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Melee 2.0 Feedback: Megathread (With Template).


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Weapon(s) used: Dragon Nikana.


Faction(s) fought: Corpus & Grineer.


Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Very basic mods, no stance found yet. 


Thoughts & Experiences: To my delight the community is already all over this idea, I'm reposting something I put in a patch notes thread for U13 (Hotfix 13.0.2): 


Can I ask you look into a toggle system in the Options menu (under Game play or controls) to do the following;


When melee is equipped; swap the attack key to the 'Fire weapon' button (Mouse 1 commonly) and the 'Melee channel' to the 'Melee attack' button. I've just been finding it really counter intuitive to not attack with my trigger finger when my Nikana is equipped and I think a toggle option would be fair for people who feel the same and for people who like it as is, they don't have to turn it on. :)


Approximate Time Spent: A large gaming session with friends with U13 for the first time.


Supplementary Info: Keyboard/ Mouse (Quick Melee assigned to mouse thumb button)

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Thoughts and Experiences


Going to add my voice to the many others and say that the way the stance mods have been put into the game is absolutely terrible. Some drop infrequently off rare enemies while others are transmutation only. Mods that form the core of a weapon should not be so damn hard to get hold of.

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Weapon(s) used: Magistar & Kestrel

Faction(s) fought: Grineer

Mods equipped/Stance used:  Magistar: Fury (maxed), Pressure Point (maxed) Reach (maxed), Second Wind (Rank 4), Energy Channel (maxed), NO Stance


Kestrel: Reflex Coil (maxed), NO Stance

Thoughts & Experiences: These weapons have become essentially unusable for me. I cannot throw the Kestrel when equipped, no matter what I try. I read another post that said you have to do a slash attack with Glaive before you can throw it, but it doesn't work with the Kestrel. And when I don't have it equipped, it takes forever to charge up and throw it. So all I can do is stand there and try to slash enemies with it, and it does pitiful damage that way. Not to mention that I take a terrific amount of damage in the process. The Magistar has become a sluggish dog to try to swing. I used to be able to get at least 2 hits per second with it, and now it takes forever to swing it. And it looks extremely weird running around with it equipped; it's like I'm dragging it around on the ground. I've been a melee-intensive player up to now, but with this new system I can't have fun at all anymore. I'd really appreciate a detailed tutorial on how this new system works and what modifications were made to the different weapons, because the ones I've grown to love to use have become broken. I really appreciated the Damage 2.0 system for other (firing) weapons, but so far I am not happy with this new melee system at all.


Edit: Oh, and after playing for 3-4 hours, I have yet to find a single stance mod. If they're so essential to this new system, why aren't they dropping? It would have been nice to give us a "basic" set of 1 or 2 (at least) of these stance mods that we could use to understand how they work. Or better yet: give us an option toggle to use Melee 1.0 if we want to.


Edit 2: Okay, after spending much time playing with my Kestrel and Glaive, I finally figured out how it can be thrown while equipped. It is not very intuitive at all, and you end up wasting a ton of time having to do a slash attack before each and every throw. And even then, the charge speed has been extremely nerfed. Why even let us use a thrown weapon if you're going to nerf it this way and make it so clunky to throw? Along with this, every time the Kestrel or Glaive returned to me and bounced at my feet before catching it, it did damage to me. With Rhino I ended up losing my iron skin after 2 or 3 throws this way. This is not cool at all. Again, please give us back the old system or at least let the charge/swing speed mechanics of this new system match the old one.


Approx. Time Spent: 3-4 hours

Supplementary info: Mouse and Keyboard (mainly doing Grineer Shipyard exterminate and sabotage, both solo and with a friend).

Edited by rca626
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Weapon(s) used: Fang Prime, Unranked.

Faction(s) fought: Grineer, Corpus.

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: None, Unranked.

Thoughts & Experiences: Blocking seems work pretty good, was surprised. Had to unequip my sentinel gun though, because he was killing most of the stuff before I could ever get a chance to swing at anything. Once I did, I went through a Venus mission with JUST my Fangs. Big mistake; had to eat every laser door because cameras are impossible to hit with the fangs.


Was hoping to get a Stance Mod when I did my Venus Exterminate as several of them supposedly drop from Corpus. Only saw one mod (Ammo Drum) out of 69 kills. Did you guys nerf Mod Drops or something? I should have gotten more than 1 mod out of 69 kills. Having absolutely no combos with the basic "stance" is kinda boring, especially if players are routinely spending 4, 5, 6+ hours without seeing a single stance mod for their chosen weapon.

Approximate Time Spent: Two Exterminate Missions (~15min).

Supplementary Info: We need an ability to swing upward or something to hit flying bots and/or cameras. Perhaps you swing where you're looking? Maybe if you are looking almost straight up, your character does a different swing so you can hit something just above your head (Ospreys, Cameras, etc)? Maybe if you're looking straight up and do a jump attack, instead of a ground pound, you jump and swing trying to hit something above you? Maybe make it "Hold E for Ground Pound, Tap E for overhead swing"?

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Weapons used: Magistar, Cleaver, Scoliac.


Factions fought: Grineer, Corpus, Corrupted. 


Mods equipped: Not relevant for this particular case of feedback. (Except Magistar, which had very little attack speed)


Thoughts: The damage ramp up counter feels too unforgiving. In the case of Magistar specifically, I could barely finish an attack animation and take two steps before losing all my bonus damage. Pretty much the same problem with Cleaver and Scoliac, I still couldn't hold onto my counter, even in the middle of a thick brawl and with the use of coptering. The damage loss should be incremental: For instance, if you are at 25 hits, you lose a stack of 5 after 1 second and drop to 20 stacks. After that, to lose 5 more stacks another 1 second cooldown starts to drop you at 15. Same principle from 15 to 10 and 10 to 5, but instead of 1 second it's 2 second. So at 25 hits, you would need a pause of (4+2+2+1+1)=10 seconds before losing all 25 stacks (5 stacks of 5).  You get less breather-seconds as the counter goes up so that there is still a high risk of losing your high damage, but you can hold on longer to your base damage, That'll make the counter scale really well IMO.


More thoughts: The melee critical system and stack system for damage feel like they fill the same niche. In both case, you rely on a high volume of attack to overall raise your damage output. It is of my opinion that the critical system should be reworked to complement the stack system better (IE more critical chance hasten the gain of stacks, and more critical damage increases the multiplier) or something of the like. 


Even more thoughts: It feels to me that the olden charge weapons transitioned very poorly into the new melee system, where volume of attacks and mobility trumps all. I think they need some perks to compete, or maybe bring back the high-damage single attacks with new stances. At any rate, their sluggishness is felt pretty harshly, at least for me. Having their new charge state toggleable would make them more useful IMO.


Approximate time spent: 1 or 2 hours. 


Supplementary info: I've been sipping on some great tea... Oh, not that kind of info. Keyboard/mouse, with a 5 button mouse which should work really great with Melee 2.0 whenever I get used to the system. 

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Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Second wind

Thoughts & Experiences:

Why is this mod imitating Corrupted mods statistics, with a positive and a negative attribute?

Doesn't really make sense for it to be like that, I hope it's a wrong description, or bug.

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Won't be following most of the feedback format since it doesn't apply to what I want to say.


Stance used: None
Thoughts & Experiences:
Very poor. I don't like the way we have to grind to try out Melee 2.0. I don't mind getting alternate modes with far superior combo tree but at the very least, all melee weapons should start out (when without the stance mod equipped) having an innate combo tree that has new combos unlocked (or old combos extended) as we level up our melee weapons. 
Another thing I would like to point out is that I wished for a "toggle channel" button instead of a "hold to channel" button.  Just something you ought to consider.
Approximate Time Spent: 5 hrs.
Edited by matrixEXO
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Weapon(s) used: A decent variety of different weapons

Faction(s) fought: doesn't matter

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Stances doesn't matter. Tried playing around with channeling mods.

Thoughts & Experiences:
There's a lot of good about it, but it fees like melee weapons falling into same weapon grips will be even more similar to each other. For example: You can equp any stance for any longsword, charge focused weapons like dark sword has lost it's purpose, and it seems that various combo effects do not vary per weapon. The only real difference left is dps and the visual design. Same applies to scythes like reaper prime and hate. Previously one was faster, the other one was focused on charge attacks. And speaking about charge attacks, I miss the feeling when you could save time by charing attacks as you approach enemies, then unleash the damage isntead of makign few quick hits. The channeling system is just like a trigger to turn the damage boost anytime and pay energy.

Approximate Time Spent: 2-3 hours

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Weapon(s) used:  Galatine (ash), Dual Zoren (valkyr)


Faction(s) fought: Grineer, Corpus, Infested


Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:



*reflex coil, killing blow, corrupt charge, molten impact, north wind.


Dual Zoren/Valkyr

*Organ Shatter, True Steel, Spoiled Strike, Pressure Point, North Wind, Shocking Touch


Thoughts & Experiences:


Valkyr and the Dual Zorens still put out really high amounts of damage and is invulnerable still, everything seems pretty good. I still feel like I am stuck with Mash E or hit 4 then Mash E but thats more the warframe than anything.


Ash and Galatine before melee 2.0 where my favorite frame and weapon combo, now they are pretty crap. Pre melee 2.0 I crit for 50k-70k on a charge attacks no problem, Post Melee 2.0 now my crits are around 2k-3k after channeling with a full sweet of channeling mods...... I am at a loss of what to do with my ash now.



Approximate Time Spent: 5 hours


Supplementary Info: Mouse/Keyboard
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Melee weapons used: Dual kamas, Dual Ichors, Bo, Ether Reaper.


Mods used: most mods, notably parry*, and, even though we were promised a default one, no stance.


Controls: Xbox 360 controller


     First of all, my biggest confusion lies with your decision to "replace" charge attacks with channeling when they use different buttons. Theoretically, since channeling is my left trigger and attacking while holding my melee weapon is still the right bumper, what is it in your code that is preventing me from holding the right bumper to charge attack? Because of this, in terms of functionality, until I find a stance mod this seems like one step forward and two steps back. I simply can not bring myself to understand the logic behind this decision. In an attempt to make the melee system more complex, you have made it boring.

     Secondly, although many people are not complaining about this because they like it, and i like it too, melee is now overpowered. As much as i like being able to 1-2 shot kill level 30-40 enemies with a melee weapon that isnt even fully ranked, its unbalanced and unfair. I think slight nerfs all around are in order, or at least make higher level enemies scale resistances to melee damage.

     Lastly, glitches. mainly with mods. for example i noticed the parry and reflection mods got changed from warframe mods to melee mods, This is good. Except for the the fact that my reflection mod got lost in the process. I'm willing to forget that, though. *I tried out the unranked parry mod and it seemed to work very well, so i ranked it up 4 ranks, and now it doesn't work at all. even though my parry chance is now 80% I'm not parrying anything. That aside, you seem to have fixed more UI glitches than you've caused, which is something to say for an update this large.


time played since U13: an hour last night and pretty much all day today.

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Thoughts & Experiences:

The controls are messed up and way too complicated for nothing.  Here's how I would fix this.  First of all, when equipping a melee weapon the firing button should not become channel but melee attack.  There should be different melee attack and quick melee attack buttons to allow us to move our key bindings without preventing us to fire our guns when we switch back.  Also add the option tu use melee channeling as a toggle option (don't remove the hold to channel principle as some may prefer this, just add a toggle melee channel key binding).  There you go, problem solved ;)

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Weapon(s) used: Orthos Prime, Galaine, and Prova

Faction(s) fought: Grineer

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: No Stance

Thoughts & Experiences: Why remove charge? Removes variety of melee. Hold melee could be  a heavy melee attack chain that could be weavy into other combos. Ex: E,E,E, Hold E, E or E,E, hold E, E or ..., etc. Also, unless stacces provide multiple combos branches then they should. One bramnch of combos is pathetically boring. I expected so much more from this system DE.

Approximate Time Spent: 3 hours

Supplementary Info: Key Board and Mouse


Edited by NitroTrigger137
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Weapon: Hate

Enemy type: Grineer

Mods: Killing blow, voltaic strike, fury, pressure point, focus energy, shocking touch.


I loved the channeling ability. Energy siphon + Killing Blow is unbelievably OP. Added pressure point and electricity damage only increased the effect. I killed on of the prosecutors in 2 swings. I love melee 2.0. Honestly, I thought it was going to be a let down. While no charge attacks are available and that makes me sad, I do love melee 2.0. Thank you very much, DE and Devs.

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I am extremely disappointing by how shallow the combo system is. Mash the melee button is not a combo, doing jump attacks is not a combo, doing slide attacks is not a combo. While I like the power charged weapon system a lot the loss of charge attacks was for nothing. Put charge attacks back in you don't need to have them have their own specific mod types just make the charge attacks have a % bonus damage multiplier and add a charge time.  I was furious when I saw that the stance system was a clusterfuck of cards that have to be grinded out and players have to get specific cards for each weapon type. I was hoping that there would be a few stance cards that could fit any weapon that would affect playstyle more so than just the moveset. I thought that it would be about choice but there is only 1-2 types per weapon type. 


I can't express how frustrated and disappointed with Melee 2.0 I am after they delayed it for so long, I can't believe they spent all this time just giving us the same S#&$ that we already had. The only hope I have for it now is that they expand it over time and not just by adding more @(*()$ cards, one new action per card is @(*()$ terrible seriously. I understand that tons of work went into re-animating all the new standard attacks but I don't know why you would waste the time. I want to see multiple new combos per stance at some point, expand on these seriously.


Please DE don't do what you always do when you come up with something new, ignore it forever. It's @(*()$ frustrating for me to see you come out with so many things for the game that you never revisit and instead every time you do anything you put in an entirely new grind that you will never work on again such as the terrible one you put out this patch for the new frame. You did Nightmare mode, haven't seen that pool of cards or challenges expanded in forever, orokin void missions, orokin derelict missions, lephantis who I'm sure no one has touched after getting nekros,  corrupt mods, oxium farming for zephyr, grinding these locators for hydros, they put in so many systems and then never touch them again. Stop adding an entirely new grind mechanic every patch and please don't leave the stance mods as they are.

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Weapon(s) used: Dragon nikana, skana, orthos prime, dakra prime, glaive. warframe: Ash (no flow mod, streamline rank4,fleeting expertice rank4, narrowminded, constitution, continuity, redirection, teleportation, bladestorm, smoke bomb, energy syphon, strech.)

Faction(s) fought: Grieneer, corpus, orokin

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:(skana rank 0 no mods).  pressure point, spoiled strike, fury, jagged edge, northwind, fever strike, parry, voltaic strike, molten impact, reflex coil, killing blow, focus enegy, whirlwind, quick return, powertrow, corrupt charge, rendering strike. no stances so far.
Thoughts & Experiences: overall ...this is AMAZING!!. considering bugs being fixed. good feeling in general. glaive should be able to be thrown while equiped. binding for left click atack when melee is equiped seems very intuitive, should find the way to add that (i smell a code nightmare there but im sure you can pull it of). swap to melee should feel more fluid. but i'll leave the "feelings" part for other posters. let's cut the chase: when performing a channeled attack, efficiency mods dont seem to be taken in count as it always drains 5 points, with or without efficiency mods. plus, thou randomly, those 5 points cant be recovered either by blue orbs or energy syphon. this happened more often with dragon nikana. hmmm, still looking for hard bugs. good job DE. love ya.

Approximate Time Spent: ~5hs

Supplementary Info: mouse/keyboard. mostly co-op (channeling was tested while invisble and not invisible, same result)

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Weapons used: Glaive

Thoughts & Experiences: I find it extremely annoying to have to tap+tap hold to throw the Glaive. It is very awkward to use it like that, and overall it isn't very smooth while charging it. I have tap+tap hold many times and several of them do not throw the Glaive, despite my timing being the same.

*EDIT: After playing with the Glaive for a bit, I've gotten used to the controls, no longer a hassle to tap+tap hold anymore.

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Weapon(s) used: Dragon Ninkana, Ankles Prime (Ankyros), Orthos Prime, Ether Reaper

Faction(s) fought: All

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Bleeding willow, Seismic fist

Thoughts & Experiences: Overall melee feels a hell of a lot more fun, But there's one glaring issue for PC that definitely bothers me:

Can we get the quick melee and channeling keys reversed while wielding melee? For instance, i use a gaming mouse (Razer Deathadder Right-handed) with thumb buttons, so my "Quick melee" key is MB4 (Bottom thumb button) with slide on MB5 (Top thumb button) and my "Equip melee" is F

So while using "Old melee" which i'm referring to as "Quick" melee, nothings a problem, however, when i equip my melee weapon, my Fire button (LMB) Becomes channel energy, RMB is block, and Mouse 4 is still melee attack, and i can't re-bind this (Rebinding melee attack to M1 clears Fire weapon)

In short, my suggestion is that while melee weapons are wielded, Primary/secondary fire becomes swing melee, Aim still becomes block, and "Melee" (Quick Melee) becomes channel energy, which feels FAR more natural as most melee-focused action games use a similar setup.

Approximate Time Spent: 5+ hours and counting up.

Supplementary Info: PC, Solo/Group KB+Mouse

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I don't even want to play anymore in this current state. Its not fun. They claim every-time that they don't want this game to be grindy but EVERY DAMN TIME they ever release a new update it ALWAYS involves grinding. Combos should not be a thing you have to find in the wild. You should get them as you level yourself and your weapons. this has to be changed. I am DONE putting up with DE's horrible decisions.

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Weapon(s) used: Dark Sword

Faction(s) fought: Grineer, Corpus

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: NONE! That is the problem, no drop after playing 2 hours.

Thoughts & Experiences: Melee 2.0 sounds and looks great, but I would rather experience it first hand which is kind of tough to do when I have to relay on RNG drops to even begin. Everyone should have been given one stance mod as a gift when first signing into game.

Approximate Time Spent: 2 hours

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Thoughts & Experiences: Hot key request. Have the option to change melee keys when switching to melee. I want to switch up the melee button to be left mouse button but it becomes a conflict with the fire key. I like having quick melee on a keyboard key but when i have it equipped, i want to only use my mouse buttons.

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Weapon used: Valkyr's fists

Faction(s) fought: Grineer, doesn't matter

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: none, doesn't matter

Thoughts & Experiences: when Valkyr doesn't have a melee weapon equipped, she cannot use Hysteria.  No invincibility, no melee strikes, gauntlets appear.

Approximate Time Spent: 7 mins in "Hysteria" mode, never ended

Supplementary Info: yes, this isn't "melee 2.0", but its affected by the update

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Weapons: Dakra Prime Dual Ethers Reaper Prime

Faction: Doesn't matter

Mods/Stances: Doesn't matter

Thoughts and Experiences: Make the drop chance for Stace Mods higher

Approximate Time Spent: 1 Hour only one Stance mod for a fist weapon

Edited by Skitheryx
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Weapon(s) used:  Doesn't matter

Faction(s) fought:  Doesn't matter

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:  no stances

Thoughts & Experiences:  ~8 hours of playtime and still zero stances, so I'm still stuck using the using the tiny fraction of this system that you have the nerve to try and pass off as a "basic stance".

Approximate Time Spent: ~8 hours


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Please DE, when in melee mode switch LMB and E.


It feels so much better using LMB to melee enemies in melee mode, and E for toggling your energy channeling on and off would also be a nice addition :)


thank you DE~!

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Weapon(s) used: Heat Dagger, Glaive, Dual Ether

Faction(s) fought: Corpus

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: No stance, Glaive has Power Through, Whirlwind, Pressure Point, and Jagged Edge.

Thoughts & Experiences: The Glaive is, as of the moment, broken. One issue is that it doesn't appear in your hand most of the time, instead choosing to be invisible. However, the biggest issue is that it works better while you have a gun equipped than when you have it equipped. When you have a gun equipped, you can attack fairly quickly with it, and you just have to hold down the attack button to throw it. However, when equipped directly, the Glaive seems to attack slower, and you have to press the melee button once first before holding it down to throw it. The explosions it creates are also a big problem, as there is no reason for them to exist at all, and because of the Glaive's bouncy nature, it is really easy to kill yourself with them.

Approximate Time Spent: 30 minutes

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