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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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Pretty sure were not going to get a update today after what happend this moring. DE had U13 ready to go but since something went wrong, I doubt they have a backup plan and are going to ship anything out.

Edited by BIossome
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I agree,we can wait another week. but slowly, we are getting tired of all the Cloak and Dagger , and all the secrecy.You need to find a better way to comunicate with us! 

ty for the confirmation quote , they might have no released more than enough info compared to other updates but they have released more major info and bigger news compared to others , i think thats satisfying enough for me at least


so what do you suggest they do as a better way of communicating ? maybe develop a chat box script that only DE can use for the forums

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Meh... all we can do at this point is further extend our patience or capacity to complain. No more complaints here. I don't think they intend to release anything short of filet mignon here... I'll collect the lotus gifts and whenever the update gets here it gets here. I am no longer excited though...at all. If this was an excersise in breaking ones spirit...well done.... I kinda don't even want to watch the preview commentary coming friday thats like adding insult to injury...I always enjoy the livestreams but I think this one might get me upset especially knowing I'll be waitijg again. I'll probably log in pray for platinum and watch it an hr before the update.

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I personally think all this stuff they do where they preview and hint and make little enigmatic comments about upcoming content only serves to get people riled up. I suppose they want a certain level of hype to keep people interested but I think a lot of people assume that the rumors about upcoming updates are fact and that's where things go wrong. Then when they find out the rumors aren't true people go ballistic. I was pretty excited for this update and I'm a little disappointed but seeing as none of the devs (that I know of) never actually said explicitly that the update was coming out when all the screens were revealed, I can't really blame them if they need to keep working on it. I personally can wait but I think DE needs to work a little harder to keep people from getting their expectations too high.

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3 warning points > 2 that where removed and still have 1 warning point active left , need temp banned from forums for a week


yeah im some white knight , no i know bad things when i see them ive complained in the past and even in CBT stages at some major problems that needed dealt with , ive disputed some of my warning points and some that ive deserved , dont just assume that im backing them up here that im a kiss up boy that thinks everything they do is best for the future of the game

Pretty much when you start calling the entire fan base kids is when I too get to make wild assumptions. 

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Ugh. I hate it when people leave quotes like that.

It's not that DE can't explain the delay because they don't know what's going on.

No I was referring to his post directly. He claimed that the reason why DE might not tell it because people might not understand it. So to clarify your misunderstanding. It is a whole different thing to not know what is going on and to not be able to explain it to everyone due to lack of all around knowledge about the subject itself so that everyone in the room get's it.

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Unfortunately there will be no Tenno Reinforcements today, sorry!


It's full steam ahead for Update 13 and all it's fixes, changes, and content.


Don't forget to grab your Dex Furis and stay tuned for the coming Lotus Alerts. 

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*Asks question*

*Gets this*


They still have better communication than most companies.

Which is why they outright lied about the void loot drop tables? I can name several companies that haven't done nearly as bad as to intentionally lie about game mechanics. Oh well, at least it's not the secret world.


Why would it be better?  It isn't silence they said they had to delay it.  Does anyone really think DE wanted to delay it?  Would finding out it was a little oversight a week ago that made a bigger mess that can't be corrected now quickly but could have been when it was made make it better?  Or someone who compiling something is sick and they need him to be the guy to finish this off, or they thought they had it good to go and they're getting 404 errors trying to patch the game on internal QA but have no idea why?


The list of possible reasons it is delayed is near infinite, and yes those who want to flip their S#&$ and complain can assume it is whatever worst case scenario they want.  But the reality is, DE doesn't actually need to answer to the players on a timeline.  They give us the timeline.  Something happened they're going to miss it.  By any reasonable instance that would be the end of it.


De apologizes, gets all Canadian and gives us stuff to hopefully make-up for the tease and not deliver.  And people still complain?  People still feel entitled to MORE explanations and compensation?  FFS, people They're already pumping out updates and bug fixes at a rate that is almost never seen and then when a big, known to be complicated update gets delayed players feel they deserve some compensation... for what?  


Really what is it that is inconveniencing the players to the point they deserve some kind of compensation?  What is it about this game and this company and this player base that the statement were sorry its delayed is somehow not enough information about their product?


Yeah, and d'you know how much digging I had to do to find out how exactly the update had been delayed? There is literally one source, and that's a post DE Rebecca posted in the MEGATHREAD ON UPDATE 13. How many players are going to go scrounging through there to find it. There have been no actual news posts in the news section from DE. In fact, it's not even gone over in the livestream thread. It just says there will be previews of the new content, which could mean a variety of things. So you tell me exactly how well they're informing their community.

Edited by Psychus
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When you're MR15 and have level'd every weapon there is literally no reason.

It does when you have everything in the game and nothing to do.


For you and many others maybe, but not for me and some. I'm on the same boat as you in terms of completion, yet I find my objectives elsewhere than just personal grind.


I don't have to be constantly playing like crazy for myself to say that actually have a legitimate reason to play. I help friends and clan mates, randoms with alerts they haven't unlocked, go to the Void to farm more trading materials, and so on.


So please do not apply your gameplay experience to the whole as if it was the sole way to do it. I'm not disagreeing that more new content will bring older players to keep playing (I'm looking forward for that), I'm just saying that the statement of "no reason to play" isn't completely true for all.

Edited by Casardis
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Can we all stop fighting amongst each other, and work to get real answer from DE?

I would love to get a straight forward answer from DE, but I'm not holding my breath. We found out at the last possible minute about the setback for the update I don't expect them to be forthcoming now. 

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They don't need to go all technical. Just something like "we discovered a huge game-breaking bug that requires us to rewrite large parts of the code, it'll take a while, hence why no update today, sorry." or "critical technical error, need new components, can't release U13 this week"

They don't even need to tell us exactly what the problem is. Just that.


And to tell us BEFORE the countdownception of d00m, of course.

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hey guys wait a minute What if they ........wait for ..............figure out whats wrong and release it today  

I would love that. Honestly I would. That would be better than sliced bread. But, I don't think those odds are in our favor. I would love to be wrong in a few hours. Really I would.

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