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Mmobomb.com F2P Final Showdown Megathread (Victory & Never Forget Edition)


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I like all the conspiracy theories popping up because we're losing.


"Mabinogi is voting against us, it's the only way!"


"This MMOBomb poll seems really shady, why aren't they directly showing us the results?"


Conspiracy theory? Perhaps you misunderstand, I'm not saying "By god they're working against us, this can't possibly be real, warfarme could never lose! Aliens! Government! MCDONALDS!" I don't think anyone has any idea they've contrived to actually explain what may or may not be going on with the polls. I personally was just saying that it seems ridiculous and suspicious to jump through all kinds of hoops, and what the hell was with the stream cutting to an email page? Some guy above noted that they apparently had to move the whole thing to twitch because of some kind of issue with how easypolls works. Even so, it does not inspire trust to change things up so suddenly, even with an excuse.


As I said I like both games, either one's a win. But I'm naturally suspicious.

Edited by Theramalse
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I'm kind of wary of this whole concept, MMObomb cannot actually prove the legitimacy of this concept and it feels really shady what they're doing here with the polls. I'll explain a bit.


With the previous matchups you could see the votes on that easypolls site after you voted, quick and easy. Of course this doesn't prove that the results are real or free from outside tampering, but at least it's right there easy to see. Then they moved it to a twitch livestream that updates every few seconds (minutes?) Why the change? Was there any need to move it? What the hell? Why keep the results hidden then suddenly show tus these numbers that could've come from anywhere?

If that wasn't enough to raise my suspicions I checked the stream earlier and it wasn't even showing the poll numbers anymore, just some guys yahoo email address half signed in. The hell?


Now, I'm a player of both games and I enjoy both. Although the typical MOBA player attitude throws me off playing Smite some days, I will be equally pleased if either wins. But this whole idea is ruined by my suspicion that MMObomb is rigging it in favor of their favorite. After all, MMObomb is in no way legally obligated to show us real results because this competition is not official.


I had a similar though before they decided to show the poll on Twitch.


I was thinking... We can't see the results at all, what prevent them to tell the winner is the one they "want" to see winning this contest ?

And by "The one", I wasnt thinking about Smite in particular.


The fact they wanted to hide the results on the first day or two is shady to me.


But like I said, before they decided to show the poll... Now, I don't know. There is a very high probability the contest is legit.

Edited by NjaII
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Vote with honor Tenno!


I hope someone uses that as their alliance logo...


but to the main topic... I think we exhausted everything... I don't think we can gather more gamers to out vote this THAT is a lot of voters...

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Damn. Well unless a miracle happens or someone goes all 1337 hax0r up in this bizsnatch, we lost. To SMITE. Who somehow tripled it's vote count from the last round....



Not SOMEHOW, just by putting a link in their launcher.


I don't believe they are cheating, at all.

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