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Coming Soon: Devstream #26


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the only question I have is why exactly was U13 delayed? The only thing I've heard about it was from [DE]Megan and even that was very vague. If it's something that could actually delay it (like a game breaking bug) and not just for the sake of crushing our souls (which I hope isn't the case) then I'll be fine, but if it was just for the sake of crushing our souls (or something similar) you are going to lose some players for a while, I probably won't be one of them though

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WIth the Introduction of the two new stalker enemies (Grustrag and Harvester), They came with a unique penalty for losing to them, For example losing to the Harvester will force the captured warframe to do an Escape mission.


So what are you going to do with the original Stalker? Despite the fact that he can be harder then the aforemented two, There is no penalty if you lose to the Stalker, aside from loosing a single revive.


In regards to an older topic, You said that the melee concept contest was not going to be the only of it's kind. When will we see another community design contest?


Although a little dissapointing about the lack of update, It's nice to know you all still care about us (  Dem Potatoes :> ) and that you're nitpicking for the little chinks and other stuff that would potentially ruin it.

Keep up the good work, I look forward to the new weapons and  the Cthulthu frame. There better be some HP Lovecraft referrences.

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1. Do the new melee systems do anything to alleviate the current overlap of melee weapons? To illustrate in the form of a thing that confuses me, the ether daggers were retired in spite of being the only slashing dual daggers, while the single and dual ether slashing swords remain in spite of being one of nine and one of five, respectively.


2. Speaking of melee weapon stat overlap, is there any chance of the stats being further adjusted to both diversify and be name/shape/flavor text consistent? Some examples in descending perplexity: the heat swords and dagger don't have basic attack heat damage, the thin ceramic dagger does piercing while the heavy, pointed dark dagger does slashing, the scythes and kama have very pointy ends that don't pierce.


3. Um, can we get Steve to do another photo tour? I really liked that. 


p.s. S'alright with me that you delayed the update. I realize you're far more down about it than I am, for whatever good stating that does.

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Edit : this means that they will have a working build, or at least some weapons and parts of a working build ready by Friday. So why can't they give us those things till Wednesday instead ?

Okay, I'm going to tackle this one.


What it means is not that they have a working build - it means only that they have a build that they think will be stable enough for a short run in a controlled environment. The risk is also mitigated because when something goes wrong at a demo, the demonstrator can stall and restart - with some embarrassment - but asking clients to deal with unstable software in the same way is obviously impractical.


The demo build might also rely on code that is crash-prone in some circumstances, but will support the features that they're planning on showing off provided that they are careful not to perform X actions that will release magic smoke from every processor in the demo box at once. Well, that's an exaggeration, but you get the point - again, you couldn't release that build to the public, but it'll work for a demo.


As for actual an devstream question:

- Are you going to give us a rundown of your 'gimped build' that was used to test Interception? We're up to around a thread a day now asking for it to be retuned, so I'm suspecting that you guys haven't realised that it's impossible to craft basically anything before getting to the planets past Earth, and damage/caster mods are far more difficult to get than the guy talking about mod drops in the last stream seems to believe.

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This has been delayed several times over the last few months already. They built and entire flashy webpage showing off content counting down to today. This is a new level of incompetence even for DE.


The 'effort' they are putting in is not good enough. This forum is full of fawning yes-men already, at this point a little dissent is more than justified.

Personally I'd rather wait the extra couple days/weeks for a fully functioning update rather than have a rush job full of bugs and then have endless forum posts about the bugs.


Although I do agree with you on the "Fawning yes-men" part... A lot of people dont seem to understand that constructive criticism is the life support of any Beta Game and just mindlessly agreeing with everything isnt actually helpful to anyone at all ever...



Back to Topic - Cant wait for Devstream or MMOBOMB Finals!

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Bunch of babies complaining about waiting a week for the new update. They are giving us 2 potatoes and a forma, and it also gives people more time to collect stat helmets before they phase them out, etc. Lots of ways to be constructive or just enjoy the game until the new update. I'm sure you ladies will have something new to gripe about when it finally does get here...

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Why push Melee 2.0 for the 4th time? This IS a "Beta" isnt' it? We can handle actually testing stuff you know?

If a whole nother week is required is it not possible to release the parts that ARE done rather than hold the whole caboodle hostage?


You are well aware of the communities reaction toward this and things like this, that being said is throwing potatoes/forma at the community to "tie them over" the way that it should be handled? Its nice, especially for new players, but it still felt a little "yeah we screwed up now take this and shut up" (especially since they are alerts that newbies might not be able to reach, rather than lets say handouts).


All that being said warframe is one of the most updated games with a active interaction between devs and the community and your work is appreciated and taken for granted as our petty indignation shows, after all we wouldn't be worked up about it if we weren't looking forward to it.


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Another question I just thought of:


Currently there are some melee weapons that can't be obtained except through alerts, and can't even be purchased with platinum. Is there any plan for more reliable ways of obtaining these weapons?

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In recent times, me and my friends start to feel the missions are getting too short. I know that many players said the mission is too long but in my eyes it was to quickly earn rewards for completing the mission. For example, the missions of Bosses usually is: "Start> 5 Room> Boss room> 2 Room> End" If not less. In the last few Void I did not meet any puzzle room and Speed ​​room as it once was. So I wanted to know if you plan to put to the "End Game" longer missions or missions multitask? (in the example of Deception> Capture> Sabotage as one run)

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My question to the dev's is WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?


Yes the Corpus now talking smack to me is pretty well done, except the WHY?

every other time you kill a Corpus was funny

the first 50,000 times it happened and then it just became

ANNOYING.Is there any chance, please please pretty please,

to turn down the amount of WHY'S? the corpus seem to say?


I have a second question from a friend.

We were discussing the Ocolus Rift VR and the chatter that Sony

is about to announce thier VR headset for the PS4 next week.

My firend wanted to know, is there any plans for Warframe to

introduce a First Person view toggle button, first person option

so that Warframe could be played in Virtual Reality?

(VR games need to be in the First Person view to be able to go VR)


On a side note, I love the audio in this game. Very well done

Dev's, especialy the weapon sounds. Do you guys go out the range

and shoot stuffs and record that? or is it some kind of audio

bank you get them from?


Ootyfast Tearaway

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I don't think there is more important question than why do you trick us? How can we ask questions about Update13 if you delay its release, and everything we have are those pictures with weird quotes? I beg you, this is not funny and made me most disappointed ever. I think you have something you can release, not just wait for that melee2.0 and release everything just to fix tons of bugs. Would be easier if you could release small parts of content to have less bugs to fix. I think this is moment when you forgot it's beta. We should test it.

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Is there have any possibility to give us a bunny helmet for the Easter? Would be great if this will be a reward for the Easter or a reward from the Easter event or etc.


or add Lotus ingame image with bunny ears!

Edited by ExorcistEX
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If I can equip My melee weapon, I would like to walk with it...

Question (No reply needed) : Will PC players be able to walk with melee weapons?

Question (Reply needed): Will there be any stat changes to existing weapons along with Melee 2.0?

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hope Rebecca can ask them this...




Melee 2.0 is going to be in U13...how about warframe armor X.0?




i think warframe armor X.0 should be with melee 2.0 since we are going to do more cqc...with the current state of armor...I dont have much faith to deal with high level enemy with melee...


although we dont know how will the melee 2.0 change the game yet but armor is a huge problem as I see so far...



This is what armor i refer to.

I think he means Armor for US, not the enemies, because as far as I can see, Warframe armor is not something noticiable, Shields are not affected by armor, and making tests in how much damage you mitigate to health.... to this day I see no diff from a Warframe with 15 armor from Valkyr's 600.




This is very well said. Simply as it might be, I have also hard times telling the difference of armor values. Significant in numbers yes, but it is all theorycrafting to me and nothing about it holds true. OP also raises a good point that the melee buff and overhaul is worth nothing if we can't even get to our enemies to begin with. A lot of it has to do with our own defenses that majorly actually only are about your shields value. Armor brings nothing on your table and it is shame. I wish DE would actually do something about it, it would be about time to make changes.

They are small company but really, the fix would be easy and small and that is that the armor, like many have suggested, would also reduce shield consumption. This way, the Frames that have bigger values are more tanky while small armor value Warframes benefit very little from this. Would also open a lot more windows for different builds and Warframe attributes when it comes to armor and health tanking. An aspect that is present already with Valkyr, but an aspect that is highly unviable at the same time.

Like I said, they are a small team and I get that but it also is a small tweak so it shouldn't take months on end to make it done either, even from a small team.

EDIT: And yes, the Damage 2.0 is also Armor 2.0 but it needs some heavy tweaking and I have been waiting it since the time that system was released. Small adjustments have been made, but nothing significant compared to prior Damage 2.0. It still is pretty much the same deal. Armor is almost completely useless attribute to rely on and yet, it has such a big emphasis in mod card levels and was considered as one of the basic mods once.

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This has been delayed several times over the last few months already. They built and entire flashy webpage showing off content counting down to today. This is a new level of incompetence even for DE.


The 'effort' they are putting in is not good enough. This forum is full of fawning yes-men already, at this point a little dissent is more than justified.

No promises were made, you speak as if they were. DE during their livestreams always threw the word "maybe" around because there was no exact date for U13's release. The grineersystems site clearly shows that at the 6th uncovered screen, there would be more to display. I find it hilarious how your comment and most of everyone who has complained on here gives the impression that DE owes us something, free content update and they are putting effort in to make the best out of this. The initial goal was simply add Melee 2.0 and with limited new additions compared to what they have mentioned so far, I would also assume what will be shown in the livestream this week, will also be added to the game overall. People's hype getting out of hand to the point of being completely rude about something they are not even contributing to, so they wouldn't understand.

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Unfortunately the only real question i have falls into #5 and much much more lol. The interception missions on earth, are they going to be fixed in U13? I spend half my time playing everyday going to eurasa and lua to help new players through this meat grinder and in some instances even taxied them past these levels as i could not carry 2 of them past eurasa by myself. Seriously, when the best option is to have older players help new player BYPASS an entire game mode do to its insane difficulty to new players there is an issue with your content. When can we expect a fix on this?   




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For all who doesn't understand why peoples complain... I will just drop a french expression, since I can't translate it properly.

" Faire monter la sauce pour rien. "


This is why. The grineer system page has showed information, with new content each day, but, this was a wrong idea. If they were not ready, they not have to put it now. Because of this, a lot of people (including me) was hoping the new update. I was wondering what melee 2.0 will be, and all of the new content but,eh.... No update? Yeah, I wa pretty angry, not because we haven't an update, but because I was feel betrayed with this mecanics of " we show you new content aaaannnnnddd, it's not ready". Don't forget warframe is in beta, so... What's wrong with put new content which is not completely ready? Also, Im' pretty sure we will have bug, so... Maybe DE has made the wrong choice, and maybe they has should put the update... Oh, and don't forget that, just if they have put new content like a new event or something else that just " go on alert, you will need it! " a lot of people would be happy, but they didn't, now they have to face against the players who feels betrayed with that statement. I love this game a lot, but when I see this kind of politics, yeah, I'm pretty upset and a little disappointed.


Oh and DE: see you at the devstream!


( sorry for my english )

Edited by Deydreus
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