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I Wonder If De's Metrics Say That Most People Are Credit-Starved?


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I've done 3 alerts now in the Suspicious Shipments theme, totaling almost a million credits.  That brings my current wealth up over 7 million.  But the thing is.... There's nothing to really DO with that. As a veteran player I don't have many things I need to build in the foundry; and when it comes to fusing mods which is a traditional credit sink, fusion cores are harder to come by than credits nowadays. Even transmutation isn't a problem credits-wise, since rare mods are so damned rare now that I get credits faster than I get transmutation material.


Am I alone in this line of thinking?  Are there lots of people out there in Warframeland who are desperately needing credits?

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I've done 3 alerts now in the Suspicious Shipments theme, totaling almost a million credits. That brings my current wealth up over 7 million. But the thing is.... There's nothing to really DO with that. As a veteran player I don't have many things I need to build in the foundry; and when it comes to fusing mods which is a traditional credit sink, fusion cores are harder to come by than credits nowadays. Even transmutation isn't a problem credits-wise, since rare mods are so damned rare now that I get credits faster than I get transmutation material.

Am I alone in this line of thinking? Are there lots of people out there in Warframeland who are desperately needing credits?

a lot of newer/free to play players level up their own mods; I can have plat coming out of my ears and still leveled up most of my good ones. but yea, cores are more of a problem than credits for me as well. it wasnt always like that though when I was coming up through the ranks.

I should break 20m credits here in a day or two (prob less)

Edited by Kartumterek
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I'm MR15 and always on the scramble for credits personally, but I do excessive crafting, trading, transmuting, and fusing. However I agree on the fusing / transmuting being scarcity issues, though I've just resorted to using excess mods.

Edited by Vexxie
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I don't think the rewards have necessarily been targeted towards the veterans. To someone like me, who has played quite a while and has a large collection of materials and credits, these rewards have just been more onto the pile. However, things like Oxium, credits, Argon, Catalysts and Reactors would be wonderful treats to players who are just starting out or mid way through the solar system.


Over all, I think it was just a gesture of good will. What can we give to players that they'd like and get them hyped for what's to come? Credits, Argon, Oxium etc etc.

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idunno, between U8 to U12, i'd had stuff building all day every day, Transmuting from time to time, Fusing up extra copies of Mods i already have just because(i now have every Rank for most Mods in the game, and copies of a good number of them upgraded, for no really good reason other than why not) - and still way too many Credits than i know what to do with.


and i have always not really done Void missions that much, because i couldn't matchmake for them, so if Clannies and such aren't around, recruiting for them is a bit of a bore.

Dark Sectors are also a bit boring if i do them often, so i don't. 



so all of that together, i really wonder how people have no Credits. i do the same things other people do, yet trying to burn my 6m Cr stores is quite difficult. 




now - all that being said - i suppose it is nice to be playing an online game for once that doesn't result in a 'currency grinding simulator'. because those are infact not interesting. i can collect Resources mostly at my own leisure, therefore i have plenty when i need them. and i can focus my time on playing the game, rather than hardcore grinding.

oh, how many MMO's i got bored of because the entire game revolved around grinding the primary currency... sigh.

Edited by taiiat
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I've got quite a bunch of credits stocked up too tbh and I personally don't like transmuting but I think a good credit sink would just allow us to mass build things we have rather than wait either 12 - 24 hours before building again. Like that is what I would pretty much blow all my credits into, I have like so many Forma BPs that if I was able to build 10 at once, that's like an instant 350k spent and only have to wait 24 hours or I'd just mass build a bunch of team restores or like fieldron/mutagen/detonite 

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