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Question To The Community = With Which Frame Do You Die /fail The Most?


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I just don't die, and Nyx is recently one of my most used frames, I actually probably have the best games with her. If I had to pick a frame where I felt was contributing the least to the game would be Valkyr, still, never die with her, just don't do much else either.

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Valkyr- having no shields, and taking constant life damage while trying to run and gun really gets in the way of staying alive for me..I realize some people have figured out the mod setup to make her all invincible but I cant see running around clawing everything to compensate for total lack of survivability.

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If you die with valkyr often, either you haven't max her yet or haven't use her skill that much. (likewise, how2diealotwithloki) <--unless you picked him as your first character 

I'll pick ember, banshee, nova, and nekros for my top most die frames. 

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I never really have trouble as Nyx, I got an absorb build that works well for me.


I'd probably say Mag, her abilities just don't feel right to me. So I use them at the worst times.

Yeah, same, weak frame, long cast times, and not being invincible while casting like every other mage-type warframe makes her just too weak in even mid-levels(any level with more than one elite lancer and shield lancer at a time) 

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Oddly enough I seem to hit the ground most as Oberon. I think "I have a heal, I can wait to use it. I can wait, I can wait."
*knocked down, napalmed/charger swarmed/missiled*
"Oh why didn't I heal when I had the chance!"

That or I'm Jesusframe and constantly heal people who are inches from death. Strange toss up.

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Die the most on nova, honestly dont know how people play high level content on her without a trinity in group.


Die the least on Valkyr, seriously with rage you can hysteria it's impossible. (except when invisible lokis run in front of you when youre using penta)

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