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Does Anybody Even Use Leap Attacks?


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     I know there are some melee weapons in this game that got some CRAZY leap attack damage, but in most cases it's almost impossible to do it in claustrophobic environments. If anybody does leap attacks, how do you manage to pull it off consistently enough that it's effective in combat, if possible?

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I spam jump attacks when surrounded if the weapon I'm using comes with a knockdown.


It is helpful to buy yourself the option to escape from close range. If you are surrounded your options can get limited quick if you aren't paying attention.

Maybe I'm talking about the wrong attack. I think it's called the wall attack? The one were you run on the wall and attack off the wall (leaping I assumed)

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Maybe I'm talking about the wrong attack. I think it's called the wall attack? The one were you run on the wall and attack off the wall (leaping I assumed)

OH. The wall attack is painfully difficult to do. If you melee during Ripline it counts as one, so that's a thing.

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Wall attacks are almost useless due to the melee mechanics itself. It's a fixed distance which you can do the attack, a fixed distance where the actual damage is dealt, and the attack doesn't push your enemy back at your momentum, so you'll miss 3/4 of the time. It's also very slow in execution and aiming compared to how some wall attacks are handled in certain other video games.


So in the end, I personally never use it and never find use of it. A simple slide attack usually does the trick anyway, and if it's a weapon like the kogake, following with a finisher usually kills the enemy if your weapon's strong enough.


EDIT: Leap attack is the official name of the jump attack it seems. Wall attack is the right term for what you're talking about.

Edited by Casardis
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I almost never do wall attacks - cost more stamina than simply sprinting, and you can't block while wall running either.

I'm better off sliding while blocking - no stamina cost unless i block something.


Now if wall attacks actually preserved momentum, they'd be better for combat and transport.

Even better - aim at an enemy + melee while wall running = lunge/launch yourself directly to the enemy and strike. Kinda like ash's teleport, but not......teleporting.

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Maybe I'm talking about the wrong attack. I think it's called the wall attack? The one were you run on the wall and attack off the wall (leaping I assumed)


Yes, that's called a WALL Attack. The Leap attack is where you attack after jumping or airborne, which is effective pretty much everywhere.


Wall attacks though, yes I hardly use it. It's hard to set up conditions where you can properly use it, and even then it's hard to aim.

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I like to tap space/shift and do a forward flip into a leap attack. It makes it amusing, also, the forward flip is great for movement over an obstacle to a mob. I also like trying to run up walls and backflip into a melee attack.

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Actually... The wall attacks now attack where you aim, and preserve momentum. Try it out. You can go pretty far with it. 


However, there is a fall-rate that you have to get used to! Overall, though, a huge improvement over the older wall attack. At very close range, you usually won't have to worry about trajectory so much. You can even wall attack upwards, and it goes pretty far.

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I occasionally use wall attacks...


Not for hitting anything though, but for some slight added mobility (Such as those times where you have to wall run up into a vent, sometimes you can stop short and using the crouch infinite wall run technique is overkill)


I've tried hitting things with it, but it's just so hard to do - What with finding a surface you can wall run on long enough to then aim, then actually trying to aim with it and then trying to reach the target without them moving at all - All while being continuously shot at.


Even with the insanely high damage it can deal, it's far, far more efficient to just run up to a target and hit them normally a few times.

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Actually... The wall attacks now attack where you aim, and preserve momentum. Try it out. You can go pretty far with it. 


However, there is a fall-rate that you have to get used to! Overall, though, a huge improvement over the older wall attack. At very close range, you usually won't have to worry about trajectory so much. You can even wall attack upwards, and it goes pretty far.




I'v been able to use the wall attack for some good use from time to time.


By all means, It's not something you'd try to use only. But there are some good opportune times I'v been able to use it successfully, Do good damage, And felt amazing with it.

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Actually... The wall attacks now attack where you aim, and preserve momentum. Try it out. You can go pretty far with it. 


However, there is a fall-rate that you have to get used to! Overall, though, a huge improvement over the older wall attack. At very close range, you usually won't have to worry about trajectory so much. You can even wall attack upwards, and it goes pretty far.

I thought they've always attacked where you aimed?


Although the momentum conservation part is new to me - will try it out now!

Edit: Confirmed; you know have actual launching velocity with wall attacks.

Edited by Syzodia
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