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Assassins Ruins The Game For Me.


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hey knuckle head in the above comment...... not every can be like you pros ok!


not every has a maxed serration mod let alone have one at all.


you guys keep criticizing this player for not using your "pro" weapons......


so if you guys have any good tactics to share that will aid this player with what issues he/she has then spit it out.....


 well don't fell bad i have problems wit that guy.....


i have many weapons that others say can one shot him.....


they still don't work.....


just play with friends it works just as well than tip these "pros" give you


He's been a member since december 2013, so he should have some game time in by now. Also no one is talking about using OP weapons.



I used a Rhino Prime. Trinity. Valkyr. Oberon and i'm wrecked EVERY time. Both vit and red and vigor and they chew through me in a heatbeat. I used a bolter on him and he just shot me to death with his bow even while i was jumping around.


I don't know what else to do besides give up and ask DE for a refund.


I thought he was suppose to scale with you for a dangerous fight not a "You're pathetic uninstall now you failure"


Only thing I can advice you is to get a weapon you're comfortable with and just practice running around jumping, sliding etc. Rhino should give you some protection as long as you can spam his Iron Skin. Other than that just keep playing until you get better overtime.

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Solo those guys are a pain. My best results have been with

Nova Vs. G3

Mag Vs. Zanuka

Soma Vs. Stalker

Can you provide some specifics of your loadout? Just a list of the 'frames you use is fairly vague.

I was jumping around with a bolter prime on my rhino when his little message popped up. SO i keep running and suddenly he teleports me to him and 2 shots me on my rhino. I had NO chance even when jumping around. I use Redirection and Vitality. Both half way to full. And vigor, intensify, streamline, steel fiber, Bolter has serration. mag warp. fast hands. shred. split chamber. piercing hit. and it barely made a dent. I was in the middle of leveling it after a forma. Edited by Lancars
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He's been a member since december 2013, so he should have some game time in by now. Also no one is talking about using OP weapons.




Only thing I can advice you is to get a weapon you're comfortable with and just practice running around jumping, sliding etc. Rhino should give you some protection as long as you can spam his Iron Skin. Other than that just keep playing until you get better overtime.

He removed my Iron Skin so that was usless.

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  well dont fell bad i have problems wit that guy too and i have many weapons that others say can one shot him.....

Was less criticism and more stating what works for them and getting to the bottom of the issue.


In any case, I've been playing WF from just after OBT and I'm not exactly pro but not terrible either. The point being I still get surprised and wrecked by the stalker from time to time (he likes to show up when I'm running melee only runs or freshly forma'd frames). It shouldn't be game breaking for you and even Vet players get killed by the stalker, G3 and Harvey. My advice is that unless you insist on playing solo most of the time (Which is something I do mostly) your best chance is to run with other players when you know you have a lot of death marks which is something most will be fine with because of the resulting rewards. Alternatively try and run less invasion missions and boss runs to stop accumulating so many marks. Run one or two full invasion missions and wait till you've dealt with the resulting death marks. Rinse and repeat. Unfortunately DE is unlikely to give you a refund simply because you are struggling with assassins.


Sorry man.

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it is 1 shot kill or be killed by 1 shot in stalker combat.


as for G3, i find max duration invis loki win all the way.

harvester is weak, any frame works.

Stalker, i use potato'd melee to kill him. can 3 to 4 hit kill him.



Stalker can dispel all personal buff's, such as loki' invis.

Edited by low1991
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I love that guy, his the only thing that can scare me in this game. I remember when I soloed ODD with a valkyr (no hysteria yet) and ogris, he came to me. I was like 'come at me bro' from the tallest place I can reach with rip line. He can shoot me with his dread, but didn't. He can teleport to me, but didn't. You know what he did... mortal kombat style, whip out his rip line and proceeded to 'get over here' me. I was dead, it was beautiful.

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"This game presented some challenge for me so I could became better player? UNINSTALL this abomination naow!"

In all seriousness, G3 and Zanuka are cakewalk with Rhino.

Stalker can pose some problem. Abuse cover and don't let him come close to you, predict his Slash Dash because its one-hit kill, take pot-shots. But main rule is MOVE, sitting duck is a dead one.

Edited by Khranitel
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He removed my Iron Skin so that was usless.

If we are talking about Stalker in particular, your defenses are irrelevant, he'll just remove w/e defenisve buff you have and gib you in 1-3 attacks. Keep your distance, but not too far, so he won't try to teleport you, and LOS his attacks while attacking during his recovery time.

Edited by XAN3MK
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I was jumping around with a bolter prime on my rhino when his little message popped up. SO i keep running and suddenly he teleports me to him and 2 shots me on my rhino. I had NO chance even when jumping around. I use Redirection and Vitality. Both half way to full. And vigor, intensify, streamline, steel fiber, Bolter has serration. mag warp. fast hands. shred. split chamber. piercing hit. and it barely made a dent. I was in the middle of leveling it after a forma.

Hmm.  Normally when I get Stalkers love notes, I look for open areas with something I can climb.  I'll continue to move around until I can see him spawn in.  Keep in mind that he likes to get close to you when he does this, and he'll always show up kneeling in a cloud of smoke.  Look For These Things.  He wont teleport you as long as you don't get too far away.


The reason for higher ground is because he can't Slash Dash you as easily, but do continue to move around, I usually stick with a figure eight because it's easier, but don't stop moving.  Also, crouch and find cover.   Letting yourself be frustrated by him does half of his work for him.


He does take AoE damage, but not a DoT or proc, so I'd also suggest finding a spot to hide for a second to set off an AoE


EDIT:  A lot of posters have made good suggestions on what 'frames and weapons are the best against these guys, but it's pretty pointless stressing over that kind of thing since you don't know when you'll be visited.  Last time I saw Stalker was on my freshly Forma'd Mag Prime, the only thing that saved me was my R30 Soma and a crate. He couldn't Slash Dash me and I just ducked whenever he had his bow out, also destroying his line of sight for any teleportation nonsense.  

Edited by Noamuth
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I want to enjoy this game with all the toys it has not sit in maps with a special set of gear and never have fun till the stalker is dead. Whats the point of playing if i'm not going to have fun?


I don't like to solo it is boring i like running with people but they cannot help with i'm just wrecked in moments.

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Hmm.  Normally when I get Stalkers love notes, I look for open areas with something I can climb.  I'll continue to move around until I can see him spawn in.  Keep in mind that he likes to get close to you when he does this, and he'll always show up kneeling in a cloud of smoke.  Look For These Things.  He wont teleport you as long as you don't get too far away.


The reason for higher ground is because he can't Slash Dash you as easily, but do continue to move around, I usually stick with a figure eight because it's easier, but don't stop moving.  Also, crouch and find cover.   Letting yourself be frustrated by him does half of his work for him.


He does take AoE damage, but not a DoT or proc, so I'd also suggest finding a spot to hide for a second to set off an AoE

Tried that once. Suddenly i was teleported to his side and he killed me before. I has jumped up onto some box to get away from him and suddenly a flash and sparks and i'm back where i started to run from and i die.

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I don't like to solo it is boring i like running with people but they cannot help with i'm just wrecked in moments.


Do you tell them, when Stalker contacts you or those other two? Usually, teammates help you and if as all assassins take their time after you were warned, you and your group can easily gather in one place to take him or them on together.

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I am finding it hard to believe anyone could be having that much trouble with them, especially if you are using Rino with G3.


1. use iron skin

2. use rino stomp

3. get into position and shoot them in the face with whatever maxed out weapon you are using


I find with my maxed out Dread I can oneshot all of them job done.


Stalker when he shows up, I just shoot as soon as he appears in his cloud and he is dead before he can do anything or if I don't catch him then, just straff round him not too close and when he does his slash dash move shoot him as he comes out of it.  Again my dread will one hit kill him.



if you are really finding them that hard, go check some of the builds for the weapons you are using to make sure you are getting the best damage out of them.

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Ah true forgot about that.. lel

Well stomp should still work as far as I know.


Also Noamuth his advice should help you out a bit.

Well stomp only does damage, no hanging in the air thing, don't use it. Better yet have a melee that has high proc chance to stagger and be the first to hit him. The best moment is when he spawn. Love killing him with his own weapon, the Hate, it seems when hit by Hate they stagger.

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I don't like to solo it is boring i like running with people but they cannot help with i'm just wrecked in moments.

Then seems that you're very unlucky person who continuously run into Stalker AND bad teammates. Or just whine too much.

I'm playing more than 1 year, and every single time when I met Stalker and wasn't soloing, the single word "Stalker" dropped in chat along with marker on my position granted me full team fighting with damn ninja. Every. Single. Time. And yes, I'm playing in pubs almost exclusively.

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