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Coming Soon: Devstream #26


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I noticed that you have "a lot" of new content going into this next update.  From what I can tell you have two new tile sets, a new boss, a new warframe,  and a melee over haul that comes with bonus for each and every melee weapon.  You usually don't bring this much content in one update.  I thought you could only put a limited amount stuff per update?  I mean, I believe we only expected U13 to have only melee 2.0 because of how big its going to be.  Will this actually come all at once or in segmented updates?

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Will there by an enemy damage and armour overhaul soon or have the devs thought about it? We all know that the game gets too easy too quickly mainly because of enemies not doing enough damage and the weapons being capable of dealing too much. Most enemies go down too quickly and hardly deal any damage and I'm talking about most missions to really have any challenge you need to go to T3 but that gets repititive pretty quickly.

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1. FOCUS! When will we see it?
2. What happened to u13?
3. Mention the warframe.com/vote?
4. You teased about Ceres changing: Will Lech kril be dropping the new water frame, or will he be moved to make room for a new boss? If he's dropping the new water frame, what happens to frost?
5. Water frame is dropping in the shipyard, yes?
6. Why did you decide to pick ceres for the shipyard?
7. Please tell us that the new water frame won't be named something anti-thematic like "Apollo" or "Sunfire"? A bit worried ever since "Valkyr".
8. Can "Valkyr" get a name that actually matches her theme? Please?
9. What's the official number for the new melee? I know we're writing "2.0", but as of last stream, Steve said we were up to "8.0", and the tally looked like it would keep going. The stream before that, we were up to "6.0" by the end, after progressing through the course of discussion from 2.0 on up. Even if the official name is still "2.0", I'd like to know what the final tally is--it's kind of cool to know how much work you guys put into this.
10. The Eurasia node(and interception in general) is hell on newbies(the average player reaches there somewhere between mastery rank 0 and mastery rank 2), and mildly unpleasant with a group of hardened vets(beatable, but remarkably few messages(usually 3) before it overwhelms most). Can we get it scaled back a bit? Spawn rates now give 300 enemies in 10 minutes, and it seems 1/5 of them are leaders. This is particularly bad with the new players flooding in from our mmobomb success. It's good that it's no longer boring, but it's a tad over-the-top now.
11. What mission types will the shipyards be including? It's noteworthy that earth has no mobile defense at all. Will shipyards have it, or interception, or both? Will we be seeing the return of hijacking? If so, what will it be replacing on the map? Many things, a few things...? There's enough nodes that all 3 of them could fit comfortably without removing any existing variety.
12. Will the regular helions from the codex be present in the new shipyard, or can we expect a new sub-domain brand of grineer(such as frontier and arid)?
13. Generic skills? They've been mentioned, how far into the future are they? Will we ever get access to Quack?
14. It's been a year! Greatest triumphs of the last year? Worst defeats? Favorite moments? Who has the most cold call marriage proposals?
15. Proto excal is awesome. Will we be seeing any more of him? Will we be seeing any other alternate model skins like that?
16. Will Prodman be featured in the spotlight with the melee upgrade, or will he just be working behind the scenes?
17. Any info on proxy wars? Will we be able to get unique factions like Darvo and Sand Skates(#GloriousSandskateEmpire)? Will that be part of u13?
18. Is the new faction still happening? When?
19. Will the store be getting more swag?
20. Will Dex Furis ever be back?
21. Now that u13 is finally(ALMOST) here, will we be getting back on track with regular releases?
22. Is u13 really going to be ready next week? If it's ready before wednesday, will we get it then, or on wednesday(*sip*)? If it's a tough call, is there a back-up plan in case it needs more delays?
23. Llamadogs?
24. How long will the current prime access last, and what's the next prime planned? Will the next prime displace rhino, or merely be available in the void?
25. Void upgrades? Will we be seeing void Hijack, interception, or t4? All have been teased as "Glen wants it yesterday".
26. Is there anything in u13 that we'd "never guess" that you'd LOVE to share with us, considering we got stuck without an update this week?
27. Do you guys ever consider playing "musical couches", or do you have your permanent assigned seats?

28. PS4 players are hoping that the delay of u13 means the magic rainbow bridge may be upon us. Any truth to that?

29. Based on my understanding of the process, it seems like the magic rainbow bridge would be almost impossible to get or maintain. Does it look like Sony will ever allow it, and if so, how much would PC players have to suffer to pull it off?

30. Did you guys decide to delay u13 so you'd have something to give us if we win the MMOBomb polling? What if we don't win? U12.6 forever?

31. The poster of mag prime features a corrupted shade sentinel! Will we ever get these, or is it a marketing department joke?

32. Did anyone consider making the last panel of GrineerSystems.com the "Did you really think it would be this easy?" video when you found out it would be delayed?

33. CorpusSystems.com is a small machinery retail outfit. By creating GrineerSystems.com, you surely increased their business. More business means more machines. More machines means more business. For the corpus. Have you accidentally launched a self-fulfilling prophecy? Are the grineer just sheldon clones with enhanced desire for swag?

34. Between update 11 and update 12, Heckler Hek in the event missions gained a LOT of weight. Does this mean the grineer still celebrate christmas, or is there another reason?

35. The preview shipyards had invisible traps(one set you on fire for no apparent reason). Will these still be there, or were those accidental?

36. Will we ever see a way to disable traps remotely or before a mission starts?

37. A lot of players are clamoring for progression-tied mods. Will we see some of the "necessity" mods given as rewards for the in-game achievements, as many are benchmarks of regular player progress like "reach rank 10 with a melee weapon". It would make sense that you give them a melee mod for doing that. This would be an easy way to put serration and the like in the hands of players who need it most, and would allow everyone to get these rewards for achievements they already have without destroying the game's balance. Even a high-end player can at least transmute free copies of mods they already have, and new players having to actually max the mods once they own them keeps the giveaway from being too "monty hall".

38. Will we be seeing any more minigames like Flappy Zephyr? Sinky waterframe, perhaps?

Edited by Llyssa
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Assuming this isn't planned already, would you all be willing to duel each other, melee only, to show off Melee 2.0 a bit more?


Also with the Water Warframe can you do a variety of different builds based around it's abilities? (Like damage builds, Continuity build(s), etc...)

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A few streams back your team called Warframe a "loot based game". I was taken a back by this as I never saw the game in such a simplistic light. Warframe lacks certain aspects that would make it a true loot based game, mainly being the finite stats and loot. Given the current landscape of the game and the way in which mods and RNG dominate as primary crutches for content/replayablity- has there been any thought as to what your of definition of aught to be? Almost 3 years along now, and people who play the game are barely able to see the outline for what Warframe is supposed to be. If Warframe was to be a loot based game from the start, why would you insist on instanced based levels/missions that act as barriers and slow down the skinner box affect of killing and looting?


It seems to me that the approach of instanced based missions plays against the idea of making a loot based game. The missions being instanced actually feeds into rushing. Players will enter and leave levels trying to trigger things like the G3. Where as if the G3 existed in something like Torchlight, you would encounter them through playing the game passively and not trying to trigger an event by entering/leaving a mission. Making static mods stand in the place of armor/weapons that are randomized, again creates a finite amount of re playability and possibilities when it comes to the motif of a loot based game, which is customization.


This is where I see a major failing of the game. It is not a good loot driven game, hence why I never saw it that way. While the game is being executed in your vision, I feel key choices in your design philosophy are holding it back. Is there any plans to conform to a more traditional loot driven game outline, or will you continue to pursue what we see now? Do you plan to retract that statement? Is Warframe truly a loot based game?




(Side note that is not a question)


I never saw Warframe as a loot based game, but an experiment in co-operative gaming. While most games are PVP driven or feign cooperation (MMOs), Warframe sought to bring a single player action game to the online F2P scene. Placing an emphasis on co-operation and discovery, interaction with your environment and world building. As the months turn to years, numerous concepts or ideas are forgotten as more and more superficial content is piled on. If DE sought to make a simple loot based game, they placed way too much focus on fluff rather than core concepts to retain players.


Most Diablo clones are open world and procedural. Players stay in this world once they leave the main menu and can continue playing, entering dungeons and clearing overworlds- the action never stops. In Warframe you are constantly navigating tedious menus and not playing the game. Another concept at the forefront of Diablo games is the addictive combat and seeing your powers grow. Since weapons are static and modified, it lacks the experience of finding a gold weapon, equipping it and watching your power increase instantly. You don't have to leave the game to see this change, you don't have to pause for but a moment. It is this barrier of instanced based missions that prevent the game from being a good loot driven game. That coupled with the fact the loot is mods, static mods. While I really would be against random mod stats, the current system of instant gratification pales in comparison to what other loot based games offer.


Another issue is in this identity crisis is the concept of limiting weapon and Warframe slots. There comes a point where you either need to spend money or delete something you may have grown attached to/upgraded in order to level your mastery rank or to experience all the game has to offer. Almost 3 years and this issues has yet to be addressed. It is harmful and oppressive in its design and is dishonest. Another issue is the mobile gaming concept of purchasing lives/revives. Newer and more ignorant players might fall for this once, but really how much money is made off this rather distasteful design element? Yes you need to limit revives on a mission, but they should reset upon leaving a level.


After all this time I have yet to have that "Ah ha!" moment where I see the direction this game is going. It seems slap dashed together and aimless. If this is to be a loot drive game (to my disappointment) there needs to be a serious change in philosophy about the way players experience the game and the systems in play.

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Hi DE, I have a question.

With the introduction of a water frame we now have fire, ice, toxin, electric, magnetic and some more elemental abilities on out frames.

Will we get some kind of synergy between those frames? For example, Frost uses his 1st ability on a bombard and then Ember adds a little fire and boom, blast proc! Stuff like that would make teamwork even more satisfying, and I bet you would make it look pretty good.


Also, thanks for delaying melee 2.0 (not sarcasm). If it isn't good enough than delay it and work some more till it's kick &#!, and I like that.

Though, it was a rather unexpected move to delay U13 the way you did, but that can be forgiven. ;)

Big respect and all the best to you!

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What? Devstream #26 is this Friday, and we will be having a very special live-playthrough and commentary preview of Update 13!


We will be covering all kinds of coming content, including:

1) Water Frame abilities and discussion

2) Grineer Shipyards Tileset

3) Melee 2.0

4) Endgame Projects

5) ... and much much more

We will also be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes to our viewers!

Who? Scott, Steve, Geoff and Sheldon will be joining Rebecca as we play through Update 13!

Where? Join us at www.twitch.tv/warframe!

When? Friday, April 4th @ 2 PM EDT! Find your Timezone here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Tenno: Please ask questions surrounding any of the above listed topics for us to tie into the gameplay. If you have no questions, prepare to tune in Friday to get a preview/commentary on all things Update 13!


when will put a dedicated server?

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Dev-stream Questions

#1. "Mastery System" as things stand, if you level everything currently in game, run all mission nodes, scan enemy's into codex and level up - 220 weapons/23 frames/6 sentinels and their respective weapons you only rank 15 out of 30 in the mastery system. is there currently a draft of how to fill in such a void other then throwing more weapons frames and sentinels at players as doing so would likely over-saturate an already varied arsenal of useful equipment.

In short, what are the end-game plans to wrap up mastery system? taking into account players unable to acquire exclusive items.

#2. "Weapon Skins" Aside from the few melee skins that alter stats, would it be likely down the road to have more of these special skins for ranged weapons IE. a skin for Ignis to alter is base damage type from being just heat to possibly cold or gas combo, or skins that reduce impact in order to increase slash or puncture ect.

In short, to balance out a weapon type VS's various factions shouldn't necessitate 3 variations of the same weapon type. will there ever be an alternative?

#3. "WarFrame abilities" with so many frames and sets of abilities, buffs, DE-buffs, AOE crowd control to aggro pulling. How many Truly UN-implemented abilities are left that could warrant a new frame? aside from themes.

In short, Given the current frames that exist. how many more does the Dev team feel could be justified?

Thanks for the hard work DE, and as always
Remember to check if the safety is on

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My questions may not be answered but here we go.


What was the biggest challenge when implementing the ability to string combos? meaning using the mods to change the animation, hit boxes, swing timer, etc. Also, How much more rewarding will melee play be verse gunplay?

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What are your plans for the conclave? When I heard about tenno being able to fight each other, I thought of a combat system like Left 4 Dead 2, where one group is the good guys, and someone else gets to send out enemy troops and play as special enemies.

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