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How Long Will You Be Around?


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While I wouldn't say I've stopped completely yet, I can't be logging more than several hours a week in Warframe at this point, less if there's not an event going on.


1) I have better things to do with my time, personal and academic.  Since several months ago, Warframe no longer kept me entertained enough to devote time to it over other matters.  Only 24 hours in a day, no sense wasting 'em.


2) Boredom.  Or DE crossing the Moral Event Horizon and doing something unforgivably stupid/malicious, but dying of boredom is more likely, I feel.


3) The lack of purpose or direction.  More than anything else, even the faulty core game mechanics or the nigh-complete removal of the most entertaining faction in this game, I crave a purpose in this game.  Farming and grinding is not purpose, it is mindless time-wasting.


4) Proxy Wars and Badlands should address my primary concern, if they work as advertised.  But who knows how far away they are.

This is exactly what is going on with me, there are so many better ways to spend hours of your lives rather than spending 24 hours on one warframe part.

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Why will you stop?

- the removal of infested nodes

What will make you stop?

- the removal of infested nodes

What is your biggest problem at the moment?

- no infested nodes, rng, no so much to do... since no infested nodes

What must change?

- infested must get their nodes back

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Warframe is a drug, simply cannot stop. Been playing this game for over a year and still going, stronger than ever. And this is only the beginning to something far greater beyond what the human eye can see. We simply build ourself strong enough for the end of Beta... Reason I stick with warframe, you should know. If you dont see what I see, you can stop complaining and continue the search of what game suits you.  Warframe is just epic, aight?

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Why will you stop?

- the removal of infested nodes

What will make you stop?

- the removal of infested nodes

What is your biggest problem at the moment?

- no infested nodes, rng, no so much to do... since no infested nodes

What must change?

- infested must get their nodes back

Good news the infested are getting their own stuff.

On topic: If the devs keep going at it like they are I do not foresee a time when I will quit. I'll take hiatuses now and again to play other things but will likely always come back. The way I see it is that this game has been in development for a little over a year. Average time for a game seems to be approximately 4 years. Seeing the process as a player with constant build updates has proven to be endlessly fascinating to me. That and I'm not susceptible to butt-hurt nor do i become overly attached to anything. If something I love gets nerfed to near uselessness I find other things to love and wait for it to be changed again or not, either way it doesn't bother me.

The key is realistic expectations and the knowledge that I am not every player and because something I want doesn't get done doesn't mean DE doesn't listen to the community.

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Why will you stop?

There has been a bit of strife amongst my clan. We'll see how it levels out by the time Badlands comes out, but if I don't have a suitable clan to participate in Badlands, and Badlands isn't 'good,' as promised, then I might not find the drive to  compete.


What will make you stop?

If Badlands/Factions doesn't play out well enough, it might be the nail in the coffin.


What if your biggest problem at the moment?

Current systems that need to be fully revamped, but are being ignored in favor of new mechanics. Melee 2.0 is 'needed,' but, I'd like to see gameplay balancing before Focus/Badlands.


What must change?

There are bunch of things I could list here, but: Trading needs to be easier. Mods need to be redone, I believe. And, other more opinionated fixes.

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Why will you stop? I generally stop a game because a better one comes out or friends leave the current one or i get extremely bored
What will make you stop? read above
What is your biggest problem at the moment? boredome
What must change? i really dont know, i'd love to see some Lore and something real to work toward beside killing & killing & killing

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From time to time everyone either switches games ir just stops playing completely.

Now my question to you is if the time comes...

Why will you stop?

What will make you stop?

What is your biggest problem at the moment?

What must change?

why? Because Warhammer 40k released an MMO (no where near happening)

What? A Warhammer 40k MMO

My biggest problem? Lack of Giant robots...

What must change? the map so noobs can skip earth and go to Saturn instead.

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I rarely play. Mainly because i see no point in this game. You level a weapon to max. For what? You wont use it after it is maxed and lvl 30 because you dont get any process with it anymore. All affinity is wasted. And no, im not having fun doing the same thing over and over again with different weapons.

then why are you here?

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Why will you stop?

A: Repetitive Gameplay

What will make you stop?

A: Lack of interesting content and events over a period of time.

What is your biggest problem at the moment?

A: Gameplay-wise: Getting rare mods and orokin catalyst and reactor blueprints.

     Entertainment-wise: Not enough events.

What must change?

A: MORE FUN!!! (aka events :D)

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- do  different mission  = always the same map you play on and they only change the background a little. so boring

- I hate doing same thing over and over again. level up your stuff to 30 then applied forma.. it will become zero .. why cant we just leave it as it is ..... even we applied forma.... really hate it

- more new type of mission

- if this going become like counter strike it would probably cool

Edited by Mistyclown
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What will make you stop?

I've already stopped playing normally.


What will make you stop?

Boredom. The fact that there's nothing to do, and that DE hasn't put anything worthwhile other than grind and more RNG on top of more RNG, a.k.a no content.


What is your biggest problem at the moment?

The developers themselves. Alienating their playerbase multiple times, for example, with things like Derelict Keys despite people's hatred against Void Keys and the Key system in general in Update 10, not listening at all to the numerous comprehensive feedback posts, the constant unfun grind they keep on adding with new weapons, the RNG they keep on using instead of putting in actual game design, apparently, their working environment:




...Which is probably preventing people from doing their jobs effectively and making the slow and uncontent filled updates now, and ugh, the fact that I even need to rant this.


What must change?

Tons upon tons of things. The mod system, which was supposed to let you mod your weapon to your liking and preferred playstyle, that is instead currently being bottlenecked by the gameplay aspect of "more damage forever" and Damage 2.0 fact of many guns being specifically tuned to beat only one faction, both of which disallow the mod system to fulfill its intended purpose, lack of an endgame, RNG, the grind (everything requiring grind and it not being fun at all), Beta tag despite barely taking in any "beta testing" feedback, power creep and the constant argument against needed nerfs, and the other 2000 things discussed in the comprehensive topics that others post on these forums.

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i will never stop, i will stay 'till the very end, and probably beyond once Server Emulators are made.


the ONLY thing that would make me leave before would be EA getting their filthy hands in this game.


My only problem with the game is that RNG is alive, and wants you to suffer as much as you can.

Edited by Kraosdada
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Why will "I" stop?

- I'll stop when it's time to get me a sandwich.


What will make "me" stop?

- Honestly, I stop when I don't feel like it, and if it necessary.


What is "my" biggest problem at the moment?

- My face needs a rip-off.


What must change?

- A change in the community to devoid major human hypocrisy, that provides self-incrimination and self-combustion that takes half of the community to plunge in without any recourse of the gaming developers until they spring up actions to put ends into monotonous voices and yet returns just simply because of the on-going recruitment of players with similar aspects of those who already committed to do wrong doings just as much as their successors and predecessors that continuously misconducts good manners and respect towards their peers with nothing but hate and transgressions that hardly anyone would understand within the confines of the game's life, in which I would heavily suggest be and will be removed unless this hypocrisy is taken into account as a joke and not a serious hatred towards fellow Tenno, the Moderators and the Developers.


Either that, or I just needed a new haircut. :3

Edited by Freelancer27
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I'm still really new so I've yet to experience the game. But uh, asking if someone will stop playing is kind of putting it badly. With enough time everyone will stop playing. Doesn't matter what game it is, you play it long enough, you'll get bored. 

The real question is, will you come back to warframe? 

Probably, I'm actually having a lot of fun with the game. Apart from it being pretty good so far, I also have a high tolerance for the grind. 


Biggest problem? I haven't found serration yet. The grind continues.

Edited by TheDudeOfGaming
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Why will you stop?

Because my love for Warframe has been diminished by the updates bringing the game downhill.

What will make you stop?

If DE destroys what little fun and potential left in Warframe.

What is your biggest problem at the moment?

All of the changes that need to happen, but haven't happened, or will never happen. 

What must change? 

DE learns from their mistakes. Making mistakes is fine, but admitting them is difficult.
Self consciousness is the first step, is what I like to say.

Also, actually doing something about said mistakes.


Despite all that I've said, I'm a hopeful person, and I still believe DE can make a comeback. There are some nice things getting thrown in here and there, and Melee 2.0 is going to be a huge deciding factor as well.

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Why will you stop?

refer below
What will make you stop?

the game becomes a chore AND community becomes MOBA-game toxic.
What is your biggest problem at the moment?

Few whining threads... especially those who are not really trying to give an actual feedback. They just whine, really...
What must change?

I let DE do that, in-game wise. We have enough whines and appropriate feedbacks.

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