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Extortion At Its Finest.....must Read For All Up And Coming Players!


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I just don't think that we should be able to trade prime at all. I hate seeing a mastery rank 1 with a Mag Prime and Latron Prime (which I have). I thought Primes were not supposed to be common, I know RNG is a female dog and it needs fixing, but trading is not the way to fix it. Latron costs 225p in the market and Mag costs 175p, I would think the prime counterparts should cost more.

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DE wants trading to continue as it is: price gouging encourages other players to buy plat, which benefits DE.

Now, that is a short term solution to cash flow for DE, but if you look at their recent games portfolio, you can see that Warframe is pretty much a cash cow for them right now, to tide them over between shovelware titles :P

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Platinum trading should be removed, you can't really call it trading when everyone wants platinum for their items. It's basically another in game store.


It should be trading items for items only.

No. Plat trading is fine. If you cannot pay the plat for your items, that's your own problem.

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Platinum trading should be removed, you can't really call it trading when everyone wants platinum for their items. It's basically another in game store.


It should be trading items for items only.

Platinum trading is a boon for free players. They have time to farm but not willing to buy plat for some reasons. They sell items for plat and use said plat to buy more slot/cosmetic. It should stay.

The problem is simply demand>supply among new primes. As soon as market become more stable, the price will drop.

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Prime parts are dirt cheap cause  demand < supply . Only Rhino P was expensive cause rare and new: demand > supply 

Market as usual. 


Exactly, on the PS4 the value of rare and corrupt mods has collapsed. I can get Focus for 10-15 plat, despite it being incredibly hard to get, Blind Rage for 5, ammo mutations for5/10 plt. Same with most nightmare mods


(The exception being the cicero crisis ones. But I wouldn't be surprised if they drop in value sharply after they're released in a few months)


It's the core concepts of Macro Economics, when demand outweighs supply, the price asked increases. When supply outstripps demand, prices drop to compensate and secure the sales. Leave the free market as it is people, if some kid is asking you for 150 plt for barrel diffusion, look around or do what I do and play several sellers off against one another to get the best price and drive it down. Yeah, it's a #$&(% move to some, but it works.


(I was asked initially for 100 plat for barrel diff. I got it for about 15 of someone else, people have to learn not to price themselves out a market, or not to get taken in by a pump and dump style situation.)

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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Platinum trading is a boon for free players. They have time to farm but not willing to buy plat for some reasons. They sell items for plat and use said plat to buy more slot/cosmetic. It should stay.

The problem is simply demand>supply among new primes. As soon as market become more stable, the price will drop.

Problem are "MUST.HAVE.EVERYTHING.NOW!" types.



As i see it, you can buy something for the current price or you can wait for better prices. Or you can farm and trade your new primes extra parts for ones that you need ( i did that for my last Ankyros Gauntlet ). Gotten everything in 3 or 4 day of medium farming.



Supply and demand. Well, prices are around 40-100 plat for Boltor and Rhino BP now. In a week or two they will be 20-40.



So wait for a week or two, and you will have them for the more fair price. Level something else if you dont know what to do, and dont bother with primes for now.

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One problem is to find a certain deal, you have to either scan the trading forum, or hope to catch an offer in the seconds it's visible on the chat channel.


Perhaps a formal marketplace / exchange like some other games, where you set a price for your item and send it off to sell, and compare from all available prices when you're buying, would help. Someone asking 150+ plat for one prime piece? Prepare to be stuck at the bottom of the list by price while cheaper options come first.


main downside to that system is that unless your listing is the cheapest of all, don't expect to be able to sell right away. Perhaps a hybrid of short-time and long-time trading options would be better.

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I heard from a clan member the cost of getting Rhino Prime parts and generally how much stuff costs when trading with strangers.
Only thing I have to say, clan exclusive trading ftw. Just seems fair, helping out within the clan.
Plus I somehow feel more confident trading with the people I know rather than taking a complete stranger and letting him/her into our dojo where we plan to abolish the Lotus and conquer the sol---CUPCAKES! <_< >_>

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i dont expect any any less all im trying to do is help out people so that they dont get stuck in this bad system.  


It's not a bad system, it's great. I can go to 4 separate sellers and compare prices then get them compete to drop prices as they all offer the same thing. 


An auction house system where the average price data for an item is displayed is bad for someone like me, sellers will all try and fix the average going rate so you can't drive down the prices or buy up rare mods on the cheap side for whatever reason, for yourself or selling them on above the purchase price later, or to newer players with limited trade ability.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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It's not a bad system, it's great. I can go to 4 separate sellers and compare prices then get them compete to drop prices as they all offer the same thing. 


An auction house system where the average price data for an item is displayed is bad for someone like me, sellers will all try and fix the average going rate so you can't drive down the prices or buy up extremely rare mods on the cheap side for whatever reason, for yourself or selling them on above the purchase price later.

Its also the nature of an auction house to have players buying things up in bulk to relist.

Suggesting an auction house to fix his issue with trading is much like recommending knee pads for someone who sky dives. Its mostly psychological. 


And make no mistake, I'd be right there with those said people. Find a "popular mod" buy up any price that shows at X value, relist it at another.

Having a plat reserve to do this isn't impossible, infact, if it starts working early, it just becomes a self fueling process. 


Prime targets for auction house inflation:





Barrel Diffusion

Split Chamber

Lethal Torrent

Hammer Shot


Just targeting those big "appears in every build" type mods are key to making a huge profit if an auction house shows up.

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Its also the nature of an auction house to have players buying things up in bulk to relist.

Suggesting an auction house to fix his issue with trading is much like recommending knee pads for someone who sky dives. Its mostly psychological. 


And make no mistake, I'd be right there with those said people. Find a "popular mod" buy up any price that shows at X value, relist it at another.

Having a plat reserve to do this isn't impossible, infact, if it starts working early, it just becomes a self fueling process. 


Prime targets for auction house inflation:





Barrel Diffusion

Split Chamber

Lethal Torrent

Hammer Shot


Just targeting those big "appears in every build" type mods are key to making a huge profit if an auction house shows up.

Dont tell me people are buying Conti, Flow and Intensify? I am giving those for free, because there is no point in selling them. No one should pay for those basic mods.

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Dont tell me people are buying Conti, Flow and Intensify? I am giving those for free, because there is no point in selling them. No one should pay for those basic mods.

You are giving those out for free now.

Should a market appear, even the ones that already have it will be lured into selling it by the all mighty shekels


But once its readily available for instant gratification no middle man, those things will sell the "fastest" outside of the big mega rares that will already have a high price.

What I am discussing is simply buying up all the existing stock for how "common it is" and then relisting it at nearly 400% markup to make the profit.

Edited by Nariala
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Dont tell me people are buying Conti, Flow and Intensify? I am giving those for free, because there is no point in selling them. No one should pay for those basic mods.


For that price, I'll take them off your hands and get them to the people who need them. I'm altruistic like that.


I only bought Intensify as it's a pain to get, for 10 plt. I sold on multiple times, I've got Flow, Efficiency and Continuity already.

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You are giving those out for free now.

Should a market appear, even the ones that already have it will be lured into selling it by the all mighty shekels


But once its readily available for instant gratification no middle man, those things will sell the "fastest" outside of the big mega rares that will already have a high price.

What I am discussing is simply buying up all the existing stock for how "common it is" and then relisting it at nearly 400% markup to make the profit.

I gave crapload of my mods before Christmas, so i am not hellbent on profit. I sell occasionally tho, if price is good and if i need to boost my plat reserves.

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