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Can We Please Make Executions Actually... Execute?


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DE, guys. Come on now. This is silly.

You give us the option to preform - in your own words - an Execution on a stagger'd enemy.

And yet, it's more like tickling their @(*()$ nose. Melee still needs some more advantages to counteract it's risk factor.

Please; make Executions INSTANT KILLS. No matter the weapon, no matter the enemy level, no matter the damage. It already makes no sense that actual Stealth Kills aren't, especially considering animation time, but when you call an action a freakin "execution", I would expect an instant kill.

Imagine how useful this would be against some of the tougher heavy units at late game missions! Okay sure- guns would still be optimal and less risky, but come on.

I mean christ, preforming the action not only takes energy due to the need to channel, but it's not even a 100% guarentee to stagger!

I don't know if there's a mod to increase Execution damage. And if there is, before any of you guys bring it up; it shouldn't exist.

That's all I'm personally asking for, DE. I know more people are asking for a hell'uva lot more, but come on. This is one thing that is just... Not right no matter how you look at it.

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Same with stealth executions, I think it's just a matter of there not being a proper damage multiplier of some sort. I've run a few missions where I've managed to get a stealth attack, except it doesn't kill the enemy. The same enemy type I would kill not moments later with two or three standard attacks without channeling. Probably just something they overlooked, because it does seem like ground finishers are working well.

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Same with stealth executions, I think it's just a matter of there not being a proper damage multiplier of some sort. I've run a few missions where I've managed to get a stealth attack, except it doesn't kill the enemy. The same enemy type I would kill not moments later with two or three standard attacks without channeling. Probably just something they overlooked, because it does seem like ground finishers are working well.

Stealth Attacks have been the same way for quite a long time. It's quite a long overdue oversight in that case.

It's so silly to see a Grineer get stabbed in the @(*()$ neck from behind, then just walk off like nothing ever happened.

I'm pretty sure they literally just copy pasta'd the code over to executions. Especially when 'Stealth Kill''s prompt still pops up after a stagger.

Edited by Triburos
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Same with stealth executions, I think it's just a matter of there not being a proper damage multiplier of some sort. I've run a few missions where I've managed to get a stealth attack, except it doesn't kill the enemy. The same enemy type I would kill not moments later with two or three standard attacks without channeling. Probably just something they overlooked, because it does seem like ground finishers are working well.

Huh, that's odd. Stealth attacks have consistently been one-hit-kills for me since U13 hit, even on the tanky-&#! >level 30 Grineer Capture targets.

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Huh, that's odd. Stealth attacks have consistently been one-hit-kills for me since U13 hit, even on the tanky-&#! >level 30 Grineer Capture targets.

To quote Mr. Freeze:


Also- I just executed a melee grineer and got stuck in a locker.

I hate it when that happens. Reminds me of high school.

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Normal Dual Zoren hit=100 damage. Dual Zoren parry finisher=120 damage.


Sure, that is totally worth the extra effort of putting a parry mod on my weapon, then using a channeled block and hoping I get the parry proc, instead of simply hitting my target three times before all that would have finished.


If not an instant kill, than parry finishers should at least be something like a 20x crit on top of whatever the weapon's normal crit multiplier is.

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DE has answered this a million times.


"executions" are not instant kills because you'd be able to kill things of any level instantly with the weakest of gear. Noobs would be running around stealth with loki just clearing pluto or something.

...I ALREADY DO THAT. Infact- I go out of my way to avoid killing them from behind because it wastes time.

Loki and Ash one shot normal mobs in their stealth with melee anyways, so their reasoning is entirely redundant. And other frames without a stealth ability might as well just bomb the place, it'll be faster anyways.

Besides; Stealth Attacks weren't my focus here, though DE's logic is incredibly stupid. It was the parry executions.

No matter how you look at it, the parry executions deserve either an instant kill reward, or as Telja mentioned, a insanely large crit chance + crit buff.

Look at the risks here;

*No guarentee for a stagger parry

*Energy Drain

*Stamina Drain

*Required close proximity

*Shows your blind spots to other enemies

*Potential to take damage after said Stamina Drain.

*Long animation after successful Execution.

Look at the reward:

*About +20 damage to the default value.

It needs to be an effective heavy unit killer. No exceptions here.

Edited by Triburos
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You don't need the parry mod to open that stagger window.


The parry mod just adds the chance of a channelled block to stagger without timing.

To counter without the parry mod, just stay channelled and start to block at the instant the melee hit comes.

(Apologies if you already knew this - I had the impression that quite a few tenno here lacked this piece of wisdom).


Anyway, that aside, I agree that the "executions" (stealth or not) should be instant kills.

Alternatively though, allow us to combo during these "executions", which would naturally be harder to then kill stronger enemies, but still able to *execute* anything non-boss.

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DE has answered this a million times.


"executions" are not instant kills because you'd be able to kill things of any level instantly with the weakest of gear. Noobs would be running around stealth with loki just clearing pluto or something.

Then don't name them executions.


An execution is an act of executing, base word, execute. Execute is murder/assassination.


If the wording doesn't match the in-game mechanics, then the word must be changed OR the mechanic be changed to match the wording.

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I want a way to turn off the stealth executions. More then once have I jumped into a crowd of enemies with the intention of wiping them all out only to get stuck in execution animations while they shoot at me very annoying

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DE has answered this a million times.


"executions" are not instant kills because you'd be able to kill things of any level instantly with the weakest of gear. Noobs would be running around stealth with loki just clearing pluto or something.


Which would be a problem because...

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DE has answered this a million times.


"executions" are not instant kills because you'd be able to kill things of any level instantly with the weakest of gear. Noobs would be running around stealth with loki just clearing pluto or something.

I can do the same with Absorb. Just pop that bad boy over a pod in an Infested Defense/Mobile Defense on an invasion node and every Infested nearby dies because of scaling damage. Granted, I have to mod the crap out of Nyx to allow it to happen multiple times.

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I want a way to turn off the stealth executions. More then once have I jumped into a crowd of enemies with the intention of wiping them all out only to get stuck in execution animations while they shoot at me very annoying

Whole-heartedly agree. As Loki, running around with fast melee weapons (e.g. ichor) will one hit most enemies, and take out groups in no time at all with just normal attacks.


On occasion, a spin attack into a group of enemies (who would die instantly) reverts to a stealth "kill" (minimal damage) which seems entirely counter-productive.

Stealth attacks were viable pre-U13 when it was scaled with Charge Attack Dmg, but only on low-mid enemies. Even then, running and charging a weapon only to be interrupted and performing a weak stealth kill was irritating. The issue still exists, especially with fast attack melee weapons who can demolish stuff before the stealth animation has even finished.


It would be nice to either (a) have an option to turn stealth kills off or (b) change the keymapping for stealth kills to be something apart from standard melee attack.


Let's also not forget the issue with ground finishers missing the knocked down target (less regular then before, but still occurring). Perhaps the damage should be AOE, or (like above) the option to perform a ground finisher on a different keymapping would be very nice.


I wouldn't mention this except for the fact it's a long-standing issue. I know you guys are busy, but we would be very appreciative.


Thanks DE

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Then don't name them executions.


An execution is an act of executing, base word, execute. Execute is murder/assassination.


If the wording doesn't match the in-game mechanics, then the word must be changed OR the mechanic be changed to match the wording.

you're right it should be name as " press E to do awesome S**t "

Edited by GardongPutik
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I have no clue how to do these, I heard its a successful Parry then melee after it, but a successful melee needs perfect timing as far as I can tell. :p

you have to block and channel energy at the same time then for a breif moment it will say press melee to attack or something.


Also the ''execution'' animations are kinda lame with just one hit instead of a good kill or sequence. But i only tried it with dual ichors so far.

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Huh, that's odd. Stealth attacks have consistently been one-hit-kills for me since U13 hit, even on the tanky-&#! >level 30 Grineer Capture targets.

same. Not sure what your talking about. My counter attacks have instant killed everything...

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you have to block and channel energy at the same time then for a breif moment it will say press melee to attack or something.


Also the ''execution'' animations are kinda lame with just one hit instead of a good kill or sequence. But i only tried it with dual ichors so far.

The Glaive uses Hayden Tenno's instant kill hit from the Dark Sector Game. Its extremely devastating because he trips them over his knee where he uses his glaive to slice them in half. Its still one of my favorite attacks from Dark Sector, and so friggin awesome hey brought it into this game. My only issue is that they cut off the final bit where the enemy jerk rolls off (because of the glaive being stabbed into one end of them on the knee, and as the glaive is pulled through and comes out the end they sort of jerk, and fly off the knee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frUnj8rGKKg#aid=P--YVGuGPrY 3:17) instead it just drops immedtily to the floor so suddenly.


So far I only notice the glaive has a perfect execution though. Oh the long swords do too. Pretty damn long. It so far has instant killed everything for me.

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Isn't there a mod for this? +60% finisher damage looks like. if you're using a weapon that is fast small hits rather than high damage per hit then too bad I guess? they can't give you multiple executions per knockdown or I'll find a way to break the game with it for sure.

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Ok DE let's make a deal. I think a lot of us perhaps agree there could be an issue with having any melee attack that is a guaranteed kill as a bad thing. Sure, fine. So how about a really really really high multiplier, like x20 damage on stealth/execution attacks? And to balance it even more, remove the possibility of crits, procs, and other effects on said special kills. Boom, suddenly stealth kills and executions are now actually worth the effort required to do them, but still not technically an "insta kill" as everyone is afraid of.

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