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Thanks For Watching Devstream #26


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To be honest, I'm not that hyped by U13. I really don't like the idea of having to pay other clans both credits and resources to access in game content (I really don't like that idea at all) and I don't think that melee 2.0 will be all that much of a game changer. I wish I didn't feel this way, I really do wish that melee 2.0 would change the game in great ways, but if I'm realistic about it, I can't see it doing much more than making melee junkies happy and making having zero ammo a bit less annoying and dull.

If I had to guess at what Tenno life will be like after the awe of U13 has worn off, I'd have to think it would go back to what it was before, with melee being side lined over gun play in general. I just can't see melee ever being, realistically, as effective as gun play (not without seriously breaking the game balance by making melee massively OP). I don't hate the idea of making melee more appealing (I love using melee sometimes), and I don't think it will be terrible or anything, having more interaction in melee is a good thing. I just don't think that it's going to have the great game changing effect that everyone seems to be saying it will.

Regarding Hydroid, well, I'm sorry but again I'm not that hyped. I feel the name is bad within the games lore (sounds like a robot) and It clashes with the other  Warframe names. Why not Hydris, Hydros or something similar? The design is good over all I think, but with his current skills I'm worried that he'll be "just another mid tier frame". His 1st and 2nd skills do look good, the 2nd being quite cool in looks and effect, but his 3rd and 4th skills don't sit well with me (3rd is very situational and I feel it could suffer like silence does in team play. 4th looks to be better but could be some what unreliable in terms of dealing damage effectively and crowd controlling).


On a plus note, the visual changes to the dojo look great and I do like the improvements to the clan management system and UI.

I'm sorry if I sound like I'm having a downer on U13, if it makes you feel any better It's not by choice. I hope I'm proven wrong but I just can't hold out that much hope for it. Maybe I'm just burnt out with Warframe, I dunno.

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On the UI, updated with clans/alliance its now more than ever turning into xbox live/ windows 8 interface. 

It really needs a work-over to be less microsoft and more Warframe / DE. 


Dont get me wrong I appreciate the effort the guys are putting into it but it really needs to not look like some touch screen microsoft interface and more like a Sci-Fi / Warframe interface.

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I really don't like the idea of having to pay other clans both credits and resources to access in game content (I really don't like that idea at all)

At least for the first time, Wastelands will be "just another mission in a tileset you already know". So unless the level-designers throw out one or two new sets for those missions, they are in no way different to the ones you can already access (except for the tax part).


(3rd is very situational and I feel it could suffer like silence does in team play.

Sure, but with the right team, both Silence and Puddle could actually become useful for full-stealth. Banshee casts Silence, so Hydroid can sneak up behind the enemies and turn into a puddle, someone aggros them to run into it, and maybe an invisible Loki to stop that one enemy who runs off into the wrong direction to sound the alarms.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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Just got done watching Dev Stream 26 and loved it! everything about this update is amazing. new melle system looks soooo promising too. I'm a PS4 player and this game has sparked a new love. id be down to help people out online and meet new strong players like myself. Shoot me a message on PSN Im always online ;)

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Well if the new missions are just rehashed old tile sets then they aren't new. If so then what's the point in adding them? If they are new "end game" content then I still don't like the idea of some clans profiting off the player base wanting (as they should) new content . I understand the want to make clans and dojos more than what they currently are, I just don't think this is the way to do it.


Oh and just because silence, with a team that is actively trying to make use of it together in a group, can be made use of to a degree doesn't make it a great skill that doesn't need a re work. As such I think my point on that was valid.

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Last thought: Maximum alliances of three Moon Clans. Three. Let that sink in for a moment.

Just how many ghost and shadow clans do you guys expect to band together and co-operate coherently for that to be balanced?

You know what. Thats a good question to ask. that would be so many smaller clans fused together. operating together would be difficult. Where as 3 Moon status clan could operate throught they're warlords. That wouldn't be as difficult to manage.

Thanks for some insight :) 

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To be honest, I'm not that hyped by U13. I really don't like the idea of having to pay other clans both credits and resources to access in game content (I really don't like that idea at all) and I don't think that melee 2.0 will be all that much of a game changer. I wish I didn't feel this way, I really do wish that melee 2.0 would change the game in great ways, but if I'm realistic about it, I can't see it doing much more than making melee junkies happy and making having zero ammo a bit less annoying and dull.

If I had to guess at what Tenno life will be like after the awe of U13 has worn off, I'd have to think it would go back to what it was before, with melee being side lined over gun play in general. I just can't see melee ever being, realistically, as effective as gun play (not without seriously breaking the game balance by making melee massively OP). I don't hate the idea of making melee more appealing (I love using melee sometimes), and I don't think it will be terrible or anything, having more interaction in melee is a good thing. I just don't think that it's going to have the great game changing effect that everyone seems to be saying it will.


On a plus note, the visual changes to the dojo look great and I do like the improvements to the clan management system and UI.

I'm sorry if I sound like I'm having a downer on U13, if it makes you feel any better It's not by choice. I hope I'm proven wrong but I just can't hold out that much hope for it. Maybe I'm just burnt out with Warframe, I dunno.

Yeah, I agree. People are looking at Melee 2.0 as the salvation of Warframe, as if it's going to singlehandedly get rid of the grind of acquire weapon/warframe then level it up to kill stuff faster.


Then do it all over again when a new weapon/warframe comes out.


Looks nice and all, but it's not bringing any new content, just a more refined/different way to kill stuff.

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Why remove the charge builds, if they are fun and successful currently. This is bad design. And where is the gore, when you hitting the enemies over and over with a sword. What happened to all the gore?

Well... many users have been charge meleeing for months now. And its getting very boring. Because all that mattered here was damage, and weapons with fast/strong charge weapons made almost all the other melee weapons feel useless, we needed a change.

If you are enjoying the current melee, you have few more weeks to enjoy that, probably.

But some players who have been playing for a year or less knows that charge builds get SO boring eventually.

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I'll admit that I'm hyped for U13, but said my Loki has taken a hit due to charging being taken out because I use the Galatine for high level missions. I'll get over because it breaks the monotony and I'll be able to play with my other weapons more too. Which is most likely the point of revamping the melee system.


I've never actually seen anyone state it'll be the savior of Warframe, but being able to actually just go full melee as opposed to run and gun is a plus in my book and seeing as it's tough to actually close distance in Warframe for some melee action I expect the difficulty to go up a bit if you decide to go all melee in a stage, which I look forward to doing often.


That said looking forward to it, not sure how I feel about badlands though, my clan is small 3 members total all of us being Warlords too, if those were the cost for building a rail we can definitely afford to build them. I'm not actually fond of charging others to use my clans rails, so would it be possible to reward them without charging them? My question probably seems foolish and naive but I know the purpose of charging them is better for them as far as rewards go in the long run. Just gonna keep the cost low and the reward big when I can.

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I've never actually seen anyone state it'll be the savior of Warframe, but being able to actually just go full melee as opposed to run and gun is a plus in my book and seeing as it's tough to actually close distance in Warframe for some melee action I expect the difficulty to go up a bit if you decide to go all melee in a stage, which I look forward to doing often.

It's the near rabid hysteria over Melee 2.0 that seems to have elevated it to salvation status.


Too much grind: Just wait, Melee 2.0 will fix that. Drop table all wrong: Just wait, Melee 2.0 will fix that. Game play is repetitive: Just wait, Melee 2.0 will fix that. Need more diverse missions: just wait, Melee 2.0 will fix that and on and on and on and on. Melee 2.0 is going to fix everything wrong with Warframe.


No it's not, not even close. It gives you a different way to kill Grineer/Corpus/Infested in the same mission types you've already played dozens, if not hundreds, of times already. Now you can do it .... "cooler" with fancy animations.


And guess what? All those melee weapons? You're going to have to go level all of those as well by playing the same mission types over and over and over and over and over and over that you already played over and over and over and over and over to level your Warframes and weapons.


I've got nothing against Warframe, I still play it (albeit much less often), I wish people would engage their brains and think things through.

Edited by ajwalker65
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It's the near rabid hysteria over Melee 2.0 that seems to have elevated it to salvation status.


Too much grind: Just wait, Melee 2.0 will fix that. Drop table all wrong: Just wait, Melee 2.0 will fix that. Game play is repetitive: Just wait, Melee 2.0 will fix that. Need more diverse missions: just wait, Melee 2.0 will fix that and on and on and on and on. Melee 2.0 is going to fix everything wrong with Warframe.


No it's not, not even close. It gives you a different way to kill Grineer/Corpus/Infested in the same mission types you've already played dozens, if not hundreds, of times already. Now you can do it .... "cooler" with fancy animations.


And guess what? All those melee weapons? You're going to have to go level all of those as well by playing the same mission types over and over and over and over and over and over that you already played over and over and over and over and over to level your Warframes and weapons.


I've got nothing against Warframe, I still play it (albeit much less often), I wish people would engage their brains and think things through.

People can't really be expecting all that can they? It's only a melee revamp, how on earth does that equate to fixing all that mess?


I'm excited myself due to the Ninja part of Warframe actually being put into it, but I've personally never thought it was fixing anything besides that. On the other hand it is part of a major update package, that will most likely give us a new event along with a game mode to test out. I lol'd at the drop table thing, it's only gonna make it worse due to their being stance mods now among other things increasing the grind lol.


But we still don't have our proper endgame content yet, badlands is only the first part of it if I remember correctly though the Focus system was supposed be farther ahead than that from what we were told the last time we heard about endgame. Endgame is where all the new factions, missions, etc. is supposed to come in at, right?

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I lol'd at the drop table thing, it's only gonna make it worse due to their being stance mods now among other things increasing the grind lol.

I just hope those mods won't be like Jagged Edge and the like. Rare drops from an uncommon unit that preferably drops something nobody needs.

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