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Melee 2.0 Feedback: Megathread (With Template).


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Weapon(s) used:Dual Ether, Dual Ichor, Ether Reaper, Dakra Prime, Fang, Dragon Nikana (yeah i bought it - sue me, i'm supporting DE)

Faction(s) fought: All

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:


(Stances) Swirling Tiger, Sinking Talon 

(Mods) All elemental dmg mods (various combinations) and normal dmg mods (including Fury,... etc.)

Thoughts & Experiences:


Melee 2.0 feels really good and (as intended) very powerful and rewarding.

But while certain weapons and weapon types are really fun to play, others are feeling weird and clunky.

An example of this would be the dual daggers. For some reason sometimes my attacks miss, even if they should have hit.

Another example would be scythes, but that might be, because i don't have the stances yet.

Overall there seem to be some hitbox issues (especially with multihits and grineer shield lancers :/ - seriously those guys don't give a S#&$ about you and just stand there) and some weapons feel too slow (you have this giant scythe and any Grineer can evade all your hits by simply running away from you...).


My suggestions: -Buff Reach (somehow it doesn't feel like it's doing anything - this is based entirely on how i think this mod feels, not on actual stats)

                          - move all stance mods to the boss drop tables (would help with the massive RNG-Wall and let people enjoy U13 as supposed to

                          - tweak the hitboxes ( all i can say, 'cause i can't do anything of this myself)

                          - GET SOME SLEEP, YOU EARNED IT


All in all this is still a great update, thx DE.

Approximate Time Spent: ~5 h ( didn't try 13.0.3 yet, might change some things)

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you want feedback? here you go! :D

Weapon(s) used: machete wraith, bo, jat kittag, reaper prime, dual ethers

Faction(s) fought: grinneer, corpus

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: sundering weave, flailing branch, crushing ruin, reaping spiral, swirling tiger

Thoughts & Experiences: machete wraith: this weapon with the stance is very good it has 3 combos ( if you count E,E,E,E basic) the blocking and dodging work well and overall its a good stance/weapon I like it has 2 AOE attacks.


Bo: now with the Bo my problem is that I need to have a visual indication that my move has been done well if you could implement a system like INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US where you can see a combo you want to do on screen that would be great. I would like to know where I drop the ball is it at the pause or before?


Jat kittag(crushing ruin): what the hell is this stance ?it says aerial blows with spins and all it has is spins, it literally has one move and that move was the previous kittags charge attacks from 1.0 something needs to happen to expand this move set! .  

Reaper prime: again it only has one move that super spin and that's it? we need at least2/3 moves minimum to make the stance worth our time! although to your credit DE that one move was pretty cool. When I mastered it I was like you gonna learn today! (kevin hart? anyone?).


Dual ethers: now I haven't really played with this so I guess ill add more when I have but from what I see its again lacking in content. only one move and its hard to do.


In general my main gripes are that I easily forget how Im meant to do a move and when your in a high lvl wave def checking your combos is a bad idea! the blocking works well and parrying seems responsive stances need at least 2 combos and no EEEE does not count also seeing how long I should pause/holdfor is needed 1 second 2? oh and while I have your attention DE please take offhandstand as a mod and make it into a keybind ex:I get knocked down by a shockwave moa and before I hit the ground I hit left shift I do the handstand and get rewarded for paying attention.


Stances acquirement( self added sub topic): I felt like this needed to be put in! I hope in not  straying far off topic. did you know the nikanas stance can only be acquired through dragons pack or transmuting? also I feel stances in general should be on bosses and not scorpions, frontier grinneer ect HOWEVER with that being said make 1 boss have a common stance and a rare stance I was fighting nef yesterday and got NOTHING.... NOOOOTTTTHHHING in terms of stances many bosses have mods that suck shocking charge ect.vay hek drops mods that suck maybe put the nikana stance there I already have all the hydroid parts so i dont need to ever fight vay hek ever again!


Time played: 20hrs(seriously)


additional info: played on M and keyboard coop


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Weapon(s) used:Skana

Faction(s) fought:Corpus

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:None/Iron Phoenix

Thoughts & Experiences:The Stamina cost on both melee'ing and blocking is toodamnhigh.png,i think lowering the stamina cost on parrying/blocking should be lessened,since everytime a combo finishes,the whole stamina is out,thus making the block useless as you dont have anystamina,making you die alot on high levels,if you aim on melee'ing all the way,which makes you have to depend on guns,more than your sword

Approximate Time Spent:1 hour

Supplementary Info
: Optional (Mouse/Keyboard? Controller? Coop/solo?)Solo

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Weapon(s) used: Chronus, Glaive, Kestrel, Galatine, Dakra Prime.


Factions(s) fought: Grineer, Corpus, Corrupted, Infested


Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Second Wind, Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, Daggers Edge, Iron Phoneix amoungst others.


Thoughts and Experiences: - While melee 2.0 does add the depth the original system lacked, it does so at the cost of a lot of the fluidity and adaptability that the older version offered. Having to equip your weapon first before being able to use it beyond simple slashes might be somewhat pseudorealistic - but it shutters and limits the actual usefullness of melee towards those who do melee only runs, or once ammo is depleted. Blocking has been given a refreshing revitalization, and focus energy gives a nice visual effect, and useful damage buff - but both are curtained off behind the dreaded equip animation. No longer can one block while sliding towards an enemy, or between reloads. No mid air switches from longarm to melee for a devestating arial blow. Now you need to run into the fray with your melee weapon equipped - because you sure as Lotus won't be able to do it quickly on the fly. 


For me at least this has bleached a lot of the utility out of melee. In all the matches I played people fell into one of two categories. Either the William Wallace type (Braveheart) - who charges around the map with their fully ranked Gram out the entire time, trying to beat inquisitors into submission - or else your typical Rambo impersonator - who shoots everything as soon as it gets within a 1km radius of them. 


Honestly melee 2.0 feels clunky and needlessly complex, like Win95 it suffers from the issue of having a lot of depth - but that depth being hidden and shuttered away in needless dialouges and arbitary restrictions. (Why must we find every stance from scratch? WHY isn't there a starters pack?) Stances being limited to specific weapons is irksome, but perhaps forgivable, but having them as such rare drops? In five hours of straight play, on some of the outermost missions - I didn't find a single stance. If they're going to be this rare there needs to be some other way to gather them, as without them, nearly the entirety of melee 2.0 is inaccessible to the player. 




In terms of solutions - one simple and effective fix would be to use the melee key (E by default) to also equip the weapon. The player presses E - the weapon is quickly drawn and swung. If left click is held down during the swing, it is charged, and remains in the hand - if right click is held, the tenno blocks until it is released. And if neither is pressed the swing completes and the weapon is sheathed. For throwing weapons, simply allow E to be held down to charge the throw, and release it. Having to equip, charge, then throw the glaive and kestrel made them almost too slow and complex to use in half of the instances I previously engaged them. 


Approximate Time Spent: 5 hours


Supplementary Info: Mouse + Keyboard. Clan co-op. 


Also why the Dakra nerf? >:I  

Edited by 11.11.11
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Weapon Used: Ankyros (No Stance mod yet) - Ember.


Faction fought: Infested, Mobile defense


Thoughts/Experience: Holy whatever... i loved punching the crap out a bunch of Infested, especially with "empowering".


Its a bit irritating to press Mouse1 to empower, hold itm, then use the Melee Button to attack.
 Made a few times quite the lightshow with a flickering warframe, by rapidly press Mouse1, as you would with a weapon attack, but got the hang of it. Stil feels slightly weird to effectively hold Mouse 1 pressed all the time in Melee, but maybe this gets better with Stance mods, if a combo does not require it.


"Empowering" also seems to be only an on/off effect, no chargeup, like you have for some weapons, and also uses no warframe energy (i expected to loose a few counters of energy for empowering, but didnt).


Constructive idea: Might be an idea to loose some energy to charge, and then keep the charge up for a few attacks or a certain time (say, hold Mouse1 for 2 Sec = loose 10 energy, Empowerment up for 20 sec) without the need to hold Mouse 1 pressed for the whole melee duration.




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Weapon-Machete Wraith

Factions fought-Corpus, Grineer, Corrupted

Mods-Pressure point, fury, Spoiled Strike, Molton Impact, Shocking touch, Focus Energy, Volatic Strike, Rending Strike, and the ONLY MACHETE STANCE!

Thoughts and experiences-Very fun! It slaughtered everything up to lvl 25(that wasn't a heavy) with only a few hits. The amount of procs it gave let the name "Prochete Wraith" work.

Time spent- 3 1/2 hours

Other info-I used a mouse and keyboard.

Suggestions-Release a Rare Machete stance, another machete weapon, and increase the time between gaining and loosing a combo counter

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Weapon(s) used: Dual Cleavers(30 with potato) with Loki. 

Faction(s) fought: All

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:



Swapped elemental mods for faction specific.

Thoughts & Experiences:

100k+ damage crits in Solo play. Would be Godly in an organised group. 1 hitting Phorid, 3 second Ambulas kills. One hitting normal level 40-50 Greneer invisible and without charge.



Early version of my build, poorly optimised:


Epic fun, but totally OP.

Approximate Time Spent: at least 3 hours.

Supplementary Info: Keyboard/mouse


Edited by BritishBob
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the problem i see is, when you are attacking,

blocking takes some millisecond delay for it to be executed


i hope its instant.


so far, on the positive side, mellee 2.0 changed warframe alot and it became really enjoyable, this is how warframe should be when it was released lol

channeling is a really good idea, looks good and fun.. 


the rng on stances , i find it very exciting actually, its something that shouldnt be easy to hunt for.

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Weapon(s) used : Reaper Prime, Orthos Prime, Galatine

Faction(s) fought : Grineer and Corps

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used : None (i don't have any for the moment)

Thoughts & Experiences : In mission, no bug to report. There is only one thing that I'd like to see added, it's the channeling damages in the Arsenal. We only know it deals more damages, it can be increased with mods ; but we ignore how much... I think it could be a good addition !

Approximate Time Spent : about 2-3 hours.

Supplementary Info : solo and coop with keyboard and mouse

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Haven't gotten to touch the best features of Melee 2.0


After 2 days of farming I have the combo mod for Fist Only and Machette. I unfortunately do not have a Machete or Ankyros so all I can say is that melee does indeed do more damage I guess?


I given that almost every weapon has 2 stances I really think at least 1 of each type should have been fairly common drop from moderately common enemy. Instead they're pretty much all locked away behind an RNG grind that I have already lost any interest in.


Have fun with melee 2.0, I'm gong back to shooting things in the face with my Boltor Prime because the current drop rates of both Delta Beacons and Stances makes me feel like DE is just trolling us at this point.

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To someone like me who uses warframes for their abilities and maximizes effectiveness of powers, melee chaneling is next to useless since it it drains the energy I actively try to keep as full as possible for more ability uses. Maybe a better way to go would be for chanelling to go off stamina and constantly drain it while active. If you've ever played Monster Hunter, the Dual Blade's Demon Mode works like that. It would encourage people to use chanelling, but still make it situational since sprinting with it on would drain the stamina bar in a few seconds. This would also encourage people to actually use the stamina buff mods, which is rarely done by anyone in favor of more energy-related mods.

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Thoughts & Experiences: Humm.. just my personal though but would been more intersting to have LMB being Vertical, and RMB be horisontal attacks, taping E with melee weapon out would activate channeling and taping it again would end it. This would open up for alot of wider combos and more fun gameplay. Just feels a bit bland mashing E all the time as it is also its darn near impossible to deal with drones in melee mode so a vertical attack could help there.

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Weapon(s) used: Reaper Prime

Faction(s) fought: Grineer (Cambria, Earth)

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Pressure Point, Fury, Reaping Spiral, all maxed

Thoughts & Experiences: Unsure at first how Channelling worked; was under the impression that it was used to modify combos, allowing them to branch out. Turns out, it just boosts attack damage and vaporises corpses; brings back memories of Nekros' Desecrate pre-dmg 2.0.


Overall fun gameplay mechanic; I have high hopes for what this will bring to Warframe's future.


EDIT: pop-up timing bar at center bottom of screen would help in timing combos, gives visual indication for player as to where in the attack chain they are.


Side note: Would be nice to see combos from stance mods branch out into a combo tree; applying channeling/pauses/button combinations at different points in an attack chain changes the result attacks, instead of having only 1-2 set combos available on the ground. Air combos for attacking flying units would be good too, since it is difficult to damage regulators/ospreys without using Warframe abilities.

Approximate Time Spent: Approx. 4-5 15 minute survival runs, 60-75 minutes total focusing on melee

Supplementary Info: Mouse + Keyboard, using default controls

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Weapon used: Nikana


Factions fought: Grineer, Corpus, Infestation, Corrupted


Stance used: None


Thoughts & Experiences:

The way the weapon is held when set as the main weapon is very... bad. I would have thought that we would unsheathe the katana and then use it. Additionally, the katana stance shown on the Devstream also has this same issue. I think that the current katana hold animation should be in a new stance, iaido-style. Selecting the katana as the main weapon without a stance or with Tranquil Cleave should result in unsheathing of the sword and thus making it look nicer. Especially since there is no need for the Tenno to hold the sheathe since it's supposed to be "bound" to his left waist.


Approximate Time Spent: 6 hrs.

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Weapon(s) used: Bo, Dual Zorens, Dual Ichor, Obex, Lecta

Faction(s) fought: all but infested

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: irrelevant / no stance /coiling viper

Thoughts & Experiences:
Melee feels more rewarding and effective. I think Bo and Obex launch the enemies a bit too far/awkwardly.

Ground finishers almost never connect for me, though they are always on target. It's problematic to have to switch back and forth between melee and ranged. When I have a datamass equipped it's even worse, because the first key press will drop the datamass, then I have to press again to switch weapons.

Melee suffers from the same problem as before: it's not rare to enter a room and be faced by a huge mob. If I happen to have a melee weapon equipped at that point, I'm almost sure to die (for instance, after taking an elevator in Void maps there's often a platoon of enemies waiting right outside). Stamina is not enough on some frames to run, attack and parry (I know there are stamina mods).

Against Corpus, especially on Grineer Galleon maps, it's not even worth equipping the melee weapon because between ospreys and arc traps I'd have to switch every few seconds.


Edit: I tried the Coiling Viper stance. It's fun and the combos are easy to execute. The long combo (EE pause EE) gives some targeting problem because the somersault sometimes takes me behind the enemies.


Overall I think having to switch weapons is really problematic because it's not responsive enough and takes too long. I do not even want to switch to melee only again unless it's in the first minutes of a survival; after that if I start taking damage I have the time to get killed before managing to switch to a ranged weapon. I'm sure in a team things are more manageable, but in solo it's easy to get surrounded with no available cover and parrying is not enough to stay alive.


Approximate Time Spent: Approx. a few hours + a few more.

Supplementary Info: Mouse + Keyboard, solo.

Edited by CptWasea
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Weapon(s) used: Furax, Ankryors Prime, Dakra prime, Dual either, Dual heat swords and Machette Wraith.

Faction(s) fought: Grineer and Corpus on the invasion on PLUTO<lvl 35 or so>

Mods equipped/Stance used:  Fury (maxed), Pressure point (maxed),  Reach (maxed),  Spoiled Strike (maxed),  

Used Crit chance and crit damage mods (maxed) when using Furax, Ankryors Prime.

Otherwise I Used Dakra prime, Dual either, Dual heat swords and Machette Wraith.  

Used radiation or corrosive in Grinner and used on magnetic on corpus. 

Used Stances (maxed)fracturing wind, crossing snakes and sundering weave when applicable because those are the ones I have collected from trading so far.

Thoughts & Experiences: Ran some missions back to back. With all guns and with all melee to compare.

Overall the non channeled melee damage output was still generally far too low to compete with guns.

For most melee weapons it simply isnt worth trying to close the distance and took too many hit's to take people down.

Weapons like the Dakra Prime still function well enough to kill even without a stance mod but the others lag behind.


Channeling changed that, allowed me to kill enemies rather quickly but in general was not worth burning energy compared to the long range or wide angled damage caused by using an ability. Granted, I was not slotted for channeling, but killing enemies in one hit for less energy doesn't overcome the need to close in on them.


Trying to get the hit counter high enough to put out great damage without having to channel is difficult.

When each enemy takes a good number of hits you get shot too much, when they go down from one hit it's hard to get to the next guy fast enough to keep the meter going. If enemies are bunched up we cant afford for then not to die in few hits, if they are spread out we cant reach them in time.

I suggest having the hit counters time loss slow down the higher it goes. So from 1 to 10 hits would be stay 4 seconds but once you get to the 30 to 50 hits it would extend the time to maybe 6 or 8 seconds.


Deflecting gunfire with the block button is awesome. It really does allow one to close the distance so I give serious props for getting that right. However I had the "reflection" mod in my warframe that says it send back 96 percent of the damage sent at it but I swear they weren't hurting themselves even half as much as they were hurting me.


If there one thing that REALLY is  problem it was flying enemies. The lack of a simple jumping slash makes the "Blade alone" concept somewhat inaccurate when against enemies that stay midair. As some have suggested elsewhere: how about tap melee in mid air for slash attack. Hold melee in mid air for the ground slam we have now.


I am a long time fan of melee games so I feel I pick up the core skills required to use this stuff effectively pretty fast. After playing several mission on early levels to get use to the controls, I made it a point to play 10 missions with the system and it is a great start. I am not pleased that I have to seek out stances through searching the world as I have so far not had a single one drop. Luckily the core gameplay of melee is fun so far.


My overall thought would be Good work! needs some number adjustments on damage, combo timer and drop rate. Long term I hope to see some expansion on what can be done with each weapon/stance. For now Melee is certainly effective enough to work but still not so far that is competitive in raw output with guns.


Approx. Time Spent: 3 to 4 hours (multiple mission types).

Supplementary info: PC, Xbox Gamepad, Played Solo. PLUTO invasion <lvl 35 or so>.


Going to try some other weapons and write another post about those in a while.

Edited by Ronyn
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Well,as a console player that hasn't gotten M2.0 yet, but enjoyed lots of Hack and Slash games with my trusty controllers, what I read out of all that is a strong need to make the transition between Melee and Guns much more fluid - and much faster. The whole Devil May Cry Series or Too Human come to mind. If you can do that, add some more combos (or differ combos through channeling), and make stances easier to find this sounds great fun, especially with a controller.

And if you can do that then let the combo counter continue when firing your weapon in the middle ot fisticuffs.

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Weapon used: Machete Wraith

Stance: Quick Melee

Experience: I know it's kind of an inbetween of lighter melee and heavy. But the single repeating swing is kind of awkward because it doesn't really connect to itself very well. At least other melee weapons have two+ quick hits that flow nicely in to each other repeatedly.

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Weapon(s) used:

Galatine, Jat Kitag and Glaive Prime.

Faction(s) fought:

All three.

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:

No stances (fix the drops), all old charge and charge speed mods.

Thoughts & Experiences:

It's quite nice, but the quick melee removal has left me a sour taste.

Also; it would be nice if channeling could be a toggle instead of a hold.

Approximate Time Spent:

2 hours.

Supplementary Info:

Playing Coop with M&KB.

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Weapons Used:  Various without stance, Reaping Spiral Reaper Prime, Crossing Snakes Dual Ichor


Factions fought: all


Mods:  I used a lot of different mods.  Fury makes it hard to use combos sometimes, making the weapon go back to the regular button-mash combo.  Reach had no noticeable effect on weapons with a stance (+60% range is usually very obvious.  Could this be a bug?).  Focus Energy and Killing Blow work well.


Thoughts and Experiences:  You did a really nice job reworking the melee system.  The weapons do plenty of damage; Reaping Spiral combos are good.  There is definitely some room for improvement, though.


When holding the Jat Kittag without a stance, you look like the flag bearer zombie from Plants Vs. Zombies.


The hitboxes on both stances I used need to be tweaked.  On downward strikes during the Reaping Spiral combos, the hitbox needs to be extended upward.  Horizontal strikes need a broader hitbox.  When the scythe is kicked out in front of you for the spin, the multiple strikes (I think you said 5 during a devstream) need to be more noticeable, and the hitbox needs to be bigger, especially with a maxed Reach.  The Crossing Snakes combos felt very awkward to use.  The button presses and the animations don't line up as the Reaping Spiral does.  The weapon felt really slow, though I had a maxed Fury equipped.  The combo with the spinning-jump-downward-slash was very satisfying, ragdolling and launching enemies.  However, the hitbox is much too small and the combo is weirdly paced, so I rarely was able to land the final strike.  I think I got it twice in a 30-minute survival.  If the pacing and button timing were fixed, it would be a very enjoyable stance.


Channeling works well once you get used to the buttons.  I see people asking to make it a toggle, but if you do, keep the hold-to-channel option.  It was nice to be able to save my energy for certain strikes in a combo when I could get the most out of the channeling.  I'd like it if you made the visual effects of channeling on the Warframe and weapon more visible and made channeling damage numbers a different color than normal attacks for feedback on whether or not I'm pressing the mouse button at the right time.


The buttons are a little unintuitive, but it works, and you get used to it.  Having melee be the same button all the time makes sense.


The combo counter is a good mechanic, but it drains so quickly, I lost my combo while I was in the middle of a large group because I cleared the area around me so quickly.  I was hoping that the combo counter would be more like the combo meter on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II for Wii, which is the best implementation that I've seen of the mechanic.


BUGS:  I found a few.  Fury and Reach were mentioned previously.  Any flying enemy, such as Shield Ospreys and Orokin Drones, seems to be completely immune to melee attacks other than the slam attack.  During a survival on Nuovo, Ceres, I temporarily lost my ability to melee at all.  Luckily I had a backup weapon, but the bug is frightening.


Time Spent:  Hours... and hours... probably about 12 hours all told.


Supplementary Info:  Mouse and Keyboard, Co-op


The stance mods are too rare.  How many Lancers do I need to kill to get an uncommon mod???

I killed about 500-1000 lancers grinding for Iron Phoenix the drop chance is insanely low

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Thoughts & Experiences:


Just some ideas:

Why dont make the long combos aviable while having a gun equipped?

two attacks look wierd when using fast meele.


Also wouldnt it be better to have multible combo sets at the same time?

for example:

right click: animation set 1

left Click: animation set 2

mouse 3: blocking

and R to canalling ( thers no relod needed in Meele mode)

for this it would good to ad an option to turn chanelling on and off instead of holding.

2 animation sets would give a much better experience instead of just doing the same combos again and again and again...

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