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Assassins Ruins The Game For Me.


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They show up and one shot me all the time. Any ability i have is useless. Anything i do i'm helpless.


DE you make me feel like I should just quit this game. These things really stab me in the self esteem. I already feel like crap cause i'm not as amazing as a lot of the other players are but this just makes me feel like I suck at everything.


I think i might stop playing if there is no way for me to fight back.

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They show up and one shot me all the time. Any ability i have is useless. Anything i do i'm helpless.


DE you make me feel like I should just quit this game. These things really stab me in the self esteem. I already feel like crap cause i'm not as amazing as a lot of the other players are but this just makes me feel like I suck at everything.


I think i might stop playing if there is no way for me to fight back.

Honestly, there's no way to help you if you don't tell us your loadout. Also, what are you using exactly? If you're honestly expecting to win against the Stalker/Harvester/G3 with just an unmodded Mk1 you'd be sorely mistaken.
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Assassins? Also what frame are you using, because yes, certain abilities are pretty useless, also sitting in the same spot and just shooting results in death in this game, so you might wanna run and gun, get into a high spot, etc.

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All the time? How often do they come for you?

They come for me cause of corpus/grineer invasion stuff and infestion boss for mut.


I'm thinking about uninstalling and asking for a refund.


@Brahmastra: He basiclly teleported me and backstabbed me in a second. I couldn't even jump around i tried and i got wrecked.

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They come for me cause of corpus/grineer invasion stuff and infestion boss for mut.


I'm thinking about uninstalling and asking for a refund.


@Brahmastra: He basiclly teleported me and backstabbed me in a second. I couldn't even jump around i tried and i got wrecked.


Are you using redirection and vitality mods? Also what frame are you using?

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Assassins? Also what frame are you using, because yes, certain abilities are pretty useless, also sitting in the same spot and just shooting results in death in this game, so you might wanna run and gun, get into a high spot, etc.

I've used several frames. I try to run and shoot but he just 2 shots me with his bow. I get killed EVERY time. I can never beat him.

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They come for me cause of corpus/grineer invasion stuff and infestion boss for mut.


I'm thinking about uninstalling and asking for a refund.


@Brahmastra: He basiclly teleported me and backstabbed me in a second. I couldn't even jump around i tried and i got wrecked.

Refund? bwahahahaa




About assasins , the stalker isn't that hard to solo. as for harvester , I solo him in the derelict with 2 key effects at the same time because of a bug + orokin heavies shooting at me. 

 But yeah the G3 are hard to solo , avoid them if possible

What's your loadout , that may be the source of the problem

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They come for me cause of corpus/grineer invasion stuff and infestion boss for mut.


I'm thinking about uninstalling and asking for a refund.


@Brahmastra: He basiclly teleported me and backstabbed me in a second. I couldn't even jump around i tried and i got wrecked.

Maybe that is why they spawn on you so often, you run too many invasion missions which give you marks. Too many marks = often spawns. Also those assassins also have a higher chance to spawn in an invasion mission.

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Are you using redirection and vitality mods? Also what frame are you using?

I used a Rhino Prime. Trinity. Valkyr. Oberon and i'm wrecked EVERY time. Both vit and red and vigor and they chew through me in a heatbeat. I used a bolter on him and he just shot me to death with his bow even while i was jumping around.


I don't know what else to do besides give up and ask DE for a refund.


I thought he was suppose to scale with you for a dangerous fight not a "You're pathetic uninstall now you failure"

Edited by Lancars
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Isn't this what games are all about in general, overcoming a challenge? Instead of giving up keep improving until you are good enough.


Also, how the hek are you dying vs any of the "assassins" with Rhino? o.O

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 well don't fell bad i have problems wit that guy.....


i have many weapons that others say can one shot him.....


they still don't work.....


just play with friends it works just as well than tip these "pros" give you

Edited by Banansa47
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Stalker is very tough. He was a walk in the park way back, no challenge at all, and very boring.


I like the new 'holy crap we're all gonna die' version. If you dont happen to have your most powerful gear with you you're pretty much screwed.


The Zanuka can be kited and doesn't dispell/immune to abilities as much, and the G3 can be separated. They aren't nearly as hard to take down.

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Instead of complaining ask some buds to take u to the void! get some formas and slap those babies on your favorite strongest primary weapon and make sure u mod it to corrosive and have a max serration(stalker hates corrosive;]), then everytime those lights flicker u r gonna feel like Santa Claus is coming to town cus all they do is drop gifts and leave xD (thats what I did after I died 3x in a week xD)

Edited by (PS4)AnDrAdE10cpa
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If you really are that bad at the game that you cant take on an assassin (no seriously, I'm not trying to be mean or offensive but you still have some things to learn if you cant even kill captain edgelord himself) then acquire a good secondary, forma the living hell out of it and carry it when you are marked and are expecting an assassin.


Clear the room and wait for the assassin to show up.If the assassin is in "ranged mode" try taking quick shots at him and hiding back behind cover.


For the stalker: run like hell if he starts trying to melee or use his kunais.Get him to start using the bow then just strafe left and right while you also shoot him.


G3: other than lolrhino stomp I don't have much advice on them since they usually show up in public games and get insta gibbed like a bunch of walking pinatas.

Harvester: same as G3


Also if I remember right faction specific assassins only appear on missions against their faction.

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hey knuckle head in the above comment...... not every can be like you pros ok!


not every has a maxed serration mod let alone have one at all.


you guys keep criticizing this player for not using your "pro" weapons......


so if you guys have any good tactics to share that will aid this player with what issues he/she has then spit it out.....


He has Rhino, it is pretty straightforward from that point on. G3 and the Harvester and snorefest, you can Stomp-lock them to death, takes about 10-15s at most. The Stalker is slightly more challenging as powers don't work on him. Just LOS his attacks and blow his face off during his recovery time. Oh, and DO NOT sit in the Slash and Dash, 9 out of 10 times it will one-shot you.

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First of all I'm 99% sure that you won't be getting a refund because of this.


Secondly OP, post images of your loadouts. It could be that you're handling the situation right but don't have the numbers behind you to beat them or it might be that you've got the numbers but are handling the fights all wrong. People on the forums are generally willing to help but you need to give us something to work with.

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Isn't this what games are all about in general, overcoming a challenge? Instead of giving up keep improving until you are good enough.


Also, how the hek are you dying vs any of the "assassins" with Rhino? o.O


you can rhino praise all you want but you cant hide the facts....

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