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Favorite De Member And Why


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[DE]Skree I think is a pretty cool guy. He changes his name every other day and doesn't afraid of anything.

But seriously, Skree did all the voice work for Captain Vor, Sargas Ruk, and Alad V. He's a very good voice actor.

He also hangs out in council chat every so often and he gave me a metaphorical pancake hat. (It's getting a little moldy. ;_;)

Skree was also Bane in that one livestream.

Edited by Ionus
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[DE]Kickbot. Simply because he keeps chat clean.

Hell pre-u13 some people were being rather toxic in chat, they subsequently had their update delayed for a few days.

<3 Kickbot.

As for mods, imma have to go with Blatant for my #1. Seems like he is the most chill. I've only played with letter though and he used a Nova so...

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While they're all pretty cool, I have to give special props to DE_Kary (and the whole art department) for consistently creating amazing art work and WIP content via DC, and being very active and responsive about it. And my close second favorite would be DE_George and of course the rest of the sound department for all the awesome work they do - but I'm biased in that sense because I'm a sound/music guy by nature. 

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I could name certain ones but it's unfair so I'll make it more directed towards 'thanks for doing this and that'. They're all my 'favourites' but those who are more active in responding via PM and in topics/sections do get extra credit like Rebecca and Draice. Why are people forgetting Draice? D:


Oh and Steve's unending enthusiasm on livestreams should never die. He seems motivated and in turn it keeps me motivated. I'm sure it does the same for many others too. 

Edited by Naith
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Oh, so, Skree is behind Alad's wickedly awesome voice? Give that man a medal, that's one of the best voice actings in this game.

I like Pablo. He rocks dat beard! (no, serioulsy)

And I like it how Megan & Rebecca are doing their job with connecting the playerbase with the devs.

The mods in the forums all seem to be cool guys, the one I see the most is Letter (maybe because of my timezone?). His Dogeer leadership skills practically blossomed during the MMObomb showdown. 


Oh, and Minky. Daym, dat art. The art direction of Warframe hits all my sweet spots as a hobby artist. And the crazy designs! Logging into the game is like starting my fangirl mode by pressing a button.


I think that there are a lot of devs who were not in the spotlight so far but they work hard, in (media) silence. Props to them as well!

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[DE]Skree I think is a pretty cool guy. He changes his name every other day and doesn't afraid of anything.

But seriously, Skree did all the voice work for Captain Vor, Sargas Ruk, and Alad V. He's a very good voice actor.

He also hangs out in council chat every so often and he gave me a metaphorical pancake hat. (It's getting a little moldy. ;_;)

Skree was also Bane in that one livestream.


He is the Prodigal Pancake Prophet. We love him to bits.

Fear the mighty GigaUltimateCeilingSkree

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Well, I've only seen those two wonderful girls, Rebecca and Megan, they also do their job fine.


And from the guys I've seen only Sheldon, Scott, Steve and the guy with pale skin and blonde, forgot his name D:. They are all nice people, I can't say otherwise. But Scott is so funny with his beard, his baldness and rounded head. xD

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Well, I've only seen those two wonderful girls, Rebecca and Megan, they also do their job fine.


And from the guys I've seen only Sheldon, Scott, Steve and the guy with pale skin and blonde, forgot his name D:. They are all nice people, I can't say otherwise. But Scott is so funny with his beard, his baldness and rounded head. xD


Pssh, Sheldon's bald head is where its at!

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