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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Yes I know how founders do burn the threads straight away due "no it's mine" it was mentioned in one of my earlier posts. Though what would you rather? Another year of a different console complaining or to contiue with civil discussions. I admit such drastic measures are not needed when the OP is trying to start civil discussion but we already know the founders are just going to be the usual fire starters. Look at this thread founders at the start were flaming, OP made it through that so civil discussion began. Why did OP have to go through that just to begin civil discussion? who knows the ones who flamed posted and left like, "it was nothing but I'm going to burn it any way".


Yet we still have random founders coming in and just flaming in one post and leaving. Mean while we are still trying to have a civil discussion.


We'll see if more moderators makes a difference so that threads can be cleared up faster and civil discussion can begin about that thread.

It's like you're calling every founder in this thread a flamer. 

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I never mentioned you shouldn't get Aklato Prime or Dual Skana Prime. I'm gonna simplify this for you incase you didn't read it properly. There would be people who want the singular versions even after acquiring Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime. That much is obvious.

yea i understood that and that's why i said DE should say its compensation..


alot less people would be whining (me included) and we's all get new happens and everyone lives happily ever after


THE @(*()$ END.

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that's what you think, but if DE says they're releasing these to compensate for the lack of original Founders available to everyone, then yea a few would complain, but personally id be satisfied.


dude, stop trying to find loopholes in our solutions and think about it for a change


like literally every solution proposed has been fired at by some founder



your solution doesnt address the problem. you say YOU would be satisfied. many have said they wouldnt. Just accept that it is gone and move on already

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It's like you're calling every founder in this thread a flamer. 

I said "founders" it did not use any word to include every founder that has posted or every founder on this thread.


I admit such drastic measures are not needed when the OP is trying to start civil discussion but we already know the founders are just going to be the usual fire starters.

If it's this bit you are worried about I'm just mentioning the usual turn about in threads about founders.

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There is no civil discussion, only people repeatedly begging for something they hadn't paid for, and then they stomp their feet and hold their breath and whine and complain when they don't  get what they want because they can't accept that some people might have a cool looking toys that they can't have.


Then when people get fed up with this behavior, and tell these kids off, they start pointing fingers and crying "They're being mean to me and all I want is their toy". And the adults are just sitting there dumbfounded that somehow someone somewhere actually raised these children to act like this.

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that's what you think, but if DE says they're releasing these to compensate for the lack of original Founders available to everyone, then yea a few would complain, but personally id be satisfied.


dude, stop trying to find loopholes in our solutions and think about it for a change


like literally every solution proposed has been fired at by some founder


the only things that are loopholes are your "solutions".

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There is no civil discussion, only people repeatedly begging for something they hadn't paid for, and then they stomp their feet and hold their breath and whine and complain when they don't  get what they want because they can't accept that some people might have a cool looking toys that they can't have.


Then when people get fed up with this behavior, and tell these kids off, they start pointing fingers and crying "They're being mean to me and all I want is their toy". And the adults are just sitting there dumbfounded that somehow someone somewhere actually raised these children to act like this.

This is a paradox where civil people are called uncivil but the other civil people are being uncivil for comparing the civil people to something below them. It's a continues loop that never stops no matter where you go.


Polititcs is most commonly referenced back to play ground antics.

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This is a paradox where civil people are called uncivil but the other civil people are being uncivil for comparing the civil people to something below them. It's a continues loop that never stops no matter where you go.


Polititcs is most commonly referenced back to play ground antics.

You're most definitely being polite, but the idea that there's an actual civil discussion here is a joke. It's just 40 pages of:


"Can I have your expensive toy? It looks really cool!" "No"

"Well how about if I do this?"  "No"

"Well, if I do this then it would be okay." "No it won't"

"Come on just give them to me, I deserve it for being a good kid!" "No"

"Well, how about if I do this thing and this other thing?" "NO ALREADY, NO!"



Being civil means being respectful, and when you don't take no for an answer because you're so involved with your own wants that you choose to ignore what you've repeatedly been told is hardly respectful. DE has specifically stated that exclusives are just that, exclusive, but that answer isn't good enough for you because it doesn't give you what you want, and quite honestly everyone here is tired of seeing two or three of these threads a day.

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