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I Think The Lotus Is Lying


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Think about this:


We capture the cores, and launch them off, ostensibly, into space, to explode them.


It's been pointed out that we could use them instead by a few other people. Which may or maynot make sense.


However, in context, it makes a LOT of sense:


The grineer are willing to DIE to make sure we don't take that core. If we're going to just blow it up anyway, they should focus on shooting at us, not it.


We're being scored on this, rewarded for getting them out of there as in-tact as possible, and getting bonus points for extracting higher-grade cores. Why do we care how in-tact something is if we're going to blow it up immediately afterwards?


Also, we're not being told how they'd be blown up, or having to blow them up ourselves(a popular trend). No, they just leave on extraction mantids, which, supposedly, we're on too.


On top of all of that, there's no actual reason to protect the cores--consider: If we "fail", the ship manufacturing plant we're at automatically shuts down, forever. Gosh, not like that's a huge setback for the grineer, the only thing living there, right? Hrm.


This is an awfully complex process if we're just blowing them up. It's not even the best strategy if we're just blowing them up. Nuking them and turning that rock into an uninhabitable wasteland is the most logical, most decisive course of action we could take against the grineer.


We should just be going down and sabotaging them, and then gtfo of there. We're not.


So what's REALLY being done with those cores?????

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The Conflagration is pleased with your coming to understanding.




That aside, I don't think the Lotus is actually doing something with the cores that the Grineer want to stop us from doing so much as the Grineer clones are... well, clones: they're expendable and they can make more. Us Tenno? Our supplies are limited, if we're gone were fuckin' gone. So to them the loss of a couple handfuls of clones and a base (which they could easily return to afterwards and scrap for salvage) is a small price to pay for a chunk of Tenno warriors to be permanently eliminated. 

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well, arent teno fighting to actualy recover solar system from grineer, corpus and infested? atleast thats as much as i remember from cb intro why are we here :D


so nuking planets,asteroids, etc etc with cores arent exactly in best interest of teno

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I think the Lotus is lying


You and every other conspiracy nut on these forums. The cores? They're going to be destroyed. The Lotus says it. hey are being taken out so that they can be safely destroyed in space. Who cares if the intricate details of how they are going to be destroyed aren't revealed to us? It's not relevant to the mission. Why do the Grineer shoot at the core instead of at us? Because the AI is programmed to do so, that's why. It's to make the mission more difficult. Why don't we just blow it up? Because 1) it's said that the explosion would kill us all, and 2) DE wanted an escort-type mission where we have to escort some object. There's no conspiracy surrounding this event or the Lotus for that matter. The only possible conspiracy, as currently any such conspiracy is baseless, would be that the Lotus is Orokin and is trying to bring back the Orokin Empire by having the Tenno kill mercilessly as they did for the Orokin. But there's no basis for that.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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We're not recovering the solar system at all, we're stopping either the Corpus or the Grineer from killing the other in order to maintain a decent battleforce for an "unknown" enemy from outside the solar system.


We can imagine that humans expanded outside the Sol system at some point because otherwise Alad V wouldn't have mentioned Centauri, one of the closest systems to ours, plus we have that whole Solar Rail system the Devs talk about (which is cool by the way), plus the original Dark Sector concept was set just outside the Sol System.

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We are not destroying the cores but taking them because Tenno need a fleet so we can finally once and for all murder all filthy Grineer and Corpus infesting our solar system and bring an end to the  miserable excuse of what's left of human race.

Edited by CatScratch
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The reason way we doesn't blow the cores on the planet is becouse we want the life on the planet to continue to live and there is the chance that humans that are not Tenno, Grineer or Corpus is still alive and wants to come back to the planet. Wish we are protecting. (Don't remember if I heard this from DE or if it was a players thought) 

Edited by BabyKurama
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Didn't Darvo and Frohd talk about Tethra as if it was a Corpus project?

No. They talked about it as the "final step" of grineer domination.


The basic lore is that the grineer conquered most of the solarsystem, gathered vast amounts of resources beyond their normal capabilities, and are now making fomorians hard-core, to let them stomp out what's left of the opposition. Except, the corpus have counter-attacked while the grineer resources are all invested in mining, so if the fomorians don't go online, the grineer have no way to maintain their foothold. It was previously established that a single fomorian can conquer an entire planet. Ergo, a fleet of hundreds would conquer the galaxy in short order.


That in mind, that's all the more reason we'd want to shut down the shipyards permanently. Sure, we're harming 1 planetoid, but we're saving the galaxy from grineer domination.

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