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Coming Soon: Devstream #26


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Why do you make a site with hidden pictures and everyday you realese one and the last one gets realesed on an updatedate just to then tell us it still isn't going to be this week...


Seriously April 1st is over. A bit too late for that kind of joke don't you think?


It sets the mood. Enjoy it. It looks cool.

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They don't do weekend updates, usually :( Looks like it's still a week out.


Friday isn't the weekend. Besides, when I made that post, they hadn't confirmed it was going to be next week. Still, if it's going to be playthrough ready Friday, why will it take them until Wednesday to get it ready? And given that they've delayed and delayed and delayed this, how certain are they that it will be ready next Wednesday? They were certain it was ready this Wednesday and it's not.

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When is Update 13 now?


A. Next Tuesday


B. This Friday during or after livestream 26.


C. Some time after livestream 26.




D. Next Wednesday?


C. That's all we can really say. Can't even say D, which is DE's answer, because up until Tuesday, that answer was this Wednesday, and two months ago that answer was the beginning of March.

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@Lotus and devs;


In many, many games the advantages of daggers are speed, critical strikes and a general lethality. What will melee 2.0 have for the daggers in Warframe? Because right now there's no reason to use them aside from leveling them up. They just don't hit hard enough and their speed advantage simply does not outweigh the sweeping strike of a big ol' Galatine, or the swift slash of a well modded Orthos, or the bloody gib fest of a trusty pair of Ichors or Zoren...

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C. That's all we can really say. Can't even say D, which is DE's answer, because up until Tuesday, that answer was this Wednesday, and two months ago that answer was the beginning of March.

Your name seems familiar.


But the fact is: THE SOONER THE BETTER!

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For the sake of the more agitated fans out there, would you be so kind as to explain what caused Update 13 to be delayed?


I know something great is brewing in the works, but a detailed statement on what had happened would calm down many players out there.

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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For the sake of the more agitated fans out there, would you be so kind as to explain what caused Update 13 to be delayed?


I know something great is brewing in the works, but a detailed statement on what had happened would calm down many players out there.


Sometimes when you juggle alot of thing something is going cause to be set back 9HNcPFP.gif

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My Question :

1- Clearly having players coordinating together as a team without any incentive to do so hasn't been that successful. 

Since DE has already stated that an Abilities 2.0 is probably not going to happen, are they at least going to do some sort of direct tweak to a lot of abilities for strong synergy or more obvious, down-to-earth co-op elements?

Co-op has been extremely lacking imo and should have a hard look-at. Right now, the most favoured frames are those with more more overall Strengths than weaknesses and based on personal contributions rather than team synergy. Will this ever change?


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You're saying you magically know the extent of the situation? Go ahead and tell me how much errors there actually are and how many things are effected. >_>

Sorry to be snappy, but people underestimate the chain reactions you get dealing with code and networking.

I actually know the chain reactions that you get when dealing with code. The longest will be finding whatever line broke it, finding a way to fix it, do the fix, and hope to god you didn't break something else.

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I imagine that PS4 players will get the 'usual' delay.

 Hey now there's a slight possibility that Ps4 ver. caused the delay for simultaneous release of the update, but that's just wishful thinking on my part though.


That aside looks like the Hub is going to be added in U13, that means we are a step closer to the endgame stuff.

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 Hey now there's a slight possibility that Ps4 ver. caused the delay for simultaneous release of the update, but that's just wishful thinking on my part though.


That aside looks like the Hub is going to be added in U13, that means we are a step closer to the endgame stuff.

I was thinking that it was hinting to either the badlands or new Dojo rooms.

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I was glad to hear Rescue maps would integrate a more stealth oriented gameplay focus, but I am concerned over the game's relatively bare-bones approach to supporting stealth play. Will more features supporting stealth play, such as non-linear map layouts, consistent guard patrols, suppressed weapons, and tweaked guard AI be implemented in U13 for this mode? Will Melee 2.0 have more options for stealth attacks and stealth kills?

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There is no way Rebecca is going to use all of these (probably not even one with my luck ): ), but it's worth a go to get at least something answered.


Focus Questions:


Q: Can we get more information on what the class trees allow us to do? I recall that one of the examples for a skill or passive on a tree was the ability to taunt enemies. This got me really exited. If the class trees really take advantage of such RPG mechanics it will offer SO much complexity for combat. You'll really be able to make some truly challenging and deep boss fights with the more advanced roll structure, and allow for more of an emphasis on cooperation. Melding these concepts with the fast paced ninja action would truly create some of the most memorable gameplay of any game I've played in a long time.


Q: What are the mechanics behind the focus state in game? Will is simply work with something like a 2 minute cooldown or will we need to build up a bar in order to activate it? Perhaps a mixture of bought? It would add a great deal of depth to combat if it involves a mechanic behind attaining the mode.


Badlands Questions:


Q: What are the incentives to encourage conflicts and political intrigue amongst clans? One top of that, what will stop a few clans from simply not charging a tax at all and simply becoming garnering all support from other players for the free service? It would certainly make sense to make the rails require an upkeep cost as well.


Q: Why not allow for some Badlands only items? Perhaps starting out with materials that are used to craft special cosmetics wound be helpful. Or even have items that certain factions in Proxy Wars may want from the player. It's definitely another way to really stir more interesting situations.


Q: (kind of a PvP question): What would you think of mixing in player invasions with solar rail conflicts? I think it would be extremely interesting to allow for two different ways to attack or defend a solar rail while it is in conflict.. A regular PvE mission but also a PvEvP type game mode. Something akin to the invasion and PvP system in the Dark Souls series. You can have a player choose to bring a item of some kind that would make the run count for more than usual, but when you do so you can only have yourself and one ally tag along. Other players can choose to spawn in with a set of weapons with the goal of incapacitating the carrier and taking the item they used to start the mission. Something like this could even just be integrated into a regualr badlands gametype.


Dojo Questions:


Q: Dojo 2.0 when? The dojo's need a large about of QoL changes.

-An edit mode

-The ability to "store" rooms instead of having to destroy them.

-The ability to switch the places of rooms or just drag and drop them where you want in an edit mode

-Applying all this to decorations

-A physical version of the vault to access and use

-Upgradable energy reactors and halls as to not waste as much space


When will we see this?




Q: Aside for the "origin of the Tenno questions" there is something else players are arguing over. Are we playing one character across the board with our Warframes or are we playing multiple characters? Game mechanics seem to say wait thing, while the characters and assets say another. The only thing that makes sense while encompassing everything is that the player has a group of Tenno that grows in number as they get more. A special group that works and grows together, as to explain the mastery system with this concept. Will we have this cleared up anytime soon tm?




Q: I know that expansion on PvP is on the backburner for a while, but will conclaves be recieving some QoL sometime soon? Also are you listening to the feedback from there to work on it later?




Q: How much research have the devs done on hubs in other games to try and get the HUBs well equip ed? Are they large? Do they have multiple floors? What kind of shops and services are there? Will there be random groups displays and events? SCHEDULED group displays and events? Basically, how much PSO 2 have the you guys been playing for your research? ;3




Q: Mods aren't really cutting it for what you're trying to push them to be. Build complexity and customization can only go so far with them as they are set up. Especially with so many being seemingly mandatory. Do you think that it make be a good idea to introduce another set of items? Ones that do the job of being collectable, tradable, highly varied items for really altering the behavior and direction of our weapons and frames outside of straight stat increases? The mods as they are are indeed important for mimicking the gear progression with weapons, without actually having to replace our weapons. But we are missing the items are the deep stat adjustable/attribute adding and collectible loot for the game.


Simply i just like this. +100

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You are amking the impression that the Sipyards will be in Ceres, does that mean Hek will go to Ceres? Are you going to swap him with Krill? And Phobos and Eris Bosses will be reworked/replaced? Because Vor and Krill on Phobos HAS to be a placeholder.

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I get delaying patches to refine them. What I don't get is that I thought this game as in beta. Last I checked it was, so if it still is then there would almost always be something broken or bugged(Which there is). So that expectation in mind, I don't understand why there would be a delay.


Games that have launched and are in retail do this plenty that are online and with good reason - The game is launched, not in development, so it isn't up to the players to test anything really and for most it would be a big inconvenience.



But this is beta, isn't it?


You are right with this is a beta but have differences a machine killing crash and a simply stupid ragdoll bug. If they release it before they can polish that crap then they give us a more broken content then the peoples will cry why they did it. Better if they release it when acceptable after we can "test" it.

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Awesome, I can't wait for update 13 to come. Indeed with the new combo system, it'll be more of a realistic and accomplished gameplay for a ninja genre. I have some questions though, mind if i ask.


1) Is there going to be a better trading system for both the trading post facility in a clan dojo or via in-game private chat system?

(Like more slots for trading and that can it be possible if we are able to group the same type of item in a same mod slot? The remaining number of trades within a day can be removed for this function as well.)


2) Is there going to be an auction for trading? 

(In the trading tab, there are no fixed prices for the items though it all depends on demand and offer, but i hope that there's a fixed price for the list of items, so we feel not scammed while selling at a price but others manage to sell at higher price.)


3) When is the lore expansion coming soon? 

(I love the remake of the tutorial which has cutscenes that show the need for tennos to rise and fight against the villians, I wish there were story behind the warframes, how they attain prime form, what conditions they need to attain prime form, etc.. ) :)


4) Is it possible to convert a maximum number of credits to plats? (just wondering :P)


Thank you devs for working hard to put things together,

I love Warframe ALOT and hope that we get more people to play Warframe :)

Warframe, FTW :)

Edited by Sonicz
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With the introduction of a wider variety of cosmetics, like the recent proto-armor for excalibur (which by the way, thank you for doing that), would you be willing to share with us what some of the upcoming things that will be available? On a side note, as someone enamored by your scifi concept for dark sector back in 2004 - 2005 would you also be willing to add that older version of excalibur's armor into warframe?


I understand that the old design may go against your organic style of the suits, but you would make a long time fan and tenno profusely happy. 

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You have covered several elements (ie, fire, water, ect,.) in the Warframe abilities. Is the team considering approaching what they did for the Necros(medieval fantasy concept) as a theme for future warframes? You have touched on it with Oberon as a Paladin or White Mage-like frame, but the medieval fantasy has so much more to offer that I think you all should explore. Thoughts?

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