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Warframe Is 17+ Rated


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"These forums are full of minors and young adults... People in those age groups shouldn't be exposed to some of the things that transpire in these forums.

As such, the forums could probably use a bit more structure to help contain some of our more rambunctious poster's - exuberance."


As a response to a line i saw in another thread ( locked).

These "minors" and children shouldn't be allowed to be in the forums or in game instead. Warframe is not PG 13.

If you allow your kids to play it and then cry its too violent and vulgar - then whose fault is it?

Warframe is Rated M/17+.

Edited by Ketec
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If you believe your kid shouldn't be exposed to profanity and/or violent or vulgar language, they probably shouldn't be on the Internet w/o your direct curation. It is not my/out responsibility to worry about your kid's fragile self.


Oh the other hand, I first started playing Unreal Tournament when I was like 9-10, a game full of bloody, violence, gore and suggestive themes, so there's that, I guess.

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Gaming + young kids = asspull


Srsly i can't stand little kids on videogames, there are some exceptions but for the most part it bad.

I wouldn't mind kids on video games. If they didn't constantly use their annoying I'm better then you/ smart &#! tone of voice on every game they play.

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Man. I remember back in the day.. I went to buy Halo, and the person at the register asked me for ID, 'cause they said it was violent, etc etc.


I go home, play online. What do I hear?


High pitch screams of little children yelling vulgar names at each other.


This is when I learned the beauty of "Silence is Golden"


...Then parents complain that games are too violent, and I sit back and lol.


I mean.. I've literately seen a parent let their children play violent games, then turn around and disallow them from watching violent movies. Get your priorities straight people.. or least look into what your children are playing.

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Yes, the majority of kids playing video games are in fact quite annoying but sometimes who will see some who just want to play.

I was amongst those and I can remember a lot of negativity being put on me just because I was 12 at that time (17 right now).



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Most children lack higher level empathy or the ability to consider things from the perspective of other people. This is a skill garnered once the mind is more matured, about 19 years or so when hormone production stabilises and the amigdala becomes less reactve


TL;DR ; Them kids dont carezzz bout no sutff blow up derp Nova P3nT4 M4r3l0k F4ng boom stick asdf 101010101011


Godspeed :D

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If you believe your kid shouldn't be exposed to profanity and/or violent or vulgar language, they probably shouldn't be on the Internet w/o your direct curation. It is not my/out responsibility to worry about your kid's fragile self.


Oh the other hand, I first started playing Unreal Tournament when I was like 9-10, a game full of bloody, violence, gore and suggestive themes, so there's that, I guess.


good parenting + violent games = no damage

bad parenting + violent games = chance of damage


and even grown man like me dont really enjoy online interactions in some games... listen to voice chat in CoD games and even warframe chat sometimes got issues)

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Yes, the majority of kids playing video games are in fact quite annoying but sometimes who will see some who just want to play.

I was amongst those and I can remember a lot of negativity being put on me just because I was 12 at that time (17 right now).

Hey you're still around, friend. And we're the same age ; )

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"These forums are full of minors and young adults... People in those age groups shouldn't be exposed to some of the things that transpire in these forums.
As such, the forums could probably use a bit more structure to help contain some of our more rambunctious poster's - exuberance."
As a response to a line i saw in another thread ( locked).
These "minors" and children shouldn't be allowed to be in the forums or in game instead. Warframe is not PG 13.
If you allow your kids to play it and then cry its too violent and vulgar - then whose fault is it?
Warframe is Rated M/17+.



To be honest i don't mind children in M games as long as there atleast 14. I feel that's close enough to the age restriction to be allowed to play games... 


Also don't blame DE or the kids, blame the parents.


P.s Any kid that is below 10 and is playing this game, your parents either trust you fully, or are very bad at being parents.


P.P.S it was also proven that Video games, are not going to turn you into a psycho socoil killer. -.- They actually decrease that chance due to violent video games being a form of therapy for angry people. 


P.P.P.S TV 14 in America is 2x more violent then anything in warframe or COD. Just saying.

Edited by Feallike
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"These forums are full of minors and young adults... People in those age groups shouldn't be exposed to some of the things that transpire in these forums.
As such, the forums could probably use a bit more structure to help contain some of our more rambunctious poster's - exuberance."
As a response to a line i saw in another thread ( locked).
These "minors" and children shouldn't be allowed to be in the forums or in game instead. Warframe is not PG 13.
If you allow your kids to play it and then cry its too violent and vulgar - then whose fault is it?
Warframe is Rated M/17+.


I can't +1 this enough. Sometimes I wonder if half the forum users are children.


But I don't think that just because Warframe is rated M/17+ that it should be considered appropriate to be vulgar. It'd be nice if people didn't act like/are children, but this forum should still be SFW, since some may even be posting from work (me, lol).

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warframe should be rated 18 if not 20+


i want more gore and i bet the reason we dont have it is because of that rating 


what "more" gore you ask ?

actual bodies exploding into tiny pieces when using blast elemental

burning corpses and screams of agony 

friend bodies from electricity

punctured bodies to the point where they look like swiss cheese when using puncture weapons

squashed body parts from impact damage

slash is ok

toxicated bodies ... no idea how to make them look, maybe pale ?

viral damage should make the bodies look rotten "plagued" as i would call it 

radiation should ... no idea, since radiation takes forever to make visible damages on bodies

and so on 


amirite people?

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warframe should be rated 18 if not 20+


i want more gore and i bet the reason we dont have it is because of that rating 


what "more" gore you ask ?

actual bodies exploding into tiny pieces when using blast elemental

burning corpses and screams of agony 

friend bodies from electricity

punctured bodies to the point where they look like swiss cheese when using puncture weapons

squashed body parts from impact damage

slash is ok

toxicated bodies ... no idea how to make them look, maybe pale ?

viral damage should make the bodies look rotten "plagued" as i would call it 

radiation should ... no idea, since radiation takes forever to make visible damages on bodies

and so on 


amirite people?


Dude, you get that that's just as violent then any TV 14 show in america. (Dexter, Breaking bad, Walking Dead) :/ Half the reason any M game is M is because of the F word. Not the violence.

Also all TV 14 shows bleep the F word.


So TBH DE should be aloud to have that gore with their current rating... :/ This game should be rated T right now. :o It doesn't have the F word and it isn't even as violent as most TV 14 shows. X_X

Edited by Feallike
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warframe should be rated 18 if not 20+


i want more gore and i bet the reason we dont have it is because of that rating 


what "more" gore you ask ?

actual bodies exploding into tiny pieces when using blast elemental

burning corpses and screams of agony 

friend bodies from electricity

punctured bodies to the point where they look like swiss cheese when using puncture weapons

squashed body parts from impact damage

slash is ok

toxicated bodies ... no idea how to make them look, maybe pale ?

viral damage should make the bodies look rotten "plagued" as i would call it 

radiation should ... no idea, since radiation takes forever to make visible damages on bodies

and so on 


amirite people?


Yes, we need extreme gore, dramatic deaths aren't enough. Remember when the Flux Rifle sliced everything into little pieces? And that was apparently a bug, but man, it made the game so much more fun...but they "fixed" it.

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