is, sorry you cant throw money at your screen to get it, move on.

edit:  Not just because you have money means you should have anything you like.

Edited by Jin_Kazama
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Primed Warframes have always just been a re-skin and the Excal Prime is no different. Even some of us founders have to accept the fact that there are weapons we'll never get if we weren't in closed beta. For me personally the closed beta players deserve exclusive rewards because they helped DE make this game, just like us founders deserve something for "kickstarting" Warframe and just how everybody in open beta well get something when the game gets fully released (if you haven't already).


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Founders Pack was offered for a limited time to people who helped support the game in it's early development. Therefore "Founders." 


The people who come along later  (myself included, and no matter how much later), have no reason to complain or feel "cheated."


Why is that so hard to understand?


this Tenno... speaks tremendous amounts of truthiness

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I Didnt say that my good man, 

i said that exclusive content should remain exclusive, and not just bought for a higher price.


My bad. I apologize.


Too many people begging for the items for free, I thought you were too. Teach me to read too fast. Sorry.


For the record, if you SUPPORT the game, I wouldn't MIND if you got some kind of exclusive items. I didn't GET the Founders pack FOR the items. I did it to support what I thought was -and still think is- a VERY cool game. IF they come out with a pack of some kind, a 'Supporter's pack' or something like that, (PS4 or PC or both) I wouldn't MIND.


It's the people who are demanding the items without supporting the game that really burn me up. DE gave their word, a written contract. That means something even when many people think it doesn't.

Edited by Kalenath
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lets leave the founders pack alone, its done in the past lets just leave it at that 


better to get something new than some old pack anyways


its just nonsensical to make founders pack available again, why are people even asking for it bunch of weirdos 

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