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Who Misses Charge Attacks


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The new system is so much better, and melee is now actually able to kill on normal swings...no, I don't miss charge attacks. How many times does a grineer bump you out of your charge stance anyway? I can still jump-slam, so I'm happy.

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That would ruin the whole system making it pointless to do combos... 

i don't see why you couldn't do a combo with a charged attack? Like combo, combo, charged attack to throw opponent, then combo, combo, and then charged attack to finish the combo. 

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The new system is so much better, and melee is now actually able to kill on normal swings...no, I don't miss charge attacks. How many times does a grineer bump you out of your charge stance anyway? I can still jump-slam, so I'm happy.

Yes the new system is good... but why does charge attack have to go away as an option? I don't understand your logic.

Not everyone's bad at charge attacks.

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Generaly i dont mind. Fast mele weapons i was using whit normal attacks to begin whit.


I do however miss the smashing feeling of fully charghing my Jag Kittag and my Galatine. That exlosive hit that slashed or smashed an enemy out of existance.



 Oh well i do like some of the new mele animations. And i think a lot more is comming our way - so lets wait and see.

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Charge attacks were only ever a thing because regular melee attacks didn't do anything worthwhile. There is no longer a reason for charge attacks to exist.

back before melee 2.0, people used the regular melee attacks on dual zoren, dual ichor, fang/prime, there were still weapons where regular attacks were more useful than the charge attack. 

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Yes the new system is good... but why does charge attack have to go away as an option? I don't understand your logic.

Not everyone's bad at charge attacks.

I wouldn't mind still having a charge attack, but the new system does so much damage now, I don't see it as needed. Isn't that the point of channeling anyway? That gives you your extra damage.


My guess is that due to the combo system, it was easier to remove the charge attack - some combos need you to hold the melee button down longer, and it may have screwed with charge/combos when both were in game together.

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back before melee 2.0, people used the regular melee attacks on dual zoren, dual ichor, fang/prime, there were still weapons where regular attacks were more useful than the charge attack. 

Except that 90% of the time, those particular weapons were nothing more than movement enhancers. Now regular attacks on all weapons do more damage than charge attacks once did.

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i don't see why you couldn't do a combo with a charged attack? Like combo, combo, charged attack to throw opponent, then combo, combo, and then charged attack to finish the combo. 

Because the animation would be about as seamless as throwing the glaive is now. in addition if you were to do that exact combination what would happen the EEE (hold) E combos. Also you said having a channeling+ charge attack build, Who would build a weapon in such a specific way and then use a normal attack at all. 

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Because the animation would be about as seamless as throwing the glaive is now. in addition if you were to do that exact combination what would happen the EEE (hold) E combos. Also you said having a channeling+ charge attack build, Who would build a weapon in such a specific way and then use a normal attack at all. 

The charge key doesn't have to be the E key, channeling is m1, just because charge key used to hold the E key doesn't mean the EEE (hold) will become the new charge key. I don't see an issue with having a channeling charge attack build, all weapons are different with different stats. The fact that each weapon is different allows users to try out different builds whether it is a normal channel build or a charge channel build. 


Also with this new channeling feature, I don't see a lot of users who just use the normal attack anyways (unless they don't have any energy or want to rake up combo counters, etc). Also weapons are better with a specific build, no one builds the soma for the dps build, they build it the crit way. Back before melee 2.0 no one built the galatine for normal attacks, they built either the crit or the charge build. The same story applies here as well, certain builds are better for certain weapons, but that doesn't mean the weapon could only use that certain build. 

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No I don't miss it at all. 


The game could've never had the charge attacks in the first place and I still wouldn't have asked for such a thing. Something about it I did not like at all, but I can't seem to recall....

Edited by Darkmoone1
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I miss charge attacks. I support melee 2.0, in that is necessary to revitalize melee playstyles. But I don't really enjoy using it myself. To me, charge attacks were equivalent to precision ranged weapon. Their removal is akin to all the bows and snipers weapons being taken out of the game. Regular and combo attacks are much too "spammy" for my tastes.


I enjoyed the risk/reward of building a charge, dodging attacks to avoid interruption while building it up, and learning the timing to know when to close in on a target at just the right time for the release.

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I'm not crazy about charge attacks, because it was kinda broken. The only exception is the melee weapons that can be thrown/hurled (ie: glaive/prime and kestrel).

The channeling looks better but It wasn't all it was hyped to be. Like maybe give channeled attacks it's own combo animation. But eh... it's up to DE.

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I miss charge attacks. I support melee 2.0, in that is necessary to revitalize melee playstyles. But I don't really enjoy using it myself. To me, charge attacks were equivalent to precision ranged weapon. Their removal is akin to all the bows and snipers weapons being taken out of the game. Regular and combo attacks are much too "spammy" for my tastes.

So you would say doing multiple charge attacks is less spammy then doing different melee combinations and inputs?




I enjoyed the risk/reward of building a charge, dodging attacks to avoid interruption while building it up, and learning the timing to know when to close in on a target at just the right time for the release.

Not sure how this is lost when doing combos. Knowing when to block, when to channel at the end of a combo. The same principals are there.

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I miss them! I started to miss them before the U13. It was so satisfying to time your charge, get in close and slice multiple enemies in half with one clean strike. Ninja stile. And now all I got is this "E" button spam...

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I don't.


BUT... if they turn charge attack into something chainable... yeah I would take back what I said. The problem with charge is the borring E.


I don't care about your 400,000 damage... it's plain boring.

Edited by faustias
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