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Retune *all* The Frames! (11/19: Wildfire)


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I was playing with Mirage a lot recently and noticed that new Grineer things (like Blunt shields and Ramparts) are not affected by Sleight of Hand. I thought it would be cool if Mirage could explode Blunts and turn Rampart into auto-turret, shooting nearby enemies on its own.


Also I really think they should just implement augment into the regular Sleight of Hand, and have something else for augment. It's really annoying that without an augment you just instantly explode all your pickups for literally no damage (because what are the odds that enemies are going to be near those pickups?)

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Nekros purpose is to bolster farming.


I need a relieve on the farming.  Nekros provides that.

- [Citation Needed]


- why do you think so many things are stashed into the rarest Pools for Enemy Rewards? because Players can multiply l00t, so to compensate Chances for everything go down.

so do you really need a Warframe that 'improves' your acquisition rates? (because it doesn't actually)

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Nekros purpose is to bolster farming. Thats what most of us bought him for. If you now shunt him out of that role, into the roles we already have plents of options for... well then i want my plat back to buy something esle.

Seriously? Ha, no.

- [Citation Needed]


- why do you think so many things are stashed into the rarest Pools for Enemy Rewards? because Players can multiply l00t, so to compensate Chances for everything go down.

so do you really need a Warframe that 'improves' your acquisition rates? (because it doesn't actually)

Finally. I've been saying this for the better part of a year. Loot abilities don't even really make chances much "better", it's just gambling mentality... but their existence keeps drop chances low because balance point is set around having them constantly up.

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Nekros, can i get my plat back when you remove the loot button? Because thats specifically what i bought him for.


True, other frames got reworks but they never betrayed the purpose of them beign aquired:


Many people bought Ember to be a tank, but the developers believed they made a mistake making her anything less than a fire sorceress and corrected that.


Don't try to fight me on rework histories.


To murder things. That never changed. They did not get thrown into a totally different category of purpose.


Nekros purpose is to bolster farming. 


It's funny how you say that, because while I understand it's what most players use him for - Desecrate is, statistically, https://warframe.com/news/numbers-warframe-powers'>the most-cast ability in the game - the evidence actually works against your intention... to the literal point of your words.


What does Nekros have in his kit, aside from Desecrate? An attack that ragdolls a target to open them to finishers (and in the OP, becomes a finisher in itself); a mass-CC that supplements a low target cap with an armor debuff; and an ultimate that deals scaling damage by virtue of mind-controlling a swarm of enemies (though it requires you to actually kill some first). As you said: His purpose was to murder things, and Desecrate was intended for him to capitalize on that - but players, like you, skipped a few steps and exploited the ability to the exclusion of his entire kit.


For the record, I don't blame the players for this; it's in our nature to maximize loot. Murphy's Law puts the error directly on the developers for making sitting around spamming one button the most effective way to do so. I do hope, as you would, that the removal of Desecrate would be accompanied (or at least preceded) by a rework to the way loot drops are handled, as I outlined in last week's CHT.


The role you want to push him into is already CROWDED.


Actually, you heavily misinterpret his role as devised in the OP. Yes, he has some crowd management with his Terrify skill, but the intention for him is to be an all-around support frame (we only have 3 other frames with group-healing capability) and ultimately, a swarm-based damage-dealer by virtue of his otherwise heavy focus on Power Strength (which is presently unique).

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I need a relieve on the farming.  


Tying into that, I don't just plan to cut Desecrate and run. I've been thinking on this detail a long time - why players like Desecrate even though it's a godawful ability - and I decided to address these concerns, with a list of recommended solutions. You are welcome to see if the sum total of such changes would be preferable.


Now I would like to get back to Volt discussions.

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Oh, so supercharging Speed gives you Bullet time? that's really cool.


It's presently just a placeholder (I think the idea of dodging bullets feels more the area of Mesa or a Time frame).


I do like the idea of Supercharging Speed having a shorter but more potent effect, which is part of why I wrote in the OP for Speed to be recastable while it's active. (The other part being that your Power Strength becomes more potent anyway...)

Hoping for more ideas on that, of course.

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Looking at the changes to Desecrate, I find myself generally liking them quite a bit, though I'd rather see the Viral proc chance removed from the attack portion of Siphon Life, and instead have it pop corpses in its AoE to force Viral Proc. Maybe make how long it takes to burst a corpse based on power strength? It feels kinda weird to have a Necromancer that isn't looting/hiding/defiling the dead for their own (often nefarious) purposes.


This creates a situation where you find a blob of enemies, burn one down, jump in and Terrify the group, then Siphon life to quickly weaken the surrounding enemies, and set the corpse off like a bomb to halve their HP pool, and then obliterate them. Once you get your Shadows going, then you can snowball and keep up this pressure against wave after wave of enemies.


At least, that's the way it seems like it'd work out in my mind. I don't really mind the whole pausing-offense-to-maintain-self aspect of Nekros as it is, but the RNG-factor (and the fact that it promotes a-holes like the Nekros I was in a Sortie Survival with yesterday that didn't once do anything other than ineffectually fire their primary and Desecrate) needs to go, go, go! Terrify's target limit, short range, and weak armor shred combined with scattering enemies to four-corner of the map faster than your teamates will probably be able to realize what's going on doesn't really help this any as it just makes them unhappy when you do more than generate loot and air tanks for them (even when you're handily out killing and out tanking them for whatever reason :eyeroll: ).

All in all, I really like the suggestions for Nekros in the OP, it just feels like there should be some interaction with corpses.




Not much else to say at the moment other than the Shield Gating mechanic is really not a good idea at all unless the gate effect only applies to a few specific types of attacks such as Napalm projectiles and sniper attacks. I really don't think your run-of-the-mill grunts should trigger it at all, or any of the beam/DoT attacks as they already have ways of being rendered harmless (IE: dodge roll or jog perpendicular to the attack). Maybe it'd be more palatable if the invincibility factor got tossed entirely. :|

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I really don't think your run-of-the-mill grunts should trigger it at all, or any of the beam/DoT attacks

i mean, having it apply to them is ineffectual, as Enemies with Machine Guns of any sort, are basically unhindered by Shield Gates in the first place.

oh, can't get oneshot? welll.... okay, i shot 10 bullets at you.


the biggest effect is high Level Enemies that would Kill you in a Single Shot no matter what it was from. so it does something for that Sniper Enemy or Napalm or w/e - but the Trash Unit you don't want it to apply to Kills you in a single hit too.



to be clear - i'm neutral on having Shield Gates in Warframe.

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Looking at the changes to Desecrate, I find myself generally liking them quite a bit, though I'd rather see the Viral proc chance removed from the attack portion of Siphon Life, and instead have it pop corpses in its AoE to force Viral Proc. Maybe make how long it takes to burst a corpse based on power strength? It feels kinda weird to have a Necromancer that isn't looting/hiding/defiling the dead for their own (often nefarious) purposes.


This creates a situation where you find a blob of enemies, burn one down, jump in and Terrify the group, then Siphon life to quickly weaken the surrounding enemies, and set the corpse off like a bomb to halve their HP pool, and then obliterate them. Once you get your Shadows going, then you can snowball and keep up this pressure against wave after wave of enemies.

Now that's cool: Siphon Life hurts living enemies (which then heals Nekros and his allies) AND explodes corpses to do Viral Procs (and whatever else, like more damage and maybe spawns health orbs?). That sounds fun!

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It feels kinda weird to have a Necromancer that isn't looting/hiding/defiling the dead for their own (often nefarious) purposes.


Honestly, I find it weird that we have one who does.


I mean, I know that exploding corpses is a staple Necromancer nuke of many RPGs and that's fine, but Warframe only leaves them available for around 10-15 seconds at a time (and that's ignoring the ones that already detonate on death); not really long enough to pull off delicate maneuvers like what you suggested. By the time you have a large enough crowd of corpses to make the most use of the explosion beyond just the proc, you probably have to wait for the next wave of enemies to pile in, causing you to lose some of the advantage - just hard to time all around.

Additionally, the scatter provided by Terrify runs counter to the sort of grouping you would need to make the most use of an organic landmine.

By simplifying the ability to proc Viral as part of the damage, you can skip the step of having to burn down a single target to proc the crowd, and have room to allow the base effect to affect a larger area at once. Same effect in less time.


Part of the reason why I push for the life drain to proc Viral directly is because it creates the illusion that you have actually sapped your target of some of their strength and lifespan with the proc; not merely dealing damage to mend wounds but stealing their years for yourself, draining them until you leave only a mummified husk that's easier to cut down. 


Ultimately, just the act of being able to raise the dead seems like enough utilization of them for me.


maybe spawns health orbs?


... Isn't that a bit redundant, considering the effect its attached to...?

Edited by Archwizard
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... Isn't that a bit redundant, considering the effect its attached to...?

Not necessarily. The ability itself that you are suggesting (Siphon Life) is an immediate heal. Health orbs, however, are lasting, lingering immediate/future heals.The fact they go well with Equilibrium is something I think a lot of people will miss too, if that effect is not retained in some way. Especially so if Despoil (needs a new name, or is fine as is?) still would remain to change Siphon Life's cost from energy to health. Then all the health you can get is just nice :)

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Not necessarily. The ability itself that you are suggesting (Siphon Life) is an immediate heal. Health orbs, however, are lasting, lingering immediate/future heals.The fact they go well with Equilibrium is something I think a lot of people will miss too, if that effect is not retained in some way. Especially so if Despoil (needs a new name, or is fine as is?) still would remain to change Siphon Life's cost from energy to health. Then all the health you can get is just nice :)


I hadn't considered having Despoil remain with Siphon Life - essentially it would just make the ability into free damage, which is little better than it does now with the blatant free loot.

I know that health orbs make for unique build potential, but keep in mind that the main support focus I'm trying to push is having Nekros be more pet-oriented; Shadows can't pick up health orbs.


Although, I think having Health Orbs could be an interesting effect of Mend (perhaps enemies within the aura could have a chance to drop orbs on death to match Maim's bleed? Or just overhealing becomes health orbs?).




Meanwhile, I'm considering changing some more augment suggestions:

- For Petrify, the augment could temporarily increase the base armor of affected allies by a flat amount for the duration, including Rumblers and Bulwarks. I know some of you had your hearts set on blocking bullets, but that seems to be more Bulwark's area...

- For Tentacle Swarm, the augment would cause tentacles to instead protrude from Hydroid, grappling enemies to him and slamming them down, but reducing the duration and number of active tentacles.

- I'm tempted to take a second crack at Oberon, to remove Reckoning for a holy (sword/hammer?) and shield, perhaps with some kind of blocking bonus. People keep saying that Reckoning should just replace Renewal for a similar effect, but Renewal is on the right track for his kit - just the wrong execution.

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- I'm tempted to take a second crack at Oberon, to remove Reckoning for a holy (sword/hammer?) and shield, perhaps with some kind of blocking bonus. People keep saying that Reckoning should just replace Renewal for a similar effect, but Renewal is on the right track for his kit - just the wrong execution.

I don't think that's a good idea, personally. Oberon already suffers from a lot of role competition (Trinity as a medic, Nyx/Loki for mass confusion, ect.) and giving him essentially another duplicate of Exalted Blade is going to give him competition from Excalibur and Valkyr as well, and I don't think Oberon would be able to compete with them much better than he can compete with Trinity. Another problem with this idea is that if Toxic Lash is anything to go by, a blocking bonus wouldn't be that helpful, unless blocking conferred a bonus beyond just blocking more damage, like maybe reflecting bullets with a damage multiplier, or something. However, if a hammer/shield ult were to happen, it should have something unique to set it apart from Exalted Blade and Hysteria. Heal pulses when Oberon kills an enemy? Mini Reckoning on ground slams? Although I don't think yet another weapon ult is the way to go with Oberon. We already have four of them, with Artemis Bow being the only one that really stands out. 


Plus I just don't really feel like it fits with his kit. While he is more of a jack of all trades, dealing damage doesn't really seem to be one of those trades. 1,250 damage from Reckoning isn't really anything to write home about, particularly because half of it is impact. I also just don't feel like his it really lends itself well to a melee playstyle, although I could be wrong about that particular point.

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While he is more of a jack of all trades, dealing damage doesn't really seem to be one of those trades. 


Perhaps. I only suggested the shield weapon so that he could focus on the defensive applications over offensive, but I will concede there are perhaps too many frames in that area to be comfortable with that.


However, I think we all would like to see his ultimate exchanged for something more uniquely protective. Smite and Reckoning want to make up for quality with quantity, and as you said, it leaves him lacking in every area they touch upon.

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Oberon's in an odd spot. The closest thing he had to a unique trait was the Proc clearing in Hallowed Ground and Renewal, but between Nezha, Hydroid's wave Augment and Rapid Resilience...it's not really difficult to substitute. And of course, easily possible to live without seeing as most procs aren't worth worrying about unless you're at the point where Slash and Toxin start cutting off chunks of your health.


Which is a pity as, with his dual influences of the Paladin and Druid themes, that could have been an interesting touch stone to go past his general 'jack' skill set of mixed offence and defence. Though I'm ashamed to say that as much as I concur an Exalted weapon is getting a little stale at this rate, the only alternative I have to offer is no less gimmicky, working around the unique capacity to cleanse procs from allies as his main trick; namely, some aura or what have you so that when an ally would suffer a proc by an enemy attack, they get the inverted buff whilst the enemy is afflicted in their stead. Though I doubt it'd really work in game as well as it might sound in my head, being used to status being more potent (Atlas games do that) than it really is.


Apologies. I like Oberon quite a bit, but I really have no idea what'd be a reasonable alternative to Reckoning considering he's got nothing...particular to him to work off of really. All the Ultimates for other frames are largely an extension, in some way, of their forte or theme which means a Jack like Oberon is a bit hard to consider a suitable Ultimate for.


Wish I could contribute more to the effort, honestly...

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The closest thing he had to a unique trait was the Proc clearing in Hallowed Ground and Renewal, but between Nezha, Hydroid's wave Augment and Rapid Resilience...it's not really difficult to substitute. 


In fairness, Renewal itself still provides a unique benefit with the bleedout timer buff - Renewal's just structured so poorly that it's virtually impossible to get any meaningful benefit from that effect. Naturally the value of a bleedout reduction is low compared to not dying in the first place, of course...


What I'm really tempted with is for Oberon to just get a Nullifier bubble, although A) we have enough abilities with the Snow Globe-style health absorption, B) Warding Halo in particular seems to affect allies within a limited radius, and C) the rewrite of Renewal already has it as an aura following Oberon, which just means the two wouldn't have a lot of reason not to be rolled into one effect (other than being a weird combo altogether).


I think the first order of business is figuring out how to simplify the roles of Smite and his ultimate - have one be CC and the other defense, for instance - or have the two complement each other somehow.


Presently, Renewal is built to make Oberon the front-line medic that reduces his weapon damage, and Hallowed Ground is the taunt; perhaps his ultimate could act as some kind of damage-reflection barrier?

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or have the two complement each other somehow.



Enemies that are affected by the Puncture Status from Worms... Ragdoll up into the air(straight up) when they're hit with Reckoning, instead of being smashed to the ground?

and the Enemy that was directly hit with Smite...  i don't have anything off the top of my head.

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After playing with the new saryn for an extensive amount of time i can say that as a debuffer frame she is sorrowfully under-performing.


Why? Because her best effort to cripple enemies is via viral procs


-Static DoTs are futile as enemy HP increase. It can be argued that the bulk of thier reward is over a duration and not upfront however when compared to instant damage abilities  they still fall behind as the damage abilties can be used while the DoT is active.

-Her only CC is in her ultimate and is a meager stun




She is hardly crippling anyone, if we play her by her skillset she also has very little going for her melee-wise, Toxic lash provides a well needed boost to block capabilities however better melee frames are either outright tankier than her (Atlas, Chroma, Valkyr) or are able to CC enemy where melee can be viable.



So I'm just going to propose a few minor changes to her skill set which ideally should make playing her alot more rewarding within her intend role.




1.Molt explosion causes knockdown of poisoned enemies in Radius. OP's suggestion of Molt adopting Saryn's current Health, Shields and armor value i would also love to add on, possible having it multiplied by a small value (20%-30%) so the molt can survive abit longer than saryn.


2. When a spore is popped by toxic lash, the DoT's on new spores produced deal 20% more damage than their older counterpart. This value is unaffected by mods.


3. Miasma is changed into a stationary fog which lasts for 18 seconds. The damage effect is similar to current miasma however the corrosive damage also are accompanied by procs. After the initial  stun enemies are staggered every 3 seconds for their duration. If a viral or toxin proc ends while the target is within the Miasma cloud, the duration is refreshed. This can only occour one per proc (meaning you get 2 procs for he cost of 1 in miasma before needed to apply a new one)



With this change it heavily maintains Saryn's intended  play-style while rewarding active usage of her abilities.



1.Knockdown provided by Molt aids saryn when facing groups of enemies as she closes distance.

2.Toxin and Viral procs caused by spore becomes an increasingly lethal if you're able to keep popping new spores via Toxic Lash.

3.Miasma is now less spammy and has further synergy with DoTs by refreshing their duration once more as well as providing small CC while enemies suffer.




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Toxic lash provides a well needed boost to block capabilities

FYI, the base Blocking values of all Melee Weapons before Toxic Lash:



'well needed'? i don't think so. it basically just lets you be able to make all Melee Weapons equal to each other in Blocking Percentage (caps at 90% either way).

the Blocking Bonus is not that useful. a big part being that you can't do anything while you're Blocking. so you're still going to die.


- - - - - 


Molt knocking Enemies down is useful, no issues to be found. go for it.

(gives a sudden idea though, 30-50% Chance to Stagger Melee Attackers of Molt would be cool. hell, could even have Enemies apply Toxin Status to themselves every time they swing, and then the aforementioned Chance to self stagger!)


Miasma actually being a Miasma - exactly what i've always wanted.

effectively doubling her premiere Status Effects while inside is interesting, i like it. more Status! though i would consider extending it to all Status Effects in the game that have a Duration, to give some synergy with Weapons, and other Players.

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Current thoughts for Oberon:


- Smite's damage to the main target is affected by the mods on your melee weapon, but no longer fires projectiles. If Smite strikes a Blinded target, it will also release a shockwave dealing knockdown and partial damage to nearby enemies.

- Reckoning replaced with "Divine Intervention": Oberon and his nearby allies are bathed in light for a period. Enemies who damage affected allies receive a flat amount of Radiation damage and Blind on every hit.

--> Augment: Enemies slain while blinded by this effect have a chance (up to 50%) to drop health orbs.


Just a prelim, but I was considering that I'm rather attached to the idea of him making the most out of that low amount of protection provided by Hallowed Ground and Renewal. You still take the hit while his ultimate is active, but it's weakened and you have time to heal up before the next one. The sum total of his abilities would make him a more proactive defensive response to Trinity, albeit with lower utility and freedom of movement in exchange for a more potent offense.


Molt knocking Enemies down is useful, no issues to be found. go for it.

(gives a sudden idea though, 30-50% Chance to Stagger Melee Attackers of Molt would be cool. hell, could even have Enemies apply Toxin Status to themselves every time they swing, and then the aforementioned Chance to self stagger!)


Miasma actually being a Miasma - exactly what i've always wanted.

effectively doubling her premiere Status Effects while inside is interesting, i like it. more Status! though i would consider extending it to all Status Effects in the game that have a Duration, to give some synergy with Weapons, and other Players.


I'm questioning the idea of having Molt deal more CC than it already does though, especially since the point of the interaction with Venom is that targets will give themselves Viral, and that the damage of Miasma increases with the more damage Molt received before detonating.


I wouldn't be against Miasma being a cloud effect, but it seems like it would interact weirdly with Molt compared to the instant debuffing blasts dealt now. Already have it marked to stack Corrosive status in the OP though, that's not going away.

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Current thoughts for Oberon:


- Smite's damage to the main target is affected by the mods on your melee weapon, but no longer fires projectiles. If Smite strikes a Blinded target, it will also release a shockwave dealing knockdown and partial damage to nearby enemies.

- Reckoning replaced with "Divine Intervention": Oberon and his nearby allies are bathed in light for a period. Enemies who damage affected allies receive a flat amount of Radiation damage and Blind on every hit.

--> Augment: Enemies slain while blinded by this effect have a chance (up to 50%) to drop health orbs.


Just a prelim, but I was considering that I'm rather attached to the idea of him making the most out of that low amount of protection provided by Hallowed Ground and Renewal. You still take the hit while his ultimate is active, but it's weakened and you have time to heal up before the next one. The sum total of his abilities would make him a more proactive defensive response to Trinity, albeit with lower utility and freedom of movement in exchange for a more potent offense.


So in effect, where Frost and Atlas conjure barricades Oberon is actively putting himself in harms way, taunting them to hit him with Hallowed Ground whilst Intervention is in effect, which is then bolstering Smite, and Renewal means he can keep going so long as he gets energy (Rage already working well for that end as is). With all the Radiation being dished out, it also negates things like Ancients for a bit of time as well. Even taps a bit into the Druid aspects as it's like he's 'taking root' to get power from the environment.


Only real issue I think would be the dimensions of Hallowed Ground, because as it stands, it'd only be really effective in a choke point and door ways, which aren't really...popular for everyone else. Modest enough size could make it so it's still open to others, but in that spot you can basically leave it to Oberon to resolve as it keeps the pressure off.


Question is: Would Smite still be Radiation, or whatever elements are on the Melee? And is the shockwave Radial or Conical, like Ice Wave? As there's some arguments for both directions: Radial for clusters, Conical for stuff behind and to the sides.


Any event, I like the Proactive and Pre-emptive approach to helping the group. Even a kind of inverse to Valkyr: She shrugs off injury to hurt stuff in general, Oberon in this iteration invites injury on himself to protect others. Which just sums up what you think a Paladin would be doing, risking their life for the good of the cause.

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A little idea for Saryn's Toxic Lash, which I can't remember if I posted it here already; Keep it as you suggest it, Archwizard, but add one more thing to it:


It also summons an energysnake (or whip/vine), that swirls around her (similarly to Mesa's Shooting Gallery whip), and lashes out at nearby enemies, one at a time (at a rather low frequency, like, 1 lash per second), which hurts them and does the same as your melee attacks does: It triggers poison status as well as pops spores for energy. It could potentially have a chance (or guarantee) to stagger the enemies too.


The damage doesn't have to be impressive either, just a flat amount of Toxic damage, not scaling with your melee weapon or anything. It's mainly there for the utility of spore-popping (and can be said to be the reason why she gets the damage-resistance in the first place)


A further idea, to make this "snake" even more interactive: When you summon it (and/or upon unsummoning it, either by expiration or by recasting it to end it early), it lashes out in a wide arc in front of her, dealing additional damage and with the potential to hit many targets at once.


As for Power attributes, they'd be pretty obvious: Strength = Damage (and damage mitigation?), Range = Lashing + arc range, Duration = Buff duration.

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Only real issue I think would be the dimensions of Hallowed Ground, because as it stands, it'd only be really effective in a choke point and door ways, which aren't really...popular for everyone else. Modest enough size could make it so it's still open to others, but in that spot you can basically leave it to Oberon to resolve as it keeps the pressure off.


Question is: Would Smite still be Radiation, or whatever elements are on the Melee? And is the shockwave Radial or Conical, like Ice Wave? As there's some arguments for both directions: Radial for clusters, Conical for stuff behind and to the sides.


There's an augment written that will increase the dimensions. With the taunt effect, the shape is a matter of preference to the player; you can have a massive circle that increases your safe walking area to the entire room but then have to take your lumps from everything in the room, or be more selective with your taunts at the cost of affected area and mobility.


Far as I had in mind, base damage type is the same as now (whether it should add more elements based on your melee is up for debate), and Radial (since it's still a ranged attack - a projected cone is weird to utilize).


It also summons an energysnake (or whip/vine), that swirls around her (similarly to Mesa's Shooting Gallery whip), and lashes out at nearby enemies, one at a time (at a rather low frequency, like, 1 lash per second), which hurts them and does the same as your melee attacks does: It triggers poison status as well as pops spores for energy. It could potentially have a chance (or guarantee) to stagger the enemies too.


Sounds like a better idea for an augment, honestly. As it is now, it would tack way too much onto one ability.

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