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Helios/Scanner Issues


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I've most consistently had the issue with Chargers, and it was happening before 13.4. I now have 64/30 Charger scans -__-.


I've also noticed while playing single player Void runs that Helios likes to fixate on a target that he does not actually have Line of Sight to, and remains focused on it until I finally give him direct LoS and he scans it. This is particularly bad with the Orokin crates, as afaik they don't have a codex entry, so Helios goes to town on them. Haven't yet tried this since yesterday (pre-13.4) but as no direct changes to Helios scanning were mentioned in the notes it is likely still the case. Will try to confirm later.


edit: upon further reflection, could be an issue with either Void tile geometry or a flaw in how Helios determines LoS; possibly even a combination of both.

Edited by carbine7
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It does seem like the recent patch kinda undid the Codex Scanner fix before. I'm now able to scan enemies I know I've already completed codex entries for, which means that the Helios is likely going to want to scan everything now.


Worst off is that the supposed green color highlight for completed entries doesn't show because none of the units appear to register as complete while ingame, thus the reason you can still scan them.

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Helios uses Scanners, which supply the Scan and their mechanisms.

Since we are now able to scan what couldn't be scanned anymore, this feature also applies to Helios,

causing this bug (rescans).


Basically said, Helios right now uses the same code as the scanner and this must be detached.

Helios needs his own scanner code, but uses our scanners as ammo.


Fixing only the Scanner or Helios will break the other one vice-versa.

Edited by Sypheal
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Um, before this update, my codex scanner would highlight all objects and targets especially enemies with a blinking orange outline which worked through walls and obstacles.... Kinda like an Alien movie scanner, or sonar, with that bleep bleep sound...


Now my codex acts like regular binoculars and doesn't highlight enemies at all... I relied alot on my codex (i set my codex to a special hotkey to access it quickly) when i wanted to have fun doing stealth missions, I could layout a room with some fun high tech goggles, now they don't show me anything anymore :(


(side note: when they added the female rescue target voices, is that Megan or Rebecca, it's absolutely adorable... "I'VE GOT SOME SCORES TO SETTLE!")

Edited by Tyrannawn
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The new green halo thing isn't appearing when I zoom while using the scanner. On two related notes I seem to be able to scan enemies I have already fully scanned into the codex again and when I scan them it registers the scan (with appropriate XP floater) but doesn't use up any scanner charges.

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Even normal scanner is gone bonkers ... the scanner sound plays in a loop ... it's driving me crazy ... I also haven't seen the "already done"-glow effect ...:


- equip scanner using quick inventory key ... this provokes a weird scanner-animation on any surface your looking at this moment

- scan something ... sound goes in a loop



the loop can sometimes be avoided through this:

- equip scanner using fast-key (animation on a surface visible)

- unequip scanner using fast-key

- equip scanner using fast-key (no animation on a surface visible)

- scan with no sound at all ..

Edited by Norifur
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In addition to the bugs mentioned by Thrackrum, there is is also an issue with the scanner that causes both the primary and secondary weapons, and under some conditions the melee weapon to become unusable. The condition for this to happen is simply to zoom in using the scanner. The locked down weapons may be made usable again by equiping the scanner again and then simply switching to any weapon.

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The new green halo thing isn't appearing when I zoom while using the scanner. On two related notes I seem to be able to scan enemies I have already fully scanned into the codex again and when I scan them it registers the scan (with appropriate XP floater) but doesn't use up any scanner charges.

Also scans not producing resources from the various Earth plants. 

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In addition to the bugs mentioned by Thrackrum, there is is also an issue with the scanner that causes both the primary and secondary weapons, and under some conditions the melee weapon to become unusable. The condition for this to happen is simply to zoom in using the scanner. The locked down weapons may be made usable again by equiping the scanner again and then simply switching to any weapon.

Happened to me this AM. Also one of the scan sounds gets stuck playing over and over even when scanner not equipped.

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I have been scanning in Jupiter Gas Cities and sometimes when I am scanning enemies, I get a blue ghosting holographics layout of the complete tileset on my screen which does not disappear when I stop using the scanner. it then makes that room unplayable because its hard to see enemies to where I need to go.   

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In addition to the bugs mentioned by Thrackrum, there is is also an issue with the scanner that causes both the primary and secondary weapons, and under some conditions the melee weapon to become unusable. The condition for this to happen is simply to zoom in using the scanner. The locked down weapons may be made usable again by equiping the scanner again and then simply switching to any weapon.

same problem, that and no green glow on already fully scanned enemies

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I mentioned this in another thred.  If you want your weapons back go back to the wheel and click the scanner icon again and you should be able to get them from there as long as you don't zoom again(until this gets fixed anyhow).

Also thought the new highlight was meant to be blue?  I'm getting pieces of scenery(and floor) being highlighted blue when i activate the scanner.

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I feel I should report the following things about 13.4.0:

* The bug of Helios repeatedly scanning plants full in the codex without reward SEEMS to be fixed, but I don't know if that's only because nothing counts as full in the codex anymore.

* Helios still profits off of you falling off cliffs

* Helios seems to be attacking enemies again. He seemed to have stopped once I put Investigator on, and I wasn't sure enough that he wasn't attacking to report it. Thank you!

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They should really just make it so you can't scan stuff once you have fully scanned stuff in the codex. would make me use helios alot more for sure since the dumb thing thinks i need 100 scans of infested chargers

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