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So The Tenno Are Called The Betrayers Because...


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Mayhaps we are the descendants of/related to the Corpus, went and got infected and lived, didnt come back "home" so to speak even though that would of no longer sustained us in effect turning us into a whole new faction then and there...Dudes got bitter, started hatin, we pwned them, they mad?


I wasnt really asleep in my pod, I was pretending...


The Corpus weren't around at the time. Both the Corpus and Grineer emerged after the chaos that ensued after the Fall of the Orokin Empire.

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Please read what I said: Without direct contradiction (Which we don't have) a person with the name "Hayden Tenno" was the first Tenno, this does _not_ imply any of "Dark Sector" applies to this persons backstory. Simply that there was a person and they had that name.


And no one has ever changed the history that is taught because it made them uncomfortable?


Hayden's armor wasn't a warframe as we know it. It was different.


Now, from what I gathered from the Lore that we have, Excalibur was the first of the warframes made by the Orokin by tossing people into the Void.


If Hayden was still around or had some kind of descendants... They might not be too happy about that. Then again, they might. You never know.

Edited by Kalenath
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if we/they werent around then what exactly are we betraying? They act like they know us... maybe tried to pry one of us out of our suits and check out our bright pink souvenir Tshirts from Disney... we told them to BACK UP OFF ME BRO, they didnt, fisticuffs ensued? dramas regardless

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I'll drop this here....


tennō,  (Japanese: “heavenly emperor”), the title of Japan’s chief of state, bestowed posthumously together with the reign name chosen by the emperor (e.g., Meiji Tennō, the emperor Meiji). The term was first used at the beginning of the Nara period (710–784) as a translation of the Chinese t’ien-huang, or “heavenly emperor,” and replaced the older title of mikado, or “imperial gate.”

According to Japanese tradition, the imperial line was founded in 660 bc by the legendary emperor Jimmu, a direct descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Around the 3rd century ad, the imperial clan defeated rival chieftains and first asserted suzerainty over central and western Japan. The imperial institution survived for 2,000 years despite the removal of individual emperors and murders resulting from court intrigues. From the 12th to 19th century, however, aristocratic and military clans held virtually all the emperor’s power (see shogunate). In 1868 the leaders of the Meiji Restoration claimed the reestablishment of direct imperial rule and built a centralized nation-state with the emperor as the symbol of national unity; loyalty to the emperor was made a sacred duty and a patriotic obligation, though he was actually given few governmental responsibilities.

The high priest of the Shintō cult and of divine ancestry, the Japanese emperor had been invested with an aura of sacred inviolability. The defeat of Japan in World War II dealt a blow to the emperor cult and the ancient myths of divine origin; the postwar constitution referred to the emperor as a symbol of the state, without effective political power.


The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Tenno (Japanese Title)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

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if we/they werent around then what exactly are we betraying? They act like they know us... maybe tried to pry one of us out of our suits and check out our bright pink souvenir Tshirts from Disney... we told them to BACK UP OFF ME BRO, they didnt, fisticuffs ensued? dramas regardless


The Tenno (we) were around - obviously.


The Corpus (they) were not. However, they worship Orokin technology almost religiously so it is not too far a stretch to imagine that they got a hold of records of what the Tenno done did do to the Orokin during one of their expeditions. Or the distant Orokin ancestors of the Corpus passed it down through the ages.

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I think the lore has some hints trough Stalker tough. It was that the Orokin got too strong for the good of the universe, no one know what about them was bad but we could imagine their war equipment, infested included were or maybe the fact that the infested got released into the galaxy accidentally by the Orokin, resulting in a mass genocide. Whichever the case is, Tenno sought to keep a balance in universe and Orokin was out of balance to the point they needed to be extinguished completely.

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You are wrong, the codex states that "Excalibur" was the first warframe. It states that the Void-tainted rejects were called the Tenno, it says nothing about the first Tenno or their name. Same with the Ember codex, it says nothing about the first Tenno.


The Technocyte virus _absolutely_ exists and _is_ the infestation:


Nano Spores: "Fibrous technocyte tumor. Handle Infested tissue with caution"


Please read what I said: Without direct contradiction (Which we don't have) a person with the name "Hayden Tenno" was the first Tenno, this does _not_ imply any of "Dark Sector" applies to this persons backstory. Simply that there was a person and they had that name.


Yeah my bad on the technocyte thing, what I mean was "the technocyte didn't give any Tenno powers". 


And that's an interesting theory, one I haven't heard before. I could buy it if not for the fact that the Hayden they were referring to was the Dark Sector Hayden (although your idea does make sense). Other than that, we're in complete agreement, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

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Yeah my bad on the technocyte thing, what I mean was "the technocyte didn't give any Tenno powers".


It might actually. It could be that in certain individuals, the virus gives you powers rather than turn you into an Infested lifeform. We don't know the origins of the Infestation (Warframe technocyte=/=Dark Sector technocyte); it is possible that it came from the Void and it was what mutated the original Tenno as described in Ember's lore.


That would explain why


a. You need Infested "gunk" (Nano Spores/Neurodes/Neural Sensors) in making a Warframe

b. Why the Infestation has no apparently effect on Tenno.

c. Why the Infested bosses seem confused as to why you are killing them; the Tenno are seen as fellow Infested in their eyes


(Why do you destroy us, we are your flesh.)

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You are wrong, the codex states that "Excalibur" was the first warframe. It states that the Void-tainted rejects were called the Tenno, it says nothing about the first Tenno or their name. Same with the Ember codex, it says nothing about the first Tenno.


The Technocyte virus _absolutely_ exists and _is_ the infestation:


Nano Spores: "Fibrous technocyte tumor. Handle Infested tissue with caution"


Please read what I said: Without direct contradiction (Which we don't have) a person with the name "Hayden Tenno" was the first Tenno, this does _not_ imply any of "Dark Sector" applies to this persons backstory. Simply that there was a person and they had that name.


Says Excalibur was the first. Since it's talking about the Tenno, the indication is that Excalibur is the first Tenno. I do not think that Hayden Tenno exists in this continuity. Pretty sure the Codex overrides what the devs previously said about Hayden Tenno being the first Tenno. Only way he exists is if they are making Excalibur Hayden Tenno.

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Says Excalibur was the first. Since it's talking about the Tenno, the indication is that Excalibur is the first Tenno. I do not think that Hayden Tenno exists in this continuity. Pretty sure the Codex overrides what the devs previously said about Hayden Tenno being the first Tenno. Only way he exists is if they are making Excalibur Hayden Tenno.


Not necessarily. Just off the top of my head, I can see two different story ideas where he might still be around. He would be different from the warframes we know. Both require that the Technocyte infection in Hayden change him from human (done) into something new. (implied)


1) He was the first of a line of warriors who retreated to hidden places when persecuted instead of lashing out at an uncaring humanity. He is immortal in his new non-human form.


2) He was a guru sought by people seeking wisdom. Instead of a mountain, he lived in a pocket of the void where he did not age. (Coincidentally, the one the Orokin tossed people into)

Edited by Kalenath
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Sounds like 'Lost' all over again.


That's why I think the lore is quite vague as well. The devs aren't sure and don't want to make a decision as of yet. They really should though. I'm sure it would allow them to provide more solid content from this basis and even start to develop a proper story line for this content to follow and tie-in with. Gives them more of a purpose.


Come on DE. Stop being indecisive and get this ball rolling. 


Yeah, exactly my thought. At least it would reunite the community. Nearly everytime I have a look at the Forum I feast on how people are arguing with each other on how the lore should be interpreted and how to fill in the gaps.


But to counter this somehow I've become used to how it's now and I imagine it would be quite dull if there's everything right into our faces. Would be like watching a movie instead of living the story like we do now.

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My theory is that after Tenno's betrayal to the Orokin , the Tenno dominated the galaxy and ended up having nothing to do . They decided to lock themselves in the Void for centuries to wait for something new to happen so they could screw up the whole galaxy again :)

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Unanswered questions. Nobody knows. Sometimes I start to think not even the Devs know which road they want to take.


For this, it doesn't sound at all like uncertainty of direction. There was some reason the Tenno had to turn against the Orokin Empire. The Stalker, who seems like a Tenno or someone who was still extremely loyal to the Orokin, took this to heart and vowed to make them pay for it. Basically one of the big story mysteries that has been set is, why did we betray them?


That's probably one of the most interesting things really.

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The Corpus see themselves as the defenders/protectors/servants/successors of the Orokin.  The Tenno obviously, at some point, either betrayed the Orokin, rose in rebellion, or generally did something to make them angry.


That or the Corpus consider the Tenno their property by dint of their being the "successors" to the Orokin.

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Ok, for starters, common sense and context clues solve any problem.


What's the problem you ask?


The history of the Tenno?


No. The problem is that half of these guesses use one but not the other.


Ok, so we don't have a definite history from DE. Duh, common sense. They get most of their ideas from us. So why wouldn't they do the same with the history? They know that we ask good questions and have good ideas when we think hard enough. So what's going to happen is, DE isn't going to give us anything until they find a story or a group of stories that answer all the questions. Why not let the curious answer their own questions? Its really genius if you ask me.


Now, the Stalker.

Obviously the wiki, Lotus, Google, NatGeo, Foxnews, the entire world says that "only TENNO can use warframes", so if S-buggie isn't a tenno then what is he? And why don't we play with that race since that Dog is badder than the Baddest dogs in the yard? Its pure common sense that he was a Tenno that was loyal to the Orokin campaign. Now I don't know if anyone thought about this or not but he is a Tenno, Im sure all Tenno got that fatefull call one week before the rebellion. Im pretty much certain that the Tenno leaders didn't say, "oh.....yeah, well......about the rebellion, you see..... we canceled" and started with out him. There is no possible way that he was surprised. Maybe he really believed in the Orokin, or he was really loyal, either way he obviously didn't feel that connected the other Tenno from well before the start of the rebellion. He went with it, went into the cryo, woke up and didn't forget anything. But he is so old. .......Really...... What, he didn't come to work on "pick out your own cryopod day"  Come on, stop with the "what is the stalker" questions.



"The Lotus"(organization)

TLO orchestrated the Tenno rebellion because they were Orokin and Sentient themselves(illuminati, infiltrators).They used the Lotus sign just because its convenient. There's no master plan behind why they chose the name or the badge. Why did you choose your clan badge? TLO clearly put the Tenno in cryopods. Who else would do it? The sentient? They would have killed them. They didn't trust them because remember they fought them first. The Orokin were dead. The infested were, well, .......infested......


TLO Common Sense

TLO made the tenno warframe combination. But as a front for their own private army for their brotherhood. Yeah, I know they fought the Sentient to cut down their numbers. But, wait, they killed the Orokin. Yeah, because they were comfortable. Then the TLO handled the rest of history, put the Tenno in cryo, lost control and reawakened the Tenno. We are the TLOPD. lol We aren't  bad guys or good guys. Just depends on the side youre on. 



Ok, so tell me why everyone is so against Hayden being the first Tenno? Does he have some type of disgrace attached to his name or something? If you admit it, will your warframe break. Its the same suit, same name, and the little things are even the same. If it quacks like a Tenno and walks like a Tenno, its The Grineer, right? Honestly whats the big deal about saying he isn't. Actually, if you cared about some type of history why would you make the most OBVIOUS the farthest from the truth? So you are going to erase the only piece of history that could make sense. Give me one reason why its not and don't say because DE said so..........it's ok......I'll wait............ I've heard so many reasons why he is but not one reason why he isn't. Oh wait he was taller than them. Based off of...........


All I'm saying is mix what you know(common sense) with what you see(context clues), then make a guess. Some questions can be answered ahead of time. And why do you need DE to make the history up?

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As far as the lotus goes, it does have a bit of symbolism.


In the cutscene when Hayden gets infected, Robert Mesner says:


"You know of the lotus? Prized beauty yet it blooms amongst filth and decay"

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Ok, for starters, common sense and context clues solve any problem.


What's the problem you ask?


The history of the Tenno?


No. The problem is that half of these guesses use one but not the other.


Ok, so we don't have a definite history from DE. Duh, common sense. They get most of their ideas from us. So why wouldn't they do the same with the history? They know that we ask good questions and have good ideas when we think hard enough. So what's going to happen is, DE isn't going to give us anything until they find a story or a group of stories that answer all the questions. Why not let the curious answer their own questions? Its really genius if you ask me.


Now, the Stalker.

Obviously the wiki, Lotus, Google, NatGeo, Foxnews, the entire world says that "only TENNO can use warframes", so if S-buggie isn't a tenno then what is he? And why don't we play with that race since that Dog is badder than the Baddest dogs in the yard? Its pure common sense that he was a Tenno that was loyal to the Orokin campaign. Now I don't know if anyone thought about this or not but he is a Tenno, Im sure all Tenno got that fatefull call one week before the rebellion. Im pretty much certain that the Tenno leaders didn't say, "oh.....yeah, well......about the rebellion, you see..... we canceled" and started with out him. There is no possible way that he was surprised. Maybe he really believed in the Orokin, or he was really loyal, either way he obviously didn't feel that connected the other Tenno from well before the start of the rebellion. He went with it, went into the cryo, woke up and didn't forget anything. But he is so old. .......Really...... What, he didn't come to work on "pick out your own cryopod day"  Come on, stop with the "what is the stalker" questions.



"The Lotus"(organization)

TLO orchestrated the Tenno rebellion because they were Orokin and Sentient themselves(illuminati, infiltrators).They used the Lotus sign just because its convenient. There's no master plan behind why they chose the name or the badge. Why did you choose your clan badge? TLO clearly put the Tenno in cryopods. Who else would do it? The sentient? They would have killed them. They didn't trust them because remember they fought them first. The Orokin were dead. The infested were, well, .......infested......


TLO Common Sense

TLO made the tenno warframe combination. But as a front for their own private army for their brotherhood. Yeah, I know they fought the Sentient to cut down their numbers. But, wait, they killed the Orokin. Yeah, because they were comfortable. Then the TLO handled the rest of history, put the Tenno in cryo, lost control and reawakened the Tenno. We are the TLOPD. lol We aren't  bad guys or good guys. Just depends on the side youre on. 



Ok, so tell me why everyone is so against Hayden being the first Tenno? Does he have some type of disgrace attached to his name or something? If you admit it, will your warframe break. Its the same suit, same name, and the little things are even the same. If it quacks like a Tenno and walks like a Tenno, its The Grineer, right? Honestly whats the big deal about saying he isn't. Actually, if you cared about some type of history why would you make the most OBVIOUS the farthest from the truth? So you are going to erase the only piece of history that could make sense. Give me one reason why its not and don't say because DE said so..........it's ok......I'll wait............ I've heard so many reasons why he is but not one reason why he isn't. Oh wait he was taller than them. Based off of...........


All I'm saying is mix what you know(common sense) with what you see(context clues), then make a guess. Some questions can be answered ahead of time. And why do you need DE to make the history up?




j/k, but I'll only address a couple of points:


1) I think people equate Tenno with Warframes and powers, when given the Stalker, I don't think that's quite the case. Stalker's probably infected too, unless it's just the "mods" (not sure what their in-lore equivalent is) that give the warframes their power. Stalker certainly isn't Tenno, judging by his characterization of the Tenno as something other than himself (he's a low guardian).


2) It's not the people are against Hayden Tenno. It's just that Hayden Tenno existed in modern-day Earth, and was mentioned as the first Tenno, whereas Excalibur's Codex page refers to him as being the first Tenno (and yes, given the context, it's first Tenno not just first Warframe).


3) Lotus is not an organization. Based on references to the Lotus from herself and most recently from Vay Hek, she is an individual.


4) The lore drives the game. It gives context to everything in the game. That's why DE needs to make it up.

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I don't think only Tennos can use the warframe.. The codex only mentioned that the frames are built for the Tennos as a conduit of their affliction..
Which pretty much means the Tennos are afflicted by something from the void, which is probably the source of their powers & the frames are just a mean or a "medium" of sort to make it easier for them to control their powers..

As for the Stalker owning a warframe, he probably just took one from an Orokin research lab or something.. The real mystery are his powers.. Where did he get them from? Did he somehow knew of a way to "get afflicted" by the void just like the Tennos? Or was his powers manifested from his knowledge/data of the Tennos experiments the Orokin most probably did(considering their powers)?

Edited by Veridantus
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Says Excalibur was the first. Since it's talking about the Tenno,


The quote is attributed to the "Orokin 'Warframe' Archives" so no, it's not about the Tenno, its about the Warframes, and Excalibur is the first Warframe, the Tenno inside may or may not be the first Tenno we have no way of knowing with the information we have.



I don't think only Tennos can use the warframe.. The codex only mentioned that the frames are built for the Tennos as a conduit of their affliction..

Which pretty much means the Tennos are afflicted by something from the void, which is probably the source of their powers & the frames are just a mean or a "medium" of sort to make it easier for them to control their powers..


The Excalibur and Ember codex only talked about two specific originating Tenno. We know nothing about the Powers _our_ Tenno have only that the game portrays a single Tenno with many Warframes (per player) and the powers are part of the Warframes. Until someone from DE states that we _actually_ play a group of Tenno each fused into their Warframe (which I don't think is the case) those codex entries aren't talking about us.


We also don't know if the Void "taint" is the thing that allows the Tenno to pilot the Warframes, it may be something else. It's possible the Void taint is just the origin of the powers not the one unique thing that the Tenno have that the Grineer/Corpus don't.

Edited by SilentMobius
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This is my idea of the Stalker:

The Stalker is NOT a tenno, he is one of the very few who are able to control the tennos. His abilities are mainly useful only on fighting the tenno. It really is almost TOO obvious that he is just an old orokin guardian who use to herd the group of the tenno. Now since the tenno revolted against the Orokin empire he obviously fought against them along with many others of his kind, and it's likely that he's one of the only survivors of that giant massacre. All his fellow Guardians where killed in cold blood, and in a sense of justice he continued to hunt down the tenno even now. Note that the Stalker Codex describes stalker as sitting along side his fellow guardians as he watched the Tenno kill the orokin in cold blood.

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*lotus* so alad have a harvester he send after whoever support the grineers, for some reason it have a random detron part.


*tenno support grineers*


*G3 showed up and have super rare mods*


*tenno help corpus*


thats why we betrayers.


*runs venus missions untill harvester spawns*

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Oooooooh! I love this. My 2 cents: Lotus is probably AI possibly one of the Sentients. If you look at Orokin weapons (Tenno, Infested) are all organic. Correct me if I am wrong but does it say anywhere the Sentients were the aggressor? Tenno could have turned on the Orokin if they discovered the Orokin started the mess.

Considering the Stalkers mod set he could have been Tenno beta. The prize fighter the Orokin developed. Or maybe he is the first Excalibur if you look at each one as a product line instead of individuals.

Ideas, please correct any already proven errors. New to lore exploration.

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