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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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Personally, I don't mind waiting. I suspect it'll probably be next week, which is fine by me. I'll never understand why people get so hyped up. This is a developing video game, after all. I'd rather wait until they're comfortable releasing it than get a crappy end result.


Do what you gotta do, DE. Just make sure what you do works right. =P

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That's your own fault for prioritizing a game over real life. You and everyone else who did something like decide to take off from work/school for U13.


Yea, but that's a part of life. People take vacations and personal time off all the time. Whether it be for a movie, beach time, sport event, concert event, etc etc. They should have just told us before today that it would be pushed.


I think more ppl are upset over finding out on this very day that it's pushed back. They had Monday, Tuesday, etc.


So don't speak down on people prioritize their lives a different a certain way to enjoy things that like/love.

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Yea, but that's a part of life. People take vacations and personal time off all the time. Whether it be for a movie, beach time, sport event, concert event, etc etc. They should have just told us before today that it would be pushed.


I think more ppl are upset over finding out on this very day that it's pushed back. They had Monday, Tuesday, etc.


So don't speak down on people prioritize their lives a different a certain way to enjoy things that like/love.

From what I can recall, even Megan said that they were anticipating to release today, and that the counter was a really last-minute thing.


Don't know what came up that caused the delay, though.

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Stop blindly defending DE.


Yeah, U13 and Melee 2.0 got delayed, that sucks a lot, but so what? Something wasn't quite right and they had to add another week. Not that big of a deal.


But whats really bad, is how it was handled. Take a step back and look at this entire week up to today. Pretty much EVERYONE was hyped up because of that site. Everything pointed to U13 coming out today(and they even intended for it to happen today!). Then all of a sudden, we just get a new timer???


Unless this delay was literally decided at the last moment(highly doubtful). they could have gave us the news way earlier, in a much better way and avoided most, if not all of this backlash.


I appreciate all the work that they are putting into this whole thing, and the game itself hugely, but DE has to learn from mistakes like this and not let them happen again. Defending them like they are kids every time they screw up won't help anybody.

While I am sort of defending DE in a way that I try to advice players how to approach this, I still also like your point here that the way this was handled was setting the new bottom in their record as far as I remember. Still though, we have to remember that even since the way they have dealt with this whole thing, we have to be constructive and gladly you keep your feet on the ground on this.

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Stop blindly defending DE.


Yeah, U13 and Melee 2.0 got delayed, that sucks a lot, but so what? Something wasn't quite right and they had to add another week. Not that big of a deal.


But whats really bad, is how it was handled. Take a step back and look at this entire week up to today. Pretty much EVERYONE was hyped up because of that site. Everything pointed to U13 coming out today(and they even intended for it to happen today!). Then all of a sudden, we just get a new timer???


Unless this delay was literally decided at the last moment(highly doubtful). they could have gave us the news way earlier, in a much better way and avoided most, if not all of this backlash.


I appreciate all the work that they are putting into this whole thing, and the game itself hugely, but DE has to learn from mistakes like this and not let them happen again. Defending them like they are kids every time they screw up won't help anybody.

couldn't say it any better.

Warframe was posting teasers on facebook and was building up hype and expectations for today then suddenly we get a timer on when it's gonna be released. I think they should have made a post informing us of the delay instead of some freaking timer that we'll only see if we check that webpage..

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After a week of teasing, we are granted with another week of teasing, then probably followed by a week of teasing and so on. Melee 2.0 will never come out >.<

I think it's coming out next monday since the only number is a seven(unless it's coming out in july)


Damn was realy loking foward to testing it out tonight

Well it looks like it's coming out monday based on the numbers(if it's a date)


was typing so couldn't see your post in time well i'll remove it aww wanted badly to post that somewhere i'll just have to find someone else :D

Aww sorry well gl finding another post

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dude its a game calm down 

No, I will not calm down. 

Games are just entertainment for some of you, but for me it's BEYOND that.

It's a life. It's the only thing that helps me go through the day without killing myself. Games are supporters that keep me from doing so. 

No matter what you say I'm still angry. I've been trying to hold back but it's becoming almost impossible. 

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Yea, but that's a part of life. People take vacations and personal time off all the time. Whether it be for a movie, beach time, sport event, concert event, etc etc. They should have just told us before today that it would be pushed.


I think more ppl are upset over finding out on this very day that it's pushed back. They had Monday, Tuesday, etc.


So don't speak down on people prioritize their lives a different a certain way to enjoy things that like/love.


Taking off for vacation is one thing, but for a game? Let alone a single big update? That's laughable, really. 

Edited by djentlemenBehold
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No, I will not calm down. 

Games are just entertainment for some of you, but for me it's BEYOND that.

It's a life. It's the only thing that helps me go through the day without killing myself. Games are supporters that keep me from doing so. 

No matter what you say I'm still angry. I've been trying to hold back but it's becoming almost impossible. 

I'm thinking you have bigger problems than a delayed game update.

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No, I will not calm down. 

Games are just entertainment for some of you, but for me it's BEYOND that.

It's a life. It's the only thing that helps me go through the day without killing myself. Games are supporters that keep me from doing so. 

No matter what you say I'm still angry. I've been trying to hold back but it's becoming almost impossible. 

Wow...That's a little sad,if the only thing you enjoy in your entire life is this... :/




Taking off for vacation is one thing, but for a game? Let alone an update? That's laughable, really.

Exactly, man.

Edited by unknow99
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