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You want to take it out of the game?



If I remember correctly, they said they won't take it out of the game. Ninja's use mobility, and that gives us mobility.

Edited by Ayliax
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Coptering on the other hand invalidates any kind of balance between frames around speed differences and makes any skill or experience players might have acquired navigating the tiles more efficiently redundant. I don't say that something 'needs' to happen, but this exploit has to go asap, no questions asked.

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I've gotten a bit used to coptering, well slide-attacking actually since I prefer to use it for it's intended purpose in combat (dat damage), but I can see why people exploit it so much. They should remove it eventually, but they also need to improve mobility and make legitimate parkour actually useful as a tradeoff.

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Oh boy, oh boy... where do I begin...

1 - Zorencoptering has been around longer than you.

2 - Zorencoptering was already accepted by DEs. Deal with it.

3 - Nothing will happen. regardless of your opinion/saying. threads like this one were made thousands of times, flaming was made, many cried, many left, and some had to be put down...

...One minute of silence for those dark times, for their dark echoes still haunt us, older Tennos, nowadays, in newb threads like this one.




Read: You're not even beating a dead horse anymore, you're just spraying a bloody pasta with your sore, sad fists of desperation.

Edited by CenSilver
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I in the game from the CB... i know what i say, okay, put advance movements on the game wall run... wall jumps. o no, better put a fury mod on zoren o another fast melee, slide as if there was no tomorrow.
where experience is that gives us the ninja style? 

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...One minute of silence for those dark times, for their dark echoes still haunt us, older Tennos, nowadays, in newb threads like this one.


Read: You're not even beating a dead horse anymore, you're just spraying a bloody pasta with your sore, sad fists of desperation.


This is like one of the stupidest things Ive read on the forums...

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Coptering on the other hand invalidates any kind of balance between frames around speed differences and makes any skill or experience players might have acquired navigating the tiles more efficiently redundant. I don't say that something 'needs' to happen, but this exploit has to go asap, no questions asked.


Why do people feel the frames' speed should be "Balanced" in a game where you have to keep up with your teammates?


Play a game with a no-Vanguard Rhino (better yet, use the THRAK helmet!) with no copter-able weapons and then come back and talk to me about "Speed Balance" after you get left in the dust again and again and again while all of those Zephyrs, Lokis, and Novas run past you and murder everything before you get there.


Also, Coptering does not allow you to bypass tiles where you have to go *up* (they only let you cover large distances horizontally) and the tiles where you can actually use coptering are not all that many -- a few rooms allow you to use coptering to get past a couple parkour jumps.




Such a BIG deal there.



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This is like one of the stupidest things Ive read on the forums...

Your lucky then.

Is this a thing on PS4? I don't know that I've ever seen what is being described, but (big flashy red lights) in my opinion it's kinda stupid, but just an opinion and the devs pretty much said it's not going anywhere. I find I slow down considerably when I am in a game with a rusher anyway. The only place you can go fast to is HELL! This is a joke that amplifies my slight animosity towards rushers and not to be taken at face value.

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Coptering on the other hand invalidates any kind of balance between frames around speed differences and makes any skill or experience players might have acquired navigating the tiles more efficiently redundant. I don't say that something 'needs' to happen, but this exploit has to go asap, no questions asked.


I disagree.  Knowledge of the maps and coptering distances of different weapons comes into play greatly with effective use of coptering. the difference between knowing the tiles and not knowing them is actually fairly stark when it comes to coptering, as inexperienced players will over-shoot or have to copter 5-6 times to reach something that an experienced person can do with one wallrun/jump + copter, to say nothing of comboing things like ripline or super jump with coptering for more vertical movement.

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Mobility is Ninja; were I told that there was a ninja game where dissenters cried and were successful in taking out a technique where you spin through the air with blades to move faster in a Ninja themed game I'd be appalled. If you don't wish to copter, fine. But let that be your choice, it's not breaking up a speed balance and it's merely punishing those who choose to use this. Spend your time on leechers who do nothing but clog games and contribute nothing to the team. Coptering enables my slow frames to revive the fallen or make that last second rush to a pod/capsule when things are most grim.

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Honestly the only thing that needs nerfing about the Zorencopter is the Scoliac (and other) copters need to be nerfed to being no better than the original Zorencopter. I mean, the maneuver is named after a specific weapon, there a reason why others now actually do it better?


Anyways, if you actually tried using them all the time (as I do now in ODE Vault runs just in case I get Hobbled), you'd know that there are quite a large number of parkour-based challenges which are not invalidated by them- entirely due to their constant over-shooting (Berserker users, represent) and the fact that they are, as that person above pointed out, *vertically challenged*



Oh and as for "speed balance", you just forced a specific melee weapon onto a frame to compensate for its slow &#!. While Tiger Stance Zerker Zorens/Ichors are really fun, while the other copter weapons with it are likely also quite fun... They're no Dakra/Orthros/Nikana/etc in terms of effectiveness in actual melee combat. They're honestly more novelty weapons.


If they bother you, don't use them.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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Anyways, if you actually tried using them all the time (as I do now in ODE Vault runs just in case I get Hobbled), you'd know that there are quite a large number of parkour-based challenges which are not invalidated by them- entirely due to their constant over-shooting (Berserker users, represent) and the fact that they are, as that person above pointed out, *vertically challenged*


Let's not forget that some Parkour challenges are outright impossible with a non-vanguard Rhino, or worse, Thrak Rhino.


There's a loot room in Corpus Ships that is pretty much impossible to reach with Thrak. The only way you CAN reach it, is if the game glitches and allows you to stand on a few pixel-wide piece of terrain that you have to land on exactly. It is that room where you have to run up a wall, flip back to a wall, run up that wall, flip, and then run up that one, and then flip up onto a ledge above where you started, in a dead-end room.

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Coptering on the other hand invalidates any kind of balance between frames around speed differences and makes any skill or experience players might have acquired navigating the tiles more efficiently redundant. I don't say that something 'needs' to happen, but this exploit has to go asap, no questions asked.

Yes, remove zorencoptoring. We need to teach those good-for-nothing rhino and frost players to use frames that aren't inherently slow. Don't want to be slow? Then you better figure out how to waste mod slots to increase your movement speed and stamina without impacting your overall effectiveness.


In case you didn't know, that was sarcasm.

Unless DE makes all frames have the same speed, coptoring should not be removed.

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If it survived  melee 2.0 it 's with us for ever  , and too many of us  are to used to it   . Maby in melee 3.0 but unlikely 


* ps/ edit -  speed is more a function of time / knowing all the tricks ;   a higher rank  players  is usually hands down faster  than  a lower ranked player  regardless or gear / load out  , with a few miner exceptions .  

Edited by Ravel7
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Yes, remove zorencoptoring. We need to teach those good-for-nothing rhino and frost players to use frames that aren't inherently slow. Don't want to be slow? Then you better figure out how to waste mod slots to increase your movement speed and stamina without impacting your overall effectiveness.


In case you didn't know, that was sarcasm.

Unless DE makes all frames have the same speed, coptoring should not be removed.

The problem isn't so much when Frost, Rhino, Trinity, Mag, or any of the slower frames use it. It's when the faster frames use it that it becomes a hassle.


Also, a coptering Thrak Rhino will outrun an Ember prime with a maxed rush mod to the exclusion of kills, or even xp.

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The problem isn't so much when Frost, Rhino, Trinity, Mag, or any of the slower frames use it. It's when the faster frames use it that it becomes a hassle.


That's why you use this beautiful concept called diminishing returns. As you get above a certain point, say, Nova's speed, adding Rush on gives you less and less until there's really no point in using it. Meanwhile, putting Rush on a Thrak Rhino gives you the best results, because that's who it was really meant for.


Also, a coptering Thrak Rhino will outrun an Ember prime with a maxed rush mod to the exclusion of kills, or even xp.


Yay, a coptering Thrak Rhino can outrun Ember Prime.... but too bad he ain't going to be actually attacking anything while he's doing it. Meanwhile, that Ember Prime is free to run'n'gun, use powers, etc. When you're coptering repeatedly, you're not really able to attack while you're doing that. You can stop after a copter swing and shoot, but your teammates catch up very fast if you do.

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