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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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There is still an update for today. Please don't invent facts to get people even more riled up.

Yes but it won't be the update people want so it'll be like there never was one regardless.


Unless the release the tile set and frame today, there's no reason to play today.

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if they are delaying it a week because of the Wednesday update schedule but will actually be done tomorrow why wait for another 7 days just release it then instead of waiting for the schedule it would probably make everyone stop raging    

Who knows. DE probably just want to keep their updating schedule as clean as possible. "Business" and the like.



It is your guys fault for getting hyped DE never stated update 13 was going to be today.



Also locking that mega thread seems fine to me they are just cleaning the thread and it will reopen when the mods are finished you try moderating a single thread were hundreds of people are currently posting there.

Incorrect. Rebecca stated that the timer for the end of the teaser site was not intended, and that the update WAS to release were it not for the need to rollback.

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if they are delaying it a week because of the Wednesday update schedule but will actually be done tomorrow why wait for another 7 days just release it then instead of waiting for the schedule it would probably make everyone stop raging    

It would.

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Seriously DE, you are some of the nicest devs I know, if not the nicest, but you SUCK at crisis management. Seriously, hire a professional, because this is hurting you big time.

I can get that there was a huge problem shortly before the last teaser reveal, maybe less than an hour. I dunno, maybe Steve's computer spontaneously burst into flames, or the Stalker formated Scott's hard drive, stole the backup, and left some rule34 of himself on Rebecca's desktop before teleporting away. I can picture the emergency meeting, and the moment you decide that there's no way you can roll out the update today, you need more time.

And at this instant, NO ONE went and told "we need to tell the community immediatly"? Like "Rebecca, log on and tell everyone what happens and why U13 is not going out today, NOW"? You know, the sensible solution.

But noooooooooooooooooooooo, you slapped together another countdown, put it with the last teaser that went out at noon (local time), you posted an ambiguous message about the devstream, and only an hour after the last teaser reveal we have a confirmation that U13 is delayed.

At which point the already boiling forums understandably go ballistic, and you react in the worst possible way: you bunker up and shoot down everything that looks remotely hostile.


Yeah, you planned to make an explanation and public excuse, that's great.


After letting the community rage and simmer for three consecutive days.


That's utterly unprofessionnal. Everything you're planning to say in that livestream should be on this forum three hours ago, not bloody friday.



I'd play the F*** out of this. It would be funny.

 For a while anyway. Until the hotfix.

i Loled so hard at this , another kid getting more upset cause a update aint coming today


DE know what they are doing just people like you get so butt hurt over seeing a couple of teases and instantly think oh the update is coming soon , I said to everyone the update would not be coming this week before they even released the 3 other pictures

i still think the 9th , ALSO what clues ? just because they start up a new domain and fill it with teases does not mean it comes the next week after

if a problem happens you seriously think DE needs to tell you , see this is the problem with the forums everyone thinks "oh its coming today OMG OMG OMG its happening etc etc" and when they find its not coming today they throw a tantrum and go all ape S#&$ and think DE encountered a major problem that they need to tell you about.


just calm down and let them get on with fixing or improving things


gotta hype if you wanna get dem moneys :P


Edited by DiBBz
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Agreed with for sure..

Happens to me all the time in KSP. "dum da dum da d... OH SH*T, I put up the fuel lines the wrong way!" *rocket start spinning wildly then explodes*




DE know what they are doing just people like you get so butt hurt over seeing a couple of teases and instantly think oh the update is coming soon , I said to everyone the update would not be coming this week before they even released the 3 other pictures

if a problem happens you seriously think DE needs to tell you , see this is the problem with the forums everyone thinks "oh its coming today OMG OMG OMG its happening etc etc" and when they find its not coming today they throw a tantrum and go all ape S#&$ and think DE encountered a major problem that they need to tell you about.


The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.

I'm sorry, you said?

Edited by Kaian-a-coel
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If we do get an update today, which im hoping we do, i wonder what we are going to get ... maybe they release a weapon or 2 from update 13 early so we can level them with the potato from the "gift" alerts ? mhm ... the suspense !

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As of Now The end of the timer only has a 7.


does that mean 7 hours?


maybe 7 minutes?


or 7 days?


lets hope it's the second one.

The format has been confirmed of being

D:HH:MM:SS so Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds and the first one on the D is 7 so a week.

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When the hell do updates ever launch this early anyways...


There is still an update for today. Please don't invent facts to get people even more riled up.

What do you mean? There's no U13 today for certain. They wouldn't say "A preview of U13 on Friday" if it was coming out today. Previews, by definition, cannot happen after the fact.

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So was the release date pushed back? I thought U13 was supposed to come out when all the screens on the grineer systems page were decrypted. If so, bummer. I was really looking forward to it.


I thought Kubrows were supposed to come out with U13 as well. Is that a later update?

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Saying it could be worse does not mean it's good, just that it doesn't suck completely.

It still may suck.

Just sucks less than most, I mean they won't tell us WHY it is delayed which would be good and would of most likely stopped the raging.

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